Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. SUNY Morrisville Criminal Justice Essay Prompts


You should submit one document – 3.5 pages total – that contain both answers (choose one from the first set, and you must answer the second). Be sure to identify which prompt you are responding to at the start of each answer.

First Essay Prompts: Pick 1 of 2 (40 points total).

Limit your answer to the prompt you choose to 1.5 pages. You can offer supporting quotes from relevant readings, but be sure to provide in-text citations for those quotes. You do not need to provide a full reference, provided you are using readings assigned for class. Be conscientious of basic essay writing format (include a basic thesis, along with relevant paragraph breaks).

Prompt 1: Whistleblowing & Responsibility

Compare and contrast the two justifications for whistleblowing (the standard theory and the complicity theory, from Davis) – what are their central similarities and differences? Which view is stronger, and why? Be precise; explain with reference to an example from one of the readings from your professional case studies assigned in class.


Prompt 2: Responsibility in the Profession

Explain the argument for why professionals should still have ethical responsibility despite lacking full knowledge (from Luban). Then, give two of the five obligations to prevent harm, explaining and applying both in the context of one of the readings for your professional case studies assigned in class.

Second Essay Prompt: Must answer the following prompt (60 points).

Limit your answer to 2 pages. You can offer supporting quotes from relevant readings, but be sure to provide in-text citations for those quotes. You do not need to provide a full reference, provided you are using readings assigned for class. Be conscientious of basic essay writing format (include a basic thesis, along with relevant paragraph breaks).

Prompt 3: Ethically Responsible Professionals

Drawing from the ideas we explored through the course, present an argument that answers the following question: what are the four MOST important aspects to being an ethically responsible professional? Address this question in terms of obligations to others (the people in need of expertise), and in terms of obligation to self (the person who maintains a sense of personal integrity within a structure that may make such ethical practice difficult). Present an ARGUMENT for why these four are the MOST important (you will need to be able to explain them with reference to supporting sources, and defend their importance).

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Loyola University Family Maintenance and Property Distribution Ordinance Law Essay


Pepe and Arifah have been dating for one year. Pepe, 25, a professional soccer player, earns $12 million a year and has about $9 million in assets. Arifah, 21, an Instagram model, earns $25,000 a year and has about $1,000 in money assets and resides in a one-bedroom rental apartment worth $2,000 per month in rent. After a rigorous soccer practice one day, Pepe proposes marriage to Arifah, and professes his unyielding love for her. He hands Arifah an engagement ring valued at $120,000. Arifah immediately tells Pepe she loves him, but that she is unsure about marriage because they have only been dating for a year. Arifah explains that she likes her modeling career and believes that she will become a movie star soon once Hollywood movie executives discover her modeling career one day. Pepe explains that he will take good care of her if she marries him, but advises Arifah that she will have to sign a prenuptial agreement before they marry or else his family will not approve of their marriage. Arifah happily agrees to sign a prenuptial agreement and marry Pepe.

Pepe’s personal attorney prepares a prenuptial agreement with a list of all of Pepe’s assets and sends a signed copy to the attorney for Arifah. The property and support provisions of the agreement provide: “In the event of separation or divorce, Arifah shall be limited to receiving a one-time lump sum payment of $500,000, will not be entitled to any real estate or personal property from the marriage other than property she purchased with the personal assets she had prior to marriage, and that Arifah shall be limited to receiving spousal support of $10,000 a month for three years, regardless of Pepe’s wealth or income.” Arifah signs the agreement and sends it back to Pepe’s attorney, along with a list of all her assets, excluding the engagement ring Pepe gave her, which she wore to their wedding.

