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Other Homework Help. The University Of Faisalabad Trends in the Healthcare Industry Discussion


Imagine that you recently began working in a department that supports your company’s strategic planning for growth in the industry. Your department head has asked you to do research from a newcomer’s perspective to inform future marketing directions for the company. He has asked you to write a detailed memo that identifies the three top trends in the industry. If he likes your work on this initial research, he will ask you to write a position paper on the most important issue related to these trends. (The position paper will be your assignment for project 3.) He is hoping to use your research to prepare your department to launch a new strategic plan.

This is your first real task for your new job, and you are excited and a little nervous about the assignment. You think you have a sense of the industry but know you need to do more research to be accurate in your analysis. The ability to spot trends in your industry is an important skill, and your boss wants to spend energy and capital on new growth areas, products, and services. Writing for Inc., Hall (2016) offers ideas about how to identify and evolve with industry trends.

As you begin your research, you will need to register for CareerQuest, review the available resources, and use Vault for some of your industry research. Please review this short video about the many services under CareerQuest. Career Insider by Vault is a set of career research tools. You can find the Vault tools under Tools>Career Tool Box>Career Search Tools. Career Search Tools should be the box in the lower right corner. While this assignment asks you to use the resource called Vault, the graded discussion in week 5 will ask you to discuss other CareerQuest resources you found helpful or interesting.

Your assignment is to produce a well-researched and properly cited memo of approximately 500-750 words (about two pages in double-spaced Times New Roman font) in which you identify three trends in your industry and discuss each one briefly. You are to provide citations for at least THREE SOURCES. These sources should be a mix of journal articles from the UMGC library, information from Vault, and other pertinent and valid websites or online materials pertaining to your trends. Be sure to cite any words or ideas from your sources in correct APA format, and include a properly formatted list of references. For an example, please refer to the APA formatted template for project 2.


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Other Homework Help. PSYCH 241 Isothermal Community College Ericksons Psychosocial Development Discussion


I’m studying and need help with a Other question to help me learn.


For this discussion board, students are to identify Erikson’s corresponding stages of development and discuss what each stage entails for the following ages: infancy and toddlerhood. Be sure to use in-text citations when citing the text or other sources in your answers.

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Other Homework Help. AUM Human Communication in Society Questions


I’m working on a other question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Think back to the last time you were aware that someone was interested in you romantically. How did you know? What verbal and nonverbal behaviors suggested that romance was a possibility?

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Other Homework Help. Post University Technical Writing Responses


topic: Why is purpose important in technical writing?


1. In technical writing, the methods we tend to use are equally important, but we must always decide on the purpose of our work. Purpose in writing is not just the point or idea being clarified; it is the goal of what the document, literature work, or assignment is trying to accomplish. Using a technical document similar to a how-to, the purpose of that document is to ensure that the reader understands what the topic is. According to sites.newpaltz.edu, based on a handout from the State University of New York, “Purpose is the goal or aim of a piece of writing: to express oneself, to provide information, to persuade, or to create a literary work” sites.newpaltz.edu, SUNY Purpose-Handout (2021). These are the ideas that describe purpose. Another example of writing with purpose would be imaginative allegory literature works like George Orwell’s Animal Farm; it has an underlying meaning to it that the author is trying to persuade or instead inform you of.

2. Context is the details of any topics we may discuss; it is the information written to connect each point made within a document. So, in other words, context is the trail the reader can follow to understand it clearly or with more depth. Some would agree that context is no less than information, but it is also much more. A perfect reference that I believe in, is one written by Julien Samson of writingcoopertive.com as they stated “Context is not only important for meaning. It can also help build self-awareness, creativity, and learning” Samson, (2017). I find myself having this sense of creativity and self-awareness when I read for fun and for school purposes, this connection allows me to produce results from a state of reflection. This state of reflection is simply my way of comprehending the information to either present to an audience or properly assess what I’ve learned.


A purpose in technical writing is an intention of a message you are trying to relay to your audience. In our textbook Technical Writing for Success, technical writing is described as such, “A form of technical communication… the writing is functional, practical, and written carefully for an identified audience for a particular purpose.” When we use technical writing we want our audience to be able to fully understand our purpose. If the writer’s purpose is to pass on information on how to calibrate dish antennas they would not write that chicken should be cooked to seventy-five degree celsius. That would be going against their purpose or intended message. The writer’s purpose is to make sure the audience can properly calibrate a dish antenna when they are done reading the technical writing, not how to cook chicken properly. Before we write we ask ourselves what is it I want my audience to take away from my writing? What is my intention? What is my reason? How can I relay this information in a way that will best benefit my audience? When we answer these questions that gives us our purpose in technical writing.

