Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Post University Leveling Service Weekend Deal Prices Picture


I’m working on a logo design project and need support to help me learn.

i need my sign update with the following prices
1-70 = 100
1-80 = 150
1-90 = 250
1-91 = 380
1-92 = 480
1-93 = 610
1-94 = 780
1-95 = 1000

weekend deal price change 400 to 180

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Other Homework Help. Grossmont College Tessellation Selfie Essay


Tessellations are a means of “tiling the plane”. They are decorative, repetitive works of art made in various mediums. M.C. Escher, the Dutch graphic designer was known for his extensive work with tessellations. 

Using examples from Escher, and the weblinks provided to you in Helpful Tessellation Links, search for  a tessellation  in person to show the class.

Find a Tessellation:

Take a selfie with a tessellation you discover around town.  Don’t forget to tell us where the tessellation was discovered in your thread.

Tessellations can be discovered all over. For example, USD campus and Balboa Park have fountains that share some very similar tile work. Downtown La Jolla has some spread about while you walk on Girard. Home Depot sometimes has examples on display for kitchen and bathrooms.  Even textiles and fabrics are decorated in tessellations. 

Be sure to embed your image/s (just like in the demo below). DO NOT attach the image/s in word doc or pdf files. Attached images that require downloading for viewing will NOT be looked at and the discussion will earn a zero.

Embedding Images Into Canvas Discussions (Links to an external site.) 

Discussion Questions:

Tell us why you chose the tessellation.

What is it about the tessellation that made an impression on you?

What exactly makes the pattern/decoration you chose a tessellation? Provide specific details. Discussing a principle of design or two or anything from the visual toolbox could be helpful.


Your Discussion experience will come in three parts:

Part 1: Take a selfie with a tessellation you discover around town.  Don’t forget to tell us where the tessellation was discovered in your thread. A photo with you holding a book or print out next to your face will not work!

Embed the photo to your thread. Avoid using huge file sizes, they may  not upload into Canvas.

Part 2: Write a short essay that answers the above questions and provide comments about your own viewing experience. Additions to your thread resulting from any added research is fine. But remember to stay on topic and answer the questions.

Part 3: Respond to a minimum of 2 other student Threads.

Points will be distributed in this manner: 

Discussion- 20 max

Original and relevant content (5 points max)- Displaying you have studied and are knowledgeable of the material by addressing required prompts and writing your own thoughts and feelings regarding the material’s content.  

A critical analysis (5 points max)- Exhibiting you have engaged with the material by address prompts directly by providing original, insightful observations and thought-provoking commentary- in both your post and classmate responses.  

Engaging Responses (5 points max)- Engage in critical analysis of the content present in your classmate’s post. You are expected to provide insightful observations, thought-provoking commentary, or feedback to your classmates. Only responses that engage and encourage critical thinking­­ will receive maximum credit.

Quality of writing (5 points max)- Cleary and concisely articulates ideas and feelings about the material utilizing good sentence fluency (syntax), spelling, and grammar. College-level writing is required.

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Other Homework Help. Gratham University Fantasy Presidential Campaign Activity Paper


Write a Letter to Your Representative

Using what you have learned this week and in the course so far, write a letter to either your Representative, Senator, or one of your State Legislators concerning a specific public policy.

State your issue position clearly in this letter and then present an argument for why that elected official should support your position on that issue.

Post your letter and who you would send it to in the discussion board.

For your follow up posts, critique the arguments of your peers’ letters. How might they strengthen their argument?

American Government I – Week #7 Assignment Part 2

Fantasy Presidential Campaign Activity

In this activity you are going to apply what you have learned this week about policy as well as apply what you have learned in this course so far to create a basic presidential campaign plan.

Imagine that you have been serving the past few years as the governor of your home state or a U.S. Senator representing your home state. You have done great work and face no challenge in winning the nomination of your party to run in the General Election. In your campaign plan, please address the following:

Part 1: Campaign Details

What is your home state?

What is your political party?

What is your campaign tagline or slogan? Almost all recent presidential campaigns have had a theme song. For example, in 1992, Bill Clinton used the song,” Don’t Stop,” by Fleetwood Mac. In 2012, Republican nominee Mitt Romney used the song, “Born Free,” by Kid Rock. What is your campaign theme song? Why did you select that song.

Select someone to be your Vice Presidential Running Mate. You can pick anyone that would eligible, per the Constitution, to serve as President. Why did you select this person to be your vice presidential running mate? How do they help improve your chances on winning the General Election?

Part 2: Your Issues

Select and describe two (2) domestic policy issues your campaign is advocating.

Why did you select these domestic policy issues to focus on? Use polling data from a reputable polling source such as pew research to support your decision.

For each domestic policy issue write a simple one sentence “elevator pitch” that you would use to easily communicate your position to the masses.

Select and describe two (2) economic policy issues your campaign is advocating.

Why did you select these economic policy issues to focus on? Use polling data from a reputable polling source such as pew research to support your decision.

For each economic policy issue write a simple one sentence “elevator pitch” that you would use to easily communicate your position to the masses.

Select and describe two (2) foreign policy issues your campaign is advocating.

Why did you select these foreign issues to focus on? Use polling data from a reputable polling source such as pew research to support your decision.

For each foreign policy issue write a simple one sentence “elevator pitch” that you would use to easily communicate your position to the masses.

Part 3: Your Strategy

Considering the Electoral College vote, which specific states would you campaign in? Keep in mind you have limited resources and that you can’t campaign in every state. Think about what states you would need to win in order to win the general election. Based on historical data, do you actually have a chance to win? Would you be able secure enough electoral votes to win the general election by these states.

