Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Grand Canyon University English Language Learners Essay


The most effective strategies, approaches, and methods for teaching ELLs are supported by language acquisition theories. English language acquisition can be promoted by understanding language as an interconnected system and by integrating the discourse and rhetorical structures of ELLs within instruction.

For this assignment, you will devise a language game or communication activity informed by language acquisition theory that integrates listening, speaking, reading, and writing for a grade level within grades K-8.

For your chosen grade level, select a content standard from the Arizona Academic Standards and a corresponding standard from the Arizona English Language Proficiency (ELP) to be aligned with the game or activity. Create at least one learning objective for your game or activity that is aligned with your chosen academic and ELP standards.

Within a 500-750  word submission, include the following:

  1. The academic and ELP standards as well as the learning objective(s) to be addressed within your game or activity
  2. An explanation of the game or activity and how it would be carried out in an educational setting
  3. A list of the materials needed for your game or activity
  4. A brief description of at least one language acquisition theory and how it informed the design of your game or activity
  5. A brief definition of phonetics, phonology, morphology, lexicon, semantics, syntax, and pragmatics. Additionally, include a description of how each of these elements relate to the verbal and written exercises within your game or activity.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. HCC MOD 2 Sex and Social Courtship Dance Essay


I’m working on a other writing question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

Watch “Sex and Social Dance”

After watching the video, answer the following questions in essay format. Essay must be 250-300 words.

What is a courtship or ‘coupling’ dance? Give an example from the film and describe the dance.

In which culture is the larger group more important than the nuclear family? How is this value demonstrated through their dance?

In which culture do men and women traditionally dance separately? Why is this done?

In which of the dance styles are gender roles not clearly defined?

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Need to make a Resume. please offer me only if you are an expert in resumes


Is there anyone who is an expert on resumes? i have to make my resume to apply for a job so if anyone can help me please feel free to offer. please offer me if anyone is an expert on resumes. please only offer if you are in an expert. thank you.

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Rassmussen College Digital Photography Previsualization Worksheet


In this assignment you will demonstrate ability to pre – visualize your images. Photographers may or may not have a prewritten shot list, but they almost always have some idea how and where to be in order to capture an image, whatever the assignment. Previsualizing compositions is a key to success not only in photography, but in every field of graphic design.

Skill in previsualization comes with experience, and that experience comes with the use of compositional and framing techniques and an understanding of points of view.


You are the head photographer at a local newspaper, and the editor requests photographs for an upcoming 4th of July Parade. She wants to publish the photographs with an up-lifting community-focused story. She is requesting photographs that focus on family and local business/government interaction with the community.

She wants at least:

  • one overall wide shot of the parade
  • one medium shot
  • one close-up

The parade will typically feature the high school’s marching band, the mayor riding on the back of a convertible, state pageant winners performing their best princess waves, local sports teams throwing candy to children, community-made floats, local non-profits with large banners walking down main street, clowns riding unicycles, and decorated military marching.

There will be spectators with lawn chairs, flags, pets, and children playing. Food vendors will line the downtown’s main street serving BBQ and hotdogs, ice cream, and snow cones.

Can you envision a Fourth of July parade in your mind? Can you imagine all of the people and activities both in the parade and those watching the parade?

Now visualize the photographs that should be taken for your assignment. For each of the three types of photographs you know you’ll have to take, what subject would be the most important to capture and WHY?

The Assignment:

Provide a list of 6 specific photos—two (2) for each of the wide, medium, and closeup images which are needed for the article—that you would shoot to fulfill the assignment. What would you look for as the foreground subject? What would be in the background? What would be the point of view?

List your 6 photo ideas in a Word document, with a two or three sentence description of the type of image (wide, medium, close-up), your camera’s point of view, how you imagine you’d compose it (don’t simply say you’d use the rule-of-thirds; be more specific), and why this would be a strong image for the article. Include a cover page with your name, the assignment name, and the course.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. RU Digital Photography Main Functions of The Background Analysis


In this assignment, through both shooting photos and writing about them, you will explore the effects of the background on emphasizing the subject.

You’ll want to pick a subject that you can move from one location to another.

  • Photograph an object in front of a white or bright background.
  • Photograph the same object in front of a black or dark background.
  • Photograph that same object in front of a busy background.
  • Take several images of each setup; ‘work the subject’

Try to keep the lighting conditions similar. If the key light (either indoors or outdoors) is coming from the right side in the first shot, make sure it comes from the right side in the others.)

Left: bright background; Right: busy background

Examine how the different backgrounds affect the emphasis of your object.

Choose your best image from each background; they should be similar in point of view and lighting. In Photoshop, size each image (Image > Image Size) to 72ppi and around 800 pixels wide. In a Word document, paste in your best image from each background. All three images should fit on a single page. (Adjust the size slightly in Word, if necessary, to make them fit.)

