Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. I need help with math 2 parts


TEST CORRECTION FORMName _____________________________________________Date: ___________________Period: _______ Title of Assessment:_______________________________________________________________________Original Assessment Score: __________ + __________ Points Back = __________ New Assessment ScoreDirections:You MUSTfollow all steps completely and accuratelyfor me to consider your test corrections for regrading. If the new answer is correct and accurately justified, you will earn back partial credit for previously missed answer. STEP 1:Identify the questions you missed. Write the question number in the Question Missed # (1) column. Thenwrite the letter of the answer you choose in the I choose Answer(2)STEP 2:Place the numberthat best fits the reason for missing the questionin the WHY?(3)column, for the questions you missed.1) I didn’t understand the question4) I had no clue about this2) I thought I had this right5) I ran out of time or guessed3) I studied this but forgot6) I made a careless mistakeSTEP 3:Correct the question you missed by writing your new answer in the Correct Answer(4)column. Thenjustifywhy this is now the correct answer in the Why is the new answer correct?(5)column. It is not sufficient to write I found it in my notes or I remember you told me. Explain where you got the answer and why the new answer is correct.*If any part is missing or incorrect, NOcredit isgiven for that correction.12345QuestionMissed #I choose AnswerThe letter of the answer you chose first.Why?Choose a number from the options above. Correct AnswerThe letter of your your new answer.Why is the new answer correct?Example: I said the object could speed up or slow down. However, the question says that the object is moving at a constant speed. This means the speed is not changing so only the direction can change*DON’T use I didn’t study, or I didn’t know

Question 10 / 4 pts

Graph the equation and identify the x– and y-intercepts.

-5x – 2y = 10

Question 24 / 4 pts

Graph the equation and identify the x– and y-intercepts.

5x + 4 = 24

Question 34 / 4 pts

Below is the graph of y = f(x). Find the function of the transformed graph.

Question 44 / 4 pts

Determine the slope of the line passing through the given points.

(-4, 1) and (-7, -7)

Question 54 / 4 pts

Determine the slope of the line passing through the given points.

(5, 2) and (5, 4)

Question 64 / 4 pts

Determine the slope and the of the line.

8x + 5y = -9

Question 74 / 4 pts

Use the slope-intercept form to write an equation of the line that passes through the given point and has the given slope. Use function notation where y = f(x).

(8, -7); m = 0

Question 82 / 2 pts

Use the point-slope form to write the equation of the line that passes through the point (-2, 7) with slope .

Question 92 / 2 pts

Use the point-slope form to write the equation of the line that passes through the point (3, -8) with slope .

Question 104 / 4 pts

Solve the problem.

A bakery makes and sells pastries. The fixed monthly cost to the bakery is $750. The cost for labor, taxes, and ingredients for the pastries amounts to $0.80 per pastry. The pastries sell for $2.00 each.
a. Write a linear profit function representing the profit for producing and selling x pastries.
b. Determine the break-even point for the bakery.

IncorrectQuestion 110 / 4 pts

Solve the problem.

The graph shows the number of organ transplants y in a certain country for the years 2005 to 2010 where x represents the number of years since 2005.

a. Use the points (1, 118) and (4, 160) to write a linear model for these data. Round the slope to one decimal place and the y-intercept to the nearest whole unit.
b. Use the model to approximate the number of organ transplants performed in 2012.

Question 124 / 4 pts

Evaluate the function for the given value of x.

f (x) = 5x2 + 4, g(x) = 2x3- 9x2 – 3, (f g)(0) = ?

Question 134 / 4 pts

Evaluate the function for the given value of x.

f (x) = 2x2 + 3, g(x) = 4x3- x2 – 9, (x) = ?

Question 144 / 4 pts

Evaluate the function for the given value of x.

f (x) = 9x2 + 8, g(x) = 4x3- 7x2 – 1, (g + f)(x) = ?

IncorrectQuestion 150 / 4 pts

Evaluate the function for the given value of x.

p(x) = 9x2 + 8, r(x) = 4x3- 7x2 – 1, (p – r)(-1)

IncorrectQuestion 160 / 4 pts

Find the indicated function.

m(x) = 8x +5, p(x) = 3x2- 2, (m p)(x) = ?

IncorrectQuestion 170 / 4 pts

Find the difference quotient and simplify.

f (x) = 4x – 7

Question 184 / 4 pts

Find for the given function.

f (x) = x2 – 8x.

IncorrectQuestion 190 / 4 pts

Solve the problem.

