Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Using dplyr functions


In this exercise you’ll use R package tidyverse (see chapter 4 of Introduction to Data Science Data
Analysis and Prediction Algorithms with R by Rafael A. Irizarry. You need to go through chapter 4 before
attempting the following questions. Also, see my lecture video in the blackboard.

Using dplyr functions (i.e., filter, mutate ,select, summarise, group_by etc. ) and “murder” dataset
(available in dslab R package) and write appropriate R syntax to answer the followings:

a. Calculate regional total murder excluding the OH, AL, and AZ

b. Display the regional population and regional murder numbers.

c. How many states are there in each region?

d. What is Ohio’s murder rank in the Northern Central Region (Hint: use rank(), row_number())

e. How many states have murder number greater than its regional average.

f. Display 2 least populated states in each region

Use pipe %>% operator for all the queries. Show all the output results.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Statistical Methods with The R Coding Techniques Analysis


Data professionals use statistical methods, coupled with the R coding techniques, to find the intrinsic information hidden in data sets and to translate that information into a language that may be understood by non-data professionals, academics, and/or general readers. With this in mind, do the following:

  • Analyze at least one categorical variable in your course project dataset using z or p tests for twoproportions.
  • Analyze categorical variables in your course project dataset using either a χ2 goodness of fit test
  • or a χ2 independence test.

    Organize, document, and save your R code for this project checkpoint in a .R file. Submit your .R file . Write a two-page evaluation of your course project dataset based on this analysis.

    Programming Homework Help

    Programming Homework Help

    Programming Homework Help. COSC 1436 Houston Community College Programming Fundamentals Exercise





    Programming Assignment Grading Rubric (1)

    Programming Assignment Grading Rubric (1)

    Criteria Ratings Pts

    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProgram Specifications / CorrectnessThis is the most important criterion. A program must meet its specifications (whether from a textbook problem or as written in the assignment) and function correctly. This means that it behaves as desired, producing the correct output, for a variety of inputs. (In COSC 1436, we will be lenient with regards to producing correct output for all inputs, as we may not always have the tools needed to accomplish that, yet.) This criterion includes the need to meet specifications by writing a program in a particular way or using a particular language feature, if such a thing is mentioned in the problem.

    If a specification is ambiguous or unclear, you have two choices: You can either make a reasonable assumption about what is required, based on what makes the most sense to you, or you can ask the instructor. If you make an assumption about an ambiguous specification, you should mention that somewhere in a comment so that the reader/grader knows what you were thinking. Points may be taken off for poor assumptions, however.

    10 to >8.0 pts


    No errors, program always works correctly and meets the specification(s).

    8 to >6.0 pts


    Minor details of the program specification are violated, program functions incorrectly for some inputs.

    6 to >0.0 pts


    Significant details of the specification are violated, program often exhibits incorrect behavior.

    0 pts


    Program only functions correctly in very limited cases or not at all.

    10 pts

    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReadabilityCode needs to be readable to both you and a knowledgeable third party. This involves:

    **** Using indentation consistently (e.g., every function’s body is indented to the same level).

    **** Adding whitespace (blank lines, spaces) where appropriate to help separate distinct parts of the code (e.g., space after commas in lists, blank lines between functions or between blocks of related lines within functions, etc.).

    **** Giving variables meaningful names. Variables named A, B, and C or foo, bar, and baz give the reader no information whatsoever about their purpose or what information they may hold. Names like principal, maximum, and counter are much more useful. Loop variables are a common exception to this idea, and loop variables named i, j, etc. are okay.

    **** The code should be well organized. Functions should be defined in one section of the program, code should be organized into functions so that blocks of code that need to be reused are contained within functions to enable that, and functions should have meaningful names. This is a concept that we will be learning about as we write more and more code in COSC 1436, and so few points, if any, will be taken off for organization issues that we have not yet addressed in class.

    3 to >2.4 pts


    No errors, code is clean, understandable, and well-organized.

    2.4 to >1.8 pts


    Minor issues with consistent indentation, use of whitespace, variable naming, or general organization.

    1.8 to >0.0 pts


    At least one major issue with indentation, whitespace, variable names, or organization.

    0 pts


    Major problems with at three or four of the readability subcategories.

    3 pts

    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDocumentationEvery file containing code should start with a header comment. At the very least, this header should contain the name of the file, a description of what the included code does, and the name of its author (you). Other details you might include are the date it was written, a more detailed description of the approach used in the code if it is complex or may be misunderstood, or references to resources that you used to help you write it.

