Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. MUSIC 301 Ohlone College Progression of Symphonies Discussion

Part 1

you will watch “Amadeus” and write a review in essay form.

You will need to rent the movie, it is not currently streaming on Netflix but resourceful students have found it free online in the past.

After viewing Milos Forman’s movie “Amadeus” write a 500 word review in essay form. Use newspaper/magazine reviews as models (do a google search, find what other writers have written in their reviews about this movie. Be sure to cite your source).

Hints; Review the movie as a movie, review the music within the movie, review the historical content of the movies ( again find sources and use their work but give them credit). Be objective as in the concert report but end with a subjective paragraph. A paragraph using each hint and you will easily have 500 words. Points will be taken off for essays less than 500 words.

part 2

– Here we have a progression of Symphonies from Vienna. Haydn and Mozart’s last symphonies. Beethoven and Brahms’s first symphonies and one of the last symphonies of Mahler and the only Symphony of Anton Webern. Using the questions below compare and contrast all the works. You may do this assignment in essay form or do it in a graphic way listing movements but also answering the questions with full sentences. Free form and creative, past students have done this assignment as a spread sheet. Make your work chronological and do it in an organized way. I suggest you start out your research with a list of the works, dates and movements and go from there. As usual if you have questions please don’t be afraid to ask me for ideas and advice.

Haydn – Symphony 104

Mozart – Symphony 41

Beethoven – Symphony 1

Brahms Symphony 1

Mahler Symphony 7

Webern Symphony Op. 21

What are the dates of composition for each piece? The premier of the work and also when they started composing that piece?

How long did it take for the composers to write the pieces?

What are the dates of birth and deaths of each composer

How many movements does each piece have? – note differences and similarities –

What are the tempo markings for each movement of each piece? tempos (fast or slow) note differences and similarities

What are the forms of each movement of each piece? Sonata allegro – theme and variation – rondo – something else? – Note the differences and similarities.

Which one of these composers is known as the father of the symphony?

Which three of these composers knew each other?

Which one of these composers was afraid to write his first symphony because he knew he would be compared to Beethoven?

Which one of these composers was afraid to write his 9th Symphony because Beethoven and also two other Viennese composers (Schubert and Bruckner) died after writing their 9th symphonies?

Do all the symphonies have something in common?

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Module 3 Estimating cost of equity using DGM Worksheet

The purpose of this project is for you to have some practice working with financial concepts in the real world. This will involve integrating some material from throughout the course.  The project will also involve the development of your own approach to doing the work.  The project does not provide a step-by-step procedure for you to follow.

Your task is to determine the WACC for a given firm using what you know about WACC as well as data you can find through research. Your deliverable is to be a brief report in which you state your determination of WACC, describe and justify how you determined the number, and provide relevant information as to the sources of your data. Instead of submitting two files, report’s elements can be embedded in Excel file.

With the help of your professor, you have selected a company for which to research and find the WACC. The company is EXON MOBIL. Your research is to be independent from any information you may find at thatswacc.com or similar sites although you might want to use such sites to provide a reasonableness check on the WACC you calculate.


As you recall, the formula for WACC is 

The formula for the required return on a given equity investment is

ri= rf + ?i * (RMkt-rf)

rMkt-rf is the Market Risk Premium. For this project, you may check Damodaran’s website to estimate risk premium based on historical data (as a difference between S&P 500 and Bond returns) or use implied risk premium. You may also use other sources to estimate the Market Risk Premium. Usually it is assumed to be in the range between 3% and 8%.

rf is the risk free rate. The YTM on 10 year US Treasury securities is a good approximation.

You may assume a corporate tax rate of 21%.

One good source for financial data for companies as well as data about their equity is http://finance.yahoo.com.  By looking around this site, you should be able to find the market capitalization (E) as well as the ? for any publicly traded company.

There are not many places left where data about corporate bonds is still available. One of them is http://finra-markets.morningstar.com/BondCenter .  To find data for a particular company’s bonds, find the Quick Search feature, then be sure to specify corporate bonds and type in the name of the issuing company. This should give you a list of all of the company’s outstanding bond issues. Clicking on the symbol for a given bond issue will lead you to the current amount outstanding and the yield to maturity. You are interested in both. The total of all bonds outstanding is D in the above formula.