Two weeks later, Arifah and Pepe are married in a private ceremony. Fourteen months after getting married, Arifah receives word from one of Pepe’s team mates that Pepe had an affair with a flight attendant one evening during their marriage. Arifah immediately files for divorce. She asks the court to invalidate the prenuptial agreement on grounds that the agreement is unconscionable to her and argues that Pepe’s reported infidelity created a psychological hardship, causing her serious emotional harm, and warrants the agreement being invalidated. Arifah claims she stopped being an Instagram model after her marriage to Pepe and believes she likely would have landed a $20 million movie deal had she continued to model and she is entitled to be compensated for her loss of income. Arifah requests she be awarded $24,000 a month in spousal support for seven years, and ownership of the $1.5 million condo Pepe purchased for the couple to reside in after they married. Pepe argues the prenuptial agreement is valid and that he did not do any wrong.

The jurisdiction in which the couple married and resides is governed by a “Family Maintenance and Property Distribution Ordinance” that reads “If one or both parties to a marriage files for divorce within 18 months of the date of marriage, neither party shall be entitled to spousal support, family maintenance or property distribution from the other spouse, unless a valid prenuptial agreement states otherwise, or one party has been convicted of, or pleads guilty to, a felony offense involving conduct likely to cause death or serious bodily harm to the other spouse or a child. Any engagement ring shall be considered the personal property of the receiving spouse and not subject to return in the event of divorce but may be considered by a court in determining property distribution upon divorce.”

The judge has asked you to identify all the relevant legal issues and rules and to write the case opinion for the court that resolves the matter, using no more than 600 words and a font size of 12. You have 18 hours to complete and submit the report you would provide to the judge.

please be sure to answer the question using these rules:

  • Under Gross v. Gross: “Such agreements, if otherwise found to be valid, are not abrogated as to either party for marital misconduct after marriage, in the absence of an express provision in the agreement to the contrary.”

  • An antenuptial or prenuptial agreement is a contract made between two parties in contemplation of marriage. The agreement provides distribution of property and sustenance alimony in event of divorce, seperation, or death.
    • Three conditions to validate and enforce agreement (3 prong test):
      • if the parties have entered freely without fraud, duress, coercion, or overreaching;
      • if there was full disclosure, or full knowledge and understanding of the nature, value and extent of the prospective spouse’s property; and
      • if the terms do not promote or encourage divorce or profiteering by divorce.
      • “In determining whether alimony is necessary, and in determining the nature, amount, and manner of payment of alimony, the court shall consider all relevant factors, including:
      • “(1) The relative earning abilities of the parties;
        “(2) The ages, and the physical and emotional conditions of the parties;
        “(3) The retirement benefits of the parties;
        “(4) The expectancies and inheritances of the parties;
        “(5) The duration of the marriage;
        “(6) The extent to which it would be inappropriate for a party, because he will be custodian of a minor child of the marriage, to seek employment outside the home;
        “(7) The standard of living of the parties established during the marriage;
        “(8) The relative extent of education of the parties;
        “(9) The relative assets and liabilities of the parties;
        “(10) The property brought to the marriage by either party;
        “(11) The contribution of a spouse as a homemaker.
      • “The parties to an antenuptial agreement are in a fiduciary relationship to one another and, *420 thus, are under a mandatory duty to act in good faith with a high degree of fairness and disclosure of all circumstances which materially bear on the antenuptial agreement”

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. UP Criminal Justice Discussion


These are 2 different student posts. You must reply to it as a discussion post and whether you agree or disagree with their statement. you must reply within 30-40 words each post. the first post is a question so you can answer it to your ability.

1)Do you think the fact that police strap on guns and are always concerned about their own life/safety make them more likely to use excessive force?

2)Any person that plays a role or holds a position in the criminal justice system have a ethical challenge. Each person takes on a challenge that puts them in charge of the outcome. Police officers have to deal with the public everyday and the challenges that are put in front of them. From pulling a person over for speeding to arriving at a crime scene. With the media and other sources they are put on spot and have to be careful of what they do and say. Attorney, have a role they help and convict good and bad people. Their positions have a lot of burden on them. They have to fight for their client even if they know they might be wrong. Judges, have a powerful role in the criminal justice system. These are the people that sentence the good and bad people. Each one of these positions and roles play a big part in our criminal justice system.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. UOM Evolutions in The Treatment of Mental Illnesses Documentary Analysis Essay


In the context of this chapter and having discussed these issues in class, please watch this video on YouTubethen, with the chapter materials and video in mind, answer this question:

How much has the treatment (care, mitigation, and curing) of individuals with mental disorders changed from the earliest recorded (exile, burning, hanging, imprisonment, trephining, asylums, trephining, etc.) times to now?

