Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. MATH University of California Los Angeles Calculus Series Questions


4. Give an example of each of the following, or argue that such a request is impossible.

(a) A sequence that does not contain 0 or 1 as a term but contains subsequences

converging to each of these values.

(b) A monotone sequence that diverges but has a convergent subsequence.

(c) A sequence that contains subsequences converging to every point in the innite set

1; 1

2 ; 1

3 ; 1

4 ; : : :


(d) An unbounded sequence with a convergent subsequence.

(e) A sequence that has a subsequence that is bounded but contains no subsequence

that converges.

6. Let (xn) be a Cauchy sequence. Show that the sequence (x2021

n ) converges.

7. Let (xn) be a bounded sequence in R. Given N 2 N, we dene the sequences uN and

vN as follows:

uN := supfxn : n Ng = supfxN; xN+1; xN+2; xN+3; : : :g

vN := inffxn : n Ng = inffxN; xN+1; xN+2; xN+3; : : :g:

(a) Prove that the sequences fuNg and fvNg converge as N ! 1.

We introduce the following notations:

lim sup


xn := lim


uN = lim


supfxn : n Ng;

lim inf


xn := lim


vN = lim


inffxn : n Ng:

Whilst the original sequence (xn) may or may not converge, the lim sup and lim inf

always converge (i.e. are always well-dened) if (xn) is bounded.

(b) Let’s rst do an example. Let xn = ( 1)n + 1

n. Does xn converge? Find supfxn :

n 2 Ng and inffxn : n 2 Ng. Given N 2 N, nd the sequences uN, vN, and

compute lim sup xn and lim inf xn. Show that there are subsequences of (xn) which

converge to lim sup xn and lim inf xn, respectively. Does lim inf xn = sup xn? What

about lim inf and inf?

(c) Show that, in general, there exists a subsequence (xnk) such that lim


xnk = lim sup



and likewise, there is a subsequence (xn`) such that lim


xn` = lim inf



Hint: argue similar to Q1 (b) above.

(d) Prove that we always have lim inf


xn lim sup


xn. Provide an example to show

that the inequality can be strict.

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. Statistics Homework Help at a Specific Time


Hello! I am looking to hire for a task that is 8 questions and only 1 hour long. However, the timing is specific. The task starts at 6pm EST (Washington DC time). The assignment is given through Canvas. You would go there, go to the assignment, I would give you an access code a few minutes before 6pm, you would enter it, then complete the questions asked under the assignment within the Statistics class. Once you begin, you will have 1 hour to complete.

There is nothing to be done until later today before the assignment starts.

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. MA 235 CUNY Lehman College Wk 4 Computations for Cousin Children Discussion


This week’s bulletin board involves a computation. Reply with answers here

My cousin has 3 children, ages 2, 5, & 8. Compute the mean, range and standard deviation for the children. My niece also has 3 children. Their ages are 10, 4, & 1. Compute the mean, range and standard deviation for these children.

Draw at least one conclusion from these results. Write a statement about your findings.

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. Business Research (Applied Research)


Details are in attachment file. There are 2 parts in this assignment. For part 1, there’s SPSS data outputs that help you solve each questions. For part 2, you need to solve by hand only for each questions with statistic data.

Just make sure that you need to solve part 1 by computer(word), part 2 by hand written(take a picture of hand writing and paste to word file)

Mathematics Homework Help