Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. APUS Periodization Essentials & Innovations in Resistance Training Protocols Essay


LE Brown and M Greenwood, Periodization Essentials and Innovations in Resistance Training Protocols, Strength & Conditioning Journal, 2005, Vol. 27 Issue 4, p80

Once you have read this article, answer the following questions:
1. What is the premise of this article in two to three statements? Relate this to assessment, cycles, and fractal periodization versus linear. 25 points
2. Does this article change the way that you think about periodization training? 12.5 points.
3. Why or why not? Be specific as to why or why not. 12.5 points
4. How will you use the material in this article do help you design your strength training program? 50 points
*Item #4 should include fractal periodization and all specific variables as frequency, volume, intensity, and duration of each training cycle. The ability to address each element will be evaluated at 10 points/element.

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Other Homework Help. RCC Child Labor Multiple Viewpoints Essay


I’m working on a Research & Summaries exercise and need support.

You should have already chosen a topic for your final essay.(mine is child labor) Now, you need to explore the multiple viewpoints associated with that topic. Go to the discussion board and write a brief essay (300 words minimum) summarizing some of the multiple viewpoints associated with that topic (for and against, pro and con). At the end of your essay, present your own opinion on the topic in the form of a thesis statement or arguable claim. (I would like to talk about – negative impacts of child labor) Refer to the previous video lesson on constructing an arguable thesis to help you.

Plausible Objectivity Substantiated

Integrity Effusive Superfluous

Sanction Fabricated Ambiguous

Ambivalent— you have to use some of these words in the essay.

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Other Homework Help. NR 293 Chamberlain College of Nursing Lisinopril Systems Disorder Hypertension Essay


Medication: Lisinopril       Systems disorder: Hypertension 

Write an analysis describing      how the selected medication class relates to the selected systems      disorder.  

300 words minimum.

A strong connection and       correlation are made between the selected medication and disease process.

  • Be prepared to present and/or       submit your templates and analysis.

Fewer than three unique errors       in grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and/or spelling are present.

Information is handwritten and       legible.

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Other Homework Help. DePaul University One Distinguishing factor of Fast Casual Essay


  • sumarize the key points of this TEDTalk
  • -What is one factor that distinguished fast casual from other types of concepts?
  • -What is one interesting point you learned that you want others to know?

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Other Homework Help. University of Maryland Baltimore Adopting a Growth Mindset Discussion


In the discussion topic this week you will share your ideas for adopting a growth mindset in your daily life.

Growth mindset is a concept you can apply in your academics and on the job. It’s also a way to approach day-to-day life. Here are some examples of everyday situations in which you can consciously choose to respond with a growth mindset.

Example 1: Your morning is full of the unexpected. You hit the snooze button too many times, resulting in waking up late for work. As you rush to get out the door to your job, you accidentally spill your coffee and have to take time to clean up the mess. Since you left your home later than usual, traffic is moving at a snail’s pace. A fixed mindset response would be grumbling about your crummy morning. A growth mindset response would be committing to waking up earlier and devising a more effective morning routine.

Example 2: Most people like to be winners, and kids on sports teams are no exception. So when your daughter, who spent tireless hours in the backyard practicing her jump shot, makes 10 out of 15 shots—leading her basketball team in scoring on game day—you can praise her by giving a fixed mindset response or a growth mindset response. A fixed mindset response would be “Great game! You’re a spectacular athlete!” A growth mindset response, by contrast, would be “Great game! Your dedication, practice, and hard work were reflected in your performance tonight.”

In the Discussion forum, share some examples of how you can apply growth mindset in your daily interactions, either in a professional setting or in your academics. If you need help considering an example, you can choose one of the following:

  • How do you handle a new project or task at work, home, or school?
  • How do you embrace working in groups when you prefer to work independently?
  • How would you react to your instructor’s suggestion to incorporate a data component into an assignment for your non-math-related course?
  • What do you do when you don’t understand something that everyone around you seems to have caught onto?

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Other Homework Help. University of Maryland Baltimore Informal Learning Experiences Evaluation Essay


This week’s assignment you will reflect on the strategies that help you learn best and how you plan to apply those strategies to your classwork.