Please submit your answer in APA format (cover page, citations, separate reference page) with 2 to 3 pages of analysis for a total of 4-5 pages (when including cover and reference pages).

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. IND 503 Excelsior College Three Graphs Discussion


Please see attachnebt with video and notes.

Thinking about the video you just watched, create 3 different data sets with data of your choosing. You may wish to poll individuals on a topic related to the video or gather data associated with your research that is related to the video. Place the data in the appropriate graph.  


Discuss how the graph you created visually communicates your data sets. Why did you select it?

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. HSM 320 UAGC Emergency to Terrorism Framework Essay


Discuss the evolution of the National Response Framework (NRF), and explain how two areas could further be improved. Explain why these areas are most in need of improvement. Support your thoughts and ideas with appropriate resources.

Your initial post should be at least 250-300 words in length. Support your claims with examples from required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts by Day 7.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. CRJ UM Institutionalization and Deinstitutionalization of Mentally Individuals Essay


please watch these two videos on YouTube then, with the chapter materials and video in mind, answer these questions:

1) What do we mean by the concepts of institutionalization and institutionalization and what does that mean for both the criminal justice system and individuals with mental illness?

2) What is anosognosia and why is it so relevant to the issue of homelessness in the United States?

3) Is there a link between deinstitutionalization, homelessness, the availability of psychiatric hospital beds, and criminal offending?

On even-numbered chapters, I’m giving us all a break – NO APA format required. There is a maximum page requirement – answer the questions adequately in NO MORE than three pages.


Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. University of Phoenix Ethical Challenges in Criminal Justice Presentation


In this final assignment, you will explain future ethical challenges that may rise and development in criminal justice.

Create an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation, with complete speaker notes, that addresses the following questions:

  • What role does ethics play in the enforcement of laws? Provide examples.
  • How does ethical enforcement relate to the role of investigating and combating terrorism?
  • What role does ethics have in creating and guiding policy around technology in the criminal justice system? Provide an example.
  • Should there be mandatory ethics training in all law enforcement agencies? Why or why not? If so, how often should they be attended? Should there be public involvement or oversight?
  • Are there any agencies currently requiring mandatory ethics training on an annual basis? Provide examples

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. SOC 205 Strayer University Endrew F vs Douglas County Supreme Court Ruling Discussion


Recent controversial Supreme Court Rulings have dominated the 24-hour news cycle. In this case study, you will review a recent judicial decision and determine its impact on society.

Using the Strayer University Online Library, research Supreme Court rulings made in the last five years.

Write a 2–3 page paper in which you:

Write on one Supreme Court ruling that has impacted one of the following issues on society:

Citizenship rights for immigrants.

LGBTQIA+ rights.

  1. F?reedom of speech and religion.

P?ro-life vs. reproductive rights sides.

  • W?orkplace discrimination.
  • Summarize the recent Supreme Court Ruling of choice detailing the facts, and provide a high-level overview of the issue and overall ruling of the case.
  • Describe the factors that led to the outcome of the ruling.
  • Outline the effect the ruling had on law, precedent, and social policy.
  • Review and provide additional ways these cases could be overturned in the future.
  1. Provide three quality sources—?the textbook may be used as one reference source.
  2. This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course.
  3. Refer to the SOC205 LibraSOC 205 ry Guide? for further resources.
  4. The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
  5. Analyze judicial decision making and the impact of these decisions on law, precedent, and social policy.

Law Homework Help