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Other Homework Help. American InterContinental Importance of a Fair Wage for Employees Discussion

Assignment Details

Salary negotiation is a tricky subject. It is a balancing act of wanting a position, wanting to be compensated appropriately for the skills you have and the work you will do, and the worry that if you ask for too much money, you might not be offered the position. In this Discussion Board, address the following:

  • How would you respond to the following question from a potential employer: “What kind of salary are you looking for from this position?”
  • Describe your thought process and how you would approach this situation.
  • Have you been in this situation before? How did you respond?
  • How did your response affect the job offer (or lack of an offer) that you received?

Review other students’ posts, evaluate their salary negotiation methods, and address the following in your replies:

  • Do you feel that the methods would be effective?
  • Have you ever used the suggested methods? If so, how did it work?
  • Do you feel that there is a potential risk with the use of this method? What about the potential reward?

Discussion Board Reminders:

  • Must have three posts: A main post and two replies to peers.
    • First post: Either your main post or a reply to others must be posted before midnight CT (Central time) on Friday of each week.
    • Second and third post: Must be posted on a different day from the first post.
  • Connect to content: At least one post must refer to course learning materials. See the Academic Resource on Discussion Boards for help with connecting to the content.
  • Engaging in class discussions: For more information on making the most of your class dialog, review the Academic Resource on Discussion Boards.

Grading Rubric

Assignment Criteria Proficient Descriptor Points

Quality of Main Post

16 Points

Student’s main post meets or exceeds the following requirements:

  • Responds completely to all of parts of discussion question (4 points)
  • Communicates content information accurately and/or logically (4 points)
  • Delivers a thoughtful response demonstrating insights and reflections (4 points)
  • Connects to both key content concepts and personal experiences (4 points)
/16 pts.

Response to Peers

16 Points

Responds to a minimum of two peers (8 points per response)

  • Substantive response (4 points)
  • Furthers the conversation with peers. Examples could include (4 points):
    • Provides additional resources
    • Connects to key concepts
    • Shares personal or professional experiences
    • Contributes new information or perspective
    • Presents a competing viewpoint
/16 pts.

Support from Learning Resources

4 Points

At least one post refers to course learning resources. /4 pts.

Professional Writing

4 points

Response is well-organized, clear, and free of grammatical and mechanical errors.

Posts demonstrate courtesy and respect for others.

/4 pts.
Total 40 points possible /40 pts.

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Cypress College Development of Yoga Practice Reflection Paper

Look back at your reflections throughout the semester. Notice if there are any trends, signs, that you can pick up on, throughout your reflections on you development of a yoga practice. Note, what does yoga mean to you? How does it cultivate meaning a purpose in your life. Is this a practice that you feel will continue after this class? Furthermore, what aspect of yoga, particularly, are you attracted to?

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. UMGC Ethical Issues Aspects and Stakeholders of E Games Powerpoint

The presentation will be developed using MS PowerPoint and will include:

  • 1 Title slide including school, course, date of presentation, and names of all team members
  • 1-2 Introductory slides providing an overview of the topic selected and rationale for selection
  • 5-8 slides providing research results on emerging technologies and its related ethical issues
  • 2 slides on summary/conclusion
  • 1 – Reference slide


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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Strayer University K 12 Experience Report

From Kindergarten through 12th grade, we spend over 14,000 hours in a school environment. 

Many argue that schools help to, in some form or fashion, shape our thoughts, ideas, and 

even values. Through education, we interact with likeminded people, people who have 

differing views than ourselves, and we learn so much about the world around us. Many of us 

are fortunate to complete K-12 schooling successfully, while others are not so lucky due to a 

variety of personal and societal issues that become a hindrance in the attainment of a solid 


For this assignment, you are to write a 500-650 word essay “telling your educational story.” 

You are expected to have an open an honest dialogue regarding your experiences in K-12 

schooling: the good, the bad, and the ugly. Some questions to consider for this assignment 

might include: 

How did your K-12 schooling help to shape some of the views you have on 

  • society? 

How did your K-12 schooling help you (or not) get to where you are today? 

  • Was your experience similar to that of your friends or peers? 
  • Were there teachers that went above and beyond to assist you? Were there some 
  • who did not? 

Are there any particular highlights within your schooling experience that continue 

  • to influence you today? Are there negative experiences that you remember? 

How did you experiences influence your decision to go into the field of 

  • education? 

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. SNHU Human Resources Workforce Plan Recommendations Essay

Submit a 4–5 page paper exploring the recommendations for your Human Resources Workforce Plan. The format should be written in paragraph form and should include valid evidence that supports the recommendations. These recommendations should support a company’s strategic goals, leading the company in its desired direction.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. PAD 340 SNHU Budgeting Process by The Implementation Team Discussion

Help me study for my class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

Overview: For Project Two, you will create a PowerPoint presentation for hypothetical community members. You will be explaining the steps needed to create a budget to a typical lay audience unfamiliar with the budgeting process. Your presentation will outline the purpose of public-sector budgeting at the local level and step-by-step instructions on how to review a budget for an audience that is unfamiliar with the process. 

