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Other Homework Help. LIU Nursing 2020 Memorable Events Discussion


I don’t know how to handle this Scholarship question and need guidance.

2020 was a year to be remembered. What will you remember most about 2020 and why is it important to you? 

Talk about how I start nursing school during the pandemic ect.

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Other Homework Help. Chamberlain College of Nursing Furosemide System Disorder Worksheet


Medication: Furosemide             System disorder: Heart Failure

Write an analysis describing      how the selected medication class relates to the selected systems      disorder. 

300 words minimum.

A strong connection and       correlation are made between the selected medication and disease process.

  • Be prepared to present and/or       submit your templates and analysis.

Fewer than three unique errors       in grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and/or spelling are present.

Information is handwritten and       legible.

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Other Homework Help. University of the District of Columbia Chéri Samba Essay


600-word essay on the artist ,“Chéri Samba” describing their work and if/how their work relates to a grander history of African art. Also, choose one work of art by the artist and not only describe what it looks like, but what it means to you.

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Other Homework Help. Santa Monica College Multinational Organizations Economic Sustainability Paper


Please answer questions thoroughly drawing on course lectures, readings, and films as relevant.Minimum 250 words per question.

Answers must be composed entirely with your own ideas/writing.Cited AND plagiarized portions will NOT be counted towards your grade.Plagiarism policies will also apply.

All submissions must be double-spaced with 12pt Times New Roman font, 1” margins. APA style manual must be used for all in-text citations and references.

Total 20 points (5 points per question)

  1. Analyze the ways in which sustainable banking, green finance, and the worker’s movement portrayed in the film The Take address the problems associated with multinational corporations and their effects on people and environment.Please draw on specific examples from the Week 13 module to support your answer.
  2. Compare and contrast the issues and solutions brought up in the No Logo readings, the film The Clothes We Wear, and the guest lecture by Lululemon Global Director Mr. Daniel Hoon. Please draw on specific examples from the Week 14 module to support your answer.
  3. Outline the key issues in the Week 15 reading “End of the Line” and relate them to key issues discussed by the guest lecturer HNL Med CEO/Founder Mr. John Kim.Please draw on specific examples from the Week 15 module to support your answer.
  4. Discuss at least two important ways in which the ideas and solutions proposed in the two Week 16 module readings might provide solutions to the social, economic, and environmental problems raised in the Week 13-15 Modules (Questions 1-3 above).

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Other Homework Help. Auburn University Do You Feel The Guy Handled The Situation Well Discussion


I’m working on a other question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

If it was a power play, why do you feel the girl resorted to this type of response? 

Do you feel the guy handled the situation well? 

  1. Explain how each person might have handled the situation more effectively and possibly even resolved the situation. Please upload a document with your responses. You can use docx., doc. pdf., or google docs file. No page documents from MAC products. video  https://nv.instructuremedia.com/fetch/QkFoYkIxc0hh…

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Other Homework Help. PSY 211 NCU W5 Substance Use Prevention Programs in The US Discussion


In a 1,000-1,250-word paper, examine at least two substance use prevention programs in the United States.

Refer to the list of useful websites at the end of Chapter 16 to help you successfully complete your paper. Make sure you choose prevention programs and not intervention programs. CNL 501

Your assignment must include the following for each program:

  • A description of both programs (who, what, and where), including at least one family-focused treatment model used in the program
  • The goals of each program (why)
  • How each program is funded (how)
  • A discussion regarding the effectiveness of each program including those programs with life skills associated with recovery that are based on research
  • A description of factors that address community and groups at risk for substance use disorders
  • An analysis of how government involvement may enhance or hinder each program’s effectiveness
  • At least four scholarly resources in addition to the textbook in your paper. Out of the four, a minimum of one scholarly resource should be referenced for each prevention program.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

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Other Homework Help. South University Online Speech Anxiety and Listening Issues Discussion


Discuss your speech anxiety and listening issues, why you fear them, and how you may overcome them.

