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Other Homework Help. ADM 624 Grand Canyon University Policy Implementation Presentation

Your recommendation in the policy brief you presented, in Topic 5, has been accepted by the committee, taken through the legislative process, and is now ready for implementation. Create an action plan for implementation. Once you have your ideas outlined you will prepare an implementation presentation for the legislator to communicate to all stakeholders. Your 10-15 slide presentation should include:

  • Any stakeholders (any individual or group that would be impacted by the policy)
  • Required resources and who provides them (what is needed to implement the policy)
  • Challenges that might be encountered
  • Time Frame (time frame should be reasonable)
  • Evaluation processes ( how will you ensure the policy is effective)
  • Summarize how agencies, personnel, and public involved in the implementation of the policy will be impacted. Include a description of the considerations needed for seamless implementation of the policy for all stakeholders.

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Other Homework Help. Grossmont College Increase Engagement Memory Techniques Questions

first one just one questions:

1_what memory techniques did you learn and how will you use them in your academic and personal life?

second questions:

2_Employing strategies to increase engagement in reading materials for school, work, or pleasure can enhance reading comprehension. In this discussion, explore the best techniques you use for reading difficult materials.How do you engage in content that is challenging?How do your reading strategies compare to strategies you use when watching a movie or television, or surfing the Web?

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Other Homework Help. Maryland Baltimore County Retention of College Students Writing Activity

I need to find:

5 articles for recruitment of students K-12

3 from scholarly peer-reviewed journals, 2 from blogs, news articles, radio, government agencies

5 articles for retention of college students years 1-4

3 from scholarly peer-reviewed journals, 2 from blogs, news articles, radio, government agencies.

Every single article, journal, and news should have from five to seven sentences explaining the information.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Cal State San Marcos Data Collection Methods Questionnaires Discussion

Write a brief description on which method(s) you are choosing for your research proposal and why that is the method of choice. Discuss how it provides the best data for your research. Also, discuss briefly how you will analyzeyour data (surveys or interview responses) collected based on some of the information learned from the handouts under this week. 

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Other Homework Help. CSUN Public and Private Schools in LA County that Reported Immunization Data Exercise

Download the “Test Your Skills” workbook.

  1. This data is on public and private schools in LA County that reported immunization data in 2015-2016. The data looks specifically at those with personal belief and religious belief exemptions. The original dataset has much more information, but it’s been shortened for this assignment.
  2. Start with the “Test Your Skills” worksheet
  3. Add a Fake ID using Auto Fill (column should read from numbers 1 through 3374)
  4. Fill in the percentage column
    • Remember the percentage is the count of students divided by the enrollment
    • Be sure to format the cells using the correct format (percentage)
    • Format to 2 decimal places
  5. Filter the “Test Your Skills” worksheet to show public schools with Religious PBEs and 8 students with exemptions — take a screenshot of your worksheet to show me you did this and then clear your filters
  6. Use conditional formatting to highlight schools with more than 10 students with an exemption (make sure your formatting rule doesn’t apply to other columns (only apply to column E)
  7. In the “Summary of Test Your Skills” worksheet, fill in the table using formulas and functions that you’ve learned.
    • Be sure to use =VLOOKUP() function for Fake ID #17’s Percentage of Exemptions)
  8. Make the “Summary of Test Your Skills” worksheet look nice with table styles.
  9. Upload the following:
    • Completed Excel Workbook (with all changes above)
    • Screenshot of your filtering of the “Test Your Skills” worksheet from step 5

Check your numbers using images attached below.


