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Other Homework Help. Concordia University Nebraska Every Student Succeeds Act Discussion


I need an explanation for this question to help me study.

In 2015, President Obama signed the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) into law. The law was marked for decreasing federal authority over states and school districts in providing education, but it still assigns key responsibilities to these entities. Do you think these responsibilities help, “promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access,” which is the official mission of the U.S. Department of Education? Why or why not? What aspects of the constitution do you see that apply to ESSA of 2015? Cite specific examples in your response.In 2015, President Obama signed the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) into law. The law was marked for decreasing federal authority over states and school districts in providing education, but it still assigns key responsibilities to these entities. Do you think these responsibilities help, “promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access,” which is the official mission of the U.S. Department of Education? Why or why not? What aspects of the constitution do you see that apply to ESSA of 2015? Cite specific examples in your response.

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Other Homework Help. CRJS 405 Troy University Police Brutality Research Proposal Paper


Research Proposal on how has police brutality has impacted and shaped policing in todays world. The research propsal will be a writtenn assignment that includes a statement of the problem to be studied, the formulation of the research question and hypothesis, literature review, and methods section. typed in times new roman 12 point, 1-inch margins. The introduction should be 1-2 pages, literature review 4-5 pages, and methods 2-3 pages.


-why study this topic, why imprtant, who will benefit from the study, research questions

Literature review:

-locate, read, analyze, evaluate, and synthesize existing information from a minimum of five peer-review journals


-restating the purpose of the study and research objectives. describe approaches and steps to address the research question. talk about type of research, data collection procedures, unit of analysis, and role of the researcher

Attached will be a sample paper

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Other Homework Help. Makerere University Sustainability Challenge & Environmental Issues Discussion


Subject: Environmental Issues

You will have to do 2 different assignments in 1 pdf separate

Citation Style: Harvard

REQUIREMENTS:12.4 pages / 3437 words (Double spacing)

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Other Homework Help. MMC 3407 Rasmussen University W11 Visual Communication Presentation


Deliverable 4 – Visually Persuading Your Viewer

You are a visual communication expert for a company that creates and maintains websites for large businesses and organizations. They called a meeting a few days ago to bring various departments together for a “think tank” session. The goal of this session was to update the images and visual elements on the website of your newest client: a large medical facility’s website. Currently, they are using the same website images across all websites in the following American locations: New York City, Miami, Phoenix, and Denver.
As the meeting progressed, several people posed several situational conversations. You took careful notes during the meeting, and as you review them at home, you decide to create a video to address all the issues discussed.
In less than seven minutes, your video will outline the importance of using cultural familiarity, perspective framing, and emotional appeal in order to visually persuade viewers in all of these different locations. For clarity, you decide to include specific visual images and examples that could replace current website images for each situation. During the video, you plan to include audio explanations to prove your points to the other “think tank” members.
You review the situational conversation notes:

  1. Carol asks: “Why can’t we just use the same images that are already being used for all the different locations? All the images of the medical staff look American enough.”
  2. Daniel states: “Let’s use images of families in all of the images that scroll through the main website page. That will catch everyone’s eye-everyone has a family somewhere.”
  3. Caleb questions: “The pictures we use should all be outdoors and of people having fun. Isn’t that what all patients want to see when they visit the medical facilities website?”
  4. Heather states: “Maybe we should think like the potential patients that might visit this website. What would those patients want to see regarding this facility?”
  5. Samuel asks: “How can we use images to get people to feel like they will get better, or experience a miracle, or receive better treatment here than at some other facility?”
  6. Instructions
    The presentation must include a visual and an audio recording using Screencast-O-Matic®, a free audio recording software compatible with PC and MAC computers.

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Other Homework Help. Chamberlain College of Nursing The Holy Virgin Mary Controversy in Art Discussion


Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Textbook: Chapter 14
  • Lesson
  • Minimum of 1 primary sources (artist statement)
  • Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook – from critic)

Although controversial art is not a topic exclusive to the 20th and 21st centuries, the distribution of information regarding controversial art has increased with the proliferation of media. Choose an example of a controversial work of art from the 20th or 21st centuries from any discipline of the humanities (music, literature, sculpture, film, television, etc.). Then, address the following:

  • Identify the work and the medium.
  • Based on your example, to what extent does this work of controversial art make a social contribution?
  • What aesthetic value does the work have? How does it reflect the human condition? How does it relate to your life?
  • Has this work ever been censored? If so, explain the circumstances.
  • Are governments ever justified in censoring art? Why or why not?
  • Examine some of the influences of this work of art.
  • Argue whether or not this work should be considered art. Explain why using terms learned in this course.
  • Include an accompanying statement from the artist(s) and a statement from a critic to support your points.

