Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. Math Discussion Question


I’m trying to study for my Mathematics course and I need some help to understand this question.

As we discussed previous, we use odds and Probability all the time, for weather, for traffic patterns, for estimated future success in college, for promotions. These decisions all rely on taking what we know and determining the likelihood of future outcomes. When do you use the idea of odds? One estimate I use is that there is a 75% chance my son will eat waffles. For your initial post, post an example where you use odds or probability and express that situation as either an odds or probability value.

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. Mathematics


Derive the posterior distribution of if a Beta distribution Be(; ) is used as the

prior, where ; > 0. [3 MARKS]

(b) An intuitive way to interpret the information contained in the Beta prior for is

that the information is equivalent to that in an observation from a distribution

of the same form as that above, but possibly with a dierent value of r. What is

the value of this notional observation and what is the corresponding value of r?

Specify the values using and . [2 MARKS]

(c) Is the Beta distribution a conjugate prior? Explain. [2 MARKS]

(d) Derive Jereys’ prior for . [5 MARKS]

(e) Is the Jereys’ prior proper? Explain. [2 MARKS]

(f) Is it ne to use the Jereys’ prior above for inference? Explain. [2 MARKS]

(g) Derive the posterior predictive distribution p(~yjy) for new observation ~y given that

the Beta prior Be(; ) is used

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. Statistics Question


The Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBSS) is a national survey monitoring health behavior among youth and young adults. It is administered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). For this use, the “Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System Dataset” is provided to practice calculating and interpreting the t-test. Refer to the instructional videos in the topic resources and the Using and Interpreting Statistics: A Practical Text for the Behavioral, Social, and Health Sciences textbook as a guide.

Youth Risk Surveillance System (helpful resources):

YRBSS Data and Documentation (helpful resources):

2015 YRBS Data User’s Guide (helpful resources):

2015 State and Local Youth Risk Behavior Survey (helpful resources):


Digital textbook:

Part 1

Refer to the topic resources to review the documentation, questionnaires, and general information pertaining to the YRBSS and YRBS. Then use the 2015 “Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System Dataset” and conduct a two-sample t-test to determine if weight (in kg) differs by sex. Submit the SPSS output for the t-test.

Part 2

Create an 8-10 slide PowerPoint presentation to discuss the findings for the t-test. For the presentation of your PowerPoint, create lecture notes to further explain the slides displayed of the results and findings. Include an additional slide for references at the end.

Include the following:

  1. Identify which of three t-tests was selected and explain why this is the best statistical test and whether the assumptions were met.
  2. What are the null and alternative hypotheses?
  3. What is the decision rule?
  4. What is the test statistic and p-value?
  5. Interpretation of the t-test results (What was done? What was found? What does it mean? What suggestions are there for the creation of a health promotion intervention?)

side note (please read before accepting this question as a warning of how to get data file out into SPSS Software) —-> When you begin to upload “Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System Dataset.xlsx” you can convert this file on your end of the computer into a “(.sav)” file into SPSS software of Citrix workspace. Studypool does not accept me dragging and dropping files of (.spv), so therefore I changed it on my end to an “XSLS” in order to provide the variables to apply for my t-Tests. When you open your blank SPSS software then you can click File, click Import Data, under Database will be the first option of Excel to open up your saved file of “Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System Dataset.xlsx” to covert. You may need to make a separate folder under your username of the computer on either Mac or Windows to find the file easier when the “Open Data” box appears. Click on “Users”, click on “name of computer”, click on the folder you will make for this as “SPSS”, THEN it will be readily available to access. This is very helpful since I can send in (.sav) files.. I hope this helps!!

General Requirements

Submit the SPSS exported output and the PowerPoint.

APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. Baylor University Week 6 Simple Linear Regression Report


Use the dependent variable (labeled Y) and one of the independent variables (labeled X1, X2, and X3) in the data file. Select and use one independent variable throughout this analysis. Use Excel to perform the regression and correlation analysis to answer the following. The week 6 spreadsheet can be helpful in this work.

  • Generate a scatterplot for the specified dependent variable (Y) and the selected independent variable (X), including the graph of the “best fit” line. Interpret.
  • Determine the equation of the “best fit” line, which describes the relationship between the dependent variable and the selected independent variable.
  • Determine the correlation coefficient. Interpret.
  • Determine the coefficient of determination. Interpret.
  • Test the utility of this regression model by completing a hypothesis test of b=0 using ?=0.10. Interpret results, including the p-value.
  • Based on the findings in steps 1-5, analyze the ability of the independent variable to predict the dependent variable.
  • Compute the confidence interval for b, using a 95% confidence level. Interpret this interval.
  • Compute the 99% confidence interval for the dependent variable, for a selected value of the independent variable. Each student can choose a value to use for the independent variable (use same value in the next step). Interpret this interval.
  • Using the same chosen value for part (8), estimate the 99% prediction interval for the dependent variable. Interpret this interval.
  • What can be said about the value of the dependent variable for values of the independent variable that are outside the range of the sample values? Explain.
  • Describe a business decision that could be made based on the results of this analysis. In other words, how might the business operations change based on these statistical results.

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. Cuyamaca College Calculus Exam Practice


It is an online practice test and it is going to be a 2 hours long and I think it is going to be 8-10 questions so I need to live chat with you so I can send the questions one by one and you can send me the solution back by picture. The practice test is going to be on this coming Thursday 5/20/2021. It is going to be from 10am to 12:10pm

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. ITEC 8437 Walden University Running Nonparametric & Chi Square Test Report


The chi-square test is the most important and most used nonparametric test. According to the Green and Salkind text, a one-sample chi-square test “evaluates whether the proportions of individuals who fall into categories of a variable are equal to hypothesized values” (p. 257). Additionally, the Mann-Whitney U test “evaluates whether the medians on a test variable differ significantly between two groups” (p. 270). The Mann-Whitney U test is a nonparametric alternative to the independent-sample t test.

This week, you will use the IT Security Dataset to run the One-Sample Chi-Square Test and the Mann-Whitney U Test.

Use the Assignment Exemplar.

Your paper must include the following elements:

  • An APA Results Section for each nonparametric test. (See examples of APA Results Sections in Lessons 40: One-Sample Chi-Square Test (p. 260) and Mann-Whitney U Test (p. 270) of the Green and Salkind text.
  • The critical elements of your SPSS output, including:
    • A properly formatted research question
    • A properly formatted H10 (null) and H1a (alternate) hypothesis
    • A descriptive statistics narrative and properly formatted descriptive statistics table (see page 261 and page 272 of the Green and Salkind text)
    • A properly formatted frequency distribution graph for the one-sample chi-square (see page 262) and a boxplot for the Mann-Whitney U Test (see page 270)
    • A properly formatted inferential APA Results Section (see page 260 and page 270 of the Green and Salkind text)
    • An appendix including the SPSS output generated for descriptive and inferential statistics (for SPSS output, see page 261 for the one-sample chi-square and page 272 for the Mann Whitney U test)

Mathematics Homework Help