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Other Homework Help. Cyber Security Programs Excel Spreadsheet


Please use the attached spreadsheet to document the different certificates( Cyber only) at the different schools to include the core courses for the certificate, the number of classes and credits, if it is a grad or undergrad certificate, a list of the classes, advisor and link to the specific certificate. I’d also like the same for any schools programs which offer a minor in cybersecurity, so the same thing but the minor rather than certificate. I have done one to show you what I am looking for.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Chamberlain University Personal Moral Theory Presentation & Paper


Read/review the following resources for this activity:

In this session, you have been considering moral-ethical dilemmas you yourself faced or that you know of that you either resolved or failed to resolve, but hopefully learned from. You may never have given much thought to ethical theory nor what ethical premises/paradigms you have unconsciously held.

You will be focusing on this case for this assignment:

Jane Doe is a nursing student at University X. Jane is in week eight of a course entitled: “Introduction to Ethics”.

For the week one discussion, Jane copied work done by her friend John Doe in the same class two months ago (with a different professor). John told Jane it was okay to use his work as John’s professor never checked any work in the class using Turnitin.com. John claimed to have earned an A on the work also.

In week two, Jane went to StudentPapering.com and paid ten dollars for a week two essay done by a student (not John Doe) who took the same course four months ago. StudentPapering promises that all its archived work is of excellent quality and cannot be detected as copied. Jane then uploaded an exact copy of the work for the week two assignment.

In week three, Jane paid a worker at PaperingStudent.com ten dollars to write for Jane a brand new essay after Jane shared with the worker the essay assignment instructions.

In week four, Jane relied on her knowledge of Esperanto. She felt pressed for time and found an article by a professor from Esperanto on the week four topic. She translated Esperanto into English using Moogle Translate, and the translated text served as her week four paper.

In week five, Jane was running late again. Jane purposely uploaded a blank paper hoping that she would later claim it was an innocent mistake and not be assessed a late penalty. In a previous course on History, she had done the same (with an earlier paper from the History class rather than simply a blank) and had not seen any late penalty assessed.

In week six, Jane took work she did in a nursing course from a year ago and submitted that for her discussion posting in her current class. She simply copied and pasted the work she had labored intensively on a year ago (even though University X forbids this practice as ‘self-plagiarism’). Jane was confident her Nursing instructor never checked that work using Turnitin.com or another method.

In week seven, Jane copied and pasted work found on website.com for the paper. Jane did not use any quotation marks or other documentation to show the text was not by Jane.

Since Jane’s Ethics professor did not check papers and posting for any issues by using Turnitin.com or another method, the professor graded all of Jane’s work unaware of Jane’s actions throughout the weeks of the class. Jane feels her actions are morally justified both because her economic situation requires her to work too much to devote time to school (although other students are well-off enough to have such time) and her religion forbids cheating, but Jane ignores her religion’s teachings.

Now that you have had an opportunity to explore ethics formally, create a reflective assessment of your learning experience and the collaborations you engaged in throughout this session. You will submit both of the following:

  • A written reflection
  • An oral presentation using a PowerPoint narrated slide show.

For the written reflection, address Jane Doe’s and respond to the following:

  • Articulate again your moral theory from week eight discussion (You can revise it if you wish). What two ethical theories best apply to it? Why those two?
  • Apply to Jane Doe’s case your personal moral philosophy as developed in week eight discussion and now. Use it to determine if what Jane Doe did was ethical or unethical per your own moral philosophy.
  • Consider if some of these examples are more grave instances of ethical transgressions than others. Explain.
  • Propose a course of social action and a solution by using the ethics of egoism, utilitarianism, the “veil of ignorance” method, deontological principles, and/or a theory of justice to deal with students like  Jane. Consider social values such as those concerning ways of life while appraising the interests of diverse populations (for instance, those of differing religions and economic status).

For the oral presentation, briefly summarize your feelings about taking a course in Ethics and explore your process of transformation in this course.