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Other Homework Help. Chamberlain College of Nursing Americas Got Talent Television as an Art Discussion


Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Textbook: Chapter 13, 14
  • Lesson
  • Minimum of 1 primary or scholarly source (from actor/director or critic – either will count as your scholarly source requirement for discussions)

Initial Post Instructions
Many people would say that the 1999 premier of The Sopranos was a turning point in the development of television as an art form. Choose a television or streaming show that you feel perpetuates the idea that television is indeed a form of art. For the initial post, address the following:

  • Include the name of the show and the director.
  • Explain why you think this program is art.
  • What impact does the example have on viewers’ lives?
  • What were some influences of this work?
  • Include a statement from an actor, director, or critic of the program that supports your points.

Follow-Up Post Instructions
Respond to at least one peer. Respond to one peer who chose an option different from yours. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification.

Writing Requirements

  • Minimum of 2 posts (1 initial & 1 follow-up)
  • Minimum of 2 sources cited (assigned readings/online lessons and an outside source)
  • APA format for in-text citations and list of references

Student Sample:

Hey Class and Professor,

I chose to discuss one of my all-time favorite series. However, prior to me liking the show, I didn’t have much interest in it, but when I kept watching, it started to intrigue me and catch my attention. I chose to discuss Game of Thrones, an American medieval fantasy television series created for HBO by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss, featuring a predominantly British and Irish cast. The series is based on author George R. R. Martin’s best-selling A Song of Ice and Fire series of seven planned fantasy novels, the first of which is A Game of Thrones. The series cast and their characters have some similarities with the artwork. For instance, one can say they were inspired by art. Sansa Stark had some similarities with the painting by John William Waterhouse called Ophelia. “Ophelia runs through the wild meadows gathering flowers and looking for her lost love, or maybe running away from the pain it is causing her. Her distress is evident. Sansa Stark embodies the Game of Thrones’ damsel in distress, and her image is closely inspired by the pre-Raphaelite paintings “(Kaszubowska, 2020). With a large cast of characters, the show goes above and beyond anything else on television. In the past, many characters have appeared in television shows and other series, but none have been as numerous or as complex as the characters in the HBO series Game of Thrones. It has resulted in characters and plot lines that appeal to a wide range of viewers, including themes such as power and intimacy, family and nationhood, politics and conquest, and intrigue, all of which are set within a strategic and ruthless framework of normalized violence. Even though the TV series ended in May of 2019, I can say it influenced shows like Vikings, Outlander, and The Last Kingdom. According to Lisa Woolfork, an associate professor in the English department at the University of Virginia, said, “The attachments that some viewers have developed for the show have transformed Game of Thrones from a book and television series into a more significant and widespread cultural phenomenon that includes YouTube parodies, music videos, toys, jewelry, craft beverages, games, and more.” (Marsh, 2019).


Kaszubowska, J. (2020). How Art Inspired Game of Thrones Creators. Daily art magazine. Retrieved from: https://www.dailyartmagazine.com/how-art-inspired-game-of-thrones/ (Links to an external site.)

Martin, F. D., & Jacobus, L. A. (2018). The humanities through the arts. New York: McGraw-Hill Education.

Marsh, S. (2019). Game of Thrones’ impact on TV will be felt long after the finale, say experts. The Guardian. Retrieved from: https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2019/apr/12/game-of-thrones-revolutionised-british-tv-academics

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Other Homework Help. Chamberlain College of Nursing Streptococcus Agalactiae Discussion


Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Textbook: Chapter 21, 22, 23
  • Weekly Concepts

Initial Post Instructions

For this discussion, take on the role of one of the pathogens we learned about. Give us a narrative about what you are doing in the body from the pathogen’s point of view. How did you get into the body? In other words, how did the body inherit you. How do you move through the body? What path of destruction are you on? How will you wage battle against the body? How do you plan to win that battle? What will the body try to do to stop you? How will you fight back? Who wins?

