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Other Homework Help. HMLS 416 UMUC Coronavirus and Fake News Messaging Analysis Paper


Select a current (less than 12 months old) journal article on an international homeland security issue to review in a five page paper prepared using the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition style guide. Identify the issue, review the author’s position, develop pros and cons to the author’s position, and summarize with recommendations. A journal is a scholarly publication addressed to a particular professional audience such as doctors, lawyers, teachers, engineers, or accountants and published by a professional organization. They may contain research articles, reports, and practical articles applicable to the profession. Newspapers are not journals. News magazines and websites are not journals.

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Other Homework Help. UCF Web Analytics Sports Business Ticket Sales Discussion


I need an explanation for this Web Analytics question to help me study.

Find an example of an improvement in the area of sports business in which you’re interested in working (i.e. ticket sales, marketing, sponsorships, communications, team operations, etc.) that has been accomplished through the use of research, data, or analytics. Describe the improvement and how insights gleaned from research, data, or analytics helped contribute to it. Then identify how continued improvement can be accomplished through data analysis and research.

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Other Homework Help. MLS 416 UMUC Weapons of Mass Destruction Discussion


Module 5 lists seven major issues that can have a significant impact on homeland security

Weapons of Mass Destruction

Economic Disparity and Social Fragmentation

Water Security, Food Security, and Energy Security

Decreased National and Multinational Solidarity

Unrest Across the Globe

Demographic Change


In your opinion, which of these possibilities represents the greatest threat to the United States? Why?

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Other Homework Help. HUMN 440 YU Smart Cities Petronia City Proposed Development Project Case Study




Students will provide a brief summary, describing the smart and sustainable initiative proposed in the project and the technology used. The student is required to elaborate what this smart city project intended/designed to do? First, look for themes labelled as highlights, comments, city background and, drivers in summary table and then read the detailed case by accessing the reference.


Most of the relatable information can be found under themes labelled as Innovation, benefits values and technologies used in the summary table. Reflect on the information and introduce your reader to the focus of this project- the value it brings due to technology use and innovation. 

Challenges and Risks

First, look for themes labelled as maturity, challenges and risks in summary table and then read the detailed case by accessing the link. If the project (or stages of it) has been completed, did it live up to expectations? Why or why not? If the project has not yet been completed, what is holding it back? Do you think it will succeed? Address the challenges and relate them to themes outlined in unit’s reading materials and/or research  from other sources (this section offers good chance to score on Critical Thinking criterion worth 70 % of grade). For more suggestions, refer to the PPT published in the News Forum

Suggestions for Policy/technical/execution related changes

Students should then carry out further research and suggest two or three policy/technical/execution/etc. changes that could be made to improve the case. This section should offer solutions, invoke research and/or themes outlined in reading materials of all the three units (this section offers good chance to score on Critical Thinking criterion worth 70 % of grade). For more suggestions, refer to the PPT published in the News Forum.


Write a brief summary about the main highlights of this case. The purpose of the study isn’t necessarily to solve the problem, only to offer possible solutions. The final summary should be an end to the story. Remember, the case study is not only about answering questions, it is also about asking questions. You can leave few questions for the reader to think over.

References (Highly Recommended by me)

Bifulco, F., Tregua, M., Amitrano, C., & D’Auria, A. (2016). ICT and sustainability in smart cities management. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 29(2), 132-147. https://search-proquestcom.libraryservices.yorkvil….

Yorkville University (n.d.). Introduction to Smart and Sustainable Cities [ Unit Notes]. https://courses.yorkvilleu.ca/mod/book/view.php?id=1526973&chapterid=312347

Yorkville University (n.d.). Sustainable and Smart City Origins [ Unit Notes]. https://courses.yorkvilleu.ca/mod/book/view.php?id=1526973&chapterid=312348

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Other Homework Help. University of Memphis Four Stage Change Process Analysis Paper


Read about the four-stage change process!!! (I have the chapter 5 reading)

Assignment Instructions



You will learn about the ways in which action research can be a collaborative approach to inquiry that provides a means of systematic action required to resolve problems of practice. Focus on the components of these steps in the action research process: look (to gather relevant information and describe the situation), think (to explore, analyze, interpret, and explain), and act (to plan a course of action based on analysis and implement a solution). Develop your understanding of the four-stage change process. The purpose of these stages is for leaders to work strategically to facilitate long-term change in their organizations. This begins in Stage 1 by building a foundation that includes engaging key stakeholders by establishing common ground and building collective capacities. In Stage 2 stakeholders are encouraged to face the current reality by understanding what is happening and their own role in constructing the current reality. Stage 3 focuses on helping stakeholders make an explicit choice in favor of what they collectively want, and Stage 4 is all about helping stakeholders bridge the gap between what they care about and the current reality. Consider how attending to each of these stages can help you as a leader become more sensitive to your own organizational dynamics when trying to create change and innovation.

Review the following case, which focuses on the experience of Riverbend City Medical Center, an organization facing a cultural conflict. You can supplement your experience by reading the transcript.


