Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Shoreline Community College Create and Manage Database Access Database Lab


  • As you design your database, think about what the goal may be for the database, what data may be needed to meet that goal, and what the primary key may be for your database table.
  • Create a database named “Patient” that contains 8-10 fields including one calculated field.
  • Enter data for your database either directly in Access or use Excel and import.
  • Make sure to review Design View to see of your fields are properly formatted and mark the Primary Key.
  • Submit a copy of your Patient database (include your name in the file name).
  • Summary. When you submit your assignment, provide a short summary (~250 words) of your database goal, design, and why you selected the fields you did including the primary key in a WORD document.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. GC Visual Analytical Review


I want picture for the food or for anything first and then can you write about it, but the picture just send to me like file because I want to upload it on canves

Your Discussion experience will come in three parts:

Part 1: Take an artstic photo. Manipulation via app is optional. Embed the photo to your thread. Avoid using huge file sizes, they may not upload into Canvas.

Part 2: Write a short essay describing how the Visual Toolbox and Principles of Design make your photo visually effective in a short essay format. If you wish to tell us a little about your photo, that is fine, but remember that the purpose of this assignment is to provide a visual analysisure and then can you write about it, but the picture just send to me like file because I want to upload it on canves

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. PSYCH 241 Isothermal Community College Preventing Weight Based Bullying Responses


A simple answer as cool, or me too is NOT acceptable; responses should be at least 125 words. Peer responses should be meaningful in that they add to the discussion or provide additional information or insight into a topic.

Owen: Since 1999, the American obesity rate has risen from 30 percent to 36.2 percent at the current day (Adult obesity facts, 2021). The United States is currently the twelfth most obese country in the world and its numbers are steadily growing from year to year. Those between the ages of 40 and 59 are also most likely to be/become obese (Holland, 2020). In addition to this, more than 60 chronic illnesses such as heart disease and various forms of cancer have been linked to obesity. In correlation, 22.4 percent of chiildren are currently obese in the United States, which has risen considerably since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic (Holland, 2020). Obese children that are obese have a much higher likelihood of become obese as adults and duffer from said chronic illnesses associated with obesity. According to the Lifespan Development textbook, obese children “tend to be rejected, ridiculed, teased and bullied by others” (Stopbullying.gov, 2018). Their self-confidence is often crushed and they often times refer to stress eating or even the opposite which is Anorexia. Approaches such as behavioral interventions and various training exercises are being researched in order to prevent further statistical increases in childhood obesity. Studies have shown that “family-based, multicomponent behavioral interventions to treat obesity and overweight in children 2 to 18,” have proven to be most effective in further preventing obesity (Weir, 2019). Also, childhood obesity itself can be treated through loving and affectionate behavior towards the child from the parents in order to improve the child’s self-confidence and motivation. Parents can also nudge the child in the correct direction in terms of food choices and then “praising” their efforts, which gives the child much needed motivation (Liang, et al., 2014).


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021, June 7). Adult obesity facts. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved October 20, 2021, from https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/adult.html#:~:text=The%20US%20obesity%20prevalence%20was,from%204.7%25%20to%209.2%25.

Holland, K. (2020, July 29). Obesity Facts in America. Healthline. Retrieved October 20, 2021, from https://www.healthline.com/health/obesity-facts#3.-Obesity-is-linked-to-more-than-60-chronic-diseases.

Liang, J., Matheson, B., Kaye, W., & Boutelle, K. (2014). Neurocognitive correlates of obesity and obesity-related behaviors in children and adolescents. International Journal of Obesity, 38(4), 494-506

Stopbullying.gov. (2018). Preventing weight-based bullying. Retrieved from https://www.stopbullying.gov/blog/2018/11/05/preve…

Weir, K. (2019). Family-based behavioral treatment is key to addressing childhood obesity. Monitor on Pscyhology, 50(4), 31- 35.

Alexandra: Childhood Obesity is a tremendous issue in the United States that people should not take lightly. Obesity can lead to poor health and lead to major health risks. In 2015-2016 13.9% of 2-5 years old were obese and 18.4% of 6-11 year old were obese (Lally). These statistics are insane because these children are of such young ages; they should not have to worry about their health at that early of an age. The United States tend to have higher obesity statistics compared to other countries. Approximately 29% of children in the U.S are obese while 14% of children worldwide are obese. The U.S is home to one of the most obese countries (Mathews). The U.S not only has more fast food restaurants, but we also have easier access to these restaurants. Fast food restaurants in the United States also tend to make the healthier menu options such as a salad cost way more than a burger or chicken nuggets; therefore, people go for the least expensive menu option. Older people are more at risk to becoming obese because weight gain happens over a lifetime and if they do not do anything to stop themselves from gaining weight then they are more likely to become obese when they are older. People with diabetes, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol are also at a higher risk for obesity. To help their children, parents can practice inhibition which has shown to tremendously help obese children. Parents can be warm and supportive towards their child during this difficult time which helps tremendously instead of using shame and guilt. If parents praise their child for their good decisions regarding food choices then the child is more likely to make better and healthier decisions (Lally). Obesity has been a constant problem for the United States for a long time now, and we need to find solutions to help lower the statistics of obesity not only for the U.S but also worldwide.


Lally, Martha, and Suzanne Valentine . College of Lake County. dept.clcillinois.edu/psy/LifespanDevelopment.pdf.