    All code should also be well-commented. This requires striking a balance between commenting everything, which adds a great deal of unneeded noise to the code, and commenting nothing, in which case the reader of the code (or you, when you come back to it later) has no assistance in understanding the more complex or less obvious sections of code. In general, aim to put a comment on any line of code that you might not understand yourself if you came back to it in a month without having thought about it in the interim. Like code organization, appropriate commenting is also something we will be learning about as we write code throughout the semester in COSC 1436, so while corrections may be made, points will only be taken off for things that have been emphasized in class already.

    2 to >1.6 pts


    No errors, code is well-commented.

    1.6 to >1.2 pts


    One or two places that could benefit from comments are missing them or the code is overly commented.

    1.2 to >0.0 pts


    File header missing, complicated lines or sections of code uncommented or lacking meaningful comments.

    0 pts


    No file header or comments present.

    2 pts

    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCode EfficiencyThere are often many ways to write a program that meets a particular specification, and several of them are often poor choices. They may be poor choices because they take many more lines of code (and thus your effort and time) than needed, or they may take much more of the computer’s time to execute than needed. For example, a certain section of code can be executed ten times by copying and pasting it ten times in a row or by putting it in a simple for loop. The latter is far superior and greatly preferred, not only because it makes it faster to both write the code and read it later, but because it makes it easier for you to change and maintain.

    3 to >2.4 pts


    No errors, code uses the best approach in every case.

    2.4 to >1.8 pts


    Some errors, code uses somewhat the best approach, or sometimes.

    1.8 to >0.0 pts


    File header missing, complicated lines or sections of code uncommented or lacking meaningful comments.

    0 pts


    No file header or comments present.

    3 pts

    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssignment SpecificationsAssignments will usually contain specifications and/or requirements outside of the programming problems themselves. For example, the way you name your files to submit them to Canvas will be specified in the assignment. Other instructions may be included as well, so please read the assignments carefully.

    7 to >5.6 pts


    No errors, code uses the best approach in every case.

    5.6 to >4.2 pts


    Some errors, code uses somewhat the best approach, or sometimes.

    4.2 to >0.0 pts


    File header missing, complicated lines or sections of code uncommented or lacking meaningful comments.

    0 pts


    No file header or comments present.

    7 pts

    Total Points: 25


    Programming Homework Help

    Programming Homework Help

    Programming Homework Help. COSC 1436 Houston Community College Using an Output Parameter Exercise


    rubric for the homework Programming Assignment Grading Rubric (1)

    Programming Assignment Grading Rubric (1)

    Criteria Ratings Pts

    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProgram Specifications / CorrectnessThis is the most important criterion. A program must meet its specifications (whether from a textbook problem or as written in the assignment) and function correctly. This means that it behaves as desired, producing the correct output, for a variety of inputs. (In COSC 1436, we will be lenient with regards to producing correct output for all inputs, as we may not always have the tools needed to accomplish that, yet.) This criterion includes the need to meet specifications by writing a program in a particular way or using a particular language feature, if such a thing is mentioned in the problem.

    If a specification is ambiguous or unclear, you have two choices: You can either make a reasonable assumption about what is required, based on what makes the most sense to you, or you can ask the instructor. If you make an assumption about an ambiguous specification, you should mention that somewhere in a comment so that the reader/grader knows what you were thinking. Points may be taken off for poor assumptions, however.

    10 to >8.0 pts


    No errors, program always works correctly and meets the specification(s).

    8 to >6.0 pts


    Minor details of the program specification are violated, program functions incorrectly for some inputs.

    6 to >0.0 pts


    Significant details of the specification are violated, program often exhibits incorrect behavior.

    0 pts


    Program only functions correctly in very limited cases or not at all.

    10 pts

    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReadabilityCode needs to be readable to both you and a knowledgeable third party. This involves:

    **** Using indentation consistently (e.g., every function’s body is indented to the same level).

    **** Adding whitespace (blank lines, spaces) where appropriate to help separate distinct parts of the code (e.g., space after commas in lists, blank lines between functions or between blocks of related lines within functions, etc.).

    **** Giving variables meaningful names. Variables named A, B, and C or foo, bar, and baz give the reader no information whatsoever about their purpose or what information they may hold. Names like principal, maximum, and counter are much more useful. Loop variables are a common exception to this idea, and loop variables named i, j, etc. are okay.

    **** The code should be well organized. Functions should be defined in one section of the program, code should be organized into functions so that blocks of code that need to be reused are contained within functions to enable that, and functions should have meaningful names. This is a concept that we will be learning about as we write more and more code in COSC 1436, and so few points, if any, will be taken off for organization issues that we have not yet addressed in class.

