Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. Florida State University Run Linear Multiple Regression with DV Worksheet


  1. Regression Practice—Excel [Data–Data Analysis-Select Regression from Dialogue box]
  2. Anova Practice in Excel (Data-Data Analysis- Select One Way ANOVA –Single Factor in dialogue box)
  1. Please enter the following data into an Excel spreadsheet. Note make sure that you have Data Analysis Tool Pak Installed (Tools -Insert-Excel Add-ins-(click to select Data Analysis ToolPak) my version of Excel for Mac version 16.48 Microsoft 365 Subscription). If you have older versions of Excel see page 108 of Chapter 19 Excel User’s Guide, Section Loading the Data Analysis ToolPak page 108 in Exercising Essential Statistics(electronic version), if not try Help-how to install Add-ins)
  2. Run linear multiple regression with DV=EnvironSpend and IV= PopDensity and EmployGrRate

Data: Environmental Spending

City ID




















































Variable definitions

City ID==identification code for city

EnivronSpend=Environmental Spending=percent of annual total spending on environmental protection/concerns

PopDensity=population density=number of people per square mile)

EmployGrRate= growth rate in manufacturing employment (past 5 years)

Note: Read Chapter 19 Excel User’s Guide Section on Regression for guidance in Exercising Essential Statistics.

C. Paste output here:

Interpret results. What does it mean ?

R-Square____ Interpretation______________

Which coefficients are statistically significant and different from zero at the 5% level (Hint: p value)?


Coefficient for PopDensity________________________

Coefficient for EmployGrRate_______________________

How do you visually check if the assumption of homoscedasticity is violated or not? What

scatter pattern should be visible if homoscedasticity is present (random or clear pattern)

Municipal authorities in a city are organizing a water conservation cmapaccign to educate residents to conserve water. The city officials want to know the effectiveness of different educational materials—a flyers(residential area 1, flyers and in TV ad(residential area 2), and just a TV ad(residential area 3). After the instruments are deployed, residents in each of the samples from the three areas are drawned and the respondents tested to gauge their awareness of the need for water conservations. A 10-point scale is uses with a score of 10 corresponding to the highest level of awareness and a score of 0 to the lowest level of awareness.

  1. Enter the following data into an Excel spreadsheet

Area 1 Area 2 Area 3

5 8 6

6 7 3

2 9 5

5 5 7

8 6 8

9 7 5

10 7 7

4 8 4

5 6 3

7 8 6

B. Run Anova single Factor in Excel with alpha =.05

What is the F statistic?

What is the p-value at 5 % level?

Is the Null hypothesis that the means of the three groups ranking of effectiveness of particular educational instruments to increase water conservation awareness accepted (means the same) accepted or rejected?

c Now rerun ANOVA and change the alpha value to .10

What is the F Statistic?

What is the p value at 10% level?

Is the Null hypothesis of same means accepted or rejected?

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. RE 192 Cuymaca College Simple Interest Formula Discussion



Please work out the math questions as related to the following 4 areas:
Questions 1, 2, 3 on “Simple” Interest, not compounded
Questions 4 & 5 on Profit and Loss
Question 6 on Prorations
Question 7 on Capitalization

Please refer to the formulas and examples in the links below and in the “Resources” section below the Modules.
This math problems are no more difficult than what you had in 9th grade Algebra (if you remember) ! And, yes, you may certainly use a calculator and consult with family or friends, have fun. Please Note: Once your assignment is submitted and graded, the grade will be final, no re-submissions will be allowed.

Simple Interest
1. An investor held a 5-year Second Trust Deed (mortgage) which was recently paid in full at 7.2 % interest per annum. If the total interest paid by the borrower was $14,130, what was the original loan amount ?

2. In connection with a personal loan, a borrower paid $100 interest during the first quarter, if the loan amount is $5,000, what is the interest rate ?

3. Albert borrowed $3,800 and signed a straight note with an interest rate of 6.5 % per annum (per year). If he paid $370.50 interest during the life of the loan, how long was the term of the loan ?

Profit & Loss
4. Mr. Jones realized a loss of 8 % when he sold his vacant land in the desert for $142,600. What did he originally pay for the property ? Read the Profit & Loss examples.

5. A 2-bedroom condo gained a profit of 12 % when it sold for $385,000. What was the original price paid for the condo ? Read the Profit & Loss examples.

6. Seller sold her 8-unit apartment building to a buyer and the deal closed on the 13th of the month. She already collected $13,800 in rent, plus $1,725 in back rent for the previous month from a tenant. How much does the seller owe the buyer at closing for the prorated rental payments ?

Capitalization (is the method of converting income into value). Also note: when the cap rate goes up, the value of the property goes down.
7. A property is valued at $600,000 using a capitalization rate of 8 %. If the appraiser happened to use a capitalization rate of 7.5 % instead, what would the new estimated value of the property ? Use the capitalization formula below. Important hint: to get this correct, you need to figure out the annual income first (on the 8% rate).



Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. DUC Inventory List Teaching Schedule & Beta Manufacturing Worksheet


I’m working on a mathematics multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me study.

This is an introduction to excel spreadsheets course. I need this week’s assignments to be completed on the person’s website. It is chapter 12 and other assignments for the week . There are step-by-step tutorials for the assignments. The work will be done on the pearson website.

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. Harvard Ways Analysts Assess the Performance of A Model Statistics Questions


Hi, the following is a mock examination paper which I require the full set of solutions to.

I need you to explain each step of the solutions you provide, including relevant formulae, calculations and methods, using only the resources and methods I provide you with (Data Pack Final folder).

It is essential that you review the ‘Data Pack Final’ folder which is in the following Google Drive link.

In that folder you will find a word document named IMPORTANT INFORMATION. This document explains everything in the data pack.

Please contact me should you require any other information.

Please only bid if you are confident you can fully complete my requests.

Thank you.

Mathematics Homework Help