Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Works of Impressionists Presented in Museums Around the World Reflection

Think about the last art project you completed. In what way did you experience the task as a cognitive function? How was your affective dimension challenged?

A sample answer may include: Cognitive functions such as planning, measuring, considering color schemes, and forming other elements of design helped to create the project. Answers might discuss the originality of the work or the flexibility required to change the creative plan when one strategy wasn’t effective.

Affective functions were used to help decide whether or not the individual “liked” a specific color, shape, or image, or how the overall end product made him or her feel. Some might respond with the fact that the art project was made for or with a loved one. Answers might discuss how the imagination was used or an urge to take risks.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. University of Nairobi Two to Three Minute Speech About Yourself

it has to be a video recording, sound American and not look like you’re in your 20’s since it has to be believable. However, professor never seen me or heard my voice. secondly, I have a autobiography script another tutor had wrote up, some of it isn’t grammatically correct but its just to give you an idea about me so you know what to say. and it has to be a 2-3 minute video. worst case scenario I will only send her a voice recording and say I do not have a webcam or its poor quality (so try not to show your face too much

Please let me know if you can do this, I had to request a refund with a tutor prior to you because of voice issues.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Concordia University Nebraska Teacher Dispositions Discussion

I need help with a Other question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

Refer back to the “Professional Dispositions of Learners” study material. Describe the teacher dispositions related to the concept of fairness and explain how the concept of fairness correlates to the tenets of the Christian worldview perspective. Include discussion about how you plan to display fairness in the classroom and provide two concrete examples relevant to the grade level you would like to teach. In replies to peers, provide additional examples of how fairness and the tenets of the Christian worldview can be displayed in how teachers interact with students. 

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. HB 2003 Walden University Resource Guides for Public Health Center Case Study

Health Education/Promotion Resource Guide

The director of the public health center where you work would like your team at the center to collaborate with other health educators to create a series of resource guides that provide theory- and evidence-based practices to address specific health behaviors other than physical activity, eating habits, tobacco use, and alcohol abuse. The center already has an abundance of resources to address these “top four” health behaviors, and patients could really benefit from additional resources.

To start the process, the director created a list of priority health behaviors that emerged from the community’s most recent health assessment. As the senior health educator, you get to choose from the list first. Choose one of the topics from the list below and then follow the instructions for creating the resource guide.

  1. Healthy sleep habits
  2. Stress management
  3. Bullying (both in person and cyber-bullying)
  4. Screen time (any screen use, e.g., phones, computers, television, video games)
  5. Health screenings (focus on screenings for a specific population rather than a specific screening)
  6. Safe sexual practices
  7. Opioid abuse

After you choose a behavior from the list, consider one of the major health education/promotion settings (i.e., school, healthcare, worksite, or community) where the behavior might be an issue. Some behaviors may be an issue in multiple settings (e.g., healthy sleep). Other behaviors are a typically an issue in one setting (e.g., bullying). For the purpose of this Performance Task assessment, choose only one setting (and a specific target population, if needed). In reality, however, you would include best practices for different settings. If you would like to select a non-traditional/alternative setting (e.g., universities, home, or prisons), consult with your instructor first to get approval. 

Below are the required components and sections of the guide. Please click each panel and read the instructions carefully to avoid missing an important part of the guide.

Title Page:

Table of Contents

Section I: Introduction and Background (Use this as a major heading; sub-headings are optional)

Section II: Theory- and Evidence-Based Strategies, Programs, and Initiatives (Use this as a major heading; sub-headings are optional)

Section III: Resources


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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. University of Memphis Multiculturalism in Technology Based Education Discussion

  • Identify and briefly describe your target audience (individual or group) (I am an After-School Care and Camp Bruins Coordinator at a private school 2 years-5th grade).
  • In your own words, explain to your audience the meaning of shared vision and team learning. Why are developing a shared vision and team learning opportunities important organizational disciplines? How do the principles of team learning and shared vision interact to strengthen and reinforce one another? How do team learning and shared vision provide a foundation for engaging in or strengthening systems thinking? 
    • Your explanation should be responsive to the perspectives of your audience.
    • Provide specific support for your statements and assertions as you draw connections among the five disciplines and your examples.
    • Your examples should include specific details that promote greater understanding of shared vision and team learning that you want to convey to your audience.
  • Explain how you would recommend the organization use change management strategies to ensure the development and/or fulfillment of a shared vision and team learning.
  • Explain to your audience what organizational changes you would recommend that could enhance a shared vision and team learning among diverse stakeholders in the organization.
  • At the end of your paper include at least 3 questions about shared vision and team learning as they relate to your audience that, when thoughtfully considered, might promote continuous improvement and organizational learning.