A chess master creates instructional videos about various opening strategies. She sells the videos in 3-hr packages for $35 each. Her one-time initial cost to produce each 3-hr video package is $4,600 (this includes labor and the cost of computer supplies). The cost to package and ship each DVD is $2.95.
a. Write a linear cost function that represents the cost C(x) to produce, package, and ship x 3-hr video packages.
b. Write a linear revenue function to represent the revenue R(x) for selling x 3-hr video packages.
c. Evaluate (R – C)(x) and interpret its meaning in the context of this problem.

Question 204 / 4 pts

Solve the problem.

A dietitian at a hospital wants a patient to have a meal that has 91 grams of protein, 103 grams of carbohydrates and 128 milligrams of vitamin A. The hospital food service tells the dietician that the dinner for today is salmon steak, baked eggs, and acorn squash. Each serving of salmon steak has 30 grams of protein, 10 grams of carbohydrates, and 1 milligram of vitamin A. Each serving of baked eggs contains 10 grams of protein, 3 grams of carbohydrates, and 15 milligram of vitamin A. Each serving of acorn squash has 2 grams of protein, 25 grams of carbohydrates, and 37 milligram of vitamin A. How many servings of each food should the dietitian provide for the patient? Describe what the variables represent then write the system of linear equations to be solved.

Question 214 / 4 pts

Write the augmented matrix for the given system.

IncorrectQuestion 220 / 4 pts

Write a system of linear equations represented by the augmented matrix.

Question 234 / 4 pts

Perform the elementary row operations on the given matrix.

3R1 + R3 → R3
R2 → R2

Question 244 / 4 pts

Determine the solution set for the system represented by the augmented matrix.

IncorrectQuestion 250 / 4 pts

The solution set to a system of dependent equations is given. Write the specific solution corresponding to the given value of z.

{(4z – 7, z – 4, z) | z is any real number}
z = -5

UnansweredQuestion 260 / 4 pts

Solve the system using Gauss-Jordan elimination.

-8x + 10y = -5
-4x + 5y = -3

Quiz Score: 69 out of 100This quiz score has been manually adjusted by +5.0 points.

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. Troy University College Statistics Transport Safety Question


Help me study for my Statistics class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

Suppose you were given the?task of?estimating the proportion of driversin in  AL who text while they drive. Discuss what factors/issues you must consider and how you would accomplish this.

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. Calculus 2 Questions


I need helping solving some problems of:

i) How to compute integrals, including approximate integration and improper integrals

-The knowledge of how to use the trapezoidal rule, the mid-point rule, and Simpson’s rule to approximate a definite integral

-know how to properly set up and evaluate improper integrals (written and evaluated as limits!)

ii) The meaning/interpretation of integrals and how we can use them. In
particular you need to know how to compute arc-length, surface area,
and centers-of-mass (centroids)

iii) The convergence/divergence of infinite series

-Be able to recognize certain types of infinite series (such as geometric series and p-series)

-know how to use all six series tests to determine the convergence or divergence of series.

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. Purdue Global University Square Pyramids Questions


Question 1: Pyramid A is a square pyramid with a base side length of 12 inches and a height of 8 inches. Pyramid B has a volume of 3,456 cubic inches. How many times bigger is the volume of pyramid B than pyramid A? Give your answer as a percentage. Provide an explanation and proof for your answer to receive full credit.   

Question 2, Ellis is painting wooden fenceposts before putting them in his yard. They are each 7 feet tall and have a diameter of 1 foot. There are 11 fenceposts in all. How much paint will Ellis need to paint all the surfaces of the 11 fenceposts? Use 3.14 for ?, and round your answer to the nearest hundredth. Provide an explanation and proof for your answer to receive full credit.  

Question 3, A figure is located at (2, 0), (2, ?2), (6, ?2), and (6, 0) on a coordinate plane. What kind of 3-D shape would be created if the figure was rotated around the x-axis? Provide an explanation and proof of your answer to receive full credit. Include the dimensions of the 3-D shape in your explanation.


Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. University of South Florida Swimmer Incidence of Allergic Dermatitis MEMO


This assignment will be completed as a (modified version) of a legal memorandum as documented by CUNY School of Law. (You should not reference their document, as a full legal memorandum is much more complex than what you will be doing.) 

Learning Objectives

In this assignment you will:

  • Interpret a word problem using the Polya method to determine the problem and the data provided
  • Present data to a non-technical audience
  • Present your statistical approach conceptually to a non-technical audience 
  • Present the document in a coherent and professional way following the instructions for the assignment and using the provided template

Assignment Preparation 

You will be expected to discuss the elements of this assignment accurately. There are several areas in which students have had difficultly in the past that you may want to make sure you are familiar with by doing some additional research

Problem Description

ABC Textiles, Inc. has a textile production facility located in Palm City, FL. It lies along a river that is used for drinking water for the surrounding town
and is therefore tested regularly for chemical contaminants according to EPA standards. There is also a recreational beachfront with swimming and
boating located ½ mile downstream of the plant. Over the last ten years, the incidence of a skin reaction called allergic dermatitis has increased
dramatically for swimmers at the recreational beachfront.

