Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Community College of Denver Graphic Design History Project

This assignment may take time but it is pretty simple. Make a journal for a graphic design history class in an online formatted project. There are different eras in history that had different types of art coming from each one. For this assignment there is about 26 different eras listed and you need to create a small page for each. Fear not, you just need to collect a series of pictures for each era and compile them into nice pages. You will also copy and paste the words that describe the era from the directions i give you, and find a few artists names to add to each era’s page. Thats pretty much it, but you also have to make a cover and bibliography for it. I will include all of the exact instructions, with screenshots of the examples for you to use.



Students should design the front and back cover of their journal to a size of 8 tall by 16 wide.

Your bibliography must include a list of all the sources you used during the semester to create your spreads. The visual and title is up to you but it should be appropriate to graphic design history and you will be evaluated for concept and execution.

Remember good design wraps around so designs that wrap from front to back can be very effective.

Perhaps you want to come up with a clever title for your book and select appropriate imagery.

Remember when designing the cover that the front side would be on the right and the back cover would be on the left.

Your bibliography must include a list of all the sources you used during the semester to create your spreads.

When designing the bibliography try to pull in some elements from the cover such as color or backgrounds. This will help these two components dialogue with each other and create unity within your design.

Shorten ALL of your links to edit out http://www at the start of a link and at the end after .com or .net as this will look better and fit in your layouts.

Example: http://www.charlesdanagibson.com/gibsongirls 32452567

should be shortened to


If you used the same website for more than one image list it only one time under each style heading. Don’t list the same link multiple times under one heading.

IMPORTANT: Keep a running list as you are designing to avoid having to find sources at the end of our class.

The format for your bibliography should list the styles covered in order and sources for all your imagery and research. This bibliography will most likely require several pages to credit all your sources.


Victorian Era




The major project will be to create a journal documenting the design movements covered this semester focusing on style characteristics of each epoch. You will submit your final journal as a combined Adobe acrobat .pdf file. You must combine files and send it only as a .pdf file to make sure I can view your design and fonts accurately. COPY THE LISTING IN THE STYLE GUIDE BELOW for style characteristics that correspond to each style. Do not make up or attempt to determine the characteristics of each style. Copy and paste.

These spreads must include:

A. Name of style


C. List three to four key artists

D. At least 3 different images from that style

The final product will be digital spreads highlighting the epochs of design history. Your work could later be output and wire bound to make a handmade book that will be a valued component of your portfolio.

Format: Individual pages are 8 by 8 square and spreads 8 by 16. *

Note: when you see the word AND in the list that follows of spreads it designates the break between the left page and right page of a spread. Please place your spreads in this exact order.

Spreads [a spread is two pages side by side]

1. Victorian Era AND Arts and Crafts

2. Ukiyo-e AND Art Nouveau

3. Vienna Secession AND Cubism

4. Futurism Poetry AND Futurism Graphic Works

5. Dada AND Expressionism

6. Surrealism AND Photography and the Modern Movement

7. Plakatstil AND Art Deco

8. Suprematism/Constructivism AND De Stijl

9. Bauhaus AND the New Typography

10. Modern Movement in America AND International Typographic Style

11. New York School AND Corporate Identity & Visual Systems

12. Conceptual Image AND Digital Revolution

13. Postmodern Design [Deconstruction/New Wave & Retro/vernacular]

How to create a multiple page document for your journal When creating your journal you should make a multi-page document that will contain your 13 graphic design history journal digital spreads. If you don’t know how to do this click on Modules: Tutorials as we have provided links there to show you how. If you create individual spread files you will eventually need to combine all your files at the end. Combined files is required for grading as it is too time consuming to have to open each individual spread and I will return them to you for merging. If you need help to get started it makes great sense to connect with our lab techs Eugene Brown and Norman Ramos. Their contact information is in your syllabus and they can help you set up your files correctly at the start.

The style characteristics from this style guide should be used in the appropriate spreads. I suggest you copy and paste them directly from this list to avoid any spelling errors.