In your writing, try to make specific connections between the concept(s) in The Fifth Discipline and organizational details. Avoid writing in vague generalizations that do little to demonstrate a grasp of the concept or enlighten your audience.  

I have also uploaded Chapter 10 and 11 readings for this assignment. 

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Leadership Development Intervention in a Maritime Transport Discussion Paper


This writing is the final project delivery for the project that we worked on it’s phases before. Please ready carefully the attached instruction document “Full Instructions – READ FIRST.” Everything you need for the project included in the attached ZIP file AASTMT Intervention Project.zip

25 – 30 Pages – Double Spaced

If you have any questions please let me know.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. HMLS 416 UMGC Risks of social media on national Security Discussion

We have agreed that the concept of globalization has provided both benefits and risks to the world of nations. Module 2 identifies a number of “transnational risks.” It goes on to assert that one of the factors contributing to these risks is the “widespread use of information technology communication (e.g., Internet, cell phones, social media) to mobilize individuals and groups, acquire resources, and in some cases garner external attention and support.” Can social media constitute a risk to our national security? Explain your position.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. PAD 345 SNHU Approach to Disability Policy Development Essay

Overview: Choose one of the policies to complete the graphic organizer:

For your first competency project, the policy matrix, you will be provided with a choice of four policies. For this

assignment, you will choose one of these policies and complete the graphic organizer. The policy you choose should be the same policy that you will use to complete subsequent assignments, including the policy matrix project, so be sure to thoroughly review each one before choosing. Prompt: Review each of the four policies below.

? Pathways to Policy: Lessons Learned in Multisectoral Collaboration for Physical Activity and Built Environment Policy Development From the Coalitions Linking Action and Science for Prevention (CLASP) Initiative 

? An Integrated Approach to Disability Policy Development, Implementation, and Evaluation

? The 2040 Plan for Northwest Indiana: How Public Engagement Guided the Formation of the Plan ? Silence From Healthcare CEOs on AHCA Politics Is Deafening

Overview: For your first competency project, the policy matrix, you will be provided with a choice of four policies. For this assignment, you will choose one of

these policies and complete the graphic organizer. The policy you choose should be the same policy that you will use to complete subsequent assignments,

including the policy matrix project, so be sure to thoroughly review each one before choosing.

Prompt: Review each of the four policies below.

? Pathways to Policy: Lessons Learned in Multisectoral Collaboration for Physical Activity and Built Environment Policy Development From the Coalitions

Linking Action and Science for Prevention (CLASP) Initiative

? An Integrated Approach to Disability Policy Development, Implementation, and Evaluation

? The 2040 Plan for Northwest Indiana: How Public Engagement Guided the Formation of the Plan

? Silence From Healthcare CEOs on AHCA Politics Is Deafening

Choose one of these policies to focus on. Review the policy thoroughly and complete the graphic organizer. Specifically, you must address the critical elements

listed below.

? Policy Chosen: State the policy chosen.

? Problem Overview: Provide an overview of the problem that the policy was addressing.

? Policy Environment:

o Identify the policy environment or context.

o What is going in the broader context (community, state, nation, etc.)?

o Do people seem polarized, apathetic, etc.?

? Identify Stakeholders:

o Who are the main stakeholders identified in the scenario (both those engaged in and those impacted by the development of this policy)?

? Ethical Considerations:

o What ethical considerations are mentioned specifically?

o What issues are there that might not be mentioned, but you can see how they should be considered?

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Other Homework Help. SPHE 352 American Public University System Week 1 American Football Review

Week 1 Assignment | Skill Evaluation

For this assignment we will use YouTube.com to practice your evaluation skills. Go to YouTube.com and choose a video based on American football. The video should have the coach giving instruction and athletes performing that instruction. It would be ideal to choose a video based upon a position that you have coached or are interested in coaching. For example, if you have experience coaching the secondary you should choose a video on defensive backs or drills that will work to improve defensive back play.

After giving a review of the drill or coaching instruction, evaluate the athlete’s performance of that instruction. Answer the following questions in your review: Was the instruction technical or tactical? (Please provide specific examples). What specifically did the athletes do well? What specifically could the athletes have improved upon?

Develop a two page review/evaluation of the video you choose. Make sure to include at least two aspects of evaluation from this week’s learning. Finally, please make sure to include the URL or web address of the drill you are analyzing.

This essay must be in APA format, double-spaced and approximately two pages in length. Please cite all references used to develop your essay.

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