Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Coastal Carolina University Administration and Ethics Annotated Bibliography


A wiki is a collaborative learning experience that enables groups of students to work together to solve a problem or complete a project. Enter your resources in the list along with an annotation briefly describing each resource and why you selected it. Be careful not to overwrite anyone else’s work. Once you have finished, click the “Submit” button to save and close the wiki.

Each student should contribute at least THREE resources. The annotations should be no more than 150 words (or 4-6 sentences long). They should be concise and well-written. Read more about writing annotations.

To keep our wiki readable, please adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Arial 12 point font
  • APA formatting
  • Group your entries together

Instructions: There have been calls to reform police use of force policies, end mass incarceration, and not charge offenders with certain low-level crimes. Each of these elements would be a significant transformation in how “justice is carried out” in the United States today. In this wiki, following the same guidelines as in the first wiki, post at least two resources that criminal justice leaders can use in furtherance of organizational change.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. St Johns College Long Term Consequences on The Housing Market Paper


After reviewing the information on mortgage fraud, explain “inflate and crash” as documented in the textbook (White-Collar Crime: The Essential by Brian K. Payne). 

  • What are the long-term consequences on the housing market and victims of this crime?
  • Cite one real-life example. 


Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. CJ 681 Southern New Hampshire University ISIS Terrorist Threats Questions


I’m working on a criminal justice report and need guidance to help me understand better.

Prompt: The response and analysis sections are the final two sections of your SARA report. In the response section, which you outlined in the Module Six journal assignment, you will review a strategy currently being used to respond to the threats presented by the terrorist organization, and propose changes or enhancements to the strategy to be piloted in your regional fusion center. In the assessment section, you will explain how you will measure the effectiveness of the counterterrorism efforts proposed. 

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: 

III. Response: In this section, you will review a strategy currently being used to respond to the threats presented by the terrorist organization, and propose changes or enhancements to the strategy to be piloted in your regional fusion center. 

A. Current Strategies 

1. Describe a current counterterrorism strategy used in the United States for addressing your selected terrorist organization. Include both the short- and long-term goals of the strategy. 

2. Referring to what you have learned about the terrorist organization’s methods and motivation, explain the strengths and weaknesses of the counterterrorism strategy in mitigating the organization’s actions (e.g., Where is it aligned with the known methods and motivations of the organization? Where does it fall short)? 

3. Determine how effective the current counterterrorism strategy has been in addressing and mitigating the threats posed by the terrorist organization. Include evidence to support your conclusion.

B. Strategy Recommendations 

1. Propose changes or enhancements to the current counterterrorism strategy to address the weaknesses that you identified. 

2. Defend how these changes will enhance the protection of your region from the terrorist organization. 

3. Explain the potential global impact of these changes. Be sure to defend your response. 

4. Explain what your regional fusion center will need in terms of tools, resources, and training to implement these changes. 5. Determine specific ways in which your fusion center could use the media to support the objectives of the strategy. 

IV. Assessment: In this section, you will explain how you will measure the effectiveness of the counterterrorism efforts proposed above 

A. Explain the desired outcomes of your proposed counterterrorism strategy. 

B. Describe what sort of data will be needed to measure the ongoing performance of your counterterrorism strategy recommendations. 

C. Propose specific benchmarks that can be used to determine if the strategy is on track to achieve the desired outcomes. 

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. PSY 355 WU W3 Hacking the Social Security Administration Case Study


Case  studies are illustrations of social engineering in the field. Case  study three will begin to prove to you the effectiveness of social  engineering and examples on how it can be used. Using what you have  learned in the assigned reading, The Art of Deception: Controlling the Human Element of Security  by Kevin Mitnick – pages 112-116, please explain the pertinent details  of the case study. In the submission, describe the 8 components of the  Case Study to understand the makeup of a social engineering activity.

Case studies will require completing the reading assignment for the week and documenting the following:

Target – From whom is the Social Engineer trying to get information?

Analyst/Auditor/Attacker – Who is the social engineer?

Motivation – Why is the social engineer interested in this information?

Goal – What information or access is the social engineer trying to obtain?

  • Pretext – What pretext is the social engineer using?

Tactics – What tactics are social engineers leveraging in this scenario?

  • Risk – What risks exist to the social engineer?

