Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. Ashford University Decision Making Final Project Questions 1 to 3


Forecast indicates > increase scenario. Refer to the image of the tree found in the File ” Final Project Questions 1-3″

Generate all

1) Prior probabilities

2) New Information

3) Joint probabilities

4) Posterior probabilities

Enter your responses in the fields below. Report all values to three decimals and format with a leading zero ( for example 0.326).

A1 =

A2 =

A3 =

A4 =

A5 =

A6 =

A7 =

A8 =



A11 =

A12 =

A13 =

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. Barstow Community College Find the Values Probability Questions


I’m working on probability questions.

As for Question 1-5, you only need to tell me your answers and brief explanation. As for writing question 1-5, please make sure give me very specific and correct explanations! Make explanations specific!

Please help me to write and work on these questions about Probability

Make sure your answer is correct. I do appreciate it.

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. DeVry University New York Intermediate Algebra Exam Practice


Directions: Please read each question carefully and select the best answer.



1. Commutative Property of Addition.


a + b = b + a




1. real numbers


2 + 3 = 3 + 2


2. algebraic expressions


x 2 + x = x + x 2


True False


2. Commutative Property of Multiplication.


a × b = b × a
1. real numbers
5 × 7 = 7 × 5
2. algebraic expressions
(x 3 – 2) × x = x × (x 3 – 2)



True False


3. Associative Property of Addition.


(a + b) + c = a + (b + c)
1. real numbers
(2 + 3) + 6 = 2 + (3 + 6)
2. algebraic expressions
(x 3 + 2 x) + x = x 3 + (2 x + x)


True False


4. Associative Property of Multiplication.


(a × b) × c = a × (b × c)
1. real numbers
(7 × 3) × 10 = 7 × (3 × 10)
2. algebraic expressions
(x 2 × 5 x) × x = x 2 × (5 x × x)


True False


5. Distributive Properties of Addition Over Multiplication.


a × (b + d) = a × b + ad× c
(a + b) × c = a × c + b × c
1. real numbers
2 × (2 + 2) = 2 × 2 + 2 × 8
(2 + 8) × 2= 2 × 10 + 8 × 10
2. algebraic expressions
x × (x 4 + x) = x × x 4 + x × x
(x 4 + x) × x 2 = x 4 × x 2 + x × x 2



True False


Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. Pre Calculus Properties of Trigonometric Functions 7 Questions


Hello, I hope you are healthy and well!

Directions: Answer all 8 of the attached questions using pre-calculus material to answer. Must show all work so that all steps are clear. Use methods that are provided below and/or material that constructs on the material below. Please answer question on paper, and send screenshots.

Material to be expected(Underlined = Focus):

  • Factoring
  • Complex numbers & Inequalities
  • Functions
  • Quadratic equations
  • Polynomial functions
  • Dividing polynomials
  • Real Zeros of Polynomial
  • Complex Zeros
  • Rational Functions
  • Inverse Functions
  • Exponential Functions
  • Logarithmic Functions
  • Angles
  • Trigonometric Functions
  • Trigonometric Equations | No Calculator, Approximated Decimals are Not allowed, Answer in Fraction form
  • Trigonometric Identities
  • Sum & Difference Formulas
  • Double angle & Half Angle Formulas
  • Graph Trigonometric functions
  • Inverse Trigonometric Functions
  • Sum to product and product to sum formulas
  • Law of Sines
  • Law of Cosines
  • Triangles

If you have any questions feel free to ask!

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. MATH 142 UCI Statistics Exam Practice


This is a statistics exam, and the exam is about four hours. (May 20 at 4pm San Francisco Time) The exam includes: probability problems, descriptive statistics, confidence intervals (two poputations), sample size determination, probability distributions, normal distribution, test statistics (one population), linear correlation regression, test statistics , One, two way analysis of variance, goodness of fit and contingency tables. This is all the content of the exam. After you take the order, I will send you all the formulas for the exam. This exam is a paper exam, so please make sure that the handwriting is clearly written on the paper and upload it to me with the scanning software. So when you take the order, please make sure that you are proficient in the above content, and you can be online on time during this time

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. MTH 245 NVCC Annual Income and Cost of Education Statistics Research Paper


Task #1

You have collected data from a sample of at least 50 elements in your population.  But what information would you like to know about the entire population?  Would you like to know the mean home price of all properties in your area?  Would you like to know the average starting salary of all graduates who have completed 4 years of college? Etc.