As you’ve read this week, speech anxiety is a common problem for many speakers. Even experienced orators can experience nerves before giving a speech. In addition, many of us also need to work on improving our critical listening skills. It is important to begin any Public Speaking class by assessing your own communication skills and setting goals for the term. With hard work, by the end of these five weeks, you should be a more confident speaker and a better listener.

Begin by thinking about any public speaking experiences you’ve had. These don’t have to be formal speeches. Book reports you gave in high school, presentations you made to a club to which you belonged, that time you spoke up in church, a toast, a eulogy, a parent-teacher conference, or even a one on one encounter—all of these count when you’re assessing the kinds of communication situations that make you uncomfortable. Tell us how you feel they went, well or poorly, and specifically why. Then determine what your greatest weaknesses or fears are when it comes to public speaking. What are some ways you can deal with your speech anxiety and improve your public speaking abilities? List three goals that you’ll set for yourself during this class, why you chose them, and how you might overcome them.

Now think about your skills as a listener. As the text notes, we actually spend more of our communication time listening than speaking. Just as you evaluated your speaking abilities, assess your talents as a listener. What are your strengths and weaknesses? Set three goals for improving your ability to listen critically, tell us why you chose them, and how you plan to achieve them.

Somethings to keep in mind to complete this assignment pertaining to my strengths and weaknesses is i have social anxiety, and when nervous I can stutter and overthink. I struggle with being scrutinized and the feeling of everyone staring at me can be quite overwhelming to say the least. Three goals to set for myself during this class is for one building my confidence to speak publicly. Secondly would be to practice speaking more publicly. Lastly, would be to have an A in this class so I can maintain my GPA and get into law school. Public speaking experiences I have had mostly derive from my open mic performances. I actually used to write and perform my poetry. My stage fright would be horrific, and it seemed like no matter how many times I’d perform my anxiety would never get better. The feeling of being judged and not meeting expectation or being perfect seemed to really cause a burden for me; Anyhow, I hope this helps give you some insight to complete this assignment, thank you.

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Other Homework Help. Introduction to Ethics Muslim Countries Questions


Michelle is visiting a Muslim country. She doesn’t know what to expect because she knows that some Muslim societies expect women to wear a head-scarf when they are outdoors. When she gets off of the airplane, Michelle immediately notices that all the women in the airport are wearing head-scarves.

According to conventionalism, which action would be most appropriate for Michelle to take?

  • Buy a head-scarf and put it on.
  • Buy a head scarf and keep it in her purse in case someone tells her to put it on.
  • Let her hair show because she isn’t Muslim.
  • Tie her hair back and put on a baseball cap.

Which of the following statements in support of divine command theory is true?

  • Divine command theory does not provide a clear basis for ethics.
  • The ultimate basis for divine command theory ethics can be found in the empirical world.
  • Divine command theory cannot provide clear motivations for being moral.
  • Divine command theory can be a source of comfort.

Which of the following scenarios would be neutral for an egoist?

  • Lamar lies about having done his homework so that he won’t get in trouble with his parents.
  • Larry refuses to participate in his neighborhood watch because it takes too much of his time and energy.
  • Leah has a hard time deciding between the University of Minnesota and Notre Dame, but she picks Notre Dame in the end.
  • Luna joins the armed forces so she can give something back to her nation and guarantee a future for her society.

Why is egoism considered a relativist theory of ethics?

  • Because it maintains that what is good applies to everyone equally.
  • Because right and wrong are subject to the individual agent.
  • Because it maintains that there are universal truths most people agree on.
  • Because it maintains that humans are not inherently selfish.

According to an egoist, working hard to succeed in order to take care of oneself and one’s needs is good because __________.

