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Other Homework Help. American Intercontinental University Employee Rights in The Workplace Discussion

Numerous laws and regulations pertaining to employees affect the ability of organizations to perform in the marketplace. It is the responsibility of human resource (HR) leaders to understand and protect the rights of employees and protect the organization from unwanted lawsuits.

  • Discuss a minimum of 2 laws or regulations that pertain to employee rights in the workplace and the importance of each law to the organization.

Review and consider the laws or regulations presented by your peers. One approach to replying to your peers is to share your thoughts on 2 of you peers’ responses and address additional reasons on the importance of the topics presented. Another approach is to expand on the discussion by providing your perspective through the introduction of examples and possible outcomes.

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Other Homework Help. CC Alternative Hands On build and Test a Circuit Project Report

Hello, I have a project to do for my Electronic technology class and I need help with it I will upload the file of the project for you to take a look at it and do the same thing please!

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Other Homework Help. Newton High School A Billion Dollar Growing Industry Presentation

hi, i need help with python assignments and paper and presentation.  Attached is the python assignment. For my presentation i chose big data. so for the presentation for the powerpoint. 

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Other Homework Help. RES 711 Westcliff University Wine Stores Approach Research And Summaries Question

In February 2009, bushfires raced across the Australian state of Victoria, claiming lives and property. While rebuilding will take years, at some point after a disaster, it is time to get back to business. Suppose you are approached by the owners of several full-service wine stores in Victoria. They are uncertain about whether they should simply maintain the same positioning they had previous to the bushfires, and they would like a report within 60 days.

  • How could each orientation of qualitative research, namely, phenomenology, ethnography, grounded theory, and case studies be used here?
  • What qualitative research tool(s) would you recommend be used and why?
  • What are the ethical issues that you should be sensitive to in this process?

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. CCC Describing Oneself for A Legal Assistant Position Professional Goals Discussion

Do the words gritty, passionate, demanding, or innovative describe you? Are you a team-player who “gets it done”? Would you love to be part of a team dedicated to excellent results that’s becoming a genuine “Best Place To Work” company? We’re your next move! Almanac Technologies, a service provider to Machol & Johannes, LLC, is a premier law firm with headquarters in Colorado and operating in seven additional states. We offer representation and customer service in the Collection, Bankruptcy, and Creditor rights arenas. This specific position will be located in Downtown Denver, Colorado.

At Almanac Technologies, we know that you want:
Interesting & challenging work, opportunities to learn & grow, competitive pay & benefits, talented co-workers
The ability to contribute and make a difference, transparent communications, a sense of community
And management that takes a personal interest in you


The Legal Mail Clerk is responsible for assisting the Accounting team with various clerical duties. This position requires great attention to detail and accuracy and works in a fast-paced, get-it-done environment. This position is a great launching pad for training & transitioning into an Accounting role.


Daily mail collection
Sort & process mail daily
Review, code, & scan consumer letters
Send outgoing UPS/FedEx overnight packages as needed
Oversee mail supplies/equipment
Additional administrative duties as needed


High school diploma or equivalent required
Previous experience in high volume data entry preferred
Previous experience in an office environment preferred
Exhibits basic knowledge of the use of Microsoft Office Suite
Typically Monday through Friday
In-office position


Ability to meet deadlines and perform tasks in a high-stress environment
Maintains a high degree of attention to detail in a fast-paced work environment
Ability to effectively communicate and troubleshoot complicated legal tasks
ability to work on a team
Knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite, specifically Excel required
Exhibits exceptional verbal and written communication skills and customer service provision

I am trying to get a job a legal assistant for a small private law firm and I want to impress my potential employer(s), and I need a response that stands out from other candidates .

Our Company Core Values are: Demanding, Life Learning, Gritty, Gets It Done, Passion, and Teamwork. Chose one Core Value and in a few sentences share an example of a time when you demonstrated that value?

What is the biggest motivator attracting you to this particular position, or to us as an employer?

I left my recent job because I wanted to work a another law firm that allows me to grow? What is a great response for leaving your job? The question is listed below. What is the biggest factor motivating you to leave your current or most recent position?

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. CUN Typical Developmental Milestones in Service Presentation

Special education teachers often consult and train staff members. Consideration of typical development and achievement of developmental milestones can help staff determine if a student needs a referral for a special education evaluation. This information is often used to select assessments and identify the effects of a possible disability. If eligibility is determined, an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) is developed. IEP teams describe an individual’s strengths, interests, preferences, and needs, while considering the characteristics of a given disability and its effect on a student. The IEP defines the specially designed instruction, accommodations, related services, and supplementary aids and services that will best support a student in accessing and achieving goals aligned with the general education curriculum. When teachers understand the effect of a disability on learning, they are able to prepare the classroom environment and use specially designed instructions to support students with disabilities.

Imagine that your principal has asked you to conduct a professional development session for staff members about developmental milestones for students. Referring to the study materials and your research, use the “Developmental Milestones In-Service Template” to create a 15-20 slide digital presentation that describes the typical cognitive, linguistic, physical, social, and emotional developmental milestones of children in the grade levels associated with your field of study.

