Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Start with a new Visual Studio project. Write a Visual Basic program to address t


BIS-344: Visual Basic Net Programming

  1. Start with a new Visual Studio project. Write a Visual Basic program to address the requirements of Chapter 3’s section “Programming Projects,” #4. Length Conversion.
    1. Create form as depicted in the exercise (Figure 3.64).
    2. Additionally, include the following:
      1. A label displaying the student name in italics
      2. A label displaying the workshop due date formatted as m/d/yyyy
      3. A button to exit or quit (refer to the Me.Close() statement in Chapter 2).
    3. Implement the length conversion as noted in the exercise. Reiterating:
      1. One meter = 39.37 inches
      2. One centimeter = .01 meter
      3. One kilometer = 1,000 meters
      4. The meter and kilometer values are integers.
    4. Apply all standards as depicted in 1.5 Assignment, introduced in the textbook, and reinforced in discussion forums.
    5. Remember: do not flounder; use the Collaboration Forum to pose questions and share learning.
  2. Be sure to File>Save All your work (never use “Save As”); close and exit Visual Studio.
  3. Create submission zip archive.
    1. Make a new folder including student name—“WorkshopTwo LastNameFirstName” as in “WorkshopTwo BernersLeeTim”
    2. Copy exercise project folder to the submission folder.
    3. Create zip archive of the submission folder. In Windows Explorer, right click folder name, and select “Send to” and “Compressed (zipped) folder.” Full details provided in the 1.2 Assignment.
  4. Once the assignment is complete, save a copy for yourself and submit zip archive created in Step 3 by the end of the workshop. Be sure to follow submission naming standards.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. University of Maryland College Park Container Data Python Programming Task


Please upload a Jupyter notebook in which you do the following:

  • explain sequence unpacking in your own words and provide a clear, working original example of it
  • document the syntax for adding a key/value pair to a dictionary; provide an original example that demonstrates how to do this
  • document the syntax for using a key to retrieve a value from a dictionary; provide an original example that demonstrates how to do this
  • choose just one of the following set operations, briefly explain it, and provide an original example that demonstrates the operation:
    • union
    • intersection
    • difference
    • symmetric difference

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Arizona State University Create an Application Java Programming Task Question


  1. Create an application named that allows you to enter student data that consists of an ID number, first name, last name, and grade point average. Have the program accept input until ZZZ is entered for the ID number. Depending on whether the student’s grade point average is at least 2.0, output each record either to a file of students in good standing (StudentsGoodStanding.txt) or those on academic probation (StudentsAcademicProbation.txt).
  2. Create an application named that displays each record in the two files created in the StudentsStanding application. Display a heading to introduce the list produced from each file. For each record, display the ID number, first name, last name, grade point average, and the amount by which the grade point average exceeds or falls short of the 2.0 cutoff. For example, the output should be formatted as follows (note that the student info may vary):

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. City University of New York Binary Floating Point Number Questions


IncorrectQuestion 10 / 4 pts

Convert the 8 bit “toy” binary floating point number below to decimal notation:

(format is 8 bits: S EEEE FFF and the bias is 7, where S=sign, E=Exponent F=Fraction bits).

00111010 (bin) = _____ (dec).

For answer use (sign)x.x format, e.g. -2.5, +1.75, +0.0, etc.

Convert the decimal number below to the 5 bit “toy” binary floating point numbers:

(format is 5 bits: SEEFF and the bias is 1, where S=sign, E=Exponent F=Fraction bits):

+3.5(dec) = _______ (bin).

Convert the 8 bit “toy” binary floating point number below to decimal notation:

(format is 8 bits: S EEEE FFF and the bias is 7, where S=sign, E=Exponent F=Fraction bits).

00000000 (bin) = _____ (dec).

For answer use (sign)x.x format, e.g. -2.5, +1.75, +0.0, etc.

Convert the decimal number below to the 5 bit “toy” binary floating point numbers:

(format is 5 bits: SEEFF and the bias is 1, where S=sign, E=Exponent F=Fraction bits):

2.5(dec) = _______ (bin).

Convert the decimal number below to the 5 bit “toy” binary floating point numbers:

(format is 5 bits: SEEFF and the bias is 1, where S=sign, E=Exponent F=Fraction bits):

+3.7(dec) = _______ (bin).

convert Hexadecimal 38 to binary:

convert Hexadecimal 11 to binary:

convert decimal 145 to binary:

convert decimal 252 to binary:

What is the result when unsigned char j= 0x37 is operated on with the expressions

i = j | 0xC1;

Result i contains 0x_________

What is the result when unsigned char j= 0xD4 is operated on with the expressions

i = j ^ 0x25;

Result i contains 0x_________

What is the result when a signed char i = 0xF2 shifted for each case:

1) logical shift right 2 bits: 0x

2) arithmetic shift right 1 bit: 0x

What is the result when unsigned char j= 0xAB is operated on with the expressions

i = j | 0xC1;

Result i contains 0x_________

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. PUGS 6429 University of Illinois at Chicago Descriptive Analytics on City Light Venture Capital Firm Project


Download project data and import it into your analysis software(R programming). Run some summary statistics (number of observations, variables, missing values, etc.) and write a brief summary report of your initial findings. Anything you see that is interesting? Anything you want to explore further?

This is the link to the project data:

Programming Homework Help