  1. Write 2 paragraphs briefly summarizing the data that you collected from the sample and the information that you would like to INFER about the population.
  2. Choose 2 sample statistics from your data, one PROPORTION and one MEAN. Try to use variables that you mentioned in question 1 concerning inference.  For example, you may choose the proportion of people who graduate with student loans of more than $10,000.  You might choose the mean sales price of a home.
  3. Create interval estimates for the two population parameters that correspond to the sample statistics chosen above.     
    1. PROPORTION         
      • Construct and interpret a 90% confidence interval for the population proportion.
      • What sample size would be necessary to estimate the proportion with a 4% margin of error and a 95% confidence?
    2. MEAN         
      • Construct and interpret a 95% confidence interval for the population mean.
      • Do you think that your sample of size 50 is large enough? Why or why not?

Task #2

Next, you will be conducting one hypothesis test.  Without considering the specific values of your sample statistics, make a conjecture (hypothesis) about one of the variables you used for the confidence intervals above.

For example: 

  • Matt claims that the average salary of a worker with a college degree will be greater than $92,000.
  • Matt claims that the proportion of homes with 3 or more BRs in Fairfax county is less than 0.4.
  1. State the null and alternative hypotheses using mathematical symbols.     
    • Is this a one-tailed or a two-tailed test?
  2. State the level of significance.     
    • This will be ? = 0.05 for everyone.
  3. p-value Approach     
    1. Compute the test “test statistic.”
    2. Use probability tables (z or t, as required) or statistical software to determine the p-value.
    3. Compare the p-value with the level of significance
    4. State the conclusion of the hypothesis test. The conclusion should include the phrases “Reject the null” or “Fail to reject the null” as well as a statement of interpretation in practical language.

In addition to performing the hypothesis test above, write 1-2 paragraphs explaining the relationship between your hypothesis test and the confidence interval from your Task #1.  Also discuss what it would mean had you made a Type I or a Type II error in the hypothesis test.

Task #3

Finally, write no more than one page summarizing your entire project. (Double spaced, 12-point font, 1 inch margins.)  What did you think of the research project?  Did the statistical analysis help you learn more about the topic?  For example, you could address the following:

  1. HOME VALUES     
    1. Is there any home on your list that seems like a good value?
    2. How much should you plan on spending on a home in your desired area?
    1. Do you believe there is a financial benefit to attending college?
    2. What is the short-term and long-term benefits of your education choice?

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. APUS WK 8 Calculus Get the Rate of Change of A Function Problem


Rate of Change WITHOUT derivatives

PROBLEM: Given f(x)=.04(8x-x2) Find the rate of change of elevation when
x = 2 WITHOUT taking a derivatives directly. Instead use find the slope between f$f(2-Delta x) textup{ and }  f(2+Delta x)f$

The first student should let f$Delta f$ x = 1 using discussion title Delta x=1. Then use f(2+1) and f(2-1) to find the slope between two points (1, f(1)) and (3, f(3)). The first line of their post should be f$displaystyle Delta x=1f$
The second student should select a different value f$Delta f$ x < 1 and find the appropriate f(x+f$Delta f$ x ) and f(x-f$Delta f$ x ) to find the slope between two DIFFERENT POINTS closer to the x=2 value. Also include in your title the value of your f$Delta f$ x!
The third student should select and POST their new f$Delta f$ x < the second student’s value. Again find the new appropriate f(x+f$Delta f$ x ) and f(x-f$Delta f$ x ) to find the slope between two DIFFERENT POINTS even closer to the x=2 value.

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. Saint Cloud State University Caregiver Perceptions of Childrens Psychological Essay


Find an article using a
statistics argument from this link, read the article and analyze it to make its
point and use the attached paper to analyze its validity and such. Anything a
little more scientific than the World Weekly News will probably be just fine.
Sports statistics papers have always been a biggie. Anything that actually has
your interest and is a statistical argument and is from a valid peered reviewed
source. This Journal Article Analysis form MUST be completely filled out and
typed to be considered for grading.

Mathematics Homework Help