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Other Homework Help. Voorhees College Job Career Choice in Computer Science Field Research Paper


Write a 5 – 8 page paper on your career choice. Include at least five (5) distinct, quality references in proper APA 6th edition formatting, title page, abstract and reference page are not included in your page count.

“My field of study is Computer Science. I am focusing on Cyber Security and I would like to become a Penetration or a Vulnerability Tester.”

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Other Homework Help. Benefits of Breastfeeding Versus Formula Fed



The Title Page/Abstract assignment is due Week. Students will submit their title page and abstract in preparation for their Final Research Paper. This assignment should be submitted in one Word document (2 total pages: Title page and Abstract). This assignment should follow strict APA 7th Edition guidelines.

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Other Homework Help. Marketing Strategies Question


Assignment Content

  1. This week you set up a website for your MBA Program Assessment digital portfolio. Your website/digital portfolio will include artifacts (signature assignments) from each of your core courses to demonstrate your learning in the MBA program. This digital portfolio is something you can use in interviews as you take the next steps in your career.
    This week you only need to create a webpage for this class, post your short introduction biography on the site, and create pages for the core program courses where you can upload your artifacts throughout the term. In week 8, you submit your completed MBA Program Portfolio & Assessment.

    1. create your website (see details on how to do this below);
    2. submit your assignment.
    Step 1: Create Your Website
    1. Select and set up your website using Wix or Google Sites. Your website must be viewable by me.
    2. Name your website: “Your Name’s MBA Program Portfolio”.
    3. Include images and backgrounds that emphasize your focus but be careful that these are not too distracting. Your website should represent you as a business professional.
    4. Create the following pages on your website. You should have one page for each core MBA course and a biography page:
    5. Biography – Add a short biography, as the author of the site.
    6. Organizational Behavior & Theory
    7. Value Systems & Professional Ethics
    8. Strategic Marketing
    9. Managerial Economics
    10. Managerial Finance
    11. Management Information Systems
    12. Management Accounting
    Step 2: Submit Your Assignment
    1. Take a screenshot of your introduction biography page (directions for taking a screenshot on any device). Include your website’s header that shows the name and the menu that shows the pages.
    2. Insert your screenshot into a Word document and include the hyperlink to your website in the document. Make sure I can view your site.
    3. Click the “MBA Program Assessment: Set-up Your Digital Portfolio” link in week 1.
    4. Use the “Browse Computer” option to select your Word document. Make sure that your document includes the link to your website and a screenshot of your introduction biography page.

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Other Homework Help. University of Maryland Compute the Units Sold for Poseidon Swim Company Questions


The Poseidon Swim Company produces swim trunks. The average selling price for one of their swim trunks is $84.31. The variable cost per unit is $20.49, Poseidon Swim has average fixed costs per year of $9,277. Assume that current level of sales is 427 units. What will be the resulting percentage change in EBIT if they expect units sold to changes by 8.8 percent?

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Other Homework Help. Psy 241 Isothermal Community College Heredity Discussion



A lot of information we have learned in this last chapter applies to my life. Heredity is passing on physical or mental traits from one generation to the next. For example, my mom has hazel eyes and so those genes got passed down to me. Both of my parents have freckles; therefore, the chance of me getting freckles were extremely high and that gene also got passed down to me. I also received my moms work ethic by watching her as I have been getting older; I want to see things to completion and I want to do good on those tasks. I received the chromosomes XX because I am a girl; if I was a boy then I would have received the XY chromosomes. I have a couple of the recessive traits that the textbook mentioned; I have straight hair and I am nearsighted. I find it absolutely crazy that there are a lot of sperm being released but only a few reach the egg and survive. Thats means that out of the many that tried to reach the egg but failed, me and you reached the egg against the odds. I was actually a premature baby and I did not realize there were so many risks for premature birth. I am not affected by me being born early now but I did have some trouble when I was first born and had to be hooked up to cords and could not go home for a little while. My mom had a c-section with me because I was 3-4 weeks early. Even though I was a premature baby, I did not have what is considered a low birth weight (5 pounds and 8 ounces). My oldest brother was born through an actual birth and he was bleeding on the inside when he was touched but the doctors did not know what was wrong with him. The same thing happened with my next brother and then me but they were prepared for it by the time they got to me because they had dealt with my brothers. 