Context in technical writing is what the writer is referencing or what they are meaning when they write. Julian Samson described it best when he wrote, “Context adds specificity to your writing and directs the reader’s attention to a particular train of thought. Thus avoiding, to a certain extent, unwanted interpretation.” It can be considered the background information, the situation it relates to or the setting of the writer’s intended purpose. Going back to the writer who wants to inform his audience on how to calibrate dish antennas, his context is, maintaining the working order of equipment. Context is important in technical writing because they are the clues that allow the reader to understand the writer’s purpose.


Purpose in technical writing allows your audience to have clarity of what your discussion or topic is about. You want to make sure your are providing the correct information to your audience, allowing them to create a bond of trustworthy and credibility. This will also create a strong relationship between you. Your purpose is also meant to persuade your audience to believe your side and have them dig deeper into the information you provide. Having purpose makes a difference to you and everyone else. Not having purpose means you are not trustworthy with your information and you are not putting any effort in trying to convey your message to your audience.

When it comes to your context in your writing, you either want to have historical, physical, cultural or situational included in your writing. Providing one of multiple of these types will create a deeper meaning to your context, allowing your audience to be pulled into your writing. Your context coexists with your purpose as it also helps create a relationship with your audience and you are steering them in the direction you want them to go in. Context also helps you not have any miscommunications with your audience. You also need to make sure you explain the background of your context, allowing your audience to establish a deeper relationship with you and trust. Not having context in your writing will allow your topic to be all over the place and not persuasive enough to your audience, having them stop reading your writing and not believe it.

Topic: what does intelligence measure?


Multiple intelligence refers to a theory describing the different ways that people learn and the unique information in which they learn. I took the test which I was really impressed by. So I scored extremely low in musical and naturalistic. Which was really surprising to me due to I love to hike, go to the beach and be outdoors. I also love music and all genres. So to have scored extremely low in those areas kind of threw me off. The area that I scored extremely high was in interpersonal which did not surprise me at all as i’m very well equipped in knowing who I am, what I want, what my feelings and current situation’s are, and I have very few close friends. I don’t really enjoy sharing my business with a lot of people I’m super private. I think it’s because of the fact that I don’t want to feel judged. So if you are somebody that I am going to see all the time. I don’t want to share my personal stuff with you. I do feel that the test was culturally fair. It used a really wide variety of questions that could go either way. I would think that the application on multiple intelligence theories would have an educational settings would be more geared towards what your education setting should be like rather you go to in person school, what profession you take up and then the different ways that the teachers or professors can implement some of the multiple intelligence settings into some of the assignments and/or learning environments.


The test I choose to take was the multiple intelligences test. Multiple Intelligences means that there are different styles of learning and different styles of intelligence. It’s the way a person approaches a task. I scored the highest on the Verbal/Linguistic; Visual/Spatial; Interpersonal; Musical; Body/Kinesthetic and Intrapersonal. I scored lower on Naturalistic and Logic/Mathematical. The results of the test do intertwine with my personal perception of myself. I am not into nature at all and the Naturalistic part was my lowest score at 24. I am in love with music no matter what and that was my highest score at 37. I think this test was culturally fair because none of the questions had anything to do with the determination of the test takers’ culture. The theory of multiple intelligences is used in educational setting because every teacher/professor knows (or should know) that every student learns differently, and some students may need extra help with their understanding of the work the teacher is giving them. Them taking this into consideration is both beneficial to the student and the teachers.


When I took the Multiple Intelligence Inventory, the results were pretty spot on. My highest score were logical/mathematical, visual/spatial, Musical, and Itrapersonal. Out of all, Musical was my highest! Music is something that I listen to day in and day out. Through music, I have learned to express myself and put a lot of what I am feeling into words. My love for music started when I was younger, and from there, it just took off. Once I am finished with school, I plan to get certified in Music Therapy, I feel that it is another way to help others figure out what they are feeling inside. My second highest score was Visual, in order for me to learn, I have to see it first. Once I see how something is solved, I can pretty much do it myself after that. I had a teacher in high school who taught math. She would show us how to solved the problem on the board, and then told us to work on our own assignments. Once she showed us, I would always read or write other things. When she called on me (because she thought I was not paying attention), she expected me to not be able to work the problem. But, I was able to every time.

