Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. HSA 305 Strayer University Lithonia Campus Marketing Plan Worksheet



In this assignment you will conduct primary market research that will inform your marketing plans.


You are now ready to learn more about the business, refining and researching the central questions or areas you identified in your engagement letter and more. You will need to understand factors including the service, geographic area, customers, competition, and pricing. Your findings will inform your marketing plan.


  1. Define your central research area/questions. What questions should you be asking? How and where should you spend your efforts?
  2. Identify resources that will likely help you answer your questions.
  3. Download and review the Market Research Template [DOCX]. You will use it to complete this assignment.
  4. [Optional] Download and review the Market Research Ideas and Concept Sheet [DOCX]. Use it as a way to focus your thoughts as you begin your research. It is not to be turned in.


Conduct your primary market research and document using the Market Research Template. The completed document should do the following:

  • Define the research problem or challenge. (It should state the elements, questions, or problems that your research is designed to resolve)
  • Summarize your overall research approach, focus, and methodology (How will you obtain the information/data).
  • Present data (and its sources) that support answers to your main research questions and stated challenges in an effective manner. It should minimally include data on:
    • The 4 P’s of Marketing.
      • Product (in this case, service).
      • Price.
      • Placement.
      • Promotion.
    • Competitors.
      • Number, services, location, market share, etc.
    • Customers.
      • Demographics, location, income, education, etc.
  • Synthesize your research: Describe and prioritize two or three research conclusions that will likely guide your marketing plans. Make sure to highlight and summarize pertinent information from your sources that support your conclusions.

Additional Requirements

  • Resources: Cite 6–8 sources used in your research. Choose sources that are credible and relevant.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Conduct market research to inform marketing strategy and planning.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. IM 101 Caribbean Maritime University Managerial Decision Making Case Study


This question is based on a case study provided below. Please cite sources used to answer the questions where applicable. Submit in APA format, font size 12, Times New Roman and doubled space.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. EDF 6607 University of North Florida Education Beyond the School Walls Essay


Assignment: Essay on Researching Education Beyond the School Walls.

1,750-2,000 words (approximately 7-8 pages excluding cover page and references). You will be writing about how 2 of the resources you will research are relevant to you. After you have finished reading the Rethinking Media book, select one a website from Resources section of the book (pp. 313-315) and one from the additional resources on Canvas (below). Write a paper in which you describe the usefulness to educators of the websites you review. Begin with a very brief (a few lines) introduction that lets us know your professional context. Then justify why you picked the sites you chose as the most relevant to you professionally. (This means that you will have give at least a cursory look to all the sites. Do not just choose sites beginning with the letter “A” because you see them first!) Write a 1-2 paragraph summary of each site that highlights the major area(s) covered, followed by a 1-2 paragraph reaction to the website, and a 1-2 paragraph statement of the possible implications of knowing about site this for your work, present or future. Aside from the introduction and conclusion, headings should be the names of the sites, subheadings should be summary, reaction and implications. Feel free to include references back to class readings. Reference information must be in APA (6th ed.) and included on a separate reference page. You are welcome to submit your essay early if you wish. (Don’t wait until the last minute.) Essay submission will be closed after the due date. Please look at the calendar of events for more details. Please reach out ahead of time if you have questions. Your first submission is your final submission so please proofread! Here is the rubric that I will use to grade


Resources to choose from (not including those listed in the book)

https://socialjusticebooks.org/guide-for-selecting-anti-bias-childrens-books/ (Links to an external site.)

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Impact of Marketing Strategies in Healthcare Systems Discussion


Getting Started

Doctor sitting at a table speaking with patient

This assignment investigates the central role of physicians both as service providers and as intrinsic organizational assets.

Upon successful completion of the course material, you will be able to:

  • Describe the central role of physicians in healthcare and the function of marketing in physician relations.
  • Discuss the utility of social networking and communication media in promoting the values and goals of the healthcare institution.