Due to public concern, the local water utility began checking for elevated levels of several pollutants that cause skin reactions. Over the course of a
year, they collected 45 water samples from a location adjacent to the recreational beachfront. These samples were tested and elevated levels of
chromium were identified. The EPA’s Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for chromium is 0.1 mg/L. With the knowledge that chromium pollution can
result from fabric dyeing within textile factories, a group of concerned citizens has brought a class-action lawsuit (Links to an external site.) against ABC Textiles, Inc. The class
claims that the company’s textile mill has contributed to elevated chromium levels in the river, causing skin reactions at the local beach.

Due to the significance of this litigation, the Judge involved with the case, The Honorable Leia Organa, has brought you in as an expert witness,
independent of either side of the litigation, to give your expert opinion on the chromium exceedance. At your request, she is providing you with data
from the 45 samples the water utility collected. She has requested that you analyze whether the chromium levels in the river exceed the EPA standard.
She is requiring that you complete your work with a high level of confidence, therefore you have suggested using a significance level of .01 (i.e., 99%
confidence). You are to provide the jury with which side of the litigation you would support and why in a written document that makes the
determination clear and believable to them.  The document you are to provide is to follow the court’s template and their Legal memorandum guide.
You will also copy the document to Miles Davis, Clerk of the Courts, Michah Bioano, Plaintiffs’ Counsel, and Jay Grabow, Defendant’s Counsel.

Sample DateSample NumberChromium Level (mg/L)1-Aug10.0777-Aug20.08620-Aug30.08428-Aug40.0815-Sep50.07813-Sep60.0820-Sep70.08829-Sep80.0933-Oct90.09410-Oct100.11727-Oct110.1135-Nov120.09312-Nov130.09626-Nov140.1181-Dec150.1238-Dec160.12715-Dec170.11521-Dec180.09129-Dec190.0824-Jan200.08811-Jan210.08419-Jan220.09425-Jan 230.11925-Jan 240.1217-Feb250.11214-Feb260.10622-Feb270.111-Mar280.1128-Mar290.09418-Mar300.08231-Mar310.0765-Apr320.07110-Apr330.07519-Apr340.07125-Apr350.0721-May360.0819-May370.07918-May380.08225-May390.0881-Jun400.09212-Jun410.10225-Jun420.1012-Jul430.09216-Jul440.08124-Jul450.08

River Water Chromium Sampling, Palm City, FL download 

Assignment Completion 

Review and evaluate the problem presented – Using the tools learned in IDL 3 evaluate the problem: what you know, the significance of what you know to the problem, and what information you have that can be used in a statistical problem.  Determine the appropriate hypothesis test to use, given what input you have, the problem, and the statistical tools you have learned. Additionally, determine the appropriate use of the null and alternative hypotheses for the problem.  If it helps you can sketch a diagram of the problem. 

Complete the calculation – Complete the statistical analysis of the problem.  Be clear that you understand all of the processes you have completed to get your answer, you will have to document it. You do not need to present this evaluation in the assignment, however, you will need to know what you figure out from the analysis to complete the work. 

Develop your document for the assigned audience and purpose – As you will have templates to use with many professional documents you will create, this assignment has a format that you must follow – the Legal Memorandum Template download.* This format includes appearance and content. See the Exemplar  downloadfor a visual guide.

*To make it easier to follow the template turn on the show formatting in MS Word (the backwards P).

Memorandum Header – This section of the document provides the information a reader needs to know to determine if they need to read the rest of the document.  It must be consistent in layout and format so that it is easy to read. This section is graded on your ability to follow directions. 

TO – The person you have been asked to address the memorandum to. Follow the exemplar, on paper a judge’s title is ‘Honorable’.

Why? This section and the CC section may be addressed to one or more person(s). The amount of information included for each is dependent on an organization’s level of formality and the role of hierarchy in the organization. National culture may also play a role in these decisions, as some may place greater importance on titles (such as Mr., Dr., or General). The person’s role title is often included, as it will dictate what type of information they need from you. Finally, the location of the addressee can be included, when it also suggests the type of information the document will include. When in doubt, it is better to be more formal and include too much information than to find out it was needed but not included. 

CC – Emulate the format of the Exemplar. downloadThe name of each person being addressed is on a new equally indented line. 