Follow-Up Post Instructions

Respond to at least one peer or the instructor. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification.

Writing Requirements

  • Minimum of 2 posts (1 initial & 1 follow-up)
  • Minimum of 2 sources cited (assigned readings/online lessons and an outside source)
  • APA format for in-text citations and list of references

Student Sample:

Professor & Class,

Hello, my name is Mr. Streptococcal and I am a bacterial pathogen. I can be harmful and in some ways deadly! I have multiple personalities and have many names. Some versions of my personality are almost murderous like when I become part of a B-haemolytic Streptococci in rare cases I can infect the blood and organs of a human which can result in pneumonia, bacteraemia, and necrotising fasciitis or better known as flesh-eating disease!!! Mu-ah-ah-ah. Even-though I live naturally in humans causing no symptoms I can still be transmitted to start causing some issues! I can be transmitted through coughs, sneezes, or direct contact. Like I said earlier my multiple personalities allow me to move through the body easily and morph into many different areas of the body like the blood and certain organs. When I am inside a humans nose, throat, and sometimes skin I mind my own business, however, when I move about elsewhere I love to cause some damage… I mean, i’m already here why not, right? According to some human research from the University of California San Diego School of Medicine and Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals Sciences (2017), they “recently made a surprising discovery that strep’s M protein alone wipes out macrophages, but not other types of immune cells in which the macrophages’ self-sacrifice ultimately serves as an early warning of infection to the rest of the immune system”. Once I obliterate the humans macrophages I take on the bodies white blood cells head on. I can win this fight typically if i’m dealing with high risk humans like babies under six months old, adults over 75, and those with weak immune systems. However, my cause for total domination is taken away from me when humans take some pharmaceutical chemicals that kill me.

The fight is not over. Ill be reincarnated (hopefully) one day, and start my fight again! Maybe ill morph into your cat that wont stop meowing… the world may never know.

I have posted a photo of me below, check it out! 🙂

Streptococcus Laboratory: Streptococcus agalactiae | CDC


The Public Engagement team at the Wellcome Genome Campus. (2021). What are STREPTOCOCCAL INFECTIONS? Facts. https://www.yourgenome.org/facts/what-are-streptococcal-infections.

Gonzalez, C. (2021). Microbiology [Chapter 21,22,23 powerpoint slides]. Chamberlain University

Single strep bacteria protein sets off white blood cell’s early warning system. UC Health – UC San Diego. (2017). https://health.ucsd.edu/news/releases/pages/2017-08-07-single-strep-bacteria-protein-sets-off-white-blood-cell-early-warning-system.aspx.

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Other Homework Help. Chamberlain College of Nursing Wk 7 Pathogens Fungi Discussion


Pick your Pathogen

Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Textbook: Chapter 21, 22, 23
  • Lesson
  • Minimum of 2 scholarly sources 
  • Instructions

Select a publication or a newspaper article on a pathogen, apply knowledge learned in BIOS242, and write a paper.

The goal for this project is:

  • to make connections between concepts learned in the course and what is observed in a health care setting
  • to understand real-life applications of Microbiology

Project Parameters:
For this assignment, you will identify a pathogen in a newspaper article or publication of your choice, apply principles learned in BIOS 242, and research the pathogen for its connection to nursing/health care. You must get approval for your chosen article and pathogen. You will then write a paper on their chosen pathogen/topic. Use the template hyperlinked above when writing your paper.

The pathogen can be a bacteria, fungus, protozoa, or virus. In addition to the article, information to include in the paper should include, morphology, gram stain characteristics, virulence factors, susceptibility to antibiotics, host cells, nutritional needs, growth conditions, mechanisms used to evade the immune system and invasion into the host(s), interactions with the hosts and diseases caused and affected body systems. Additionally, students should explain symptoms when the pathogen infects a host, as well as a diagnosis and the therapeutic intervention needed after infection. You may also add information on statistics related to infection (epidemiology) and any new research findings related to the pathogen.

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Other Homework Help. PSY 205 SNHU History Of Child Custody Arrangements In The United States Research


Research the history of child custody arrangements in the United States. Make sure you include the following:

  • An overview of how child custody arrangements have evolved over the years
  • A discussion of the cultural changes that have affected the evolution of child custody in the United States, making sure to explain how specific societal changes influenced legal custodial arrangements
  • A summary of the current trends in child custody arrangements in the United States

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