  • Textbook: Healthcare Marketing: A Case Study Approach

Background Information

Physicians are a driving factor in healthcare. Virtually all healthcare services are delivered under the authority or direction of a physician. Moreover, as a profession, medicine is self-regulating. What comprises the qualifications to become and remain a physician is determined by physicians in the form of state health authorities, medical societies, and accrediting organizations.

Physicians can represent the value offered by a hospital. Who would not want to be treated by a renowned expert? Physicians also are a primary source of business, either as the reason a patient chooses a facility or because they refer patients to a service venue.

Physicians can impact policy and regulation, business decisions, and organizational income. As such, this group represents a critical constituency for healthcare marketing activities. The centrality of this can be reinforced by reviewing recruitment advertisements for hospital CEOs, which often list “physician relations” skills as a core requirement.


  1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
  2. In the textbook, Healthcare Marketing: A Case Study Approach, read Chapter 5 which includes the “Case Study: Physicians’ Imaging Center” at the start of the chapter.
  3. Write a one or two page paper that answers one of the following questions at the end of Chapter 5:
    1. Chapter Exercise 1: Carl, the physicians, and the imaging machine
    2. Chapter Exercise 2: An excellent reputation

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Concordia University Law Concerning Due Process Discussion


Is due process required prior to an afterschool detention? Why or why not? You must support your position with examples from case law, the U.S. Constitution, or other readings.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Colorado State University Net Present Value Formula Discussion Paper


Option #1: NPV for 5-Year Project

For this exercise, you need to calculate the NPV for a project described below. Make sure you study the “Numeric Models: Profit/Profitability” section in Chapter 2 of the textbook before trying to solve the problem. You are the manager of a construction company with a five-year project that has a projected net cash flow of $25,000, $35,000, $45,000, $20,000 and $15,000. Implementation costs are $50,000. The company has a required rate of return of 20%. Compute the discounted cash flow and determine the NPV. Include your calculations in an appendix after the references page. Include information on what projected net cash flow, discounted cash flow and NPV are, why they are useful in project selection, and, given the numbers, if this example project meets the company requirements, and why or why not

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. designing an office space for a dentist. Space requirements will be provided


This assignment will consist of you designing an office space for a dentist. Space requirements will be provided including approximate square footages and recommended arrangements. This project is due at the beginning of Week 11, each week additional items/milestones will be assigned.

Project Program:

You are designing a dental office for one Dentist that will have a full-time receptionist and one part-time dental assistant. The dentist will perform routine dental services and occasional X-ray’s. The Dentist needs a private office for consultations with patients. The dental office shall accommodate six patients in the patient area (6 operatories). A space should be provided for the sterilization of medical equipment and an additional space is required for the processing of lab work. A small break room should also be provided for staff for personal storage and small meal preparation. The receptionist needs a desk and quick access to medical files. Two Handicap accessible restrooms should also be provided for staff and patient usage. Storage should also be provided for misc. items.

Required spaces and approximate square footages:

  1. Foyer/Entry Square Footage Not Specified
  2. Reception and Waiting area ~315 Square Feet
  3. Dentist Office ~90 Square Feet
  4. (2) Restrooms ADA Accessible
  5. X-ray Room ~50 Square Feet
  6. Lab Room ~50 Square Feet
  7. Sterilization Room ~75 Square Feet
  8. (6) Operatories ~100 Square Feet (Each)
  9. Mechanical Room ~50 Square Feet
  10. Storage Room ~50 Square Feet
  11. Consultation Room ~50 Square Feet

Project requirements:

  1. Exterior Walls shall be 8”
  2. Interior walls shall be 4”
  3. Plumbing walls shall be 6”
  4. Place all doors and windows with appropriate door and window tags
  5. Add equipment and fixtures (you may use blocks from the example file)
  6. Add room names and numbers
  7. Place items on correct layers (per the attached layer guidelines)
  8. Be sure to use the provided project template
  9. Use the reference file as a guide

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. autocad designing an office space for a dentist. Space requirements will be provided


This assignment will consist of you designing an office space for a dentist. Space requirements will be provided including approximate square footages and recommended arrangements. This project is due at the beginning of Week 11, each week additional items/milestones will be assigned.

