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Other Homework Help. HMLS408 UMUC Organizational Asset Protection Essay


The essay is a critical review of a journal article about infrastructure protection. It must be at least five (5) pages of narrative, exclusive of all other supporting material. Include in your review:

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Concordia University Implications of Equal Protection for K 12 Students Paper


Research the implications of equal protection for K-12 students within one of the following groups:

  1. Classifications based on English language learners;
  2. Classifications through ability grouping/tracking;
  3. Classifications in academic programs based on gender;
  4. Classifications in sports programs based on gender; and
  5. Classifications to assign students to specific schools for racial balance.

In a 500-750-word essay, address the following for the group that you have chosen:

  1. Summarize the factual background on how the students are classified;
  2. Identify the legal issues presented by these classifications; and
  3. Describe what equal protection requires.

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Other Homework Help. Concordia University Nebraskia Brown v Board of Education Discussion


I need support with this question so I can learn better.

How did Brown v. Board of Education change public education? Has the promise of Brown v. Board of Education been realized? Support your position with reference to a current event. Remember to keep your post academic in nature and relevant to the question.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Shoreline Community College Data Dictionary and Data Governance Worksheet


  • Review the Medicare Provider Analysis and Review (MEDPAR) file documentation (Links to an external site.) and create a data dictionary for the first 15 data elements using this download. The data dictionary represents the data standards for this dataset.
  • Respond to the following questions:
    • If you received a data file and needed to evaluate it was in the correct format as outlined in the data dictionary, what are two examples of data validation checks you may want to complete? Explain how the data validation check would be used and why it would be important to ensuring data quality.
    • Read the article on data governance, then write a short paragraph (~250 words) on how you might ensure compliance with data governance standards.
  • Attach your completed Excel data dictionary file and a WORD document for grading for this assignment.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. APUS WK 3 Deal with Disrespect from Parents & Fans in The Stands Discussion


I’m working on a other writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Youth sports participation involves a large number of individuals in the United States. The competition level is very competitive at the youngest of ages. Organizing and running successful youth sport leagues is a daunting task. Surveys show that kids participate in sports to have fun, be with friends and learn. Coaches and parents surveyed simply stated winning as the most important thing. With all of the millions of dollars professional athletes are paid it is no wonder mom and dad want their son or daughter to be the best at everything. How would you handle the following scenario?

You are the director of a youth basketball league in a large city with thousands of kids participating. You count on parental involvement to coach your teams, but you continue to have verbal abuse problems with parents towards the referees, opposing team’s parents, and even children playing against their team. Using bullet points, outline your policy for dealing with these parents and their child.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. APUS Pro Sports Facility Analysis


To best complete this assignment you must have read all the readings in the Content from Week 1 through this current week. For this week’s assignment, please choose two pro sports facilities that have been constructed within the past 10 years and respond to the following questions:

  • How much did the facility cost?
  • How was it funded?
  • Did the team relocate from another city? Or, did the city renovate an existing facility or build a new facility for the team?
  • Did the public vote for the project? If so, what was the outcome?
  • In your opinion, was the building of this facility a good move the for city? Why or why not?
  • Conclude your assignment with a concise summary

Your submission should be approximately 300-400 words and uploaded as a Word document to include an APA formatted title page and reference page. Also, use subtitles and bullet points.

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Other Homework Help. University of British Columbia Chapter 7 Covid 19 Infectious Diseases Paper


Each student will read a current news or magazine article, which deals with the current topics being studied during that week. The student will be expected to provide citation for the article, a brief overview of the article, and discuss key class learning objectives contained within the article. To receive full credit make sure to clearly relate the article to a topic discussed within the class. A few suggested sourced would be Indian Country Today (https://indiancountrymedianetwork.com ) or Indianz.com but you are welcome to use other sources as well.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. University of British Columbia Global Pandemic Covid 19 Discussion Board 2


Each student will read a current news or magazine article, which deals with the current topics being studied during that week. The student will be expected to provide citation for the article, a brief overview of the article, and discuss key class learning objectives contained within the article. To receive full credit make sure to clearly relate the article to a topic discussed within the class. A few suggested sourced would be Indian Country Today (https://indiancountrymedianetwork.com ) or Indianz.com but you are welcome to use other sources as well.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. UTS Stopping Misinformation Means Fixing Relationship BW Journalism And PR Replies


Each student prepares a PowerPoint presentation critiquing a current news story for its key characteristics, then records a 4-minute video on Flipgrid on PR Placement and Public Perceptions. Each student also participates in an online discussion about the role of PR practitioners in placing content and the role of PR in shaping public perceptions, and records 2 additional videos commenting on 2 other student presentations

Marks are awarded for engagement (actively listening) to other students’ presentations recorded on Flipgrid so that you can make at meaningful comments on at least 2 other students’ videos.

Your comments should focus on the potential input by public relations practitioners to the story, and the potential impact of the story upon public perception and behavior.

There will be some class time in Week 8 Class 2 to record your comments after watching some of the Flipgrid videos submitted by other students. These comments are due by 11.59pm Sunday 2 May).

Online discussion thread:

On the class Flipgrid page, each student should record at least 2 meaningful comments on two other student presentations. If other students have already commented on a video, you may respond to the points raised in other students’ comments as well as you own views on the story.

Each student must record 2 two-minute comments, with at least one comment responding to comments made by another student. Total length of comments: 4 minutes per student.

Evaluate their views on PR placement and Public perception, and whether you agree with your own views.

I need two two minutes of speeches for two students.

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