Write an analysis of the Riverbend case study, Planning Organizational Change Using the Four-Step Change Process. Include the following components:

  • Introduce the case. 
    • Summarize the case. Provide a synopsis of the case study, focusing on how communication problems and cultural misunderstandings created conflict in the organization.
  • Apply the four learning organization disciplines to the case. 
    • Using the lens of one or more of the four core disciplines (personal mastery, mental models, team learning, shared vision),  provide an analysis of the extent to which the discipline(s) reveals organizational dynamics and contributes either to organizational learning or to the organization’s problems. How could the four disciplines be fostered to have a more beneficial impact on the organization?
  • Apply a systems lens to the case.   
    • Analyze the organizational disabilities and systems archetypes present in the case.
    • Explain and map at least one example of a systems archetype that can be seen in the case. Include at least one systems map as part of your explanation.
  • Recommend change management strategies for the organization based on the case. 
    • Prior to suggesting change management strategies, use critical thinking tools to identify assumptions the stakeholders in the case may have made, and develop a set of questions you would ask to help the stakeholders uncover their assumptions and clarify the steps needed for future progress. Reference Paul and Elder’s Critical Thinking: Tools for Taking Charge of Your Learning and Your Life text in your comments.
  • Describe and explain how the four-stage process could be used by the Riverbend leadership to improve the strategic planning processes that enhance cultural understanding among stakeholders and the community. Refer to Stroh’s Thinking for Social Change text.
  • Provide a set of specific practical recommendations about how the CEO should proceed in the future in a way that furthers the goals of supporting increased cultural understanding among stakeholders and the  community.   
    • Explain how an action research/inquiry cycle that incorporates the recommendations could be planned, implemented, and evaluated for the next phase of organizational improvement.

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Other Homework Help. American Public University System Special Teams Presentation


Getting a degree in this day and age does not guarantee you a job. Instead, a degree only increases your chances of opening certain doors in order to apply the knowledge gained through the educational process. This project functions as a measure of your ability to do just that. The project instructions will be purposely vague in order to test your ability to lead, think creatively, manage your time, avoid procrastination, and overcome adversity. These traits are much more valuable than a degree in itself. With this in mind, I hope you will demonstrate your ability to effectively lead, follow, or otherwise work well together.
The final assignment is a group project. You will work together as a group to construct a presentation on various coaching aspects inside and outside of this class. Please see the specific requirements below.

The project direction and content within will be decided by the group or leader(s) within the group:

Many formal education assignments are given with specific directions from the instructor on what the assignment should contain. While I will give some guidance below, you should not feel obligated to include any of it in the project if you do not wish to do so. I would much rather see your creativity than a rote reproduction of something you think I want to see. Some ideas you may want to consider are below.

Techniques and Tactics of the game. How can you make people want to view your work? How can you make learning effective? How can you increase the ability to perform these skills?

Teaching and Evaluating Sports Skills (How would you do it? What is most important?).

A Coaching Aspect of Choice: Topics covered in this class such as leadership, planning, etc.
You must submit your individual contribution to the project as an attachment to your final project assignment.

I encourage the use of pictures and videos within your assignment. In addition, animation and voice to demonstrate specific techniques, tactics, and other aspects are recommended.

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Other Homework Help. Marketing Strategies & Strategic Marketing of Supermarkets Cross Side Network Discussion


This instruction document has 5 questions and each one has different points and needs to write some points related to the class materials. And, I can supply the materials and want to discuss each question to make sure with you.

following material will attach later

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Other Homework Help. HIS 200 SNHU Week 4 Womens Suffrage Movement Historical Analysis Discussion


This week, you read articles within your webtext about the women’s suffrage movement and the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), two major efforts to establish equal rights for women in the United States. In your discussion post, address the following:

  • Choose one sentence or short section from the article you read on the women’s suffrage movement. Quote the sentence or section in your post and briefly explain how your chosen sentence or section illustrates the concept of historical causality.
  • After reading the article on the ERA, summarize the author’s thesis statement about the ERA in one or two sentences. To support your answer, quote one or two sentences from the article that convey the author’s central point.

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Other Homework Help. Central Florida College Winter Park Pharmacy Industry Internship Questions


Annually, students are placed with healthcare professionals and scientists throughout P&G’s global businesses and functions, including Personal Health Care, Oral Care, Feminine Care and Beauty Care.

Minimum Requirements:

interest in pharmacy industry, literature evidence research skills, oral and written communication skills, academic and leadership achievements


  1. Why are you interested in an industry rotation and what do you expect to gain from this experience?

  1. Provide an example of how you have demonstrated leadership.

  1. Describe an innovative idea or project which you completed.

  1. Please state the month(s) that you are most interested in completing a rotation at P&G and indicate the length of your school’s rotation blocks (4-5-6 weeks, Calendar Month, etc).

  1. Prioritize the top three areas that you would be interested in completing a rotation. (Note that Proctor & Gamble tries to match rotations with each candidate’s interests but cannot guarantee you will receive one of your top choices.)

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