On the second page, explain, in a few paragraphs, what you observe the differences are among the 3 photographs and identify which background was most successful for your object and why.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. One Picture: Critical Inquiry Response #1


Choose one photograph to write about from the presentation


and recorded presentation.

Write 250-500 words (full or half page) in which you identify the photographer, title of image, and any points of interest which draws you to pick this particular photograph. I would like to hear what it is that you find significant or interesting about the image, talking about light and composition in terms which were discussed in the previous Looking at Photographs lecture and conversation. Express your point of view as to why this image is impactful and even how it relates to broader concerns or issues of the time in which it was made, or how it relates to our current time and perspective. This short essay is meant to be a personal expression of your interest in the photograph and there are no wrong answers to be concerned about, since it is based on how you feel.

Use standard spelling, grammar, punctuation and structure which is appropriate to this college-level course. No specific “styles” or citations are necessary, just your own expression and explanation of your personal interest in the image.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. SPC 2608 ASCC Why Oceans Matter Persuasive Speech


The persuasive speech is your final major speech! You can find specifics on persuasive speaking in chapter 13. Here, the goal is to build upon the information shared in the last speech, with a direct call to action for your audience. In short, you want them to do something and in this speech, you’re telling them what to do and why. You will provide a 5-9 minute speech where you provide a persuasive appeal related to your topic (note that this speech is longer than the informative). You must cite at least three (3) academic/scholarly sources in your speech. You may need to do further research beyond your chart last week (as is common as you further develop your specific purpose in speaking). 

A few helpful hints: 

  • Remember, this speech requires research as support–not just personal testimony. Your research must be scholarly in nature. Both speeches must use different sources (you can re-cite sources, but they do not count towards your source requirement for that speech). Be sure you document sources in both your outline and your speech. See the Wagner Citing Sources article for how to cite sources in a speech.
  • Remember to submit your outline to the folder (in this module, below this assignment) as a Microsoft Word Document. You will not submit your outline here. ensuring you use full sentences, clear structure, and cited sources IN the outline (APA in-text citation style) and in an accompanying APA reference list. 
  • In the comment box, you will submit a link to your speech (on YouTube, Vimeo, or another external streaming platform). Note that students who submit a file-copy of their video as an attachment will receive an automatic 25-point deduction. 

Your speech should employ the best practices of public speaking highlights in our textbook. In particular, please be sure you: 

  • Begin with an opening and engaging hook! Don’t give us name (we can see it on your streaming link); don’t ask questions we can’t answer, and don’t beat around the bush! Spend those first few valuable seconds getting our attention!
  • Be sure to give a clear preview (tell us what you will talk about in your speech) right near the beginning of your speech. This can be as simple as “Today, I hope to convince you to participate in some form of social justice activism in the next 12 months” (this would come AFTER you get our attention with that hook). 
  • Make sure your speech has identifiable main points and sub-points–bring that outline to life! And of course, be sure to transition between points so it is clear to us, as the audience, where you are going. 
  • Use sources to support your claims. Please refer to your chart and to the article posted in this module on citing sources aloud–be sure to clearly communicate the details of those sources to help give you speech the credibility it needs!
  • Be sure to let us know a conclusion is coming, too! Something as simple as, “As I start to conclude, I want to again….” This is also a good place to re-insert that thesis or preview (a review statement, where you tell us what you told us in your speech). 
  • End on a definitive note!  Make sure your conclusion is a STRONG one and it is clear you are done. Don’t say “well….that’s it” or “Ok…I’m done.” End, pause, and then turn off the video. 

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. MKT 4468 CUNY Brooklyn College GM Micro Challenge Export Promotion Memo


M7 – GM Micro-Challenge: Crawling w/ Opportunity

Your manager’s memo to you is below. In it your manager is giving you tasks to address regarding international trade. You are not expected to be an expert, just willing and able to use the resources available to develop an accurate response.

Your memo should start with an introduction that reminds the manager what s/he requested you to do. Next, overview the information your manager can expect to find in your memo. After that, respond to each topic you were requested to address in sequence. For each topic, your response should clearly state the question(s) you understood you were to address. Then give a written response to the question that summarizes the source information. Your written response should then be supported with (1) an image that shows the specific source information you used, and (2) a weblink to that source in case your manager wants to seek out additional information. Note: An image does not replace your written response, it only shows the source information used. Finally, you may choose to provide a conclusion to your memo.

Images may be screen clipped to include them. That image should show the name of YOUR COUNTRY/YOUR STATE.

To: You

From: Your Manager

Date: Sept 19, 2021

Subject: Crawling w/ Opportunity

A company in YOUR STATE wants to export dried mealworm powder to YOUR COUNTRY as an edible protein source for human consumption. They have contacted your organization for export assistance. Using dried mealworm powder as an alternative protein source is discussed in the brief article HERE.

