Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. ISU W1 Physical Wellness and Education Exercises

Hi, I have filled out 8 exercise logs, but my professor says that I need to add the actual numbers for the weights and reps. I have attached the 8 exercise logs and would like someone to add the actual numbers for the weights and reps :).

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. ASU Issue of Gender Inequality Affects Most People in Society Discussion

the Discussion Board, acceptable posts, and responses include analysis of and connections to readings, PPT lectures, and videos/films/podcasts. Providing a direct reference/quote will help support your analysis. Unacceptable posts include not adding to the body of knowledge and not responding. I uploaded all files that you will need to use. there are reading, podcasts, films, and PowerPoint lectures. use all of them to write the discussion. in the reference d1 file, you will find the links for reading and podcast and film. to get full mark you need to involve

The quality of the posted information is of high quality—provides analysis and reflection. References course content.

Other Homework Help