  • Discuss your experiences of the course, your beginnings, and where you are now. Consider your interaction in discussions.
  • Should health care workers be required to take a course in Ethics? Why or why not

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. CCN Ethical Philosophies & Inner Guiding Moral Principle Discussion


Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Textbook: Chapter 13 ———–> Rachels, S., & Rachels, J. (2019). The elements of moral philosophy (9th ed.). Mcgraw-Hill Education.
  • Lesson
  • Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook)

Some people believe that you can tell who a person is by what they do when no one is looking. Let’s look at the following case. John Doe, a nurse, has downloaded an application to her phone that allows him to download copyrighted textbooks for a nursing course (that Doe is going to take) without his Internet Service Provider knowing it. The application is called “Cloak” as in cloak of invisibility (a hooded coat one wears to make it so others cannot see you). The application disguises his phone and makes it so the information on it is inaccessible. John is aware that other people who are of a lower socio-economic status (like him) also use this software program for the same reason (and to save money). John Doe knows that his religion forbids him from using this application to download in this manner. John Doe is focused on his own economic situation and does not consider the publisher, author, and others involved in the books. Think about a course of social action; what social values should be used to address this moral issue and conflict.

  • Initial Post Instructions
    Create a personal ethical philosophy and explain from which philosophy or philosophies (it must include at least one of the following: virtue ethics, Kantian ethics, utilitarianism, virtue ethics, or social contract ethics) you created it and why the contents are important and meaningful for you. List its precepts.
  • Take your personal ethical philosophy statement and use it to work through John Doe’s case. What is moral and immoral per your theory?
  • How would the veil of ignorance or a different theory of justice address John Doe’s case?

Follow-Up Post Instructions
Respond to at least one peer. When possible, respond to a peer who chose a different ethical theory than you did in your posting. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification.

Student Sample:

Hey guys,

I can’t believe we’ve reached week eight and that this will be our last discussion post. I’d want to express my gratitude to each and every one of you for providing a learning environment and assisting in my comprehension and knowledge of ethics, especially because this is the cornerstone for our future employment. Thank you, Professor, for being patient with us while we learned and for being there for us when we needed you. Your compassion and thoughtfulness made a difference in my semester! Thank you. We’ve been asked to talk about reflection and deliberation this week. In a circumstance like the one described above, it is critical for the individual, in this case, John Doe RN, to consider his own personal ethics. What is the meaning of HE? What are his inner moral principles? The Immigration and Advisors Authority claims that “Personal ethics refers to the ethical principles that a person adheres to when dealing with individuals and situations in their daily lives. Professional ethics refers to the moral principles that a person must follow in their professional relationships and business operations.” (Dayton, D.,2018 ) Fairness and fidelity come to mind (really, Integrity and Honesty, but I don’t want to seem like a leech, lol), especially as fidelity is part of our Code of Ethics as nurses. “impartial and just treatment or behavior without bias or discrimination,” according to Merriam Webster Dictionary. In my mind, I somewhat alter the term, which I shall discuss further later. We utilize fidelity all the time in nursing, and I’m almost positive you’ve seen it as well, especially in NR222. Fidelity is described as “nurses must be faithful to the pledges they make as professionals to deliver competent, excellent care to their patients,” according to the Code of Ethics of Nurses. I’ll explain why I chose these two in particular. I believe it is unjust because, what if he created the application and people were downloading it “illegally,” that is, without paying for it? That is inequitable. That should not be the case. It’s not fair to the person who put in many hours to put this together. To devote so much time and effort, only to have it exploited, misused, and so on. Furthermore, the person who submitted the application had faith in the general public. I had faith in the software. It’s a complete embarrassment. Those who have those internal ethical standards will recognize how inconvenient this is.


Dayton, D. (2018, December 27). Role of Fidelity in Nursing Ethics. Career Trend. https://careertrend.com/facts-6820571-role-fidelity-nursing-ethics.html (Links to an external site.).

Rachels, S., & Rachels, J. (2019). The Elements of Moral Philosophy (9th ed.). McGraw-Hill

Merriam-Webster. Fairness. Merriam-Webster. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fairness.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. ARTH 372 UMGC Romanesque vs Gothic Architecture Discussion


This week’s material discusses both the Romanesque and Gothic styles.  There were various contextual influences that led to the differences of these two styles of art and architecture. Compare and contrast the differences in styles between the Romanesque and Gothic.  What are some contextual reasons for the differences? Include two examples: one from the Romanesque period and one from the Gothic period.

