Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. CJ 303 SDSU Criminal Justice & Social Control the Adversarial Processes Essay



Some countries do not subscribe to an adversarial process as part of their court system, believing that it is too combative, slow, and cumbersome, and can lead to a “win at all cost” mentality among the lawyers. Rather, they use a nonadversarial or inquisitorial system, in which the court or a part of the court is actively involved in determining the facts of the case (as opposed to the court’s being primarily an impartial referee, as in the adversarial system).

  • Write a paper examining the pros of cons of the adversarial process.
  • Choose a side and make your defense.
  • Include two sources.

Assignment Guidelines

  1. Your paper should be 2 to 3 double-spaced complete pages–excluding title and reference pages.
  2. Include a title and reference page.
  3. Use proper APA citations.
  4. Typed (Times New Roman, 12 point font, 1 inch margins).
  5. Submit in .doc or .pdf form.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. CMJ5220 SCK Judge Baumgartner Downfall Discussion


Review the archived local media reports of the downfall of Judge Richard Baumgartner and the fall out of his judicial misconduct in the Christan-Newsom murder cases.

  1. Why do you think his misconduct on the bench went unreported by other court personnel?
  2. Do you think the legal and career consequences he suffered are adequate for what he has admitted to doing?
  3. Who do you think, other than the judge, should be held responsible for the outcome of this situation?
  4. Summarize briefly what the effect has been on the cases tried by Judge Baumgartner.
  5. What safeguards do you think could be put in place to prevent a similar event?

Include any references used.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide Weston Churchill Paper


  • Paper 1: Introduction to the treaty  

In this paper, you will discuss the background of the treaty Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide (1948) , its aims, and the patterns by which states have ratified it. Specifically, please answer the following questions:

  1. What are the origins of the treaty? In other words, where did the impetus for the treaty come from and how did it come about? What states (or non-state actors) led the effort to create such a treaty? What problems were they trying to address? (You will need to conduct research to answer this question.)
  2. What are the object and purpose of the treaty? In other words, what are the treaty’s goals? What is it trying to accomplish, both in narrow terms and broader terms? Show me that you have read the treaty by quoting from key articles that speak to the goals of the treaty.
  3. How is the treaty divided? What are its major sections? What is each section trying to accomplish?
  4. What compromises appear to have been made at the negotiating table? To answer this question you will have to do some research or try and assess the specificity of certain articles in the treaty (lack of specificity tends to be a result of compromises, are there things missing in the treaty that were likely excluded due to compromises)?
  5. What is the current status of the treaty? In other words, when was the treaty adopted and when did it enter into force? What were the conditions for it entering into force? How many states have ratified the treaty today?
  6. What patterns (e.g. geographical, political, temporal, etc.) can you identify by which states have ratified the treaty, and what are some possible explanations for these patterns? In other words, why have some states ratified the treaty while others have not? What kinds of states may have an interest in the treaty and what kinds may have an interest in not ratifying it? Are ratifications clustered by place, time, or political, economic, or social characteristics and what does this tell you about why states have ratified the treaty? Did any states add reservations to the treaty? If so, any patterns in the reservations?

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Harvard School of Medicine Religions Moral Code Essay


Topics for your Essay, Choose one

Topic A: You try to live strictly by the moral rules contained in your religion’s moral code. The two most important rules are “Be merciful” (don’t give people what they deserve) and “Be just” (give people exactly what they deserve). Now suppose a man is arrested for stealing food from your house, and the police leave it up to you whether he should be prosecuted for his crime or set free. Should you be merciful and set him free, or be just and make sure he is appropriately punished? How do you resolve this conflict of rules? Can your moral code resolve it? To what moral principles or theories do you appeal?

Topic B: Why do you think people are tempted to use the straw man fallacy in disagreements on moral issues? How do you feel when someone uses this fallacy against you? To demonstrate your understanding and to teach the idea to the rest of the class, provide a relevant real-life example of the logical mistake. (You MAY use an outside source to help you present your example; be sure to summarize or paraphrase, cite, and use announcing verbs.) Choose carefully—consider whether your example does a good job of illustrating a Straw Man. Compare it to similar fallacies, and show why your example is a Straw Man rather than another fallacy like an Appeal to the Person. Your discussion of your example should be detailed so that readers can evaluate the fallacy. Argue the case for why your example is an example of Straw Man.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Bowie State University Body Camera Technology Discussion Responses


Answer the discussion post in the first picture in blue for 150 words and response to a student in 100 words. in red


this is the discussion post

If you watched any of the trial testimony in the prosecution of former Minneapolis Police Officer Chauvin’s murder conviction of George Floyd you observed key evidence presented from both the prosecution and the defense around the issue of police use of force and video technology.

For years the standard for police use of force established by the Supreme Court has been what is “objectively reasonable”. The recent use of video technology in the form of body cameras has called this standard into question. Now there’s a push by police reformists to modify this standard.

Our final discussion question of the semester which should be part of your final paper analysis is:

After researching the pros and cons of both the “objective reasonableness” use of force standard and more and more agencies using body camera technology how will these issues help or hurt policing in America as we move forward?

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Coastal Carolina University MOD5 Criminal Justice Policy and Planning Essay


Final Assignment
Understanding Failure in Criminal Justice Policy and Planning Failed policies and programs abound in criminal justice. Identify one specific, concrete policy or program (avoid broad notions such as “mass incarceration,” “prosecutorial misconduct,” and “excessive use of force in law enforcement”) that failed and then analyze it through the lens of Common Planning Deficits at Each Stage, found on page 241 of your text. In a 5-page paper do the following:

Identify a failed policy or program

  • Describe the policy or program in detail

Discuss the ways in which it did not meet expectations

Explain the failure by applying the common planning deficits

Suggest strategies that could have been implemented to increase the policy or program’s chance for success

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. CRJ 534 PGU Decision Making Process in Criminal Justice Agencies Presentation


I’m working on a law project and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

I just need two slides on “Evaluate elements of the decision-making process in criminal justice agencies.” Below is the scenario or whatever you call it.

The court system of a medium-sized city has tasked you, a consultant hired to address organizational issues, with assembling a team to develop an improvement plan. The goal of this plan is to improve the channels of communication with the political body, department heads, personnel, judges, other police and federal agencies, and the community. A key issue identified by the presiding judge is a backlog of criminal cases.

The court system has been criticized for its poor communication. Your team is tasked with defining the problem areas from your own point of view. It is important for the political body to support the court system in its mission to dispense justice in a fair and impartial manner.

The presiding judge is looking for a strategy to improve both lines of communication and decision making. Improved communication is needed so better decisions can be made. Some of the ideas identified by the presiding judge include enhancement of communication between the prosecutor’s office, court administration, defense attorneys, and other court systems. The team may identify other ideas as it explores these issues.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. CJE 4174 Florida International University Ethnocentrism Discussion


Ethnocentrism is judging another culture solely by the values and standards of one’s own culture. Do you believe that ethnocentrism may potentially play a dangerous role in preventing the comparison of criminal justice systems around the world to that of the United States?

I would like to hear your personal thoughts on this topic. 

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. University of Southern California Computer Fraud and Abuse Act Questions


I’m working on a law writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

For this assignment, you are to choose one of the three main anti-hacking laws that have been covered this week, and provide responses to the following queries: (I chose the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act)

  1. What are the significant provisions of the law?
  2. How has this law impacted cyber hacking crimes?
  3. What are three suggestions that can improve the law as cybercrime continues to evolve?

Law Homework Help