This week we focused on learning, how we are constantly learning new things, how it is beneficial to have a growth mindset approach to learning, and how it is helpful to reflect on our strategies as a learner. As you reflect on these strategies, think about how you previously learned a new skill, subject, or process in an informal setting. When we often think of learning, we focus on formal settings–your high school classroom, an online class you took, military training, or a bootcamp for a certification exam. Informal learning experiences can teach us quite a bit, though. What strategies and approaches did you use in your informal learning experience? How can you apply those to learning new concepts and skills while you’re a student? Even if the university environment is new to you, you come to learning with skills, strengths, and strategies you can draw from to connect new knowledge to what you already know. 

For example, think about how you learned to cook a new dish by following a recipe. Perhaps you first blocked out time to read the recipe all the way through, noting the ingredients and tools you would need to make the dish. When it came time to make the dish, you might have followed the recipe step by step, then asked your partner or a friend to taste it and share his or her opinion. Based on that feedback, you adjusted and customized the recipe. After that, you practiced making the dish several times, adding your own flavors and spices to perfect the recipe to your liking. Once you became familiar with the recipe, you may have progressed to making the dish from memory. 

As a university student, you can apply this same learning process and strategy to your academics. Let’s look at the correlation between the two. When you’re learning a new concept or skill in one of your courses, first, set aside time in your schedule to learn. Next, read about the topic and take notes to deepen your understanding. Practice what you learned, maybe by using flashcards or completing a set of exercises. Next, share what you learned with others, such as your instructor or classmates, to get their feedback on your work and to enhance your learning from their input. Finally, practice a few more times until you can readily transfer what you learned to different contexts. 

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. University of Maryland Baltimore Telecommuting and Teleworking Discussion


Help me study for my class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

A network is a collection of computers and devices connected together. The internet is the world’s largest computer network. This rise in telecommunications and both wired and wireless networks has opened up the possibilities for telecommuting (working typically at home but tethered to the company’s office) and teleworking (working from anywhere using mobile devices and smartphones). Studies have shown that telecommuting can actually increase a company’s productivity. Teleworking, that is, working from anywhere, comes with a potential negative cost – the threat of “always working” and the parallel issue of “always being available or online.”

The two terms (teleworking and telecommuting) are often used interchangeably, although they refer to two different concepts. Here is an example:
Almost all of your instructors are teleworkers. They do not have an office, workspace, or cubicle assigned to them at headquarters in Adelphi or Largo, MD. They very rarely, if ever, actually visit the headquarters. Instead, they work exclusively from personal workspaces (home or at their day job spaces).

On the other hand, staff and administration (with some few exceptions) do have an assigned office, workspace, or cubicle at the Adelphi or Largo locations. They do the majority of their work on site but, if allowed, will occasionally (1 or more days per week) be allowed to work from home or offsite. They are telecommuters if they take advantage of this option to work outside the formal office site.

In your response, reflect upon the following:
1. Would you like to have a job for which you telecommute part of a week or telework (always from a remote site) instead of going in to the office? Why or why not?
2. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages for you as the employee and for the business as the employer in having teleworking or telecommuting an accepted policy?

REMEMBER- every post (New Thread or Reply) must be supported by relevant information. Prove the point you are making by a) citing external research, b) citing readings from the class content, or c) providing examples or personal experiences that are relevant and support your position on the topic. It is always better to begin your reflection on the topic by doing some research/reading, either a) or b) or both, before considering personal experience. This research, reflection and subsequent writing is an essential part of the learning process, framing your personal experience against and alongside more general theories, concepts and writing on the topic.

First paragraph (Consider an informal learning experience that was successful for you. What were you able to learn?)

Second paragraph (What did you do that helped you succeed in your learning? Consider two to three strategies that helped.)

Third paragraph (How would you apply those strategies to your classwork?)

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Other Homework Help. Sales Projection Exercise


I want you to write a paragraph of one page 

Explain the forecasts in the picture including:

1-How their sales will continue, is it declining or increasing, and as it is clear from the graph, it will be increasing explain it 

2-Also expalin everything in the tabels 

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Other Homework Help. Ashford University Strategic Critical & Creative Thinker Analysis


I’m working on a job question and need guidance to help me learn.

I have a resume I need it to be revised change some words take out things, make it sound better. I also would like a cover letter done.

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