Matthews, Susan E., et al. “American Obesity Rates vs. World Obesity Rates – Everyday Health.” EverydayHealth.com, www.everydayhealth.com/news/are-we-fat-think/.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. The University of Texas Pan American Face Blindness Video Discussion


  1. Watch the short YouTube video posted below about perceptual phenomena. Then in the submission box, write a paragraph (minimum 10 sentences) related to your thoughts on what you saw. Make sure to include the researcher’s name from Dartmouth College (10 points), the first male patient’s name (20 points), the patient’s specific medical diagnosis (20 points), as well as your own thoughtfully constructed opinions (40 points). This is strictly an opinion based assignment, so there is no need to use any other references. However, if you do, make sure you provide your sources. Don’t forget to check spelling and grammar (10 points), so points aren’t deducted!
    **Although this is not for credit, I’d thought you’d like to see part 2 of the video that shows other stories and experiences!

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Auburn University at Montgomery Social Distancing & Online Education Discussion


I’m working on a other question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Do you think the effects of social distancing will make online education more of the norm?

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Studies on Aging Discussion


300 Word Discussion Post

Create your initial thread by summarizing the video content from the general viewpoint of research in aging.  Be sure to address the following in your post: https://youtu.be/YqNYZCOPBY4

What is longitudinal research and why is it considered the best design for research on aging? 

How might the various research studies highlighted in the videos inform the study of gerontology (consider both prevention and treatment)?  

What are some of the benefits for the individual participant in an aging study? 

What are the key components that must be included in the informed consent procedure with participants in studies such as those shown in the videos?

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. City Colleges of Chicago Malcolm X College The Wolf on Wallstreet Questions



Crime and the criminal justice system are prominent themes in Hollywood and have been for decades.

The five top-rated movies on the Internet Movie Database (imdb.com) are a clear testament to that. One takes place in a prison (Shawshank Redemption); two center on an Italian mafia family (The Godfather; The Godfather: Part II); one is based entirely in a jury deliberation room (12 Angry Men); and the other deals with gangsters, corruption, vigilantism and a homicidal, bank-robbing clown (The Dark Knight). These films often have underlying themes focused on deviance, law and order, victimization, good versus evil, security and justice. Many too have recurring themes of ambiguity of evil, gray matter of the justice system, social inequalities, social construction of crime, use and abuse of power by those in authority, societal acceptance and glorification of violence, labeling and self-fulfilling prophecies, nature versus nuture, crime versus the criminal, us versus them and, ultimately, the role the criminal justice system and the way it shapes peoples’ everyday lives. The top-five films have undoubtedly countless numbers of people and generations of movie goers, but what do they say about the aforementioned concepts? Have these films reinforced stale stereotypes? Have they sacrificed accuracy to concoct a dramatic narrative? Or are these big screen adaptations of the criminal justice system and society more accurate than we think?

This paper is to be considered a research-based analysis of film. Further, those elements being analyzed in the film should be discussed in the context of those elements in real life; crime, the criminal justice system and society. When comparing a narrative of a fictionalized serial killers it may behoove the student to compare accounts to a real-life serial killer. When analyzing a police response to a bank heist in a Hollywood film, students should consider what they know about police procedure and how real police handled a real situation. When discussing a prisoner’s life back in his community post-release it would benefit students to present real information about parole, recidivism and re-entry issues. Additionally, the following five questions should serve as prompts.

Excellent papers will excellently address all:

1. What are the main elements represented in the film with regard to crime, victims, criminal justice system (police, courts, corrections), race, offenders, criminological theory, society, ethics, moral decision-making, gangs, etc. Considering the film overall, summarize and explain the reasons this movie would be included in this list. Give examples.

2. Is this an accurate representation of those topics, or is this mainly poetic license? Give specific examples and rationale, citing sources (HINT: Make sure to focus on what was really happening in the CJS and society at the time the film was made).

3. What role does the criminal justice system represented in this film? Is it seen as a protagonist, antagonist or somewhere in the middle.

4. How is crime represented in this film? In other words, is it objective or is it subjective? Is crime clearly represented as a violation of law in any way, or is crime represented as the classification of certain behaviors based on who is in power? Also, within the movie, do all characters perceive it the same way? What issues may arise if some do not interpret it the same as others?

5. What is the interaction among the various elements introduced in the initial paragraph and the criminal justice system and society. What, if any, might the overall messages be that the filmmakers were trying to send?

The bulk of your expectations for this paper will center on concepts of crime, the criminal justice system, media and the above-mentioned underlying themes, as this is not a film class. However, a portion of your grade will result from your analysis of those themes in connection with film studies concepts such as scenes, camera angles, character representation, foreshadowing, motifs, themes or the like. (There are several preliminary documents on Canvas to give you a basic understanding of film analysis related to this paper.) Again, this is not a film studies course, but you are expected to address a few elements of the composition of the movie. When doing so, try to be as specific as possible with connecting cinematic elements to criminal justice elements.

The paper should be appropriately structured based upon the above referenced expectations. Proper APA style and college-level writing are expected as well. Title your paper, title the sections of your paper, spell check, proofread and proofread again. The paper should be at least 12-pages (not counting title or reference page), 12-point Times New Roman, double-spaced, normal margins.

Other Homework Help