Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. CJUS 630 Colorado Technical University Unit 1 Concept of Leadership Discussion


Over the years, the style and practice of leadership within law enforcement agencies has gradually changed. In the past, leadership was primarily relegated to one individual within the department. However, there has been a transformation in leadership theory resulting in a more dynamic, multifaceted nature of teamwork, inclusion, and dispersed leadership. More and more, police chiefs are being encouraged to move toward a more participatory leadership style of management, one that encourages collaboration and cooperation in the decision-making process.

Based on your readings in the text and credible Internet research, respond to the following:

  • What does the term shared leadership mean? What advantages or disadvantages do you see in this leadership approach?
  • What direction should law enforcement leaders take for the future, related to leadership styles?
  • What does the term visionary leadership mean?

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. PU Ethical Issues in Research the Case of Sudhir Venkatesh Analysis


In the New York Times article, “Columbia’s Gang Scholar Lives on the Edge”, several research and ethical issues are detailed surrounding the research of one particularly famous scholar in criminology, Sudhir Venkatesh. For your first analysis paper, discuss the ethical and other research considerations from the book (and class lectures) that you think Dr. Venkatesh may have violated. Be sure to discuss why they are a problem for his research from both an (a) ethics perspective and (b) data perspective (i.e., how does his data suffer when not addressing these ethical or research principals?).

Textbook: Maxfield & Babbie (2018). Research Methods for Criminal Justice and Criminology (ed. 8). Cengage Publishing. ISBN: 9781337091824

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Arizona State University Intellectual Property Case Discussion


I’m working on a law discussion question and need support to help me learn.

KISS-FM Problem: The trademarks have never been registered. In 2001, Sylvester Enterprises began operating a radio station in Los Angeles, California under the name KISS-FM. In, 2010, Sylvester Enterprises opened up another radio station, also called KISS-FM, in Atlanta, Georgia. Foulmouth Enterprises, unaware of the other KISS-FM radio stations, opened up their station, KISS-FM in Miami Florida in 2008, and opened another KISS-FM in Savannah, Georgia in 2009. Can Sylvester Enterprises stop Foulmouth from using the KISS-FM mark in either Miami, Florida, or Savannah Georgia? Why or why not? What other facts would be helpful in answering this question

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. CRIM 430 The Ohio State University The Lottery 1948 by Shirley Jackson Paper


Once you have read the reading, think about the themes in the story. Why would I have you read this story for a class on corrections?

Write an essay about the themes you see in the reading and your thoughts on this question: Why do we punish?

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Strayer University Computer Trespass and Computer Hacking Questions


Question 1: (150 words or more for the following question)

  • Title: “Computer Trespass and Computer Hacking”
    • Discuss the key elements of identifying computer trespass and computer hacking crimes. Next, use the Internet to research articles on computer trespass or computer hacking cases from within the past five years. Next, argue your support for or against the decision of the court in your selected case.

Question 2: (150 words or more for the following question)

  • Specify how the illegal drug market operates and whether the “war on drugs” today has made an impact on the drug market.
  • Given the legalization of marijuana around the country, argue for or against this decision and whether it helps contribute to continued illegal drug use today.
  • Research the rise in drug use among teens and the relationship, if any, to the legalization of marijuana.

Question 3: (150 words or more for the following question)

  • Title:”Fake Gucci and Organized Crime”
    • So what’s the big deal about purchasing a fake designer handbag?!? Research and analyze the primary manner in which the purchase of counterfeit merchandise such as fake handbags may impact all areas in our lives. Next, based on the text, provide your opinion of whether or not the government can use the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) or the Continuing Criminal Enterprise Statute (CCE) to combat global organized financial crimes like the sale of counterfeit merchandise.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. SU Juvenile Delinquency and Justice Questions


Question 1: (150 words or more for the following question)

  • Identify at least three specific conditions that lead to gang violence within a community.
  • Discuss the potential impacts of these conditions on gangs in a community.
    • Provide support for your position.

Question 2: (150 words or more for the following question)

  • Select two U.S. Supreme Court decisions that affect the manner in which the juvenile justice system handles juvenile delinquency.
  • Describe how the court rulings in juvenile delinquency cases have altered the judicial system’s treatment of juveniles compared to the treatment of adults.
    • Justify your position.

