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Other Homework Help. Santa Monica College CLD PR Questions

How and what do you know about CLD PR?

Why do you want to work with CLD PR?

What do you think the role of an intern is?

What experience (schooling/work) do you have that is relevant to fashion PR? Please give an example of how you applied PR practices in a school/work project.

Why do you have an interest in fashion PR?

What specific skills do you wish to gain during the internship?

Which dept. do you have a interest in learning, Media or Celebrity?

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Cuyamaca College Economics Is of Practical Value in Business Sentences

I’m working on a exercise and need support.

  • From Part I of the exercises in 1.2 of your textbook in the Overview, do only: 1 through 10, 14, 15, 18, 24, 27, 30, 33, and 35
    • Special Directions:  If the passage is an argument, standardize it like you did in the exercises from 1.1. If the passage is not an argument, type “N/A” and what type of passage it is (warning, piece of advice, report, etc.).
    • Also, we do not cover “expository passages” or “loosely associated statements” in this section, so neither of those should show up in your answers!

    I. Determine which of the following passages are arguments. For those that are, iden-

tify the conclusion. For those that are not, determine the kind of nonargument.

?1. The turkey vulture is called by that name because its red featherless head re-

sembles the head of a wild turkey.

2. If public education fails to improve the quality of instruction in both primary

and secondary schools, then it is likely that it will lose additional students to

the private sector in the years ahead.

3. Freedom of the press is the most important of our constitutionally guaranteed

freedoms. Without it, our other freedoms would be immediately threatened.

Furthermore, it provides the fulcrum for the advancement of new freedoms.

?4. A mammal is a vertebrate animal that nurses its offspring. Thus, cats and dogs

are mammals, as are sheep, monkeys, rabbits, and bears.

5. It is strongly recommended that you have your house inspected for termite

damage at the earliest possible opportunity.

6. Mosquito bites are not always the harmless little irritations most of us take

them to be. For example, some mosquitoes carry West Nile virus, and people

who are infected can become very sick or even die.

?7. If stem-cell research is restricted, then future cures will not materialize. If fu-

ture cures do not materialize, then people will die prematurely. Therefore, if

stem-cell research is restricted, then people will die prematurely

8. Fictional characters behave according to the same psychological probabilities

as real people. But the characters of fiction are found in exotic dilemmas that

real people hardly encounter. Consequently, fiction provides us with the op-

portunity to ponder how people react in uncommon situations, and to deduce

moral lessons, psychological principles, and philosophical insights from their


(J. R. McCuen and A. C. Winkler, Readings for Writers, 4th ed.)

9. I believe that it must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples

who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside

pressures. I believe that we must assist free peoples to work out their own

destinies in their own way. I believe that our help should be primarily through

economic and financial aid, which is essential to economic stability and or-

derly political processes.

(President Truman, Address to Congress, 1947)

?10. Five college students who were accused of sneaking into the Cincinnati Zoo

and trying to ride the camels pleaded no contest to criminal trespass yester-

day. The students scaled a fence to get into the zoo and then climbed another

fence to get into the camel pit before security officials caught them, zoo of-

ficials said.

14. Lions at Kruger National Park in South Africa are dying of tuberculosis. “All of

the lions in the park may be dead within ten years because the disease is incur-

able, and the lions have no natural resistance,” said the deputy director of the

Department of Agriculture

15. Economics is of practical value in business. An understanding of the overall operation of the economic system puts the business executive in a better posi-

tion to formulate policies. The executive who understands the causes and con-

sequences of inflation is better equipped during inflationary periods to make

more-intelligent decisions than otherwise

18. No business concern wants to sell on credit to a customer who will prove un-

able or unwilling to pay his or her account. Consequently, most business or-

ganizations include a credit department which must reach a decision on the

credit worthiness of each prospective customer

24. If a man holding a belief which he was taught in childhood or persuaded of

afterwards keeps down and pushes away any doubts which arise about it in his

mind, purposely avoids the reading of books and the company of men that call

in question or discuss it, and regards as impious those questions which can-

not easily be asked without disturbing it—the life of that man is one long sin

against mankind

27. Haydn developed the string quartet from the eighteenth-century divertimento,

giving more substance to the light, popular form and scoring it for two violins,

a viola, and a cello. His eighty-three quartets, written over the course of his

creative lifetime, evolved slowly into a sophisticated form. Together they con-

stitute one of the most important bodies of chamber-music literature

30. The brain and the nervous system are composed of two types of cells—

neurons and glial cells. Neurons are responsible for information transmission

throughout the nervous system. Glial cells constitute the support system for

the neurons. For example, glial cells take away the waste products of neurons, keep the neurons’ chemical environment stable, and insulate them, allowing neurons to do their work more efficiently

