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Other Homework Help. University of Maryland Global Campus Mona Lisa Artwork Discussion

  1. Describe a favorite work of visual art and include a picture of it in your post. Your selection may come from the entire range of visual arts, anything from a famous painting in a museum to an iconic architectural masterpiece to a handmade basket or an especially well-designed object. The only restriction is that you need to have seen the actual work of art, rather than a photo or online image.
  2. Describe the medium it represents within the scope of visual arts. Tell us about its maker or designer. What year is it from? Where is it located? What was its intended function? What is its significance to you?
  3. Does this particular piece help you understand something about reality or is it intended to be more of an illusion pointing to something we don’t really quite understand, like a shadow on the wall of the cave as in the Allegory of the Cave we looked at last week?
  4. Use at least two of the vocabulary, concepts or techniques from the Learning Resources or the module to say something more about this piece of art. Underline or bold the vocabulary, concept or technique you use as a interpretative tool in your post

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Other Homework Help. EGL 488 Stony Brook Internship Program at Herstory Writers Workshop Discussion

Initial Reflection

As you begin your internship, I would like you to think about what you hope to gain from this experience. Please write a brief reflection (150-200 words) addressing:

  • What knowledge and skills do you have that you believe will contribute to your success? 
  • In what areas or ways do you hope to strengthen your knowledge or skills? 
  • How do you think (or hope) that this experience might contribute to your personal, academic and/or professional growth? 

Keep in mind the learning outcomes for EXP+:

At the end of the Experiential Learning activity, a student should be able to:

  • Demonstrate interpersonal competency (e.g. teamwork, communication, collaboration, etc.), including relationships with faculty advisor(s), on-site supervisor(s)/ mentor(s), team members and/or the broader community that is impacted by the project.
  • Apply knowledge and skills gained through coursework to a real-world situation.
  • Appraise the personal, academic, and/or professional effects before, during, and after the applied learning experience through deep and sustained reflection.
  • Apply feedback on performance promptly and productively.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. MRKT 310 University of Maryland Week 8 YETI Marketing Strategies Question

Hi there!

Remember Me? I need help with my last and final assignment for YETI products. I have attached the assignment and reading requirements below. I have also attached the previous 3 assignments. Same instructions as last time 3-6 pages as long as the questions are thoroughly answered. THe last 3 resources might require you to set up a one time log in. However, you might be able to find them through other source. Let me know if you are not able to access them. Hope to work with you again!


Lewnes, A., & Keller, K.L. (2019). 10 principles of modern marketing. MIT Sloan Management Review. https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/10-principles-of/53863MIT60431/?ar

Thomas, B., & Housden, M. (2017). Direct and Digital Marketing in Practice: Vol. Third edition. Bloomsbury Business. https://eds-b-ebscohost-com.ezproxy.umgc.edu/eds/ebookviewer/ebook?sid=05cc43b2-c553-416e-b4cd-e1e9ab5adc16%40sessionmgr101&ppid=pp_1&vid=0&format=EB

Zahay, D. (2015). Digital Marketing Management : A Handbook for the Current (or Future) CEO: Vol. First edition. Business Expert Press. http://ezproxy.umgc.edu/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=e025xna&AN=943880&site=eds-live&scope=site&profile=edsebook&ebv=EK&ppid=Page-__-71

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. New York University Protean and Organizational Career Discussion Questions

1. Dicussion about protean&organizational careers

Protean career paths tend to be directed by the individual employee, are strongly guided by personal values, and define success based on the individual’s definition rather than the company’s or society’s definition. For this week’s discussion, please answer the following question: You are a new employee in your first year on the job. Your company has a new client and brand new, high-profile project that they would like you to take on the lead role as project manager. However, there are aspects of the project that go against your values (this can be related to anything that you value: politics, religion, family, personal time, compensation, autonomy, etc.). How would you respond and handle the situation if you were asked to take the lead on a project that went against your values? Please explain why you would respond in this way, and what factors influenced your decision.

2. Read the Case 2: Ethics Dilemma: Pay for Performance Disconnect. Then discuss the following questions

a. What do you think is the more ethical decision to make — fire the manager or not? Explain your view.

b. What factors in this ethical dilemma might influence a person to make a less-than-ethical decision?

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. PSych 241 ICC Lifespan Development Discussion

Please reply to the two posts below. Use text references.

A simple answer as cool, or me too is NOT acceptable; responses should be at least 125 words. Peer responses should be meaningful in that they add to the discussion or provide additional information or insight into a topic. Each peer response is worth 25 points for an additional 50 points. The total points for this assignment are 100.Shelby

Marcia and Erikson’s work on identity are very important to understanding of identity we have. Erikson’s theory came first and it was that there is 8 life stages of development. They are trust and mistrust, autonomy or shame, Initiative or guilt, industry or inferiority, identity or confusion, intimacy or isolation, generatively or stagnation, integrity or despair(Verywellmind). Erikson believed those were the life stages that everyone had and through there life how what happens to us and how we learn those stages effects how we grow up and how our life works. Marcia on the other Hand built on Erikson’s theory. He thought that there were less stages and how someone is raised and socially effected determines your stages. He thought the stages were identity diffusion, identity foreclosure, identity moratorium, and identity achievement ( Learning theories) . I think that Erikson’s theory is more correct and that we do go through that many stages and those vital things such as trust and mistrust are vital into the people we become.


While there are so many theorists we have learned about, it is difficult to keep them all straight sometimes. However, two of the theorists we have learned about and discussed are James Marcia and Erik Erikson. They are both very well known men who have strong beliefs about different theories when it comes to childhood and adolescent development. Erikson believed that there were eight different stages between infancy and adulthood. These stages are all important to one another and build up off of each other. I think this is very important and a good observation because if one stage is not completed or lacks in one way, then the next stage might not go as planned either. Marcia’s theory is divided into four stages instead of eight like Erikson. Marcia believes that each of these four stages are character building which will later define your true character and that each stage will result in different parts of your personality. While Erikson and Marcia have very similar view points, the differ in ways as well. Overall, I side with Erikson more than Marcia. I side with him more only because I like how his stages rely on one another to have positive or negative outcomes. I feel like this is a very good point because our actions result in good or bad things coming from them. Erikson is also more widely known than Marcia I believe. Although this does not make Erikson more “right,” I do believe it shows that more people agree with his theory because it is taught in so many different subjects.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. UB Food Delivery Apps and The Variety of Food Menus Question

  1. Do you have any experience with problematic order ? Please describe how you contact customer service and handle this issue.
  2. Could you describe how the variety of food menus make you easier to choose food items on Ubereats? (for example, the key word like popular as a indicator under a food item)
  3. Could you describe how the group order work in your case? step by step please.
  4. As you mentioned, you would like to try new cuisines(new restaurants that you have not ordered before) on delivery apps. How do you find new restaurants on delivery apps?Does the system recommend some new restaurants to you?
  5. What features would you like to see in a food delivery app?

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Miami Dade College Multigravida & Cardinal Movements OB Key Terms Worksheet

Hello, I am currently doing an assignment that I will not have time to finish. Basically there is a typed up document and needs to be handwritten word by word. The document will be posted below and a sample of how it should look as well. IMG3193 shows how it has to be done and the word document is posted. There are 46 medications to be hand written.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Code of Ethics for Educators Discussion

I’m working on a other discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

  • What is the importance of having a code of ethics for educators?
  • Are there any of the statements from NAEYC’s code or your state’s code that you disagree with? Why?

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