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Other Homework Help. CSUN Planning Process of Your Data Analysis Reflection Paper

This will be based on a 2 page double-spaced reflection of the planning process of your data analysis project with specific emphasis on what you think the planning group could have done more of, less of, and what you personally would do differently the next time you are involved in planning an event. The project was me receiving survey data from my all my classmates about how they feel about a guest speaker’s presentation. Just write up what could have hypothetically been done better throughout the “planning process”. NO REFERENCES NEEDED.

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Other Homework Help. GEB 4220 Rasmussen College Diverse Workforce Globalization and Diversity Paper


Attribute different cultural perspectives to current social-cultural dimensions.


You have been hired as the Human Resources Director for a global organization that is headquartered in the United States. Your job is to evaluate and make recommendations in the area of diversity for your company. Each section will contain specific areas within diversity for you to focus on. You will be tasked with choosing from one of the diversity areas that are provided to you. Be sure to conduct research using the university library and other relevant sources.

Diversity Areas (You selected Race. Continue to use for all modules)


You recently attended a conference for your company on Diversity and Hofstede’s cultural dimensions. As part of the initiative on going to the conference, you are to prepare a presentation on what you learned to incorporate into the company; this can be PowerPoint, Prezi, or any presentation tool. Make sure you address the following questions in your presentation, as you will be giving it to the executive leadership team:

  1. Include an introduction to Hofstede’s cultural dimensions.
  2. Discuss how the six cultural dimensions impact the workplace.
  3. Determine what strategies you can use to successfully manage the different cultural dimensions. Remember, this is a global company based in the US.
  4. Conclude your presentation.

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Other Homework Help. PSYC 431 Southwestern Community College Terror Management Theory Discussion


Assignment: Terror Management Theory in Practice

Selecting a recent terror event, one occurring with the last five (5) years, examine the practicality of the terror management theory (TMT).

  • In the opening of your work, provide an overview of the TMT, noting the critical aspects of the theory, to demonstrate a clear understanding of what the theory is and how it can be applied in various circumstances.
  • Next, explore your selected terror event, discussing the ways in which the TMT might be applied to improving the understanding of the survivors’ coping and recovery following the terror event.
    • In addressing the applicability of the TMT to the selected event, consider the survivors’ cognitive, social, cultural, and intellectual conditions as factors of influence that might skew perceptions of death and survival.
    • Discuss, with detail and clear examination of the available scholarly resources, why these factors should be examined in the discussion and how, or if, they affect disaster behavioral health outcomes.
  • As you wrap up your work, briefly discuss the appropriateness of the use of the TMT as it compares to other theories attempting to rationalize survivor thoughts and behaviors following terror events.
    • Select a single theory upon which you will make the contrast, clearly identifying the foundational tenants of the theory, making a solid case for which theory is most appropriate.

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Other Homework Help. PSYC 431 AMU Effects of Disaster on Children Research Paper

To date, the effects of disaster events have been introduced through our course materials as well as the ways to interact with survivors of these disaster events. At particular risk for negative reaction in disaster situations, natural or man-made, are children and adolescents. Dependent upon the child’s/adolescent’s stage of development, responses to disaster events can vary significantly. Our course materials provide excellent guidance for those charged with aiding children and adolescents in disaster events.

  • After review of the course materials, share your understanding of assessing and providing appropriate disaster behavioral health care for children and adolescents.
  • Outlining how the process differs from that of disaster behavioral health with typical adult populations, note any significant factors you feel contribute to or hinder the recovery process with children and adolescents.



– 350+ words

– APA Format

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Other Homework Help. OTH 5202 TWU Assessment of Occupational Functioning Question

so you will answer questions using the cheat sheet attached, questions will be on an asessment tool called: Asessment of Occupational Functioning. a tool occupational therapist use to evaluate their clients.

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Other Homework Help. St Petersburg College Employment Discrimination Research Paper

Write at least a seven page research paper. The title page and reference page is included in the seven page minimum requirement. Write the paper in your own words and use the American Psychological Association style format, (APA). Use 12 point font and 1 inch margins throughout the paper. You should write full pages. The title page should include the topic title, your name, course name and date. You should number the pages. If you use direct quotes, it should be to emphasize a specific point that you are trying to make and direct quotes should not be more than 10% of your overall paper. You should have a minimum of four references and all references used should be listed on your reference page. Your references should be from professional published journals, magazines and books. You should not use course notes from this or other courses as references. Your research paper should start with an introduction and end with a conclusion. Your paper should be your original writing and will be submitted through the college software program, Turnitin for authenticity. Papers that have been previously submitted from other courses will not be accepted. Select one of the following topics listed below to write your research paper.

The topic is Employment Discrimination

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Other Homework Help. Seneca College Chateau Cheval Blanc Wine Wine Pairing Essay

this is canapé makeing and research assignment, doing one hot and one cold recipes and I added all the information in the files plus when you start the work I will send you the outline assignment I did to choose the 2 wines that we pairing with the canapé we can look online for recipes that pair with the wine you will choose from the 4 I have on the outline look at the pdf file that has the example of the final work how it should be

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Other Homework Help. WSSU Insecurity Among the Communities Living in America Discussion

I’m working on a other question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.


  1. The changing ethnic configuration. How is the influx of large numbers of new immigrants and the creation of a more pluralistic ethnic mix affecting various social institutions and what impact will these trends have on future interethnic relations?
  2. Assimilation versus pluralism. Will-and-should-the end product of the society’s increasingly diverse ethnic mix be some form of assimilation, in which groups become more culturally alike and socially integrated, or some form of pluralism, in which they maintain or perhaps increase their cultural differences and social boundaries.
  3. The continued economic gap and social boundaries between European –American and most Asian American groups on the other. How will these divisions be narrowed, and what role will public policies play in addressing them?

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