Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Strayer University Wk 3 Criminology Theory Essay


I’m working on a criminal justice multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

To successfully complete this assignment, you will need to review the following Power Point attachments:

  • Criminology Theory Presentation Template [PPTX] &
  • Sample Criminology Theory Presentation [PPTX]

After reviewing these power points, please respond to the following questions, in a one-page paragraph form, 12 size font, double space, minimum 500-word count or more, using Microsoft Word: (This Microsoft Word will prepare me to create a Power Point from for next week’s assignment, unless you know how to create a power point. I could use you again.)

  • Determine which Criminology Theory will be the focus of your presentation.
    • You may choose any theory Provided in the Attachment titled: “Theories” with one exception: Do not choose Conflict Theory, as that theory is covered in a sample presentation provided to you. If you do not want to use any theories in the ”Theories” attachment you can use the web to determine which one, you’d like to write about.
  • Explain what motivated you to select this particular theory as opposed to others.
  • Describe a scenario involving deviant or criminal behavior (shoplifting, vandalism, public drunkenness, running a traffic light, etc.) police officers are likely to encounter as part of their regular duties.
  • Describe how your selected theory would explain the motivation, or the why, behind the deviant or criminal behavior illustrated in your scenario.
  • Determine at least two possible actions a police officer could take in response to the behavior in your scenario that align with your selected theory and empathy training.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. University of Phoenix Law Enforcement Officer in The US Discussion


These are 2 class discussion posts. respond with facts/opinions, whether you agree or disagree, and any add-ons to what they’re saying. 50 words each statement.

1)In the state of Maryland, to obtain a position as a local law enforcement officer the requirements consist of having a high school diploma and/or GED, minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree, must pass the law enforcement entrance, and must have graduated from the police academy. The federal law enforcement agency requires the applicant to be a US citizen with, valid driver’s license must have a minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree in finance, accounting, computer systems, and criminology. The requirements in the state of Maryland to become a state police officer go as follows: Attendance of applicant orientation, functional fitness assessment test, POST written examination, oral interview, polygraph examination, background investigation, medical testing, and police selection committee.

2)To become an officer the requirements here in California would be that when applying you need to at least be the age of 20 by the time of employment and 21 to join the policing academy graduation. Their education requirements you must have obtained a High School Diploma from a credited school and must have a two-four-year college degree can be substituted for a G.E.D. According to the “The Academy “(2021)” a full-time cadet is required to have 888 intensive course training that will satisfy the California Commission Peace officer training also known as (POST). Like most jobs, the training usually meets Monday thru Friday from 8 am-5 pm. This training is usually a six-month period. Some basic knowledge that the academy would consist of would-be Criminal Law, patrolling procedures, report writing, leadership, accident investigation, etc. Along with this teaching, some prerequisites must be met. Pass the POST reading and writing test, past and agility test, pass the academy application process, have a clean DMV record. When doing research, they all seem to be the same requirements here in California, as time moves on obviously more education and experience are required when ranking up in the force. I know with my choice of becoming a Criminal Lawyer a lot of education and training will be required.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. California Coast University Forensic Psychology Criminal Behavior Essay


I’m working on a criminal justice writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn. I need an original essay to this question. Must be 350-500 words and in APA format.

Question #1 -Choose two of the forensic psychology subspecialties and discuss their similarities and differences. Include at least two tasks performed by each specialty.

Introduction to Forensic Psychology
Curt R. Bartol, Anne M. Bartol, 2020
ISBN.13: 978-1-506-38724-6

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. DJC 150 TU Constitution Secure Democracy & Assure the Rights of The People Essay


Students will compose an expository essay, which investigates an idea, evaluates evidence, and presents an argument. The student will explore the concepts of freedom, power, equality, justice, and/ or civic life, and their evolution, in the context of the US (DJC 100.1). The student will classify, categorize, and summarize the structures and functions of government in the U.S. appropriate to the concepts discussed (DJC 100.3).

This is an academic, formal essay written to an academic audience. Students must use Calibri 11 font.