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. PE 539 Alcorn State University The Purpose of School Discussion

The purpose of school

Schools serve many purposes, including student’s development of knowledge and skills for academic proficiency, workforce involvement, citizenship, social development and cultural transmission. These attributes help develop to role of culture in schools. Culture determines the way behave and think with society. The values, traditions, and beliefs of the dominant culture are reflected in the policies and institutions of society, including schools. Students, (families) have their own unique cultural background based on their ethnicity, native language and religion that may differ from the dominate culture. Knowing this, schools have their own cultures with histories and tradition that affect the way students and teachers behave.

The assignment Part I

You are to research and submit the primary goal for Elementary Schools, Middle Schools and High schools.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. CCM 4010 Middle Tennessee University Legal Standards & Construction Law Project






Introduction. Write a one-page introduction that separately introduces the function and legal nature of (1) prime and (2) subcontract agreements from a general contractor’s perspective. The content in this section must be informed by material covered in course lectures, the main text, sample contracts provided by the instructor (attached to this assignment), and outside sources from individual research.

There is a great deal of flexibility and students are encouraged to focus on legal concepts they find interesting and want to explore further. The paper must be suitable for the intended audience: interested and well-educated construction professionals, but not a highly technical (lawyers) or academic audience.

Note: Include a main section heading for the introduction to clearly delineate content for this section.

Review of prime contract agreement clauses. Choose two clauses from the prime contract that was provided by the instructor and write a two-page critical analysis (one page per clause) that addresses each of the following for each of the clauses:

    1. What is the general intent or purpose of the clause? What are the ethical considerations related to this clause?
    2. Which party does the clause favor? In your opinion, from a general contractor’s perspective, does the clause favor the right party? Explain your answer.
    3. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the clause?
    4. What, specifically, would you change about the clause?

Note: At a minimum, include a main section heading for each of the clauses you are writing about to clearly delineate content for this section.

Review of subcontract agreement clauses. Choose two clauses from the subcontract agreement that was provided by the instructor and write a two-page critical analysis (one page per clause) that addresses each of the following for each of the clauses:

  1. What is the general intent or purpose of the clause? What are the ethical considerations related to this clause?
  2. Which party does the clause favor? In your opinion, from a general contractor’s perspective, does the clause favor the right party? Explain your answer.
  3. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the clause?
  4. What, specifically, would you change about the clause?

Note: At a minimum, include a main section heading for each of the clauses you are writing about to clearly delineate content for this section.

Summary analysis and reflection. Write a one-page analysis that addresses the following questions:

  1. What did you learn over the course of the semester and/or during this exercise?
  2. What did you learn about yourself?
  3. What did you learn about human nature?
  4. How will you apply what you have learned to become a better builder and professional?

Note: Include a main section heading for the summary analysis and reflection to clearly delineate content for this section.



Subject matter content will account for 150 points (above detailed work). The remaining 50 points will be allocated by formatting/writing style and written communication (5 points), oral communication and presentation – SEE DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS BELOW FOR PRESENTATION REQUIREMENTS (35 points), information literacy (5 points), and critical thinking (5 points). Title and reference pages are required and each paper must be at least six pages in length with 1” margins, double spacing, and Times New Roman font (12-point in type size).

The submissions MUST reflect critical thought and professional writing. Points will be deducted for every instance in which (1) a position is not fully supported, (2) spelling and grammatical errors become excessive, (3) a question is not fully addressed, (4) sources are not properly cited, (5) content lacks relevance, and (6) content is not organized and arguments are not framed in a manner that is logical, comprehendible, and compelling.

Presentation. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation with recorded audio embedded (of YOU presenting the material) for each slide of the presentation. VoiceThread or equivalent is an acceptable presentation medium as well – if you choose this option make sure share links settings are set to be viewable by others. At a minimum there must be visual and audio components to the presentation portion. There must be a minimum of seven slides (including title page) that addresses highlights from each section of the paper.

BE SURE to check all work prior to submitting in D2L. Re-submissions will not be allowed after the due date if incorrect files were submitted or not working. Get the assignment done in time for you to check your work and verify you are submitting the correct files/requirements.

Private Works Prime Contract.pdf (45.37 KB)
Private Works Subcontract.pdf (40.26 KB)
Consensus Docs 200 – Agreement and General Cond… (1.5 MB)
Consensus Docs 205 – Short Form Agreement Betwe… (570.49 KB)
Consensus Docs 750 – Agreement Between Construc… (1.04 MB)
Consensus Docs 751 – Short Form Agreement Betwe… (537.4 KB)

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. McMaster University A 5 Minute Self Introduction Paper

I applied a job called PRC inside Sales Team, which is providing products, technology and business development supports to intel partners. I will need to introduce myself online for 5 minutes.

Other Homework Help