Victorian Era


Naturalistic renderings

Decorative type

Lots of ornament


Arts and Crafts

Stylized natural forms leaves, flowers

Horror vacui crowding of design elements in the field

Historicism use of past styles, especially medieval figures

Private press movement books


Floating objects in a floating world

Sense that we are frozen in time

Japanese themes such as geisha girls/

kabuki theatre/nature: result of isolationism


Art Nouveau

Stylized natural forms flowers, birds

Whiplash curve bimorphic lines, curvilinear

Exotic females removed from

contemporary time and place

Vienna Secession

Elongated figures and typography

Tall, thin compositions

Hand-drawn, stylized type

Rose motif

Can resemble a stained glass window


Monochromatic palette analytical cubism

Faceting of surfaces

Geometric shapes

Simultaneity the subject is viewed from

several angles at once, the subject remains

stationary and the viewer moves

Futurism poetry

Free typography

Onomatopoeia use of words

whose sounds suggests a sense/emotion


In graphic works, letters suggest sounds

from different sources heard at once

In figurative works, the viewer remains

stationary and the subject moves,

the subject is represented

in multiple positions at once

Futurism graphic works

Geometric patterns

Onomatopoeia use of words

whose sounds suggests a sense/emotion

Machine aesthetic automatons,

or elements suggesting industry


Ready made materials


Absurdity, humor & social criticism


Bold contour drawing


Deep sense of social crisis

Empathy for the poor

Thick paint

Exaggerated distorted color,

drawing and proportions


Dream imagery

Personal symbolism

Illogical juxtapositions of elements

Photography and the Modern Movement

Concern for point, line, plane,

shape and texture

Multiple exposures, pure form and distortion

Solarization and experimental techniques


Name of product

Flat background color

Dominant stylized image

Art Deco

Zig-zag line

Geometric shapes

Machine aesthetic streamline, converging lines

Eclecticism, international motifs

Assyrian, American Indian, Greek



Pure colors

Basic geometric shapes

Lettering looks Soviet influenced

Often uses red and black

on beige colored background


Geometric shapes


Diagonal lines

Lettering looks Soviet influenced

Often uses red and black

on a beige colored background

De Stijl


Primary colors with neutrals black, white and gray

Perpendicular lines


Sans serif asymmetrical type-New Typography

Deliver message and communicate

Function not decoration

Purity, clarity, simplicity

New approaches to photography

Extreme scale contrasts bird’s eye/worm’s eye


New Typography

Asymmetrical, flush left ragged right

Priority assigned to text based on weight and size

Purpose of communication is to

function not decorate

Type used in simple form without embellishment

Rules should be used for emphasis

Modern Movement in America

Bauhaus influence

American content

WPA typography for social programs

The International Typographic Style


Flush left/ragged right layouts

Sans serif letters with bold words for emphasis

Reductive, objectivity, no superfluous decoration

Grid systems

New York School

Uniquely American approach

with origins in European modernism

Playful, visually dynamic and unexpected

Analyze communications content-reduce to symbolic essence

Use of shape

Asymmetrical balance

Corporate identity & Visual Systems

Logotypes and identities

Pictograph signage for

Olympics and transportation

Conceptual Image

Narrative information communicated

with ideas and concepts

Familiar in an unfamiliar setting

Scale changes, substitution,

visual puns and play

Digital Revolution

Computer generated imagery

Internet, interactive design

and worldwide web

Postmodern Design


Broke with international typographic style communications


Communicated emotional qualities

with expressive typography


Uses computers to generate

layouts and typography

New Wave

Stair stepped rules

Some evidence of grid

underlying organization

Layering, overlapping simultaneity


Eclectic modernist European design

of the first half of century

Disrespect for proper rules of typography

placed in new ways

Kinky mannered type of 20s/30s

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. HR 491 Park University Senior Week 6 HR Development and HR Administration Presentation


Each student is required to develop an 8-10 slide Power Point Presentation using APA format (Title Page, Running Header/Titles and Reference page with references properly cited in the body of the presentation). The presentation will summarize an HR business case of your chosen HR current event or ULO. The current event can be from the news, the employee’s organization, or other current event. The presentation must clearly articulate how the Human Resource Management function of an organization positively contributes to organizational outcomes. The final presentation slide is required to include all references in APA format.

  • ULO#1: Compare and contrast HR development and HR Administration
  • ULO#2: Understand the similarities and differences of the work center supervisors and HR professionals

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. STU Accident Analysis Essay


To this end, you will write a report that will identify and classify errors found in accident reports.


  1. Select an accident from the NTSB Database or similar official reports for international accidents: https://ntsb.gov/_layouts/ntsb.aviation/index.aspx
  2. Identify one primary major error leading to the accident (skill-based, perceptual, or decision-based).
  3. Additionally, construct an error chain leading to the accident. Characterize an additional type of error within a link of the error chain.
  4. The accident analysis must contain:
    1. Synopsis – a brief overview of the facts of the accident avoiding assertions and analysis
    2. Analysis – identifying the error and explaining the reasoning behind the classification.
    3. Theories and Models – apply the material you learned in Block I to some aspect of the accident (i.e. Reason’s Model, Attention Types, Multiple Resource Theory, etc…)
  5. The accident analysis will be between 3 pages, single-spaced, in length depending upon the complexity of the accident.