To help you think about this part of the assignment you may want to find online and play with an “Interactive Electoral College Map.” Here are some website that you could use to help:

270 To Win

U.S. Election Atlas

Electoral College Interactive Map

2016: Make Your Prediction

Be sure to include a reference list of all sources that you used to complete your paper.

Please note: APA formatting and citations rules apply to this and all essays in this course.

View your assignment rubric.

In this activity you are going to apply what you have learned this week about policy as well as apply what you have learned in this course so far to create a basic presidential campaign plan.

Imagine that you have been serving the past few years as the governor of your home state or a U.S. Senator representing your home state. You have done great work and face no challenge in winning the nomination of your party to run in the General Election. In your campaign plan, please address the following:

Part 1: Campaign Details

What is your home state?

What is your political party?

What is your campaign tagline or slogan? Almost all recent presidential campaigns have had a theme song. For example, in 1992, Bill Clinton used the song,” Don’t Stop,” by Fleetwood Mac. In 2012, Republican nominee Mitt Romney used the song, “Born Free,” by Kid Rock. What is your campaign theme song? Why did you select that song.

Select someone to be your Vice Presidential Running Mate. You can pick anyone that would eligible, per the Constitution, to serve as President. Why did you select this person to be your vice presidential running mate? How do they help improve your chances on winning the General Election?

Part 2: Your Issues

Select and describe two (2) domestic policy issues your campaign is advocating.

Why did you select these domestic policy issues to focus on? Use polling data from a reputable polling source such as pew research to support your decision.

For each domestic policy issue write a simple one sentence “elevator pitch” that you would use to easily communicate your position to the masses.

Select and describe two (2) economic policy issues your campaign is advocating.

Why did you select these economic policy issues to focus on? Use polling data from a reputable polling source such as pew research to support your decision.

For each economic policy issue write a simple one sentence “elevator pitch” that you would use to easily communicate your position to the masses.

Select and describe two (2) foreign policy issues your campaign is advocating.

Why did you select these foreign issues to focus on? Use polling data from a reputable polling source such as pew research to support your decision.

For each foreign policy issue write a simple one sentence “elevator pitch” that you would use to easily communicate your position to the masses.

Part 3: Your Strategy

Considering the Electoral College vote, which specific states would you campaign in? Keep in mind you have limited resources and that you can’t campaign in every state. Think about what states you would need to win in order to win the general election. Based on historical data, do you actually have a chance to win? Would you be able secure enough electoral votes to win the general election by these states.

To help you think about this part of the assignment you may want to find online and play with an “Interactive Electoral College Map.” Here are some website that you could use to help:

270 To Win

U.S. Election Atlas

Electoral College Interactive Map

2016: Make Your Prediction

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. North Central University Week 3 Therapy Dialogue Session Script Paper


Option 2: Script

Create a 3-5-minute script that outlines a therapy session between a therapist and one of the following options:

  • Directly with an adult client.
  • Directly with a teenage client and their parent.

Imagine that the client has begun smoking or vaping and is in need of education regarding nicotine and the impact of nicotine on the brain and body. Be sure that your script outlines the two-way dialogue of a therapy session that indicates a dynamic conversation between the therapist and client.

This assignment uses a scoring guide. Please review the scoring guide prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.


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Other Homework Help. MAT 1222 Rasmussen College Algebra Worksheet


I’m working on a other question and need support to help me learn.

Review the slideshow assignment . After reviewing the slideshow, answer the two questions about ticket prices. Remember to type and save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document and show all your work.

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. LDR 6100 North Eastern University Leadership Analysis Report


In this project, you will compare the leadership competencies, choices and actions of one or two real people. You may choose a leader that you know, a leader you have access to. Consider individuals who in some ways have made an impact to your organization or community.The people may be from any walk of life (business, the arts, humanities, politics, etc.) or they can be individuals from the next-door communities or organizations.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. San Jose State University Operational Excellence Essay


Question 1) Reflect on the connection between knowledge concepts from the listed courses and how those have been, or could be, applied in the workplace. (Job at work place is Quality Assurance Engineer)

(Course 1: Operational excellence)

(Course 2: Organ Leader & Decision Making)

Question 2) Please explain how you participate in business operations and decision making in your current position

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Other Homework Help. University System of Maryland Growth Mindset Discussion


Growth mindset is a concept you can apply in your academics and on the job. It’s also a way to approach day-to-day life. Here are some examples of everyday situations in which you can consciously choose to respond with a growth mindset.

Example 1: Your morning is full of the unexpected. You hit the snooze button too many times, resulting in waking up late for work. As you rush to get out the door to your job, you accidentally spill your coffee and have to take time to clean up the mess. Since you left your home later than usual, traffic is moving at a snail’s pace. A fixed mindset response would be grumbling about your crummy morning. A growth mindset response would be committing to waking up earlier and devising a more effective morning routine.

Example 2: Most people like to be winners, and kids on sports teams are no exception. So when your daughter, who spent tireless hours in the backyard practicing her jump shot, makes 10 out of 15 shots—leading her basketball team in scoring on game day—you can praise her by giving a fixed mindset response or a growth mindset response. A fixed mindset response would be “Great game! You’re a spectacular athlete!” A growth mindset response, by contrast, would be “Great game! Your dedication, practice, and hard work were reflected in your performance tonight.”

In the Discussion forum, share some examples of how you can apply growth mindset in your daily interactions, either in a professional setting or in your academics. If you need help considering an example, you can choose one of the following:

  • How do you handle a new project or task at work, home, or school?
  • How do you embrace working in groups when you prefer to work independently?
  • How would you react to your instructor’s suggestion to incorporate a data component into an assignment for your non-math-related course?
  • What do you do when you don’t understand something that everyone around you seems to have caught onto?

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