FROM – Emulate the format of the Exemplar. downloadUse your name, your title is Engineering Expert Witness

DATE – Use the due date of the assignment formate as Month, day, year 

RE – For a lawsuit, this will have the suit name and then what it is about relative to the lawsuit. 

Question Presented – Present specifically, and concisely the question you are being asked to address. This question must include a technical and legal component.  

Brief Answer – Present specifically, and concisely the answer you got from your analysis. This answer must include a technical and legal component. The answer will not have details on your analysis or numeric outcomes. 

Facts – This section will present the input you were given by presenting the context, the data and its meaning in the context, and how this input allows you to structure an analysis to determine an answer. It will not proceed into the analysis. 

Discussion – This section presents the logic on how you analyzed the problem in language a non-technical audience can understand, starting with the most basic reasoning for the use of this analysis for the problem. This section will end with what you found through your analysis and what it means for the case. 

Conclusion – This summarizes the entire document ending with the outcome of your analysis and its meaning to the case. 

Appendix – This section is on its own page (use ‘insert/page break). For this section, type out the mathematics you used to calculate an answer in detail, ending with the outcome, what it means for the hypothesis test and the case.   

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. CSULA Optimality Conditions for Various Functions Questions


Please explain how to tackle this problem.

Show that the function f(x) = 8×1 + 12×2 + x21 − 2×22 has only one stationary point, and that it is neither a local maximizer nor a local minimizer, but a saddle point (which means the Hessian has both positive and negative eigenvalues).

(b) Show that the 2-dimensional function f(x1,x2) = (x2−x21)2−x21 has only one stationary point, which is neither a local maximizer nor a local minimizer, but a saddle point.

(c) Find all the critical points of the 2-dimensional function f(x1,x2) = (x21 − 1)2 + x22. Which are local minimizers? Which are not local minimizers?

(d) Find all the critical points of the 2-dimensional function f(x1,x2) = (x21−1)2+(x22−1)2. Which are local minimizers? Which are not local minimizers?

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. SNHU Housing Price Prediction Model for DM Pan National Real Estate Company Paper



In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies:

  • Apply statistical techniques to address research problems
  • Perform regression analysis to address an authentic problem


The purpose of this project is to have you complete all of the steps of a real-world linear regression research project starting with developing a research question, then completing a comprehensive statistical analysis, and ending with summarizing your research conclusions.


You have been hired by the D. M. Pan National Real Estate Company to develop a model to predict housing prices for homes sold in 2019. The CEO of D. M. Pan wants to use this information to help their real estate agents better determine the use of square footage as a benchmark for listing prices on homes. Your task is to provide a report predicting the housing prices based square footage. To complete this task, use the provided real estate data set for all U.S. home sales as well as national descriptive statistics and graphs provided.


Using the Project One Template located in the What to Submit section, generate a report including your tables and graphs to determine if the square footage of a house is a good indicator for what the listing price should be. Reference the National Statistics and Graphs document for national comparisons and the Real Estate Data spreadsheet (both found in the Supporting Materials section) for your statistical analysis.

Note: Present your data in a clearly labeled table and using clearly labeled graphs.

Specifically, include the following in your report:


  1. Describe the report: Give a brief description of the purpose of your report.
    1. Define the question your report is trying to answer.
    2. Explain when using linear regression is most appropriate.
      1. When using linear regression, what would you expect the scatterplot to look like?
    3. Explain the difference between response and predictor variables in a linear regression to justify the selection of variables.

Data Collection

  1. Sampling the data: Select a random sample of 50 houses.
    1. Identify your response and predictor variables.
  2. Scatterplot: Create a scatterplot of your response and predictor variables to ensure they are appropriate for developing a linear model.

Data Analysis

  1. Histogram: For your two variables, create histograms.
  2. Summary statistics: For your two variables, create a table to show the mean, median, and standard deviation.
  3. Interpret the graphs and statistics:
    1. Based on your graphs and sample statistics, interpret the center, spread, shape, and any unusual characteristic (outliers, gaps, etc.) for the two variables.
    2. Compare and contrast the shape, center, spread, and any unusual characteristic for your sample of house sales with the national population. Is your sample representative of national housing market sales?

Develop Your Regression Model

  1. Scatterplot: Provide a graph of the scatterplot of the data with a line of best fit.
    1. Explain if a regression model is appropriate to develop based on your scatterplot.
  2. Discuss associations: Based on the scatterplot, discuss the association (direction, strength, form) in the context of your model.
    1. Identify any possible outliers or influential points and discuss their effect on the correlation.
    2. Discuss keeping or removing outlier data points and what impact your decision would have on your model.
  3. Find r: Find the correlation coefficient (r).
    1. Explain how the r value you calculated supports what you noticed in your scatterplot.