I think that the test was culturally fair. There was something in there for everyone, it did not really cater to one specific group of people. One of my coworkers took it with me, and we noticed how different we were when it came to learning. We come from different cultures and backgrounds.

Multiple intelligences allows students to finds talents and become more active in learning. It also helps the educator consider the variety of learning types that they might have in their classroom. At the daycare, most of my students learn by music. They can sing the days of the week, numbers, and ABCs. But, we have a few students that have to see it. If they do not see it, they often forget the order of things. Then, there are the ones who are hands on, we give the puzzles and things to help stimulate their minds. It is interesting to see how each student learns and even teach me and my coworkers different things.

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Other Homework Help. Columbus State University Lesson Five Political Science Discussion


Lesson Five Discussion Question:

Use the information provided in your textbook on the Congress, relevant Internet websites and these two congressional websites to respond to the discussion question below.

How a Bill Becomes a Law may appear to be a fairly straightforward and not all that complex a process if you simply review a typical diagram provided in most textbooks. Despite this straightforward process, many political commentators argue that gridlock – or the inability of Congress to pass meaningful and necessary legislation – dominates the current congressional era. What are the causes and consequences of congressional gridlock?


(1) Develop a brief diagram or bullet list for the House of Representatives and one for the Senate showing how a bill may become a law, and

(2) In brief paragraphs, identify and explain the causes for congressional gridlock (for example, political polarization, gerrymandering, etc.). What type of reform would you propose to the legislative process to break the gridlock?

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Other Homework Help. SNHU Other Capital and Operational Budgets Research Paper


Overview: In budget planning, public administrators need to outline expenditures related to both operational and capital budgets. As you reviewed in this module’s resources, operational budgets are the day-to-day expenditures of a government, whereas capital budgets are long-term investments for an organization. Due to limited funding, public administrators need to determine priorities for both operational and capital budgets. In this short paper, you will explain, how priorities are determined, and at what stage in the budgeting process they are determined, for both types of expenditures. Prompt: What are the most important factors that can impact the development of priorities for operational budgets? What are the most important factors for capital budgets? How are these factors applied in the budget cycle? How are capital budget elements included in operational budget decision making? Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: ? Begin by identifying the most important factors that can impact the development of priorities for the following types of budgets. Be sure to use specific examples to illustrate: o Capital budgets o Operational budgets ? Then, explain how and when these factors would be applied in the budget cycle for each: o Capital budgets o Operational budgets ? Draw final conclusions about the relationship between capital budgets and operational budgets. Specifically, explain how capital budget elements are included in operational budget decision making. 

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Other Homework Help. Concordia University Effects of Dyslexia in Learning Abilities Discussion


I’m working on a other writing question and need an explanation to help me study.

Think about what you experienced when you completed the simulations from the “Through Your Child’s Eyes” study material. Summarize the challenges you faced and what completing the simulations taught you about how dyslexia affects students academically and away from the educational environment. Identify the grade level you selected. In replies to peers, discuss commonalities you see in the realizations you had about the effects of dyslexia and share additional examples of the effects of this disability on students in and away from school.

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Other Homework Help. SPD 500 Grand Canyon University Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Worksheet


Special education teachers are part of the assessment team that determines eligibility for special education services. There are 14 major eligibility categories defined by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). For each of these disability categories, educators must have general knowledge of the guidelines for eligibility, characteristics, causes, effects on learning, and how often the disabilities occur within a defined population in order to contribute to team collaboration and consult articulately with staff and parents/guardians. Additionally, there are specific conditions, such as dyslexia, that are included within each of the broad categories, and special education teachers must be well informed about the potential effects on learning for each specific disorder.

Use the information in the textbook and study materials to complete the “Disability Comparison Template” to summarize information for the categories of disability under IDEA as well as for common, specific learning disabilities. The first category, Autism, is completed for you.

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Other Homework Help. KHP 4474 Troy University Fuel Utilization Lab


Hey, I need help with my lab assignment for my exercise physiology class. I will attach a file with the questions at the very end & also I need you to fill out the table as well. I will attach the youtube video for you so you can get the data for the table.

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