Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. Chamberlain College of Nursing Poisson Probability Distribution Discussion


Initial Post Instructions

Topic: Poisson Probability Distribution

The Poisson Distribution is a discrete probability distribution where the number of occurrences in one interval (time or area) is independent of the number of occurrences in other intervals.

April Showers bring May Flowers!! Research the “Average Amount of Days of Precipitation in April” for a city of your choice.

In your initial post,


  1. Introduce the City and State. Let us know a fun fact!
  2. Tell us the average number of days of precipitation in that city for the month of April.
  3. Cite your Source


  1. What is the probability of having exactly 10 days of precipitation in the month of April?
  2. What is the probability of having less than three days of precipitation in the month of April?
  3. What is the probability of having more than 15 days of precipitation in the month of April?


Write a sentence for each of the probabilities explaining what those probabilities mean in context of days of precipitation in your chosen city.

Would any of the situations be considered unusual? Why or Why Not?

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. STAT 101 Relationship between Correlation and Regression Question


D09: Relationships – Correlation & Regression

4343 unread replies.4747 replies.

Start this discussion as soon as you’ve read the text/module info on the topic. Three posts are the minimum – one in response to my prompt below and at least two responses to the posts of other students. Use the discussion like a study group: Use your knowledge, practice, ask questions… Wrap up your discussion after participating for a few days -while you’re working on the worksheet and homework related to the topic – don’t wait too long since the next discussion opens pretty soon…

I have completed a number of Correlation/Regression tests using variables from the GSS (a national random sample done by a reputable research entity).

Choose ONE of these tests to discuss – participate in that one discussion. You will choose a correlation/regression to interpret (your first post) and then discuss (with at least two other posts) those and other findings.

Use the information that is relevant for seeing whether the correlation is statistically significant and to identify and use the regression equation to make predictions.

  • For the Pearson Correlation: Figure the df (N-2) and, using an alpha of 0.05, find the critical value of the test statistic (Use the correct table in the book – Critical Value of r).
  • Make a decision about the null hypothesis – accept or reject.
  • Interpret your findings – is there a relationship between these two variables? If so, what is the nature of that relationship? Be sure to talk about strength and direction… Percents explained and unexplained… and make at least two regression predictions.
  • Speculate on why these findings might be as they are.

Supporting Materials

Files for the discussion – choose only one to use in your post

Note: This is 2012 data thus it will not be identical to yours if you use any of these in your Data Analysis Paper, Part 2.


This handout below walks us through an analysis of Contraception (X), Fertility (Y), and HIV rates (Z), using SPSS. It’s a good example of how to read the printout and grab what you need.

There are two copies – one for viewing on a screen with each slide on one page (18 pages), and one for printing with six slides per page (3 pages).

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. STAT 101 Relationships Chi Square and Related Stats Worksheet


D10: Relationships – Chi-Square and related stats

22 unread replies.22 replies.

Start this discussion as soon as you’ve read the text/module info on the topic and wrapped up the last discussion. Try not to be working in two discussions at the same time – that’s a recipe for confusion!

Three posts are the minimum – one in response to my prompt below and at least two responses to the posts of other students. Use the discussion like a study group: Use your knowledge, practice, ask questions… Wrap up your discussion after participating for a few days -while you’re working on the worksheet and homework related to the topic – don’t wait too long since the quiz is coming. All discussion for this section close with the quiz.

I have completed a number of Chi-Square tests using the following variables from the GSS – a national random sample done by a reputable research entity. (For more info on the GSS, visit their website: (Links to an external site.))

Each of the discussion topics has one main nominal (or ordinal) variable – and the output from a number of tests with different nominal (or ordinal) variables.

  • Choose ONE of these sets of tests to discuss. You will choose a Chi-Square test from this set to interpret (your first post) and then discuss (with at least two other posts) those and other findings.
    • Select a nominal/ordinal variable (Actions, Actions, Actions, Actions) and open the file with that name (click the name). You will see inside that file two sets of output. Your variable will be compared with one or more of the following variables (Born in the U.S. – Social Class – Degree – Race – Marital Status – Sex – Spiritual Person).
      • The first box of output (first page) has the general statistics for each set of variables – the mean, N, and standard deviation.
      • The second box (second page) has the Chi-Square test results…
      • Find the results for your main variable and its comparison to the other variable you chose.
      • Do only one test!
  • Figure the df [(#rows-1)*(#columns-1)] and, using an alpha of 0.05, find the critical value of the test statistic (Use the correct table in the book – Critical Value of Chi-Square).
  • Make a decision about the null hypothesis – accept or reject. (Identify the Chi-Square for your variable’s test on the printout.)
  • Interpret your findings – is there a relationship between these two variables? If so, what is the nature of that relationship? (Refer to the means or percents and the relevant correlation coefficient).
  • Speculate on why these findings might be as they are. Is it logical? Might there be an error in your result? If so, why? (sample size? bias? Type I or II error?)

Nominal/Ordinal (dependent) variables: Health, Happiness, Life, Same-Sex Marriage

Nominal/Ordinal (independent) variables: Born in the U.S. – Social Class – Degree – Race – Marital Status – Sex – Spiritual Person

Note: R = Respondent (the person who answered the survey)

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. Relationship Between Peoples Age and Number of Babies They Have Analysis Project


The Data Analysis Project (DAP), as you know is your opportunity to test one or two hypotheses with variables of your choosing. We are using the General Social Survey (GSS) and the SPSS program to provide our data and statistics.

This project consists of doing one hypothesis test, either a Correlation/Regression analysis or a Chi-Square.

One test is required. You may choose to do a second test and can earn enrichment credit for that, up to 7 extra points.