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Other Homework Help. West Virginia University Stigma for Epilepsy Reflection


Read the document and once you are finished please answer the following in a reflective writing.  

1.  From the standpoint of your specific discipline, is there anything you could offer this family?  Think of all family members.

2.   What other interventions or supports would help this family? Again, think of all family members.

3.  Discuss how much of a stigma remains related to the word epilepsy.  Do you think society is more accepting of calling it a seizure disorder instead?

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Other Homework Help. HCC MOD 3 Two Dance Forms Pagan Fertility Rite Ritual Essay


I’m working on a other writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Watch “Lord of the Dance”

After watching the Unit 2 video, answer the following questions in essay format. Essay must be 250-300 words.

Describe two of the dance forms from the film.

Include details such as: geographic location, ethnicity/ gender/ age of performers, religion, costuming, music, type of movement, reasons for performing the dance and or ritual.

What dance form did you find most interesting and why?

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Other Homework Help. Keystone College The 1940s Iconic Photos Essay


Find two different iconic or historically significant photographs that you would like to recreate. One photo should be from before 1940, and the other one should be from the period 1940 to the present. Try to choose two different types of photos: landscape, war photograph, portrait, street scene, or still life, for example. Choose subjects that you can find a way, even if it is very creative, to recreate.

Next you will research each of the two photographs. Find out who took the photo, where it was taken, when it was taken, how they mechanically produced the photograph, and what the photographer’s motivation was for each. Write two one-page essays—one about each photo. Your essays should cover the following:

  • a brief description of the photographer and their body of work.
  • the technology used to make the photo
  • how the photograph represents a work of art
  • how the style of the photo fits in with the historical trends in photography at the time it was made.

Finally, find people, places, and things that resemble what is shown in the photo. Use your camera to experiment and try to come up with a photograph that is as close as possible to the original. Look at the lighting and try to replicate what the original photographer did. Also, look at the shapes and make them similar. Perhaps you can have a friend pose for a portrait or pretend to be a famous athlete to make your photo recreation. Have fun, but work at it until you have something that can sit side-by-side with the original and be obvious that it is a “copy.”

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Other Homework Help. Keystone College Photography Through the Ages Essay


Developing a keen understanding about our history can be immensely helpful in moving into our future with purpose. And this notion often applies to all aspects of life, including our career or areas of study.

As your current area of study is photography and you’re already starting to develop an understanding of the history and development of this creative art form, this is the perfect opportunity to dive a bit deeper and explore a variety of subjects, photographic styles, themes, and trends, both historical and contemporary.

To present all of the information you will be researching online into an organized and relevant format, you will be creating a highly visual timeline of ‘Photography Through the Ages.’

Let’s start with the specifics about what you will need to research and include on your timeline:

  • At least three different historical periods in time to examine and explore in terms of art and photography as well as our current time period (you will therefore research four time periods in total).
  • For each historical period that you choose, as well as the current time period:
    • Explore and identify at least one artistic theme associated with this period
    • Explore and identify at least one artistic trend associated with this period
    • Explore and identify the most popular or relevant photographic styles used during this period
    • Explore and identify the most popular or frequently photographed subjects during this period

Now for the fun part! Your timeline should feature more images, graphics, and visual components than text. While you will certainly need to include text to further explain the images that you include and the research that you do, you want your timeline to ultimately appear as a beautiful work of art—a visual exploration through the history of photography and art in general. This timeline can be created using any program you wish, or feel free to use actual paper and pencil and submit several images of your timeline so your instructor can easily make out the details of your entire assignment.

Beyond these guidelines, the only other bit of guidance that can be offered is to be creative and have fun! Remember to save this lab, as well as the images you use for it, in a folder clearly labelled “U3 Lab,” as you may want to access it again later for your final project.

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