Ethical Considerations – What considerations are there for moral or  ethical issues? Is there a conflict or potential conflict? Why or why  not?

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. CTC Correctional Practices Worksheet


  1. Discuss consecutive and concurrent sentences and give an example of each.
  2. Discuss good time and how it can affect an offender’s sentence. How can it help an offender

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. PSY 355 Wilmington University W3 Multi Factor Authentication Discussion


I’m working on a law question and need support to help me learn.

large scale social engineering efforts have been made successful
through impersonation. Some methods of authentication such as
multi-factor authentication may or may not be helpful in this type of

After reading Tech Crunch’s GoDaddy Article (Links to an external site.),
, explain why multi-factor authentication would be a good idea and
why it might not be helpful in a situation such as the case with Twitter
user “ N ”’.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. HLS 3306 Columbia Southern University The Stuxnet Computer Worm Discussion


Write an article critique that begins by addressing the following questions:

  • What is Stuxnet, and what set it apart from other potential threats?
  • How did Stuxnet get around standard computer operating systems?

Then continue with your article critique by analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the article by addressing the following items:

  • Do you agree or disagree that Stuxnet could be considered a cyber weapon? Could nations consider this type of attack an act of war? Why, or why not?
  • Do you agree or disagree with the author’s viewpoints on the ethical considerations and implications of Stuxnet?
  • Do you believe that the United States should be able to use worms such as Stuxnet to counter unsanctioned nuclear programs? What consequences might result from such use?
  • Do you believe that the United States has updated critical infrastructures to deal with potential threats similar to Stuxnet?

At the end of the article, in the second-to-last paragraph, the author suggests two ways in which to judge the ethics of Stuxnet. Explain why you align yourself with one of the two focuses given, or offer your own focus and an explanation. Finally, answer the question posed at the end of the same paragraph.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Harvard University Criminal Justice Project Discussion Paper


You are a juvenile court probation officer. You have a choice of programs including; mandatory counseling, family counseling, removal from the home and placing in foster care, diversion, incarceration in a youth home or mandatory participation in a 10 week boot camp. You must make recommendations to the judge for sentencing. You must use all the alternatives for the group and you can’t use more than one alternative twice. Make recommendations for each juvenile and explain your rationale. Note your difficulties and what further information you would have liked. Finally what is the overwhelming need for each person and how are you addressing that in your program.

  • Sally is 13 and lives in the suburbs of Fort Wayne. She was caught riding in a stolen car with two friends from high school. Sally has no record – her mother tells you that Sally was a model child until last year when her father died. Since then Sally’s grades have dropped and she has become unmanageable.
  • John is 16 and lives in Indianapolis. He has a long juvenile record dating back to when he was 10. John’s prior offenses include arson, disorderly conduct, larceny and assault (3). John was arrested for stealing lawn ornaments worth $23.00. John is unsupervised (no parental control) and missed his last probation meeting.
  • Don is 14 and lives in the inner-city of Gary, Indiana. Don has no father and his mother is a crack addict. Don lives by himself for long periods of time. In the past Don was arrested for stealing food from a local bakery. Don admitted to the theft, but noted he hadn’t eaten in two days. Don was removed from home – but was returned to his mother one year later. Don was arrested for possession of crack cocaine – it was believed he was selling.
  • Darlene is 12 and lives in the suburbs with her mother, step-father and new baby sister. Darlene has been in juvenile court a number of times in the past year for being a runaway. She was petitioned last month by her step-father for being incorrigible. Darlene refused to follow the family rules and is defiant to her step-father. Darlene is very intelligent and is openly disrespectful to her mother and step-father.
  • Stephen Holmes is 16 and lives in Noblesville. His father is a salesman and his mother is an executive with General Advertising Inc. Stephen has a prior record for larceny. Last month Stephen got into a fight with his brother who is 17. After the fight was over Stephen took his father’s gun and shot his brother in the head instantly killing him.

Papers will be completed in Word Format as an attachment. The papers will be typed in Times New Roman using 12 font. Papers will be double-spaced. The papers will be at least 500 words in length. The papers will be a critical examination of a topic area chosen by the instructor. Students are encouraged to critically examine and question a topic area in detail using their book.

Law Homework Help