Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. MSUM Rights to bear Arms Discussion


One of the most controversial issues of contemporary life is the Second Amendment:

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Part of what makes this a difficult issue to engage with is the relationship between “A well regulated militia” and “the right of the people to bear Arms.”

  1. The discussion involves first, trying to understand what the two parts of the Amendment state and how they relate. The discussion should explain what a “well-regulated militia” means and how that relates, or not, to “the right of the people to bear Arms shall not be infringed.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Herzing University Legal Administrative Law Collecting Interest Memo


write a memo that explains the following plans for this office:

(a) You are an administrator for a large firm. The managing partner wants to start charging interest on all past-due accounts. He has asked you to research the applicable laws in your state concerning the charging and collecting interest. He has asked you also to research the ethics opinions of the state bar concerning interest charges. Prepare a report of your findings that describe your firm’s obligations and requirements concerning interest.

(b) The managing partner has also asked you to contact your state bar association regarding the rules and requirements for trust accounts. Prepare a report about the rules and recommend trust account maintenance procedures.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Ashford Correctional Systems Cultural Sensitivity & Diversity Awareness Paper


Functions, Issues, and Objectives in Corrections

[WLOs: 1, 2 ,3] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, please complete the assigned readings in your textbook. You may also wish to consider some of the recommended resources for this week. For the Final Paper you will address issues, analyze challenges, and assess effectiveness for correctional institutions within the context of the following scenario:

You work as an upper-level administrator in a department of corrections for a fictional or other scholarly or credible resources to support your assignment.

Your superior has also asked you to explain cultural sensitivity and diversity awareness issues as well and to consider the effectiveness of public and private institutions for corrections.

To help you explore functions, issues, objectives in corrections through the six assignment prompts for your Final Paper you may consider optional sources referenced in the Final Project Scenario and References interactive resource, see below, in addition to other scholarly or credible sources.

As noted below your paper must use at least five sources in addition to the course text. Also, at least three of the five must be scholarly and two may be credible resources. Note that of the three scholarly sources, at least two must be obtained from the University of Arizona Global Campus Library.

Assignment Prompts

The purpose of the Final Paper is to consider functions, issues, and objectives in corrections. Your paper needs to address each of the following six elements:

  • Explain functions (in terms of goals and activities) of a historical state correctional system and functions of a contemporary state correctional system.
    • To assist you with this part, you could consider your textbook’s discussion of historical correctional systems. You may also consider state department of corrections websites and/or other relevant scholarly or credible resources.
  • Analyze criminal justice issues for corrections personnel and the constitutional rights of offenders relevant to punishment, rehabilitation, treatment, and supervision.
    • To assist you with this part, you could consider issues relating to administrative objectives and duties for corrections personnel and issues relating to constitutional rights of incarcerated persons.
  • Examine impacts of incarceration and social justice issues for at least one correctional institution in the case file and at least one private correctional institution.
    • For private institutions, you could draw on your textbook and/or other scholarly or credible sources that address privatization of corrections.
  • Examine cultural sensitivity and diversity awareness issues relevant to one or more of the following settings: jails, prisons, or community corrections.
    • You may wish to consider scholarly or credible sources that you used to address any cultural sensitivity issues and diversity issues from your Week 1 Issues and Constitutional Rights assignment.
  • Analyze at least two methods of alternative sentencing utilized by one or more of the correctional systems in the case file.
    • You could also consider alternative sanctions such as electronic monitoring, halfway houses, and/or other types of community corrections mentioned in your textbook.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of at least one correctional institution in the case file and of at least one private institution.
    • To help you with this part, you may wish to consider effectiveness regarding one or more of the following: security, costs, recidivism, social justice interests, and/or other measures relevant to correctional goals.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Walden University Wk 4 International Environmental Agreements Discussion


Discussion 1- With the establishment in recent years of the International Criminal Court and UN Conventions against Transnational Organized Crime and Corruption, it can be seen that international consensus is growing on global issues of criminal justice. Can cosmopolitanism help in bringing together countries on major issues of justice, while respecting individual differences?

Discussion 2- Assume that a colleague has approached you and told you he had been raped by men who called him a ‘faggot’. However, he does not want to report the crime to the police because his parents do not know he is gay. He knows these rapists bc they frequent a local bar, but fear of rejection by his family prevents him from seeking help or involving the police. What advice can you offer him? What are the issues raised by this situation? While it is easy to say “live and let live” we all know the challenges that surround it based on our own family, religious or societal influences.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Criminal Justice Reform Acts Essay


Essay Premise:  Describe all the Criminal Justice Reform Acts within the past 20 years and how they have changed the Criminal Justice System today.  Additionally, judging from the current condition of our Criminal Justice system in the United States, what kind of reforms would you suggest and why?  