The accident you choose for your report can be anything from a small, general aviation accident at a local airport close to your hometown to a major international airline accident. Find something that interests you and share what you discover.

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. American Public University System Wk 1 Parity in Professional Sports Discussion

I’m working on a other writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Creating economically competitive sports leagues stands a better than decent chance of eliminating the ills in professional sports. Here we are talking about parity in professional sports. Is it important? Give examples of why it is important or why it is not important. What are your thoughts on this idea?

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Digital Media & UX Competitive Analysis and Comparative Research Presentation

I need a PPT for the presentation. It needs to do the UX competitive analysis for the chosen website. All the requirements are shown in the file. Thank you!

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Small Grants for New Investigators to Promote Diversity in Health Research Paper

Develop a Concept Paper, providing an overview of your grant proposal. Access the following site for instructions for writing a grant proposal concept paper:

Proposal Selected : Small Grants for New Investigators to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research

You will need to identify a specific grant-funding agency that is appropriate for your proposed grant. A Google search will provide multiple websites for locating private and public organizations accepting applications for grants. Note: If you decide to follow an agency’s actual grant application for your ‘mock’ concept and proposal, you must include all required components of the assignment as outlined here, even if the grant agency does not require that information.

For your Concept Paper, you will organize your paper under the same headings in the sample:

  • Introduction
  • Purpose
  • Project Description
  • Evaluation
  • Budget

Under each heading, include the information described in the sample. The Concept Paper is to be a brief overview of your proposal. The entire word length should be in the 500-750-word range. Because you have not completely formulated your Community Health Grant Proposal at this point in the course, it is expected that your Concept Paper will be a draft and some of the details will likely change in the coming weeks as you develop the full Proposal. Keep in mind that the Concept Paper is a concise overview of your proposed grant, compared to the more detailed upcoming Proposal assignments.

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Benefits of Breastfeeding Verses Formula Discussion

Topic:  “Comparing Breastfed and Formula Feed Babies”,  share the pros and cons of this topic.

Subtopic: Benefits of breastfeed verses formula fed, as well as the pros & cons of both if any.

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. ASU Internship Question Discussion

Assuming that you did an internship in a local Group Home facility, Diversion Center, Transitional facility or a Crime Lab, Police Department, Sheriff Department, etc and after your internship, you are offered a temporary position where you work 20 hours a week. The facility/agency Manager offered you this part-time position because they thought you did an excellent job as an Intern. Now, you are about to graduate with a Bachelors of Science degree in Criminal Justice or Forensic Science from Albany State University, and due to the resignation of the Supervisor, the Facility/Agency Manager has offered you a position as a Supervisor. Now, you have worked in this facility for about two years as an intern and a part-time worker and you know all the problems that exist such as disciplinary problems, lax supervision, staff not being motivated, funding problems, etc. Specifically, outline and discuss/describe how you plan to address these issues because the Facility Manager, who does not have a degree, will now be expecting you to do some miracles – to recommend some changes or make suggestions for improvement as the person next in command of the facility.

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Limerick Globalization of Chinas Online Gaming OR Livestreaming Sector Essay

I have 1300 words of this essay completed but I do not have time to finish it as it needs to be 3000 words. Just bring it to the 3000 words and follow instructions. 

Question: What does the concept “glocalisation” (Robertson, 1995; Hannerz, 1989) and hybridization (Pieterse, 1994) help us understand about the globalization of China’s online gaming OR livestreaming sector.

Word length: a maximum of 3,000.


  • Put the essay topic at the beginning of the file.
  • The content of your essay must be related to what is discussed in the seminar and relevant to unit readings.
  • You are required to cite meaningfully a minimum of four items from the reading guide of the unit. Please mark the in-text citations and the reference entries of these items in red colour.
  • In addition, you are expected to consult further materials and put forth a coherent argument of your own. A minimum of 10 references is expected.
  • Make sure that you do not copy and paste passages from any published material or translate parts of an article you read in Chinese into English as part of your essay. This is plagiarism.
  • Chinese-language materials could be consulted but they must form less than 40% of the references, and their content needs to be translated into English if included as direct quotations.

Follow this format in referencing Chinese sources:

Qian, G. (2009). ?????????? (Chronology of the prohibition on reporting about the collapse of school buildings in the Sichuan earthquake). In ????????? ??? (What a glorious era: Qian Gang’s observations about China) (pp. 17-21). Hong Kong: Cosmos.

Other Homework Help