  • In your comparison analysis, do not discuss each work separately, but rather, provide a unified analysis of both cathedrals that includes architectural terminology.
  • Explain the contextual differences that would account for the stylistic variations.
  • Lastly, ask the class a thought provoking question.
  • Optional: There are many revivals of these churches scattered in American cities.  If you have visited any (or even the European originals), we would like to hear about your experience.


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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. CCBC Latin Immigrants in the US Experiencing Marginalization Essay


Please NOTE: This assignment is used in the 101 level of all World Languages.

Introductory Spanish I is a general education course designed to assist students in the development of critical life skills. One of the goals of this assignment is to assess student competence for each of these objectives:

I. Written communication skills– write a coherent and well-developed essay and conform to the grammar, punctuation, and spelling rules of standard written English with a minimum of errors.

II. Critical analysis and reasoning—communicate and organize ideas clearly and concisely and provide thorough and relevant supporting evidence.

III. Technological competence—utilize learning management systems and word processing programs as appropriate to the academic environment.

IV. Information literacy — conduct independent research using library electronic or print resources; evaluate resources for authority, accuracy, reliability, coverage, and timeliness; incorporate outside material into essays by summarizing, quoting, and paraphrasing correctly; and provide documentation for sources with a Works Cited page and parenthetical citations, using the MLA or APA format.

VI. Local and global diversity—demonstrate knowledge of an under-represented group in a Spanish-speaking country or Spanish-speaking immigrants in the United States and explore their cultural contributions experiences, values, struggles, or the history of this group.


Write a three-page academic research paper on a diverse, underrepresented group of people in a Spanish-speaking country.


Within heterogeneous societies, some diverse groups end up being underrepresented and thus marginalized. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to demonstrate knowledge of a diverse, underrepresented group in a heterogeneous Spanish-speaking country. Explore the cultural aspects of the group that you choose; research and discuss its cultural contributions, experiences, values, histories and power struggles as a diverse group.


First, select a Spanish-speaking country that you would like to research. This can include Spanish-speaking populations in the United States. Then, research an underrepresented group in that country that has distinct cultural aspects that make them diverse, and result in experiences of marginalization. A group of people can be underrepresented due to a variety of factors such as their race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sex, sexual orientation, disability, language, or class. Some examples of such groups are:

the Quechua people in Peru

the Jews in Argentina

women in Mexico

Basque speakers in Spain.

Next, write an academic research paper describing the experiences of this diverse group living in a plural society. You should focus on the values and traditions of the group you have selected with a particular emphasis on any one of the following:

Political system


Technological achievements



Language (if this group is a language minority in the country you have chosen)


Other cultural contributions

In your paper, as you discuss the experiences of your group, be sure also to discuss what it means to be diverse in relation to power, privilege and inequality in a society in which one is a member of an underrepresented group.

Here are some possible topics:

Describe a Spanish-speaking country that is linguistically diverse (more than one language is spoken in the country), religiously diverse (more than one religion is practiced in the country), or ethnically diverse and explore the benefits and problems for one of the underrepresented groups living in that plural society;

Explore gender roles in a specific Spanish-speaking country and examine issues related to power and opportunity for women;

Investigate the experiences of Spanish-speaking immigrants in the United States, or of another group of immigrants in a Spanish-speaking country.


Must show proof of factual knowledge of the under-represented group in the Spanish-speaking country or Spanish-speaking immigrants in the United States, as well as reflection on cultural contributions, experiences, values, struggles, or the history of this group. Thus, it will require thorough preparation (e.g. interviews, research data, or a combination of both).

Should be organized, with a logical sequence of ideas, well-structured paragraphs, varied sentence structure and appropriate level of language, a variety of vocabulary appropriate to the subject, and flawless grammar and spelling.

Should communicate ideas clearly and concisely with cultural sensitivity and provide thorough and relevant supporting evidence. Cultural sensitivity means being aware that cultural differences and similarities exist and have an effect on values, learning and behavior.

Should demonstrate a thoughtful description of an issue related to a category of diversity (such as gender, language, race, class, etc.).

Should contain one inserted object, image, or graph, for example. The inserted object should be relevant to the content of the essay and should be placed thoughtfully within the essay.