    3 to >2.4 pts


    No errors, code is clean, understandable, and well-organized.

    2.4 to >1.8 pts


    Minor issues with consistent indentation, use of whitespace, variable naming, or general organization.

    1.8 to >0.0 pts


    At least one major issue with indentation, whitespace, variable names, or organization.

    0 pts


    Major problems with at three or four of the readability subcategories.

    3 pts

    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDocumentationEvery file containing code should start with a header comment. At the very least, this header should contain the name of the file, a description of what the included code does, and the name of its author (you). Other details you might include are the date it was written, a more detailed description of the approach used in the code if it is complex or may be misunderstood, or references to resources that you used to help you write it.

    All code should also be well-commented. This requires striking a balance between commenting everything, which adds a great deal of unneeded noise to the code, and commenting nothing, in which case the reader of the code (or you, when you come back to it later) has no assistance in understanding the more complex or less obvious sections of code. In general, aim to put a comment on any line of code that you might not understand yourself if you came back to it in a month without having thought about it in the interim. Like code organization, appropriate commenting is also something we will be learning about as we write code throughout the semester in COSC 1436, so while corrections may be made, points will only be taken off for things that have been emphasized in class already.

    2 to >1.6 pts


    No errors, code is well-commented.

    1.6 to >1.2 pts


    One or two places that could benefit from comments are missing them or the code is overly commented.

    1.2 to >0.0 pts


    File header missing, complicated lines or sections of code uncommented or lacking meaningful comments.

    0 pts


    No file header or comments present.

    2 pts

    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCode EfficiencyThere are often many ways to write a program that meets a particular specification, and several of them are often poor choices. They may be poor choices because they take many more lines of code (and thus your effort and time) than needed, or they may take much more of the computer’s time to execute than needed. For example, a certain section of code can be executed ten times by copying and pasting it ten times in a row or by putting it in a simple for loop. The latter is far superior and greatly preferred, not only because it makes it faster to both write the code and read it later, but because it makes it easier for you to change and maintain.

    3 to >2.4 pts


    No errors, code uses the best approach in every case.

    2.4 to >1.8 pts


    Some errors, code uses somewhat the best approach, or sometimes.

    1.8 to >0.0 pts


    File header missing, complicated lines or sections of code uncommented or lacking meaningful comments.

    0 pts


    No file header or comments present.

    3 pts

    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssignment SpecificationsAssignments will usually contain specifications and/or requirements outside of the programming problems themselves. For example, the way you name your files to submit them to Canvas will be specified in the assignment. Other instructions may be included as well, so please read the assignments carefully.

    7 to >5.6 pts


    No errors, code uses the best approach in every case.

    5.6 to >4.2 pts


    Some errors, code uses somewhat the best approach, or sometimes.

    4.2 to >0.0 pts


    File header missing, complicated lines or sections of code uncommented or lacking meaningful comments.

    0 pts


    No file header or comments present.

    7 pts

    Total Points: 25


    Programming Homework Help

    Programming Homework Help

    Programming Homework Help. UP Project IT Governance Plan


    Assignment Content

    1. Resource: Project Technology Governance Plan Grading Guide (attached)Resources: 
      • Baltzan, P. (2016). Business-driven information systems. New York, NY: McGraw Hill Education.
      • Week 2 articles and videos
      • It is recommended students search the Internet for a Project Technology Governance Plan template.
      • Scenario: You are an entrepreneur in the process of researching a business development idea. As you create a high-level Information Technology (IT) strategy for your new enterprise, it is important to consider the administration of IT resources. A Technology Governance plan will guide enterprise technology management practices in the context of your goal to incorporate business-driven IT. The Technology Governance Plan is intended to provide a high-level guide for the management of IT resources. The Technology Governance Plan is a working document that is expected to change over time as new project details emerge. Create a high-level Project Technology Governance Plan for your project in a minimum of 1,050 words that includes the following information: 
      • A description of the governance framework the organization will use to manage the oversight and use of IT
      • A summary of the ethical considerations in the IT governance process
      • An overview of how IT governance will influence strategic planning

    Programming Homework Help

    Programming Homework Help

    Programming Homework Help. LISP and macro Lisp Programming


    Code the macro, iterate, which is based on the following:

    (iterate controlVariable beginValueExpr endValueExpr incrExpr bodyexpr1 bodyexpr2 … bodyexprN)

