Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Jackson State University Using Data to Plan Instruction Discussion

This is the second of 5 papers. I have attached the first paper titled Revised Context and Support Learning Form. I got a perfect score..using that and the current paper I wrote titled “data” I want to rewrite the second paper that effectively translates the data. Some of the information can be made up, as long as 6 students are reflected as written about in the paper.

As educators, we know that each child learns differently and begins the development of planning with data new concepts at different points, based on prior learning. Your task is to identify each child’s strengths and areas for growth through the use of data. The data may be summative, such as a comprehensive assessment, a state assessment, a lab report, a project, or may be formative, such as an independent reading record, observations, or a short quiz given to inform instruction.

Before you begin the assignment, you need to think about the following:

What do I already know about each student’s strengths and areas for growth?

Are there some students for whom I need additional data/information to better understand their needs?

Are there other staff members on campus who might have additional insights?

For the assignment, you will select a previously given assessment from the types listed above, and use the data from the assessment to determine next steps for instruction for each student.

As you look at the data and develop your assignment, you will want to address questions such as:

Given this data point, which students “got it,” which students “kind of got it,” and which students “didn’t get it at all?”

Would all students falling into these categories benefit from the same intervention or do they have different needs/skill sets/gaps that would require different interventions?

What research-based strategies would be best for each group or individual student?

You will create and submit a multi-page .pdf document (minimum 3 pages) that includes the following:

-the targeted TEK(S) (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills) identified,

-a description (include the actual assessment if you feel it would add clarification) of the assigned task,-

-the method used for collecting and scoring the data,

-a descriptive analysis of the data for all students in the focus class, and,

next steps for instruction using research-based strategies.

You will want to be specific and clear of the next steps addressing each student either individually or in small groups based on the data analysis. Think carefully about the needs of all students identified as Special Education, 504, Gifted and Talented, English learner, etc.


You will submit the assignment as one .pdf. The notes below relate to those areas that students have missed when submitting and these areas have caused the student to have to revise and resubmit their assignment.

Review the rubric link below before beginning; this is to help you understand how the assignment will be scored. Here is a sample assignment download turned in by an intern. Review this assignment to see what is expected. We have identified the areas we scored on the assignment to help you understand how we apply the rubric. We expect that your data will look different, you will have different plans and strategies, but that you recognize the discrepancies in student learning, have disaggregated the data to inform your next steps, have selected research-based strategies to address student needs, and have provided a well-written analysis that informs your instructor of your knowledge.

Read the rubric to identify the areas you will be scored. You will not pass unless you provide specific data (not just general identification of ‘several’ students or ‘three students’, etc). You must identify the data using a table, identifying students by number, such as Student 1, Student 2, Student 3, etc. You must analyze the data and group students based on that data. Explain in the narrative why you selected those students for each group. Then, you must identify strategies to use to address differences, AND quote the research you use when selecting those strategies.

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. MGT 404 SEU Organization Design and Development Case Study

Assignment Question(s):

Part 1 (3 marks):

1. What are the key reasons behind the reorganizing of the finance department in this foods company? (Words 150-200)

2. What do you think the major concerns will be of employees and managers in the new design? (Words 150-200)

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a gradual versus a rapid transition? (Words 150-200)

Part 2 (2 marks):

4. Please refer to table 12.5 in Chapter 12 in p.352 of your textbook. Then, choose an example of an organization that uses a product-centric structure. Please justify and explain your answer. (Words 250-300)

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. LUO Differentiated Reading Instruction and Character Development Discussion

The teacher’s role in the learning process is well-documented and supported through educational research. The support provided to children through differentiated instruction, scaffolding, and authentic learning provide environments in a language arts setting to encourage achievement and growth. Why do teachers need to differentiate instruction reading instruction? Find 1 peer-reviewed journal article to support differentiation in one of the 3 areas and to support the module readings: 1) differentiation in the reading classroom, 2) with English language learners in the reading classroom, or 3) with struggling learners in the reading classroom. This response must incorporate your biblical worldview and include a citation of your article in current APA format, including the URL if applicable. Your thread must reflect scholarly writing and use third-person perspective.

you will complete this initial question and then 2 classmate replies. I will need the initial post first to submit and then give you the replies.

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Makerere University Criminology Chart Data Analysis


For the completion of this assignment, you will be using the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice Interactive Delinquency Data Reports which can be found at: http://www.djj.state.fl.us/research/reports/reports-and-data/interactive-data-reports/delinquency-profile

Delinquency Profile | Florida Department of Juvenile Justice

Become A Partner. The vision of the Restoring Hope Community Network program is to provide a full range of programs and services that will turn around the lives of troubled youth and ensure that voluntary chaplaincy services are available to youth and their families during times of family crisis.


(Links to an external site.).  The Florida Department of Juvenile Justice’s “electronic release” of data on delinquency arrests and dispositions examines Florida’s juvenile justice system at several points of the juvenile justice continuum (i.e., Intake, Disposition, Court-Diversion programs, Juvenile Probation, Residential Commitment, and Transfers to the Adult Court System).  Each student will select a county and one juvenile justice continuum in which data will be extracted and analyzed.  Once the county and the point of continuum have been selected, data from FY 2018 – 2019 and FY 2019 – 2020 will be compared across the following racial/ethnic and gender groups: White Male, White Female, Black Male, Black Female, Hispanic Male, Hispanic Female, Other Male and Other Female.  Once the data has been collected, you must create charts to display your data. Chart 1 should present FY 2018 – 2019 (i.e., race/ethnic and gender groups with the county total).  Chart 2 should present FY2019-2020 (i.e., race/ethnic and gender groups with the county total).  Chart 3 should be a comparison of FY2018-2019 and FY 2019-2020.  The county totals do not have to be included in Chart 3.   After you create your charts, you will write a description and summary of your findings from the data that you obtained.  Your written description must indicate any changes from FY 2018 -2019 to FY 2019 – 2020.  In addition to your description and summary, you will end your report by providing at least three suggestions for improvement. The directions for retrieving this data from the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice website will be discussed during the first week of class.