  • Auto Fill IDs – 3 points
  • Percentages Calculated with correct formula for the whole column – 4 points
  • Percentages formatted to be a percentage with 2 decimal points for the whole column – 4 points
  • Screenshot of filtering for “Test Your Skills” worksheet to show public schools with Religious PBEs and 8 students with exemptions – 5 points
  • Conditional formatting on only column E – 5 points
  • Average % calculated with correct function (formula in Summary sheet) – 3 points
  • Maximum % calculated with correct function (formula in Summary sheet) – 2 points
  • Minimum % calculated with correct function (formula in Summary sheet) – 2 points
  • Median % calculated with correct function (formula in Summary sheet) – 2 points
  • Sum of Count of Students with Exemptions calculated with correct functions (formula in Summary sheet) – 3 points
  • Fake ID #17’s Percentage of Exemptions found via correct VLOOKUP function (formula in Summary sheet) – 4 points
  • Summary table looks “pretty” – 3 points

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. ETHC 445N CCN Moral Relativism Is It Right to Be a Relativist Discussion

Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Textbook: Chapter 1, 2
  • Lesson
  • Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook)

Initial Post Instructions
The study of ethics and philosophy is one that brings many different kinds of “thinkers” together. One person’s philosophy on ethics is another person’s philosophy on evil. We will be working this term on constructing personal ethical bases and understanding how ethical codes (both personal and professional) are created and followed.

To start us thinking about the different areas of philosophy and ethics, and how we fit into the different molds or world views, let’s imagine the following scenario:

It is 2019. The federal law banning female circumcision is still under appeal in the courts. You are a nurse assisting a plastic surgeon at a local hospital. The plastic surgeon comes from a country where they practice “female circumcision”. This practice is also sometimes called “female genital mutilation”.

(Video) https://video.alexanderstreet.com/watch/fire-eyes-…

Fire Eyes: Female Circumcision, Written by Soraya Mire, Directed by Soraya Mire, Ethnographer Soraya Mire, Narrated by Carol Christiansen (New York, NY: Filmakers Library, 1995), 57 minutes

You are not a member of the doctor’s culture, but reside in a state where this practice is still legal. The plastic surgeon has agreed to perform this practice on a young girl, the daughter of a friend of the surgeon. The friend has authorized the procedure. The girl only knows this is a custom. You did not know that today you would be asked to assist in this procedure. You can refuse to participate (your job may be on the line in the future due to that decision). Or, you can assist the surgeon. What ought you to do? We now want to examine the ethical issues involved. To do this, let’s look at the role of relativism, moral truths, and other issues.

Initial Post Instructions
For the initial post, address the following questions:

  • What would a subjective moral relativist say about what this doctor is doing? Do you agree with the subjective moral relativist? Why or why not?
  • Examine what a cultural moral relativist would say here. Do you agree with the cultural relativist? Why or why not?
  • Name and evaluate general criticisms of cultural relativism as being the wrong moral approach.
  • Is there an objective moral truth about any of the possible actions by the nurse and/or doctor in this case? Why or why not?

Follow-Up Post Instructions
Respond to at least one peer. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification.

Writing Requirements

  • Minimum of 2 posts (1 initial & 1 follow-up)
  • Minimum of 2 sources cited (assigned readings/online lessons and an outside scholarly source)
  • APA format for in-text citations and list of references
  • Student Example:
  • What would a subjective moral relativist say about what this doctor is doing? Do you agree with the subjective moral relativist? Why or why not?
  • Subjective moral relativism refers to the actor being the only one right or just. Whatever they say is moral or wrong is moral or wrong. This is very one-sided and does not look at the views of others. In this case, if the plastic surgeon was a subjective moral relativist, he or she would say that the procedure is moral without considering anyone else’s opinion. I do not agree with subjective moral relativist because the opinion of others matters, especially in moral decisions such as this.

    • Examine what a cultural moral relativist would say here. Do you agree with the cultural relativist? Why or why not?

    A cultural moral relativist would say that the procedure is moral because of the cultural society that the young girl practices this tradition. I do not agree with cultural moral relativism because it does not view the young girl’s opinion.