Project Program:

You are designing a dental office for one Dentist that will have a full-time receptionist and one part-time dental assistant. The dentist will perform routine dental services and occasional X-ray’s. The Dentist needs a private office for consultations with patients. The dental office shall accommodate six patients in the patient area (6 operatories). A space should be provided for the sterilization of medical equipment and an additional space is required for the processing of lab work. A small break room should also be provided for staff for personal storage and small meal preparation. The receptionist needs a desk and quick access to medical files. Two Handicap accessible restrooms should also be provided for staff and patient usage. Storage should also be provided for misc. items.

Required spaces and approximate square footages:

  1. Foyer/Entry Square Footage Not Specified
  2. Reception and Waiting area ~315 Square Feet
  3. Dentist Office ~90 Square Feet
  4. (2) Restrooms ADA Accessible
  5. X-ray Room ~50 Square Feet
  6. Lab Room ~50 Square Feet
  7. Sterilization Room ~75 Square Feet
  8. (6) Operatories ~100 Square Feet (Each)
  9. Mechanical Room ~50 Square Feet
  10. Storage Room ~50 Square Feet
  11. Consultation Room ~50 Square Feet

Project requirements:

  1. Exterior Walls shall be 8”
  2. Interior walls shall be 4”
  3. Plumbing walls shall be 6”
  4. Place all doors and windows with appropriate door and window tags
  5. Add equipment and fixtures (you may use blocks from the example file)
  6. Add room names and numbers
  7. Place items on correct layers (per the attached layer guidelines)
  8. Be sure to use the provided project template
  9. Use the reference file as a guide
  10. https://drive.google.com/file/d/12YnDj49yoKx0TVC7g…
  11. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JKqmMUbt_y9L5oWzi…

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Personal Music Perception Reflective Essay


Objective: To better understand how music reflects personal and social identities of an individual or group.

Requirements: Write an essay (minimum two pages) discussing a particular song or composition that you feel best expresses your personal and social identity.

Tell me about you, your major, your passions/hobbies


Music is a manifestation of the personal and social identities of an individual or group. The function of the music, the structure of it, the context in which it is performed, etc., all reflect the cultural environment that surrounds a musical performance and indicate significant values of the people who create it. Recognizing and understanding how music reflects the identity of a community is an important means of “getting to know” other people and how music expresses who they are.

I want to get to know you and discover what music says about who you are. I assume that you consider music an important element of your life. Undoubtedly, most of you listen to many kinds of music, i.e., classical, rock, rap, gamelan. Your task is to choose one example of music that you feel best expresses the many facets of you. This might prove more difficult than you think if you put some thought into it. Don’t tell me what music means to you, explain how the example you have chosen represents who you are. For example, as an American, what one example would you choose to reflect your “American” identity? Does Rap define who we are? Johnny Cash? Norah Jones? Ray Charles? Does the music of Mozart and Beethoven represent us, even though its origin is European? How about Jazz? What kind of Jazz? Which composer and from what era? Defining “American” identity through one example of music is impossible, yet in this class (and others) we only have time to focus on a few examples from countries often much larger than the USA and with histories much older than our 225+ years of existence as a nation. Yet, through just a few music examples the spiritual beliefs, political philosophies, attitudes and activities of many aspects of life are revealed. We are able to learn something about the people of other cultures and gain a greater understanding of who they are. So, ask yourself some questions: What music do I like to listen to? What music do I like to perform? Why? How does this music reflect me personally, my philosophy of life, my goals and desires, my spiritual beliefs, my personal history and life experiences? How does this example reflect my social identity, i.e., the friends I have, the organizations I belong to, the activities I participate in, etc.? Start with some of these questions and soon you’ll think of more. Then pick ONE example that says it all (or as much as it can) and tell me about it and why you picked it. I’m looking forward to getting to know you better.

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