Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Answer the following IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Respond to each of the following in a minimum of 400 words each.


Answer the following IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Respond to each of the following in a minimum of 400 words each, supported with a minimum of two references each. It will be run thru a checker, thanks.

Please respond to the following.

Q1) Argue the merits of revolutionary change vs. evolutionary change (or vice versa). i.e. how important is it and what are the risks of embracing the latest technology?

Q2) Argue the benefits of outsourcing vs. in-house development (or vice versa). i.e. when is it best to outsource your project? What are the risks?

Q3) Argue for your preferred project management model. How well does this model work for MIS/Technology projects?

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Visual Basic Net Programming


Learning Goal: I’m working on a c# exercise and need an explanation to help me learn.

BIS-344: Visual Basic Net Programming

Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.

1.2 Assignment including “Your First Program” must be completed prior to attempting this assignment.

One should also confirm the submission file has been created correctly.

Read Chapter 2 in Introduction to Programming Using Visual Basic (11 Edition).

Review section comments for summaries of key points.

Complete programming exercises selected from Exercises 2.3 in the textbook.

Per general requirement, provide a meaningful name for each exercise project.

Exercises 35 and 37.

Each exercise is a separate Visual Studio project. Start with New Project dialog.

Complete the form visual layout based upon provided form and form control properties.

Create Visual Basic code to address the requirements and behavior specified.

Run and test to assure full compliance with the requirements.

Exercise 40

Start with New Project dialog.

Create the form.

Create Visual Basic code to address the requirements and behavior specified.

Include a detailed comment responding to the question “How can one manage Tab Order beyond following the Hint provided in Exercise 40?” Include a textbook reference.

Run and test to assure full compliance with the requirements.

Create submission zip archive.

Make a new folder including student name—“WorkshopOne LastNameFirstName” as in “WorkshopOne JenningsBartikJean”.

Copy each exercise project folder to the submission folder.

Create zip archive of the submission folder. In Windows Explorer, right click folder name, select “Send to” and “Compressed (zipped) folder.” Full details provided in 1.2 Assignment.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Iowa State University Most Occuring Words in The English Language Program


I’m working on a python exercise and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

write a program to capture set of words from the user and calculate the
frequency of the most occuring words in the english language. i have the code just need help in printing only the frequencie of “the”, “be”, “to”, “of”, “and”, “a”,”in”,”that”,”have”,”i”

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. PUGS 3895: Analysis Plan for City Light Venture Capital Firm


Write an Analysis Plan for City Light Venture Capital Firm that articulates the data and business problems and how you plan on addressing them.

Business Problems:

Identifying US-based companies that fit the City Light Investment Thesis – Safety & Care, Education, Environment

Predicting Likelihood & Timing of Next Fundraising Rounds.

Predicting Whether a Company will be Ultimately Acquired or enter into the phase of an Initial Public Offering.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Winston Salem State University Project Model Case Study


Part 1 of your Case Study presented essential planning elements for your selected project. Part 2 will build upon these initial plans, allowing you the opportunity to use project management software to build a task list, create a Gantt Chart, input resources, develop a schedule, and plan for certain particulars that are common on many projects. This aspect of the Case Study will help develop yourdevelop your software skills and provide practical application of the concepts we study.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. COSC 1437 Texas A&M University Average Test Grade Assembly Questions


Professor Mavis Merrywether is teaching a graduate-level seminar on tropical diseases. Professor Merrywether is a respected scholar in the field, but she never really grasped arithmetic. After giving the class a test, she would like to know what the average test grade was. The test grades were as follows:

52, 77, 51, 89, 98, 74 ,85, 92, 95, and 86

Write an assembly procedure to calculate the average grade and display it.

The average grade for test 1 is

Then, write an assembly procedure to find the highest test grade from that array of grades and display it. (Professor Merrywether can certainly determine this on her own, but you think a bit of extra work will make her like you better.)

The highest grade on test 1 is

Use the c code and write the 32-bit x86 assembly language in the _asm code block

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

extern “C” long Average(long, long[]);

extern “C” long Highest(long, long[]);

void main()


long Average[10] = { 52, 77, 51, 89, 98, 74, 85, 92, 95, 86 };

long Highest[10] = { 52, 77, 51, 89, 98, 74, 85, 92, 95, 86 };

_asm {


cout << “The average grade for test 1 is ” << Average(10, Average) << endl;

cout << “The highest grade on test 1 is ” << Highest(10, Highest) << endl;


Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Radford University Input Process and Output Paper


I’m studying for my Programming class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

Programming Logic :

Define the IPO (Input, Processing and Outputs) for each of the following programming problems. Use variable names when you do that. SeeSee the example below.

  • Highlight your variables in RED

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. C# Question


Question 1 (5 points)

The use of references to objects of preexisting classes as members of new objects is called:

Question 1 options:

Question 2 (5 points)

Composition is:

Question 2 options:

Question 3 (5 points)

A class’s __________ initializes members of that class.

Question 3 options:

Question 4 (5 points)

Instance variables or methods declared with the __________ modifier are accessible only in that class definition.

Question 4 options:

Question 5 (5 points)

In a method in which a parameter has the same name as an instance variable, using the this reference allows you to refer to:

Question 5 options:

Question 6 (5 points)

Composition is sometimes referred to as a(n) __________ relationship.

Question 6 options:

Question 7 (5 points)

A constructor CANNOT:

Question 7 options:

Question 8 (5 points)

The __________ of a class are also called the public services or the public interface of the class.

Question 8 options:

Question 9 (5 points)


Question 9 options:

Question 10 (5 points)

Having a this reference allows a(n):

Question 10 options:

Question 11 (5 points)

Object orientation uses classes to:

Question 11 options:

Question 12 (5 points)

Abstract Data Types:

Question 12 options:

Question 13 (5 points)

Which of the following should usually be private?

Question 13 options:

Question 14 (5 points)

Keyword __________ is used for constants whose values cannot be determined at compile time.

Question 14 options:

Question 15 (5 points)

Stacks are commonly referred to as __________ data structures.

Question 15 options:

Question 16 (5 points)

Which statement is FALSE?

Question 16 options:

Question 17 (5 points)

Every class inherits directly or indirectly from class:

Question 17 options:

Question 18 (5 points)

Which of the following describes a static variable?

Question 18 options:

Question 19 (5 points)

A __________ can be defined in a class to perform termination housekeeping on an object before the garbage collector reclaims the object’s memory.

Question 19 options:

Question 20 (5 points)

Which statement is FALSE?

Question 20 options:

Programming Homework Help