    • Name and evaluate general criticisms of cultural relativism as being the wrong moral approach. I would like to reflect on the case in 2007 that our book talks about. It explains how a woman was gang-raped in Saudi Arabia and she went to the police. She was arrested for being alone with another man to whom she was not related to. The case went to court, the judge ordered her to 200 lashes plus six months of prison time. I believe this is not moral for several reasons. I understand that women are viewed differently in Saudi Arabia compared to America however, moral ethics should be considered in cases like this. The fact that the people who gang-raped her were not punished and she instead opened the door for more gang-rapes and crimes against women. “Punishment in Suadi is left up to the discretion of the judge” (Tonnessen, 2016).
    • Is there an objective moral truth about any of the possible actions by the nurse and/or doctor in this case? Why or why not? The objective moral truth in this particular situation would reflect on me as the nurse and the doctor. As a nurse in this situation, I would consider that female circumcision should be a decision for the young girl to decide. The procedure should also be described to her in detail from beginning to end and what the side effects would be afterward. I would not want to perform the surgery for moral and ethical reasons. If I lost my job for not wanting to perform the surgery, I would feel like it was for a good cause and find another job as a nurse.
    • Rachels, J. (2018). The Elements of Moral Philosophy. [Bookshelf Ambassadored]. Retrieved from https://ambassadored.vitalsource.com/#/books/97812…
    • Tonnessen, L. (2016). Women’s Activism in Saudi Arabia: Male Guardianship and Sexual Violence. CMI Chr. Michelsen Institute. Retrieved from https://www.cmi.no/publications/5696-womens-activi…

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Other Homework Help. HRM 546 University of Phoenix Human Resource Management Practices Questions

List 3 of the 5 reasons an employer may reduce the salary of an exempt employee.

List 4 potential red flags to address with a client when he tells you he wants to terminate an employee.

Describe a time when you provided consulting and guidance to upper management on a critical wage and hour or termination issue.

What are the next steps when an employee exhausts her 12 weeks of FMLA/CFRA for a personal medical condition but is not yet released to work?

Why would you be a superior addition to our HR team?

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. NR 360 CCN Nursing Informatics of Professional Nursing Practices Discussion

Discuss ways that nursing informatics could be applied to all areas of professional nursing practice, including clinical practice, administration, education, and research. Provide examples of each. What do you see as the biggest significance of nursing informatics, and why?

Book: (If needed)

McGonigle, D. & Mastrian, K. (2018). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (4th ed.). Jones & Bartlett.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. ETHC 445N CCN Cultural Relativism & Moral Action in Muslims & Christians Essay

Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Textbook: Chapter 1, 2
  • Lesson
  • Minimum of 2 scholarly sources in addition to the textbook

For this assignment propose a scenario where you or someone you know are confronted with a moral dilemma relating to cultural diversity and multiculturalism. It cannot be the same as what was covered in the week one discussion.

Cultural diversity refers to religious, sexual, racial, and other forms of social difference. A moral dilemma is a situation in which one must make a decision between two or more options such that the options involve seemingly ethical and/or unethical conduct. Address the following questions:

  • What was the situation? What did the dilemma involve?
  • What would a subjective moral relativist say is the right approach to the dilemma? Why would that kind of relativist say that?
  • What would a cultural relativist say is the right approach to the dilemma? Why would that kind of relativist say that? Is that approach correct?
  • What did you the person confronting the dilemma decide to do? What moral justification did they give? Is that approach morally correct?
  • Was there an objective moral truth (the objectively right thing to do) in this situation? Why or why not?

Remember, the dilemma should be detailed with description and dialogue. Regard the questions as requirements. This is an essay, so rather than simply providing a list of brief answers to questions, provide an in-depth reflection regarding a difficult ethical situation..

Cite the textbook and incorporate outside sources, including citations.

Writing Requirements (APA format)

  • Length: 1.5-2 pages (not including title page or references page)
  • 1-inch margins
  • Double spaced
  • 12-point Times New Roman font
  • Title page
  • References page (minimum of 2 scholarly sources)

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