Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. RU Blue Mountain Inventions LLC Recommendations on Intellectual Property MEMO



  1. Purpose of Assignment: The purpose of this assignment is to understand and explain the process of obtaining intellectual property protection.Course Competency: Describe types of intellectual property.
  2. Instructions

    • Our firm’s client, BlueMountain Inventions, LLC, has created a new invention, cellulox, a new pill that when taken daily, reduces the visibility of cellulite by 98%. The FDA has approved the pill, but BlueMountain never thought about patenting the pill. BlueMountain has decided to rebrand itself when it rolls out the new invention to the public in two months. It will be releasing a new company logo and marketing materials along with the launch. The client is very excited about its new invention, and is worried about protecting its intellectual property to ensure maximum profitability. Prepare a legal memorandum to the client on behalf of your attorney, explaining the following:
    • The process of filing a patent for the client’s new invention, cellulox, and why protection is needed
    • Conduct a patent search to learn if a patent is available for a cellulite reduction pill. The search can be conducted here:
    • The process of obtaining a trademark for the client’s new business logo and why protection is needed
    • The process of obtaining a copyright for the client’s invention’s marketing materials, and why protection is needed
    • Explain how the client can continue to protect its trade secrets moving forward after protections are in place.


  • A patent for an invention is the grant of a property right to the inventor, issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. It grants the right to exclude others from taking the following actions with regards to the invention:
    • Making
    • Using
    • Offering for sale
    • Selling
    • Importing into the United StatesGenerally, the term of a new patent is 20 years from the date on which the application for the patent was filed. U.S. patent grants are effective only within the United States, U.S. territories, and U.S. possessions. A patent cannot be obtained upon a mere idea or suggestion. The patent is granted upon the new machine, manufacture, etc., as has been said, and not upon the idea or suggestion of the new machine. A complete description of the actual machine or other subject matter for which a patent is sought is required. The owner of the patent must enforce the patent themselves.There are three types of patents:
    1. Utility patents ay be granted to anyone who invents or discovers any new and useful process, machine, article of manufacture, or composition or matter, or any new and useful improvement thereof
    2. Design patents may be granted to anyone who invents a new, original, and ornamental design for an article of manufacture
    3. Plant patents may be granted to anyone who invents or discovers and asexually reproduces any distinct and new variety of plant

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. CJ 302 SDSU Crime & Behavior Girls Flex True Strength Comes From Within Case Study



Review the case study titled “Girls Flex: True Strength Comes From Within” posted in Module 14.

  • Examine Girls Flex as a delinquency prevention program from a feminist perspective. Explain.
  • Examine Girls Flex as a delinquency prevention program from a conflict perspective. Explain.
  • Discuss one policy implication inferred by feminist theories and one policy implication inferred by conflict theories. What societal changes would be necessary for them to occur?
  • Keeping in mind Girls Flex, which of the two theories (feminist or conflict) do you consider the most significant?

Assignment Guidelines

  1. Your paper should be 2 to 3 double-spaced complete pages–excluding title and reference pages.
  2. Include a title and reference page.
  3. Use proper APA citations.
  4. Typed (Times New Roman, 12 point font, 1 inch margins).
  5. Submit in .doc or .pdf form.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. CJ 310 Bowie State University Policing in America Criminal Justice Question


20$ plus a $30 tip.

Policing in America has never been more uncertain. There are national efforts to reform policing. Issues such as the use of force policies, community policing, cultural awareness, use of technology are all in the daily news.

We have spent this semester scratching the surface on these topics and speculating on what will the future of Policing in America look like? How will legislative changes like the elimination of “qualified immunity” or removing protections like “police officer bill of rights” impact current officers or the recruitment of new officers? How will police use of force policy change if local, state, and federal law changes impacting the Supreme Court standard of “objective reasonableness” when it comes to an officer to use force including deadly force? How will technology like body cameras impact policing in a positive or negative way? Will decades of efforts to employ a “community policing” approach to how the police work with diverse communities be changed to a new model of policing and what would that look like moving forward?

I want you to do this in the format of a comprehensive paper (5 to 6 pages double spaced). You must include your references in the paper and cover pages and your bibliography does not count towards the minimum of a 5-full page paper.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. The University of South Florida Trade Regulation Tools Paper


After reading Chapter 4 (Political Economy), write an essay by answering the following questions.

  1. What tools do states use in regulating trade with other states? What political-economic systems are most and least likely to impose strict regulations on trade?
  2. Overall levels of economic liberalization are on the rise during the last few decades, appearing to indicate that liberalism is the preferred political-economic system. But what qualifications are important to this assessment?

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Cuyamaca College History and Structure of Policing in America Discussion


5.3 Unit 5: Discussion Board (GRADED ASSIGNMENT)


I. Review the Ted Talk Video titled: “Mending broken trust: Police and the communities they serve-Charles Ramsey

Upon review of the information shared in the video coupled with this week’s readings on Policing: History and Structure, describe your understanding of the historical development of policing in America.  The goal of this assignment is to have you incorporate your understanding of the message in the Ted Talk and not to have you simply regurgitate the historical information from the text. (Links to an external site.)

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Brookdale Community College Sentencing and Corrections Policies Persuasive Essay


Research Assignment 1:  4-5 Page Persuasive Essay

This is a persuasive essay in which you are advocating for a particular type of sentencing policy for a particular crime.  As an example, you might be advocating for decriminalizing marijuana, or advocating for capital punishment for a particular crime, or you will be arguing for just deserts or some other sentencing philosophy.  

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Minnesota State University Court Cycle of Commitment to Federalism Discussion


Please answer the following question. In general, you should provide at least three short paragraphs in your response that include an introduction, a development and a conclusion. Draw on the readings and any external source that you find to support your argument, please avoid the Wikipedia, unless it is to find some more appropriate sources that have better vetting systems such as law reviews or libraries online. This does not mean deep research. I am principally looking for what you think about a question and how you support your answer. In general, if you try to answer the question you get half credit (10 points). If you try to make a n argument that is unsupported by some type of referenced research (use any form of citation, just use it consistently) you should be earning 15 points. If you do more than that you will likely earn full credit.

I do NOT grade your opinions, only how well you substantiate them. I truly and honestly respect what you think, but I will encourage you to support what you believe with reasoned arguments.

Explore the Court’s cycle of commitment to cooperative, then dual, then cooperative, then dual federalism over time. What forces help explain those changes of approach? Which, if any, do you find more compelling?

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. GCU How Criminal Profiling Helped Apprehend the Mad Bomber Essay


Criminal profiling—specifically for arson and serial homicide offenders—has been a technique used by the FBI since the late 1970s. To produce a criminal profile for an unknown suspect, profilers use various types of collected data to make assumptions and conclusions about the case at hand. In a 750-1,000-word essay, identify a real-life example of a criminal that was apprehended using an FBI criminal profile that was matched to him or her and address the following:

  • What types of data would be most useful in creating a criminal profile?
  • What are some of the disadvantages to using such profiles?

Be sure to cite three to five relevant scholarly sources in support of your content. Use only sources found at the GCU Library, government websites, or those provided in Topic Materials.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. CRIJ 231 Central Texas College Criminal Justice and Racism Research Paper


On the Internet, research and find at least one study that suggests the criminal justice system is racist and one study that suggests the system is not racist. Discuss the pros and cons of each study.

Law Homework Help