Expository Essay – Does the Constitution Still Matter Today?

Does the Constitution still matter? The Founding Fathers are considered geniuses for the government they created, especially considering how long it has lasted. Does the Constitution still matter today? Does the Constitution protect and safeguard the rights and liberties of the people to the extent promised by the Founding Fathers? Why or not? Argue your position by citing at least three (3) specific provisions within the Constitution and/or Bill of Rights.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. CRIM 1170 Simon Fraser University Michigan Experiment Questions


1. What was the result of the “Michigan experiment”?

2. Are we getting the “worst of the worst criminals” with mandatory minimums? Discuss.

3. Does increasing the sentences, creating and filling more prisons reduce crime?

4. What is the alternative to mass/over incarceration?

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Strayer University W9 Inmates and Correctional Officers Case Study


I need support with this Criminal Justice question so I can learn better.

  1.  Case Study #2: A Question of Policy
    Write a 1/2 to one page (150–275 words) response in which you answer the three questions that follow the case study below:As a female correctional officer, you have been working at the same women’s prison for fifteen years. The inmates call you Marge and respect you as being firm yet fair. You have made some mistakes during your career, but no one has ever questioned your intentions or integrity. Like anyone working in prison, you have found some inmates you like more than others. However, it is rare for you to find an inmate with whom you cannot work with at all. In fact, you are dedicated to the point that you will often spend some of your own time participating with the female inmates in recreation, arts and crafts, and other cell-block activities.There is one inmate you are particularly fond of. She is a young woman about nineteen years of age who is in on a drug offense. Lisa is a shy girl who comes from a broken home. She never had much of a family life; both of her parents had failed in previous marriages. Lisa’s drug problems had started in high school when she got mixed up with the wrong crowd. She had felt accepted by the drug crowd, and life seemed easier to cope with while on drugs. Lisa was beginning to use hard drugs when she got busted. Because she was with a friend who was selling large quantities of drugs, her bust resulted in a trial and a two-year sentence.While in prison, Lisa has come to you on several occasions with personal problems. Being a first-time offender, she has found prison life tough to adjust to. You and she have become good friends in a mutually trusting relationship. On this particular day, however, your relationship is being tested.Lisa has asked you to mail a personal letter to a close friend who lives in her hometown. Since her friend is not a member of her family or her lawyer, his name is not on the approved mailing list. She knows your mailing the setter would violate institutional policy but says it is very important to her that she contact her friend just this one time. You know that other correctional officers occasionally mail letters for inmates. You also realize that it would be relatively easy for you to mail this particular letter. Still, it is a violation of policy.If you do not mail the letter, your relationship with Lisa will more than likely deteriorate. If you do mail the letter, you may suffer unanticipated consequences. The decision is going to be a difficult one, and you are going to have to make it. Answer the following:

    1. Relationships of trust between inmates and correctional officers are not uncommon. How could such a small violation of prison policy create any problems?
    2. What could the CO do to maintain the relationship and not violate the rules?
    3. Is violating rules always an ethical transgression?

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Ottawa University Cybersecurity Laws and Computer Based Statutes Discussion


Using a Microsoft Word document, please list in order of your preference the five top areas in which you think computer-based laws should be passed or strengthened by legislatures, and a brief description of  why you chose this law and its ranking

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Vellore Institute of Technology Strengthening Cyber Laws Discussion


I’m studying for my Law class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

Using a Microsoft word document, please list in order of your preference the 5 top areas in which you think computer-based laws should be passed or strengthened by legislatures and a brief description of why you chose this law and its ranking.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. CJA 484 University of Phoenix Ethics in Criminal Justice Administration Discussion


Analyze the relationship between ethics and professional behavior in the administration of criminal justice.

  • Explain the role of critical thinking with regard to the relationship between ethics and professional behavior.
  • Include in your paper a proposal for a seminar in ethics training for law enforcement officers.
  • In your proposal, choose five areas of ethical conduct and that will be stressed in the seminar.
  • Explain why you chose those areas and what the expected benefits of the training will be for both officers and the community.

Law Homework Help