Question 3: (150 words or more for the following question)

  • Identify primary, secondary, and tertiary therapeutic prevention programs.
    • Discuss the key differences in the three types of programs and whether you believe these programs are effective.
    • Provide support for your position.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. GOV 312L Alexander Lukashenko & Belarus US Foreign Policy Discussion


GOV 312L, US Foreign Policy

1. Describe the crisis involving migrants at the border of Belarus and Poland. How has
Alexander Lukashenko, the president of Belarus, used refugees from the Middle East as
weapons against Poland and the European Union?

2. How did the presidential election in Belarus lead to a deterioration in relations between
Belarus and Western governments in the EU and the United States? Why do EU countries view
authoritarian Belarus as threatening to democracy and why does Lukashenko view European
governments as an existential threat to his power? What role does Russian president Vladimir
Putin play in this relationship?

3. Why does mass migration from war-torn countries like Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria threaten
stability in European democracies and exacerbate conflict between the political right and left
within these countries? How does the legacy of previous immigration policies and Brexit factor
into this dynamic?

4. What, if anything, should the United States do to help resolve this crisis? What should be
done for migrants who are trapped as instruments of hybrid conflict between Belarus and

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. John Tyler Community College Differential Association Theory Presentation


As an initiative to improve police and community relations and to assist police officers in seeing offenders more as human beings and less as simply the sum total of their offenses, your police chief wants to implement empathy training. Empathy allows officers to better understand the “why” behind behavior and can help officers improve their interactions with people during police encounters.

As a part of this initiative, you are responsible for selecting a criminology theory covered in your textbook and preparing a PowerPoint presentation (10–12 content slides) to help educate your colleagues about different causes of crime.

Create a PowerPoint presentation (10–12 content slides) in which you:

  1. Explain your selected criminology theory (Differential Association Theory in relation to minors and gangs), including its strengths and criticisms.
    • Identify the major theorists responsible for developing this theory.
    • Finish the development of your scenario that you began in the Week 3 discussion, and which, in this presentation, must demonstrate how your chosen theory may influence a police officer’s response to criminal/deviant behaviors.
    • Describe de-escalation techniques and community policing strategies consistent with your chosen theory and empathy training.
    • Develop a succinct, engaging, and informative presentation on your selected criminology theory:
      • Consider including images, graphics, or short video snippets in your presentation to increase audience engagement.
      • Provide additional detail in the notes pages in PowerPoint about what you would say if you actually had to deliver your presentation.
    • Use three sources to support your writing.
      • Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate.
      • Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment.
      • Access the library or review library guides for help with research, writing, and citation.

    Consult these support resources to help guide you in developing your presentation:

    • Criminology Theory Presentation Template [PPTX]: This resource is provided for you as a guide only. Your presentation may vary from the template as long as you address the assignment requirements.
    • Sample Criminology Theory Presentation [PPTX]: This resource is provided to give you an idea of what an effective presentation looks like. Once again, your presentations does not have to look exactly like the sample. This is provided only to stimulate your thinking as you get started on developing your presentation.
    • Use a readable size font (24 points or above) on your slides. For your slide notes, the preferred method is to use Times New Roman font (size 12), single-spaced, with one-inch margins on all sides.
    • Include a title slide containing the assignment title, your name, your professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The title slide is not included in the required number of slides.
    • Include a source list slide. Citations and references must follow SWS format. The source list slide is not included in the required number of slides.

    Law Homework Help

    Law Homework Help

    Law Homework Help. Keiser University Week 4 Discussion


    Can you do a response to this post please?National Labor Relations Board is an independent federal agency that was created by the U.S. Congress in 1935 to administer the National Labor Relations Act which was called the Wagner Act. What I’ve learned is that NLRB has three functions. The first function is if appropriate bargaining unit of employees exists for collective bargaining. Second function is “to determine by secret ballot elections whether the employees in a business or industry wish to be represented by labour unions” (NLRB, 2021). Last function is to prevent unfair labor practices by employers and unions. What’s interesting and also surprising to me is that in 1935 they gave employees right to form and join unions. “Employees was obligated to bargain with unions that was selected by majority of the employees in an appropriate bargaining unit” (NLRB, 2021). The important part for me is employers can no longer discriminate against others who participate in union or any other collective activities.


    National Labor Relations Board (Retrieved October 23, 2021) National Labor Relations Board.

    Law Homework Help