The dried mealworm powder is produced, dried, inspected, and packaged for retail sale all in YOUR STATE. Each package costs $2.00.

The firm needs the information below to help them evaluate the requirements involved in exporting this product to YOUR COUNTRY.

In terms of the US’ HS Code for a product of this type, it would be best fit the description of “Other” under “Other, including edible flours and meals of meat or meat offal” which are sub-descriptors of “CHAPTER 2 – MEAT AND EDIBLE MEAT OFFAL.” Thus its Schedule B Number would be 0210.99.0002.

1. Presume it is an eligible product for import into YOUR COUNTRY. Determine the import tariffs and value-added taxes imposed by YOUR COUNTRY for an imported product of this type.

2. While it is not a traditional “meat” product, determine whether there are any extra import documents needed for meat products that the firm should check upon just in case.

3. For “meat” products for retail sale in YOUR COUNTRY, knowing any requirements ahead of time would be critical. This is a heat-treated, shelf-stable product. Overview packaging requirements with regard to the following:

A. Types of packaging required (or allowed)

B. Labeling, especially nutritional labeling

C. Language(s) required

The US Department of Agriculture – Exporting Products website HERE, the US Country Commercial Guide for YOUR COUNTRY HERE,and YOUR COUNTRY’s trade websites may be of assistance.

4. Determine the government agency in YOUR COUNTRY that would provide any approval/certification for a unique “meat” product. Include the contact information for this agency and any relevant personnel, if specific ones can be identified.

5. Identify the US FSIS Inspection Form most likely to be appropriate for such a product. Include the contact information for US Department of Agriculture and a relevant person, if a specific one can be identified.

The US Department of Agriculture – Food Safety and Inspection Service website HERE may be of assistance.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. MKT 4468 Troy University GM Micro Challenge Export Promotion Memorandum


M7 – GM Micro-Challenge: Crawling w/ Opportunity

Your manager’s memo to you is below. In it your manager is giving you tasks to address regarding international trade. You are not expected to be an expert, just willing and able to use the resources available to develop an accurate response.

Your memo should start with an introduction that reminds the manager what s/he requested you to do. Next, overview the information your manager can expect to find in your memo. After that, respond to each topic you were requested to address in sequence. For each topic, your response should clearly state the question(s) you understood you were to address. Then give a written response to the question that summarizes the source information. Your written response should then be supported with (1) an image that shows the specific source information you used, and (2) a weblink to that source in case your manager wants to seek out additional information. Note: An image does not replace your written response, it only shows the source information used. Finally, you may choose to provide a conclusion to your memo.

Images may be screen clipped to include them. That image should show the name of YOUR COUNTRY/YOUR STATE.

To: You

From: Your Manager

Date: Sept 19, 2021

Subject: Crawling w/ Opportunity

A company in YOUR STATE wants to export dried mealworm powder to YOUR COUNTRY as an edible protein source for human consumption. They have contacted your organization for export assistance. Using dried mealworm powder as an alternative protein source is discussed in the brief article HERE.

The dried mealworm powder is produced, dried, inspected, and packaged for retail sale all in YOUR STATE. Each package costs $2.00.

The firm needs the information below to help them evaluate the requirements involved in exporting this product to YOUR COUNTRY.

In terms of the US’ HS Code for a product of this type, it would be best fit the description of “Other” under “Other, including edible flours and meals of meat or meat offal” which are sub-descriptors of “CHAPTER 2 – MEAT AND EDIBLE MEAT OFFAL.” Thus its Schedule B Number would be 0210.99.0002.

1. Presume it is an eligible product for import into YOUR COUNTRY. Determine the import tariffs and value-added taxes imposed by YOUR COUNTRY for an imported product of this type.

2. While it is not a traditional “meat” product, determine whether there are any extra import documents needed for meat products that the firm should check upon just in case.

3. For “meat” products for retail sale in YOUR COUNTRY, knowing any requirements ahead of time would be critical. This is a heat-treated, shelf-stable product. Overview packaging requirements with regard to the following:

A. Types of packaging required (or allowed)

B. Labeling, especially nutritional labeling

C. Language(s) required

The US Department of Agriculture – Exporting Products website HERE, the US Country Commercial Guide for YOUR COUNTRY HERE,and YOUR COUNTRY’s trade websites may be of assistance.

4. Determine the government agency in YOUR COUNTRY that would provide any approval/certification for a unique “meat” product. Include the contact information for this agency and any relevant personnel, if specific ones can be identified.

5. Identify the US FSIS Inspection Form most likely to be appropriate for such a product. Include the contact information for US Department of Agriculture and a relevant person, if a specific one can be identified.

The US Department of Agriculture – Food Safety and Inspection Service website HERE may be of assistance.

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