    • iterate is passed a controlVariable which is used to count from beginValueExpr to endValueExpr (inclusive) by the specified increment.
    • For each iteration, it evaluates each of the one or more body expressions.
    • Since beginValueExpr,endValueExpr, and incrExpr are expressions, they must be evaluated.
    • The endValueExpr and incrExpr are evaluated before processing the rest of the macro.This means the code within the user’s use of the macro cannot alter the termination condition nor the increment; however, it can change the value of the controlVariable.
    • The functional return value of iterate macro doesn’t matter, and will probably be T.
    • You can create an intermediate variable named endValue for the endValueExpr. You can create an intermediate variable named incValue for the incrExpr. For 5 bonus points, use gensym to generate the name of those two variables.

    Programming Homework Help

    Programming Homework Help

    Programming Homework Help. CSCI 440 Applied Software Project Development


    This assignment is all about continuation of the previous course in which we have made the report of developing the software. In the previous course we did not build the actual application but we made the report that how we made it. In this assignment we are adding the more features and we will be making the reports. We need someone who have the good knowledge of software development and have to make a full report of this development. I have attached the course requirement below. If you feel you can do this please reply.

    Programming Homework Help

    Programming Homework Help

    Programming Homework Help. University of Phoenix Information System and Technology Discussion


    1. Technology plays a big part in todays world by helping business make smart business decisions. These decisions can range from looking at your staff development to looking at expanding your businesses in a new county. Technology helps track your staff production by allowing you to easily collect data and use that information to see if your team is working efficiently. During this collection period you can see if you have the right amount of staff to handle to the current workload by doing a time study then work with your workforce team so see prior years data and what is being forecasted. Before doing this with my team we were told we were overstaffed by 2 employees and we would need to lay them off, however I noticed that our volume was increasing so I asked to work with our workforce team so get an updated forecast and we discovered we had a 40% monthly increase then what we originally expected. Thankfully because we have the technology to review and predict workloads we were able to make sure our team was staffed correctly and did not have to get behind and miss our teams SLA’s. We did not have these tools when I first started on this team so we had to make our business decisions based on prior year and hope we did not have a huge increase and if it did our back up plan was to hire temps to get us through the busy time, it was not a cost efficient way to keep up with our work but at the time we had no other way to know if our when we would get an increase in our workload.         

    2. information technology has taken competitive competition and turned it on it’s head. Today almost every capable human being has a smart phone. Essentially this phone is full of your information and data about you based on the apps you own. Information or data is worth more than gold. Once data is extracted, metrics are analyzed to find out patterns and insights which can be used to bring in changes and exploit the opportunities available to benefit a business (2019, September 17).

    The wars of today and of the past have to a certain extent been won by those who had the most information and knew how to act on it. Cyber attacks are constantly evolving requiring businesses to be proactive in deploying solutions (n.d). Not only businesses, but governments need to have multiple layers of cyber security due to the high amount of cyber attacks that occur globally. Ransomware is one of the worst due to it’s ability to lock users and admin out their servers.

    As a victim of cyber fraud, I have first hand experience with how necessary it is to have strong passwords, being careful with openings links or going to specific websites and providing any information by call or text. A click of a button could have millions of dollars in your bank disappear in seconds. I mean sure they can transfer and find the fake profile but by that time the benefits is gone. 

    Programming Homework Help

    Programming Homework Help

    Programming Homework Help. Descriptive Statistical Measure Discussion


    Assignment 2: Data manipulation

    Submit a document where you answer the following questions along with the R script you used. This does not have to be a managerial report.

    Import your data into R-Studio.

    1. Filter the data to include only residential real estate of your neighborhood. Group it by year, and summarize the data to show the average price of 1 square foot of real estate. List the results.
    2. Do numbers show for all years? If a year shows N/A, why is that happening?
    3. Filter your data to focus on residential real estate with adequate information for your model (remove fields with 0 for price or square feet)
    4. Group the filtered data by year, and summarize the data to show the average price of 1 square foot of real estate. List the results.
    5. Compare your selected neighborhood with 2 nearby neighborhoods. List the numbers.
    6. Produce a plot that compares the neighborhoods. Explain the plot and the reason you chose that type of plot. is the link

    Please select just one of the bullet points listed below.

    • The different sources mined for descriptive analytics data and their respective benefits.
    • Discuss the descriptive statistical measure of your your choice, and its significance in descriptive analytics. (Mention a use case or an Example)
    • When do we need to use standardization? Why? (Use Examples)
    • Choose a topic from lecture 5 other that the above.

    Programming Homework Help