?31. In areas where rats are a problem, it is very difficult to exterminate them with

bait poison. That’s because some rats eat enough poison to die but others eat

only enough to become sick and then learn to avoid that particular poison

taste in the future

33. If someone avoids and is afraid of everything, standing firm against nothing,

he becomes cowardly; if he is afraid of nothing at all and goes to face every-

thing, he becomes rash. Similarly, if he gratifies himself with every pleasure

and abstains from none, he becomes intemperate; if he avoids them all, he

becomes some sort of insensible person. Temperance and bravery, then, are

ruined by excess and deficiency, but preserved by the mean

35. One form of energy can be converted to another. For example, when an elec-

tric motor is connected to a battery, chemical energy is converted to electrical

energy, which in turn is converted to mechanical energy 

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. University of Maryland Tax Credit on Disposal of Reversing Rapids Co Problem

Reversing Rapids Co. purchases an asset for $129,988. This asset qualifies as a five-year recovery asset under MACRS. The five-year expense percentages for years 1, 2, 3, and 4 are 20.00%, 32.00%, 19.20%, and 11.52% respectively. Reversing Rapids has a tax rate of 30%. The asset is sold at the end of four years for $11,448.

Calculate tax credit on disposal. (The answer should be entered as positive value). Round the answer to two decimals.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. IT 404 SEU The Design Stage the Most Important in Web Development Discussion

this’s the opinion number one i need a reply for it :

1- The textbook’s definition of Design: is identifying the site’s goals, usage, and how visitors maneuver throughout the site.

Based on this definition, I believe design is the step that we need to spend the most time at, as it contains the whole scope of the site, the main idea of it, and how the user will be using it. Also, it contains the part where we plan on the user interface which is the looks of the side, the map of the site, and the efficiency of it. All other steps come after that.

2- Regarding the design trends, I would first explore the web about the current design trends, observe the different ideas available, and then pinpoint the trends that suites the idea of my site. we cannot apply any design trend to any type of site, we have to choose the appropriate ones.

this’s the opinion number tow i need also a reply for it :

As we studied, web designing includes 4 stages to be completed. All stages are important, but in my opinion the first stage” Design Stage” is the most important stage and the designer should take a fair time working on this stage to ensure success in the project. At the design stage the designer and his team identify the purpose and the activities of the site, also they will define the products and services that will be produced. As well as identifying their clients and their needs. In addition to identifying the appropriate programs and tools for the project, which will help in completing the work as quickly as possible and at the lowest costs. All these reasons make this stage the core of the project to be success.

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Other Homework Help. University of Kentucky Fire Fighters Risks and Prevention Presentation

This project is to be a ten slide Powerpoint presentation to be presented live, The topic should be based on the chapter attached.

This pp should be carefully crafted and will be assessed for content, originality, visual impact, class participation, and should  demonstrate a thorough working knowledge of the course material.  

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. UMGC Growth Experience and Development Stages Discussion

Pick an age: 1, 3, 7, 12, 15, 22, 35, 50, or 75. Think of your own experience or the experiences of those you know at this age. Consider the major developmental theories you learned about in this module (psychosocial, cognitive, and moral), and apply them to the age of your choosing.

  • Describe either your own experiences, experiences of someone else, or an imagined situation at this age and use appropriate terms and definitions from the module to describe that stage of development. Be sure to identify the stage of development that you are discussing and those who have contributed to it’s development.
  • Do you agree with the developmental theories that describe this age? Why or why not?

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Calabasas High School Film Hereditary The Grief Recovery Scene Analysis

It should be 7-9 pages long (at least 2,300 words), typed, double-spaced, and also include a Works Cited page. Be sure to reread your paper before you turn it in. Check for clarity, spelling, and grammar. The paper should reference specific readings assigned for the class, as outlined below. Include a works cited page.