The presentation should address the following:

  • Describe developmental milestones and explain why they are important.
  • For each disability category, describe typical cognitive, linguistic, physical, social, and emotional development and the atypical development of a student with the specified disability. Include examples of how the milestones may present differently for students with and without each disability.
  • For each disability category, explain at least one specially designed instructional strategy that could be used to enhance academic achievement.
  • For each disability category, explain at least one environmental strategy (how you would change the classroom environment) to increase success in the classroom setting.
  • Title slide, reference slide, and speaker notes.

Support the assignment with a minimum of three scholarly resources.

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Other Homework Help. South University Difference between Qualitative and Quantitative Studies Essay

Evaluating Qualitative and Quantitative Studies

Using the South University Online Library, find one qualitative and one quantitative study. Summarize each study using short paragraphs and discuss and evaluate the data collection methods. Make three recommendations to improve each study (a total of six recommendations) and explain why they are logical means of improvement. Based on your summary, evaluation, and explanation of each study, prepare a report in a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document.

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Other Homework Help. South University Online Spokesperson Videos Autobiography Portion Discussion


Your first speech will be to record a 2–3-minute Autobiography with Future Story.

The autobiography portion of your video should answer the following questions:

  • Who are you? Introduce yourself, telling your classmates a bit about yourself. For example, what are you majoring in? What are your hobbies? How long have you been attending South?
  • How much experience have you had as a speaker? This could include any talks you have given in elementary, junior high, high school, or college. You may also include talks you have done at work, religious institutions, or even family gatherings. In other words, think of any time you have spoken to a group of people, no matter how large or small.
  • What is your current level of confidence as a speaker?

Your Future Story: Describe your future story and the steps you need to take to achieve it. Some questions you may consider as you prepare your video are:

  • Where do you see yourself working in five years?
  • Where will you live in five years?
  • Who are the individuals who will help you achieve your future story?
  • Describe what your life will be like in general in five years. For example, what will you do for leisure or entertainment? What will your hobbies and activities be? Will you travel?
  • How will completing the learning objectives of this course help you make progress towards your future story?
  • How will completing your degree program help you achieve your future story?

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Other Homework Help. Gratham University Supreme Court System Analysis Essay

75- 100 words PART 1

May It Please the Court …

For your initial post this week imagine that you are a lawyer arguing a case concerning federalism before the Supreme Court of the United States of America. This case has to do whether the power to create policy on a particular issue should be in the hands of the Federal Government, left to the States, or left in the hands of individual citizens.

Then, you must support your argument to the Supreme Court by finding and using an applicable part of the United States Constitution.

Select one of the following starters to start your argument (only do one):

  • May it please the court, the federal government, not the states has the power to legalize marijuana because …
  • May it please the court, the states, not the federal government, has the power to legalize marijuana because …
  • May it please the court, neither the states nor federal government has the power to legalize marijuana because …
  • May it please the court, the federal government, not the states, has the power to pass gun control because …
  • May it please the court, the states, not the federal government, has the power to pass gun control because …
  • May it please the court, neither the states nor federal government has the power to pass gun control because …
  • May it please the court, the federal government, not the states, has the power to pass education policy because …
  • May it please the court, the states, not the federal government, has the power to pass education policy because …
  • May it please the court, neither the states nor federal government has the power to pass education policy because …
  • May it please the court, the federal government, not the states, has the power to recognize or even restrict same sex marriages because …
  • May it please the court, the states, not the federal government, has the power to recognize or even restrict same sex marriages because …
  • May it please the court, neither the states nor federal government has the power to recognize or even restrict same sex marriages because …

Part 2

Supreme Court Ruling Analysis

The Supreme Court is made up of nine justices who are responsible for deciding whether or not laws are in line with the U.S. Constitution. These individuals serve life-long appointments once they are nominated by the President and confirmed by the United States Senate. Below is a list of some of the most controversial decisions in the last few decades by the Supreme Court. These cases are often mentioned by politicians during campaigns because the issues are still debated, even after the Supreme Court’s ruling.

Write an essay analyzing one of the following key Supreme Court rulings:

National Federation of Independent Businesses v. Sebelius

District of Columbia v. Heller

Roe v. Wade (abortion rights)

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission

Obergefell v. Hodges

Your essay must be at least 500 words long.

Answer these questions to complete your analysis of your selected Supreme Court ruling.

Tell the reader which of the five key Supreme Court ruling you selected to analyze.

What was the law being challenged in the case?

Tell me any of the states or government entities that were part of the case.

Who was the Petitioner in the Case?

What was the Petitioner’s argument?

Who was Respondent?

What was the Respondent’s argument?

What part or parts of the Constitution were discussed in the case?

Why were those parts of the Constitution discussed in the case?

What was the final Supreme Court ruling

oWhat was the final score of the case was (for example 5 to 4 or 7 to 2 or some other combo that, in most cases, adds up to 9)

oWhat was the date that the case was decided?

oWhich side won, was it the petitioner or the respondent?

oWhat did it mean that this particular side won?

This is the most important part of the assignment: how does this case currently impact your life and the lives of Americans? Explore the political and electoral consequences of the ruling. Don’t just say, for example in the case of Roe v. Wade, women can now have abortions because only a small percent of the population is of childbearing potential – how did the case impact everyone else more generally? Think about how even this current or most recent presidential election was impacted by the ruling you have analyzed.

Provide a reference list.

Please note: APA formatting and citations rules apply to this and all essays in this course.

As with all weekly written assignments, submit your work as an attached file. Double-space your paper and use 12 point Times New Roman as your font.

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