Title and Topic:  Criminal Justice Reform within the past 20 years and the future 20 years

Source location: Textbook Part I, Chapter 1, pages 11-26

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Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Excelsior College Application of Miranda Rights Case Law Analysis


While there are a few amendments that could apply to this case, the one that most directly applies is the Fifth Amendment.

The Fifth Amendment is written as follows:

“No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.”
-Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution

For a brief overview of the Fifth Amendment, please watch the following video:


Below is a case that is key to understanding how the Fifth Amendment applies to the field of criminal justice:

Miranda v. Arizona

Click here for a summary of the case and its conclusion. (Links to an external site.)

Please watch the explanation below about the Miranda v. Arizona case and its impact on the Fifth Amendment:


Engage in a discussion about the Fifth Amendment, thinking in both general terms and in regard to the scenarios in this module. Respond to the following prompts in your initial post:

  • Find two other cases that are important Fifth Amendment cases. Share them in your post and explain why they are impactful.
    • If you can find any videos or other resources to accompany the specific cases, include those as well.
    • You can model this portion of your post based on the Key Cases section above.
  • Why do you believe the Fifth Amendment is important to the following pillars of the field of criminal justice (choose only one for your response): 
    • Police
    • Courts
    • Corrections
  • Have there been any instances in your career where the Fifth Amendment became an issue?
  • Now that you know for sure that the Fifth Amendment applies to the gas leak scenario in M2.2, do you have any further thoughts about that scenario that have not already been discussed?

Part 2 –  Discussion: Network Debate

When incidents occur between police officers and perceived victims, the incidents become the focus of cable news network broadcasts. For better or worse, such broadcasts drive the national discussion about the events.

Before continuing, please watch the following cable news panel for inspiration:


For this discussion, you will choose a role  as one of the following contributors to the broadcast and the position they should take for the conversation:

  • Host/moderator – Neutral
  • Legal analyst – Neutral at this point – Please choose this role
  • Politician – Slager is not guilty
  • Political commentator – Slager is guilty
  • Community activist – Slager is guilty

You are tasked with discussing the Slager trial in a broadcast that takes place on the evening of the first day of the trial (after both opening statements have been made in court). The discussion should include the following aspects:

  • Opening statements by each contributor.
    • Ideally the moderator would make the first post but that is not a requirement.
  • Points and counter-points back and forth.
  • Closing statements by each contributor.
    • Closing statements should include a summary of your position and expectations for the outcome of the trial.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. DSC 1004 University of South Florida Resource Management Process Discussion


**Posts submissions will be based on information from the FEMA information/or website with a minimum of one Scholarly internet source. Please make sure references used are properly cited according to APA (6th edition) formatting.

1. The resource management process can be separated into two parts: resource management as an element of preparedness and resource management during an incident. Describe in detail the Resource Management process.

2. Describe the “Credentialing Process” for personnel and why it is important. Describe “Resource Typing” in detail.

3. Describe Area Command and how it might work.

4. Describe the Command Staff and their functions.

5. What are NGOs? Give an example.

6. Describe the NIMS revision process.

7. How can technology be incorporated to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of incident management?

8. For an Incident of your choosing briefly describe the information you would include in an ICS Form 201 and briefly describe how the information can be utilized.


1. You have just been appointed Emergency Manager for your County. After reviewing the CEMP, you discover some areas where resource needs may not have been adequately anticipated. The strategy for deploying resources seems sketchy too.

Discussion: Explain how you would go about addressing these needs.

2. You are Liaison Officer for the “Lead Agency” during a Multi-Agency response to a major Hazmat incident with casualties and a major evacuation effort.

Discussion Assignment: Describe your function in the UCS system. Give some specific examples

3. Assume you are the manager of the agency you currently work for and your agency has implemented NIMS. Knowing what you have learned in the previous assignments about the NIMS systems, propose a change that you feel will enhance the system’s performance in disaster situations.

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Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Montgomery College The Tokyo Subway Nerve Gas Attack and Aftermath Question


The Tokyo Subway Nerve Gas Attack and Aftermath

1. What are the lessons of the challenges experienced by the Tokyo emergency response system during the attack?

2. How can emergency response systems prepare themselves to mitigate the impact of weapons such as Sarin nerve gas?

3. Do you think extremists adhering to certain ideological beliefs are more motivated to use such weapons than other extermists?

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Purdue University Knife Violence in the UK Paper


Watch this documentary and do some outside research about knife violence in the U.K.

Compare and contrast the issue of knife violence in the U.K. with gun violence here in the US. What are the major similarities? Differences?

What are the major factors driving the increase in stabbings across the U.K.? 

Research Elijah Ander­son’s Code of the Street and apply his theoretical framework of adolescent violence to the current problem of knife crime in the U.K.

Law Homework Help