For your term paper, complete a stylistic analysis and interpretation of a scene. Select one scene of three to five minutes in length (Any scene of your choice is perfectly fine!) from one of the films selected (Hereditary, Directed by Ari Aster!!!) during the full course. You can pick any film listed in any of the Units. Use the following questions to assist you:

  1. Complete a shot breakdown chart of the scene you have selected. Below is a sample (at least 30 shots).
  2. Introduction:
    1. Provide background information on the film you have selected. You will need to do some research for this. Who is the director? When and where was this film made? Is it related to a film movement? What kind of film is this: a documentary, experimental film, fictional narrative film? What genre(s) might this film fall into? Provide any other relevant information about this film?
    2. Thesis statement: This is your argument. The thesis statement should explain the relevance of the scene you have selected. How does it connect with the rest of the film and its narrative? What is the importance of the scene and its relation to other scenes? Is it a major turning point? How does the scene support the film’s theme(s)?
  3. Part 1:
    1. Write a brief description of the selected scene.
    2. Explain what is so important about the succession of shots that comprises the scene? Analyze (don’t just describe) the shots’ mise-en-scene, cinematography, editing, acting, and sound. How do these stylistic elements work together to create emotional and intellectual effects?
    3. Discuss how the shots work together and separately:
    4. How is meaning created and imparted to the viewer?
    5. How do the shots convey information and characterization?
    6. Why might these particular shots have been used? What gives them impact?
    7. How is meaning built up in the scene?
  4. Part 2:
    1. How does this scene relate to other scenes; think of the form of the film. How does the scene relate to the theme you have selected to focus on?
    2. How does the scene relate to the form of the film? Is it part of a repetitive pattern? Part of the development of the film? Explain the scenes relation to the theme created through the form.
    3. How does the scene relate to the Narrative? Is there a 3-act structure? How does it relate to the character goals? Does this film follow a Classical Hollywood Narrative? Where does your scene fit into this narrative?
    4. What is the film’s explicit meaning? What is the film’s implicit meaning?
  5. Conclusion:
    1. And, lastly return to your thesis by broadening your scene analysis to the rest of the film. Explain the significance of analyzing this one scene.
    2. Explain why analyzing this one scene is important in the interpretation and analysis of the film as a whole.

Do not:

  1. Discuss the plot in detail. Your reader has already seen the film you are writing about;
  2. Just list and describe the shots;
  3. Use extensive quotations or lines of dialogue for your analysis;
  4. Repeat yourself.

Be sure to:

  1. Use correct spelling, grammar, and syntax;
  2. Describe and analyze the scene in detail;
  3. Build analysis through use of detail;
  4. Use terms from the textbook so as to show you understand them;
  5. Include an original title for your paper, and to number each page;
  6. Use the present tense and use characters’ (not actors’) names in your paper;
  7. Proofread.

Note: for your analysis, it is crucial that you watch the film in its original aspect ratio (letterbox). Do not watch a film in Full Screen unless that is the aspect ratio the film was distributed as. Some of these films are available at Learning Resource Center. You may select a different film, but you will need to have the film approved.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. University of Maryland Global Campus After Tax Cash Flow at Disposal Exercise

I’m working on a other question and need guidance to help me learn.

Reversing Rapids Co. purchases an asset for $111,068. This asset qualifies as a five-year recovery asset under MACRS. The five-year expense percentages for years 1, 2, 3, and 4 are 20.00%, 32.00%, 19.20%, and 11.52% respectively. Reversing Rapids has a tax rate of 30%. The asset is sold at the end of year 4 for $13,460.

Calculate After-Tax Cash Flow at disposal. Round the answer to two decimals.

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Other Homework Help. RWS 305W Grossmont Cuyamaca Online Counselor Position in Thriveworks Resume

For our last major project, you will begin to think about the next steps you’ll take after you leave the university. Although there are lots of options for life after the degree, students often either enter the workforce or reenter academia in pursuit of another degree or certification. For this project, there are two options for you to choose from, based on what you’re planning to do next after graduationyou will think about what you’d like your next steps to be, and then produce a set of materials that will help you get there. RequirementsIf you are planning to look for a job or career after you graduate, you will design a resume and write a cover letter. You will: 1.Find an actual posting for a job that is of interest to youthe kind of job that you might apply for after graduation. 2.Create a resume tailored to this job posting. 3.Write a cover letter (even if this job posting doesn’t require one) describing why you are the ideal candidate for this position. If you are planning to apply to graduate school or continue your education in some other way, you will design a resume and write a personal statement. You will:1.Do a bit of research to find a program to which you might consider applying.2.Create a resume tailored to this program. 3.Write a personal statement (even if the program doesn’t require one, although most do) describing why you’d make a good addition to the program.

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