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Summary and Overview of The Policy of Frances Pro Nationalist Policy Discussion

Help me study for my class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.


In no less than 300 words but no more than 600 words, assess the success of France’s pro-natalist policy (Le Code de Famile). You are expected to give a summary/overview of the policy and using examples/evidence from the essay above and any other relevant source, state whether the policy has been successful or unsuccessful.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Mount Royal University Health Promotion Prevention of Disease Discussion

Health Promotion Prevention of Disease: Using the paradigms of health, discuss the link between health and behavior. Describes how this relationship affects social determinants of health. Please add citations and references less than 5 years

500 words minimal, APA style. Please Reply to at least two other student posts like if you were responding to your same reflection.

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. PACE 111T UMB Program and Career Exploration in Technology Discussion

In choosing a major, ability counts as much as interest. In addition to considering what you enjoy, think about times and places when you excelled… Let your choice of a major reflect a discovery of your passions and potentials.

List your core values, such as contributing to society, achieving financial security and professional recognition, enjoying good health, or making time for fun.

—David Ellis, The Essential Guide to Becoming a Master Student

In this activity, you will become more familiar with your academic program. The purpose is to explore your academic program to learn more about what courses are offered and to provide a snapshot of program highlights and coursework examples.

As you conduct your program research, consider the following questions:

  • Why did you select an academic program in the Technology field? Consider both internal and external influences.
  • What industry certifications are related to your career field? Are there any which you are interested in pursuing?
  • What internships or apprenticeships are related to your major? Do any of them interest you? Consider the potential titles, companies, and things you might learn.
  • What kinds of career opportunities are there in your field? Consider the potential titles and companies for whom you may work. Which do you find most interesting?
  • What have you discovered about your academic program that you didn’t know before?

Using the Week 3 assignment template, please answer the questions about what you found in your research on your program. Each answer should be at least 4-6 sentences. Upload your document into the Assignment folder by the end of Week 3, Tuesday, September 7, 2021 at 11:59 ET to stay on track.

Program – Computer Networks and Cybersecurity

Required Courses:

  • Fundamentals of Computer Troubleshooting (3 Credits, CMIT 202)
  • Fundamentals of Networking (3 Credits, CMIT 265)
  • Introduction to Linux (3 Credits, CMIT 291)
  • Network Security (3 Credits, CMIT 320)
  • Ethical Hacking (3 Credits, CMIT 321)
  • Cloud Technologies (3 Credits, CMIT 326)
  • Switching, Routing, and Wireless Essentials (3 Credits, CMIT 351)
  • Current Trends and Projects in Computer Networks and Cybersecurity (3 Credits, CMIT 495)

Three upper-level courses (9 credits) chosen from any upper-level CMIT courses or Digital Forensics in the Criminal Justice System (3 Credits, CCJS 321).

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. PACE 111 UMB Program and Career Exploration in Technology Discussion

Part 1 

Get information about the courses in your major by consulting the undergraduate catalog or visiting the IT & Computer Science Academic Programs page, then scrolling down the page to the list of majors: 

IT & Computer Science Academic Programs 

From the IT & Computer Science Academic Programs page, select your major and scroll down to view the courses in the major. Select three to five courses from the list and read the course descriptions. In your discussion posting, let us know: 

  • What courses are you excited about taking? Why?
  • What two courses could you take next term? 
  • Are there any prerequisites for the courses you plan to take next term? 
  • Have you registered for your next term? If not, when will you?

Part 2 

Next, provide at least two examples of specific actions you could take to help you graduate sooner, and explain why they are viable options for you, personally. A few examples of actions you could take are listed here: 

  • Submit all your transcripts. Don’t be concerned about the grades you may have received previously, the types of classes you took, or whether you think the learning can be applied. They will review anything and everything to ensure you get the most out of your prior learning. 
  • Document industry certifications. These also may bring in additional credit, especially in the areas of information technology, cyber security, and project management, and might be creditable as prior learning. 
  • Investigate Prior Learning programs. Adult learners bring a robust background in learning on the job, and these learning opportunities can be reviewed for possible credit toward academic requirements. 
  • Enroll in multiple terms. Staying in class throughout the academic year (Fall, Spring, and Summer terms) will get you to your degree faster. 

Program – Computer Networks and Cybersecurity

Required Courses:

  • Fundamentals of Computer Troubleshooting (3 Credits, CMIT 202)
  • Fundamentals of Networking (3 Credits, CMIT 265)
  • Introduction to Linux (3 Credits, CMIT 291)
  • Network Security (3 Credits, CMIT 320)
  • Ethical Hacking (3 Credits, CMIT 321)
  • Cloud Technologies (3 Credits, CMIT 326)
  • Switching, Routing, and Wireless Essentials (3 Credits, CMIT 351)
  • Current Trends and Projects in Computer Networks and Cybersecurity (3 Credits, CMIT 495)
  • Three upper-level courses (9 credits) chosen from any upper-level CMIT courses or Digital Forensics in the Criminal Justice System (3 Credits, CCJS 321).

Other Homework Help