Determine the Line of Best Fit. Clearly define your variables. Find and interpret the regression equation. Assess the strength of the model.

  1. Regression equation: Write the regression equation (i.e., line of best fit) and clearly define your variables.
  2. Interpret regression equation: Interpret the slope and intercept in context.
  3. Strength of the equation: Provide and interpret R-squared.
    1. Determine the strength of the linear regression equation you developed.
  4. Use regression equation to make predictions: Use your regression equation to predict how much you should list your home for based on the square footage of your home.


  1. Summarize findings: In one paragraph, summarize your findings in clear and concise plain language for the CEO to understand. Summarize your results.
    1. Did you see the results you expected, or was anything different from your expectations or experiences?
      1. What changes could support different results, or help to solve a different problem?
      2. Provide at least one question that would be interesting for follow-up research.

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. MATH 302 American Public University R Program Statistics Practice Exam Practice


  • There are 6.5 accidents, on average, at an intersection. Assume the variable follows a Poisson distribution. Find the probability that there will be 9 or less accidents at this intersection. (That is, find P(X≤9) (round to 4 decimal places)
  • Computer Help Hot Line receives, on average, 14 calls per hour asking for assistance. What is the probability that the company will receive 3 calls in a 12 minute period? Round answer to 4 decimal places
  • The mean number of visitors at a national park in one weekend is 47. Assume the variable follows a Poisson distribution. Find the probability that there will be at most 55 visitors at this park in one weekend. (That is, find P(X ≤ 55)) (round to 4 decimal places)
  • There are 4 accidents, on average, at an intersection. Assume the variable follows a Poisson distribution. Find the probability that there will be 5 or less accidents at this intersection. (That is, find P(X ≤ 5)) (round to 4 decimal places)
  • The casino game, roulette, allows the gambler to bet on the probability of a ball, which spins in the roulette wheel, landing on a particular color, number, or range of numbers. The table used to place bets contains 38 numbers, and each number is assigned to a color and a range. What is the probability of winning when betting on two lines that touch each other on the table as in 1-2-3-4-5-6?

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. Data Mining using SPSS Modeller1


my supervisor have provided some feedback for the proposal

there is some small changes, will you be able to help to do the modelling. the proposed methods you selected

however, he recommended to do 3 instead of 4 due to insufficient time

Chapter 3:
In the data understanding section of the report, you will have to describe the actual datasets, focusing more on the variables that you will be using for the model, as well as the data transformation and cleaning techniques.

Chapter 4:

The modelling techniques you have chosen are suitable for classification projects. However, the techniques to be chosen will still depend on your actual datasets. As discussed, you should not restrict yourself to a single type of decision tree, as there might be a more suitable technique than CART, depending on data.

The four model: ANN, discriminant analysis, decision tree and logistic regression. Don’t need do all 4, just 3 can already.

this was what i submitted

What need to be done:

1. Linkage of lit review to proposed method
why you choose the proposed method

2. Data understand & preparation (Chapter 3)
describe the actual datasets, focusing more on the variables that you will be using for the model, as well as the data transformation and cleaning techniques.

3. Proposed method (use 3)
The modelling techniques you have chosen are suitable for classification projects. However, the techniques to be chosen will still depend on your actual datasets. As discussed, you should not restrict yourself to a single type of decision tree, as there might be a more suitable technique than CART, depending on data.

i summarized it.

Chapter 5: RecoOnly chapter 3,4 and 5 remember 18 page or 5000 word.(close) Considering 275 word per page. Plus include necessary diagram or chart in between Any thing if you want to fit in Appendix then you can fit. Below is the dataset and sample Remember in the proposal which is already done,I recommended Logistic regression,CARD,Artificial Neural Network and Discriminant Analysis You only need to select 3 morel from these four.mmendation and conclusion of the results

Chapter 3: In the data understanding section of the report, you will have to describe the actual datasets, focusing more on the variables that you will be using for the model, as well as the data transformation and cleaning techniques. Chapter 4: The modelling techniques you have chosen are suitable for classification projects. However, the techniques to be chosen will still depend on your actual datasets. As discussed, you should not restrict yourself to a single type of decision tree, as there might be a more suitable technique than CART, depending on data. done 4 days ago Also write as per the marks. Recommendations and conclusion has more weightage so write more then chapter 4 and then chapter 3 done 4 days ago In case of any confusion you can let me know Remember to use only SPSS Modeller as I stated in the initial instruction.

Mathematics Homework Help