Follow these directions to do the analysis:

  1. Be familiar with the GSS data – check out the GSS discussion page for guidance on that.
  2. Look at the files on the DAP SPSS results page so that you know what your options are.
    • Look at the variable names in the titles of the files and choose tests that use the variables you’ve chosen or those that are interesting to you.
    • Download the file(s) you choose so that you know where and what they are.
    • If you can, print out those test results and circle or highlight the relevant information that you will need to do the test(s). Use these when you’re writing up your hypothesis test.
  3. Open up and write your results in a Word (or other) file, so that you can work on it over a few days.
    • First drafts should never be submitted! Always edit.
    • Always keep back up copies on a few different places (computer, cloud, OneDrive, etc.)
    • You will submit your paper in the pdf format – find out now how your computer does that. Typically, you can ‘Print to’ a pdf file (instead of a printer) or ‘Save As’ a pdf file. Canvas will not accept Word or Google docs or files other than a pdf file.
  4. When you are writing your draft:
    • Follow the outline below to write up your test.
    • Follow the five steps of Actions and do each test write-up separately.
    • Make sure you do the full interpretation as needed. Refer to the Hypothesis Testing Interpretation sheet and to the individual test worksheets (and other resources) we have been using over the past few weeks.
  5. Remember that your goal in Step 5 below – Interpretation – is to put into everyday words whatever that relationship is (or is not) between our variables.
  6. If you choose to do a second hypothesis test for enrichment, it should be the other type of test – if you use a t-test for the first test, use ANOVA for the second, and vice versa. A second test of the same type will not be graded. Please note that this second OPTIONAL test is #3 on the outline below – skip it if you are not doing it. You’ll notice on the rubric there are no points for it, thus not doing it will not affect your grade – it can only add to your grade if you do it!

Follow this outline to write up your findings:

The sections titled in bold text are required; the section in italics is extra credit enrichment (or for Honors students).

  1. Introduction – briefly introduce what you are analyzing – what two sets of variables will you be testing?
  2. Hypothesis Test #1 (choose one of your tests)
    1. State your H1 and H0
    2. What is the test statistic?
    3. What is the critical value and what did you use to find it (df, alpha)?
    4. What is your decision about the null hypothesis?
    5. Interpret in everyday words what is going on with your variables?
  3. If you do a second test, follow the same format: Hypothesis Test #2 (use a different test) You may choose to skip this second test or you can do it and earn extra points – it’s OPTIONAL!
    1. State your H1 and H0
    2. What is the test statistic?
    3. What is the critical value and what did you use to find it (df, alpha)?
    4. What is your decision about the null hypothesis?
    5. Interpret in everyday words what is going on with your variables?
  4. Conclusions – a brief summary of what you learned and how it might inform us about people and society.
  5. Appendix – attach the pdfs of your hypothesis tests.

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. Kenyatta University Probability and Statistics II Questions


I’m working on a probability question and need guidance to help me understand better.

Describe the sample space and all 16 events for a trial in which two coins are thrown and each shows
either a head or a tail.

A fair coin is tossed, and a fair die is thrown. Write down sample spaces for
(a) the toss of the coin;
(b) the throw of the die;
(c) the combination of these experiments.
Let A be the event that a head is tossed, and B be the event that an odd number is thrown. Directly
from the sample space, calculate P(A ∩ B) and P(A ∪ B)

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. Northern Virginia Community College Biostatistics Questions


Help me study for my Statistics class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

I have attached the questions below, i just need help and explanation on how to solve these.

See attached image for question #1

2) Use the information from problem 1. Perform a complete test of the hypothesis that the population
correlation coefficient (ρ) is 0. Show all steps (note – obviously this should be a one sided test! Make sure you
know why!).

3) Now let’s assume you wanted to predict weights from heights. In other words, now let’s use the same data
from problem (1) and do a regression instead.

(a) Calculate b0 and b1.

(b) Carefully draw your least square regression line on the plot you made in 1(a). (Don’t just “sketch”,
be a little careful).


(a) Now do a significance test of H0: β1 = 0. Show all your calculations (including your residual
calculations). Again, note that this should be a one sided test (why?).

(b) Compare your t
from 4(a) with your t
from problem 2. Are they the same? This is not a coincidence,
although once you do more complicated analyses, you can’t rely on this “equivalence”.

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. MATH – Algebra exercise


This is an easy exercise in math and I need someone to help me with

Section 1.1 + 1.2 + 1.3

Also, I’m searching for someone who can help me with the whole semester, if you were good enough at this assignment I will do the rest of the work with you, I will be your customer.

Read homework directions carefully. If directions state technology should be used or that technology formulas should be written those parts may be skipped as you are not required to have a graphing calculator for this course. Any graphing should be done by hand using a well-labeled coordinate grid.

**Don’t forget your heading and to show ALL work per problem to earn credit. Use of computer programs like Microsoft Excel or graphing calculator shortcuts are not permitted

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. SWC IQR Distribution Worksheet


Progress Check

Use this activity to assess whether you and your peers can:

  • Use a five-number summary and a boxplot to describe a distribution.
  • Recognize the median as the center between two equally-sized groups within a distribution of data.
  • Use the IQR to describe the spread for the middle 50% of a data set.
  • Recognize the limitations of a boxplot.


Here is a boxplot for a distribution of data.boxplot


  1. Calculate the IQR for the boxplot shown.
  2. Make up a data set (n = 10) that has the same minimum value, same median, and same maximum value, but a larger IQR than the boxplot shown. List your data set and then describe your strategy.
  3. Make up another data set (n = 10) that has the same minimum value, same median, and same maximum value, but a smaller IQR than the boxplot shown. List your data set and then describe your strategy.

Mathematics Homework Help