If you like, you can use the YTM on a bond issue that is not callable as the pre-tax cost of debt for the company.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. CMG 300 Colorado State Mod 6 Project Delivery Method and Contract Type Paper

  1. Project background and scope
  2. Project delivery method and contract type
  3. Project progress
  4. Project bidding and financing process
  5. Resource and material management considerations
  6. The key elements of your proposal (see the Module 5 Portfolio Milestone)

As part of the project progress component, provide a minimum of five photos of the project as it progressed. If you are documenting an in-progress project, try to include at least weekly photos and date them. If the project has been completed, a good source for photos is the contractor’s or owner’s website. If the project has not been started, find photos online that reasonably show the construction means and methods typically used in the type of project you have chosen.Please use the attached proposal for this assignment. 

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. University of Denver Administrative Assistants Salary Information Reports Paper

Go to salary.com (Links to an external site.) to find geographic pay survey data for this job in Hartford CT, Atlanta GA, Omaha NB, and Phoenix AZ.

Then recommend pay ranges, identifying the low, median, and high rates for each pay range. Explain the steps you took to develop this pay range. (See this week’s reading as resource.)

To present the data, list each of the offices in order from lowest median pay to highest median pay.

A couple of notes:

1. You do not need a subscription to get this data from Salary.com. Just enter the job title and location in the box where it says “What am I worth?”

2. You will see several levels of Administrative Assistant Jobs. Just choose the level you think is most appropriate (Level I, II, III, etc.) Any level is fine as long as you use the same level when searching each location.

3. In developing the pay ranges, refer to the section in Chapter 11 regarding Pay Ranges. You can determine the range spread…usually somewhere between 15% – 25% above and below the midpoint.

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. UMGC Annual Ordering Cost of Cheeseburger and Taco Company Question

Cheeseburger and Taco Company purchases 7,484 boxes of cheese each year. It costs $10 to place and ship each order and $3.97 per year for each box held as inventory. The company is using Economic Order Quantity model in placing the orders.

What is the annual ordering cost of cheese inventory.

Round the answer to two decimals.

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. UMGC Cheeseburger and Taco Company Purchases 7033 Boxes of Cheese Exercise

Cheeseburger and Taco Company purchases 7,033 boxes of cheese each year. It costs $28 to place and ship each order and $3.17 per year for each box held as inventory. The company is using Economic Order Quantity model in placing the orders.

What is the annual carrying costs of cheese inventory.

Round the answer to two decimals.

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. UMGC Cheesburger and Taco Company Purchases 19246 Boxes of Cheese Exercise

Cheesburger and Taco Company purchases 19,246 boxes of cheese each year. It costs $16 to place and ship each order and $9.21 per year for each box held as inventory. The company is using Economic Order Quantity model in placing the orders.

How many orders will be placed each year? Round the answer to the whole number

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. UMGC Cheeseburger and Taco Company Purchases 8,482 Boxes of Cheese Exercise

Cheeseburger and Taco Company purchases 8,482 boxes of cheese each year. It costs $23 to place and ship each order and $8.75 per year for each box held as inventory. The company is using Economic Order Quantity model in placing the orders.

What is the average inventory held during the year?

Round the answer to the whole number

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. California University of Management Google Merchandise Store Questions

I’m working on a web analytics multi-part question and need an explanation to help me learn.

Log in to the Google Analytics Demo Account (http://analytics.google.com/analytics/web/demoAcco…). You should have a google account. 

Part I:

Answer the following questions by taking a screenshot and explaining what is being represented. These can be obtained by reviewing the Acquisition Report.

  1. Identify the traffic source with the highest level of engagement.
  2. Identify the source that is sending the most traffic to the site.
  3. Identify the top-performing keywords.
  4. Identify the top-performing social channel.

Part II:

Answer the following questions by taking a screenshot and explaining what is being represented. These can be obtained by reviewing the Behavior Report.

  1. Identify the pages with the highest bounce rates.
  2. Identify the page with the highest exit rate.
  3. Identify the most used keywords in Site Search throughout 2019.

Part III:

Answer the following questions by taking a screenshot and explaining what is being represented. These can be obtained by reviewing the Conversion Report.

1. Identify the highest converting goals.

2. Identify the micro-converting landing page.

3. Identify the macro-conversions.

4. Identify the highest converting landing page.

5. Identify the point in the conversion funnel where the most conversions are being lost.

Other Homework Help