  • hard work is valued by all
  • it sets a positive example for others
  • societal standards demand it
  • individual flourishing is the sole basis for ethics

Most people in Dave’s culture volunteer an hour every other week at a local food shelf. In addition to this, Dave also helps coordinate volunteers and fills in for people who can’t make their hour.

What would a conventionalist call Dave’s actions?

  • Supererogatory
  • Neutral
  • Impermissible
  • Obligatory

Which of the following represents a challenge to the voluntarist option of divine command theory?

  • God has no free choice and is thus just an agent.
  • God’s commands are not meant for everyone.
  • God’s commands have no basis in reason.
  • God’s commands can anticipate any situation.

Which of the following people would most likely be satisfied with conventionalism?

  • Lucy is looking for an ethical framework that provides a sense of final justice.
  • Levi is looking for an ethical framework that judges actions based on the kind of people who do them.
  • Laura is looking for an ethical framework that uses consequences to justify actions.
  • Lee is looking for an ethical framework that requires newcomers to assimilate.

Which of the following examples contains a disagreement between popular thought and divine command theory?

  • God forbids wearing mixed fibers, but most people aren’t concerned with what their clothes are made of.
  • God says to support the poor, so there are a lot of religious charities.
  • God says to love him above all else, a fact of which my mother often reminds me.
  • God commands people to be generous, so I give 10% of my paycheck to an organization that helps at-risk youth in my community.

Quentin’s faith teaches that God commands everyone to give at least ten percent of their income to the poor. Quentin usually gives fifteen percent.

According to divine command theory, Quentin’s action is __________.

  • impermissible
  • obligatory
  • supererogatory
  • neutral

Which of the following statements about divine command theory is true?

  • Divine command theory is a basic principle of all religions.
  • Divine command theory states that right is right only because God says so.
  • Divine command theory states that the ends justify the means.
  • Divine command theory states that what is religious is inherently good and what isn’t is bad.

Which of the following represents a difficulty with egoism?

  • Individuals pursuing personal excellence often help a society to progress.
  • Because good is determined by self-interest, the egoist cannot judge the actions of others.
  • Socially determined actions are usually more successful than self-determined actions.
  • Cooperating with others is a social skill that egoists do not have an opportunity to learn.

Which of the following statements would you expect to hear from a conventionalist?

  • “A culture’s customs are unrelated to ethical truths.”
  • “Morality cannot be compared across cultural borders.”
  • “The most important culture is the world’s culture.”
  • “The effects of an action on the culture determine its morality.”

Which of the following statements supports egoism?

  • Advancing the greater good over self-interest creates progress.
  • Individual entrepreneurs often benefit society.
  • The rule of law motivates actions for individuals.
  • Rewarding all athletic participants equally leads to more competitive play.

Which of the following observations poses a challenge to the cultural differences argument?

  • Many cultures disagree on the ultimate purpose of morality.
  • A lot of cultures agree that murder, stealing, and lying are wrong.
  • Some cultures are utilitarian, while others are egoist.
  • Each culture thinks its own moral framework is universal.

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Other Homework Help. GEB 4220 RC Racial Diversity and The Millennials Discussion


  1. Competency

    Evaluate the role of identity, diverse segments, and cultural backgrounds within organizations.


    You have been hired as the Human Resources Director for a global organization that is headquartered in the United States. Your job is to evaluate and make recommendations in the area of diversity for your company. Each section will contain specific areas within diversity for you to focus on. Be sure to conduct research uing relevant sources.
    Diversity Areas (You have selected Race as your diversity area. Continue to use for all modules)


    There has been much talk about the interaction between your diversity area and the Millennial generation, and you have been asked by the leadership team to conduct research and findings for the board. You will need to conduct research and include the following questions addressed in your report:

    1. Introduce your diversity area, and introduce Millennials.
    2. Discuss similarities and differences between these two groups.
    3. How does personal identity play a role with these two groups?
    4. Discuss any proactive plans that you might use as a manager in the workplace.
    5. Conclude your report.

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