Audience: Your audience is your instructor and other members of the class, representative of an adult, educated, academic audience.

Assignment Specifications:

The paper must:

Be typed.

Be three pages, written in English, double-spaced, with a 12-point font.

Be submitted through Blackboard.

Show evidence of research, organization, and depth.

Have a minimum of 3 appropriate academic resources. Try using the CCBC Library Research Databases page under Cultures. See http://library.ccbcmd.edu and click on Citations: MLA | APA | Chicago to see how to cite your references.

*If you need assistance with your writing, please go to the Writing Center (E-338–

Essex, L-123—Dundalk, or Y-121–Catonsville) and/or refer to the CCBC Student Guide to Writing in the Disciplines: http://www.ccbcmd.edu/media/widac/writing_guide.pd…


This assignment will account for 10% of the total course grade.

See attached rubric for details about how your essay will be graded

Submission Guidelines:

Please upload your Annotated Bibs to Blackboard via Assignment Links (instructions will be discussed in class).

Please upload your final typed paper to Blackboard via Assign

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Grand Canyon University Effective Collaboration Practices Worksheet


Implementing effective collaboration practices can help educators break down possible barriers and build relationships with students, families, colleagues, and community members. Understanding the characteristics and components of effective collaboration techniques is the precursor to being able to implement them.

Part 1: Components in Collaboration Matrix

For this part of the assignment, complete Part 1 of the “Key Components in Collaboration and Consultations Template.” Summarize each key component of collaboration, based on information from your topic readings. In addition, explain how the key components tie into general and special education teachers’ roles and responsibilities to support the learning for individuals with disabilities.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Miami Dade College Human Resource Employee Benefit Planning Article Presentation


Student is required to use the Web, newspaper, journal, etc. to find one recent (2019 – present) article that relates to any chapter in your textbook (Flexible Work Arrangements). You must cite your references using APA 7. A PowerPoint must accompany the presentation. Your presentation must address the following:

  • Summarize the article
  • What was the problem/situation? What was the issue?
  • Who was involved? What was their role and responsibilities?
  • How was the problem addressed or resolved?
  • How does the article relate to our textbook, concepts, theories, and practices?
  • What did you learn from the article?

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. MGT 370 DePaul University Entrepeneur Opportunities Paper


Students will write abstracts at the end of each module integrating and summarizing the most important points from the chapters discussed in the module. Class participants will demonstrate their ability to assimilate, interpret and communicate the information provided in their readings. In a four-pager document, (including one title page and one reference page) students will write an abstract describing the content discussed in the readings, power-point presentation, and class discussion (that takes place over Zoom). The first page of the document should include a title page. Second page of the document includes your abstract. Here you should address the following questions:

  • What is the content of the module about?
  • What are the most relevant concepts discussed?
  • Why is the content/reading important?

In the third page of the document, a section of critical thinking will be developed. In this section, you will challenge one point of discussion covered in the class/reading. The critical thinking section will help you to further develop your ability to use relevant information while objectively evaluating an issue where you will explain why do you disagree with an argument or assumption made by the authors of the readings. Your argument will have to be done with some form of evidence supported with at least one reference. Last page of your document should include a reference list with no more than 2 sources. A&CT should be typed and single-spaced. Please use 12-point, Times New Roman font with 1” margins on all sides.

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Other Homework Help. Upper Iowa University The Role of Private Sector in Homeland Security Paper


From this week and forward, you must use either the Times New Roman or Arial template from the General Course Content for all assignments. Do not copy and paste the headings into a blank Word document. You must download the template and save it to your computer. You will upload the entire proposal each week. This is one evolving document. Do not alter the template in any way other than to add your content. It is formatted correctly as is.

For this week you are going to focus on the Introduction Chapter for your Final Capstone Project. You will follow the guidelines listed below to write your entire Chapter One:

Introduction Chapter

The introduction chapter frames the entire proposal by providing an overview of the circumstances, issues, and background of the problem the proposed capstone project is to address. This would include a brief history of the organization and/or organizational unit including critical events that have contributed to the existing problem area. The introduction chapter includes an explanation of the problem area, and the relationship between the problem area and prior studies.

Please remember you must use citations and references throughout to support your work. Papers without citations and references will be returned to be updated before they will be graded.

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