Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. UP Project System Acquisition Plan Discussion


Complete the following in your own words


  • Baltzan, P. (2016). Business driven information systems. New York, NY: McGraw Hill Education.
  • Week 3 articles and videos
  • It is recommended students search the Internet for a Systems Acquisition Plan template.

Scenario: You are an entrepreneur in the process of researching a business development idea. As you create a high-level Information Technology (IT) strategy for your new enterprise, it is important to consider the acquisition of IT resources. A Systems Acquisition Plan will guide the process of identifying enterprise technology needs and acquiring appropriate information systems in the context of your goal to incorporate business-driven IT. The Systems Acquisition Plan is intended to describe a high-level process for acquiring and maintaining IT systems. The Systems Acquisition Plan is a working document, which is expected to change over time as new project details emerge. 

Create a high-level Project Systems Acquisition Plan for your project in a minimum of 1,050 words that includes the following information:  

  • A description and justification of the specific systems design and development approach (SDLC, RAD, Spiral, outsourcing, etc.) the enterprise will employ
  • A summary of the steps in the systems acquisition process including initiation, analysis, design, acquisition, and maintenance
  • A high-level overview of who will participate in each step of the systems acquisition process

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. MathLab Question


a) What is an interchange format? (b) Give three examples of interchange formats. (c)What is the signature of a PGM format. Give two examples of the signature. (d) What ispatterning in printing? (e) Explain the principle and operation of error diffusion for printing.

I need help on my assignment for computer vision class, there are 4 questions: q1 & q2 are explanation, q3 & q4 programing either using python/matlab. Please follow the instructions is really important!

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Website Design Question


Assignment #2 100 points

Please read chapter #2 before completing this assignment

Part 1:

On page 21 Consulting Opportunity 2.1, answer 1,2 and 3 at the end of the text of that Opportunity. Be sure to be detailed with your answers. Your answers must be written in a professional manner.

Part 2:

A University wide system at RMU needs to allow Professors access to the list of classes they are teaching. The system also needs to provide students the list of classes they are enrolled in and who their advisor is.

Write the Entity-Relationship diagram that explains these requirements. You are ONLY to model the information requested here.

What to turn in:

Part 1 is to be a word document containing your name and date along with your answers to the questions after the opportunity.

Part 2 is to be completed using a graphical program of your choice. You may also use the graphical features in Word. No handwritten assignments will be accepted.

Submit both documents above to blackboard

note for assignment part 1 I highlight the 3 questions with green color. Also I upload the ch 2 in case you want more info.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. University of Mississippi Main Campus Labelling Theory Powerpoint



Don’t forget that your video presentation of your theory paper is also due on the 30th. Again, no late submissions will be accepted due to the short time period for grading before final course grades are due.

The videos are a maximum of 3-minutes in length. For most of you, this will be challenging to get all information included in such a short time period. That’s actually the point. The purpose of this assignment is to practice concise communication skills. Here are some tips to help:

  1. Write out a script.
  2. Time yourself and practice many times. If you find yourself going over time or having to talk too fast, revise your script.
  3. Identify key points. You don’t need to present every detail from your paper. Identify the highlights and focus on those.
  4. There are two main things you want to get across in your presentation: (1) briefly describe the theory and, most importantly, (2) discuss the key theoretical developments or contributions from the recent publications you found. You don’t need to describe each individual study in depth.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Atlantis University Creating a New App to Store and Sell Books Online for Hp Tree Map


Take a set of initiatives from the SWOT analysis you have performed during week 1, and choose one that could be delivered as a project.

Identify the high level tasks and disaggregate your Project according to the logic and principles of the WBS.

Deliverable: Hand in a document where you show your WBS as an Outline and as a Tree Structure view in a pdf file.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Southern New Hampshire University Digital Asset Management Discussion


Why is proper DAM important for designers, creative teams, and any group who works with multiple digital files? How can DAM help avoid copyright infringement or licensing issues when using assets from outside sources?

Have you used Adobe Bridge yourself, and if so, what has been your experience?

After researching DAM on the Web, share a resource or article with the class that you found particularly helpful or interesting in understanding this process, explaining why you feel it is a good resource for this discussion.

In response to your peers, review their resource and share any observations you have on its usefulness or insight into explaining/supporting the need for DAM in the creative environment.

To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric document.

In addition to writing the initial post (above), please also write a response to the following two students regarding the same topic!

student one:

A DAM is important for designers, creators and any group that works with digital files because it keeps everything in one accessible place. It cuts out the frustration of trying to keep up with every file that was ever sent and spend more time on being creative. For example, you won’t have to keep asking your colleagues for the updated logo because it will already be uploaded in a file for you. Accessing designs wherever you are can be very beneficial because you can always forget your flash drive or external drive but you’ll always have the files with you with the DAM system. I can see why this system is very effective, especially when it comes to copyright because the DAM system allows companies to control who has access to their work. It makes it super easy to manage the legal rights involved and still be able to store your work in a safe place. I have personally never used Adobe bridge but I can see why this would be a good program to use. Cutting down the amount of emails and links having to be sent out seems like it would be very beneficial to keep organized with everything and stay on the same page.

student two:

Hello class!

After doing some light research on the web, I found this article about DAM from a company called WIDEN which has their own DAM system. DAM is important for designers because it provides a place to put your files that can be easily accessible by you AND your colleagues, and allows and easy search so files aren’t lost in the masses of other projects. Because it is accessed via cloud or an online drive, your files can be accessed anywhere by you or your creative team. DAM also manages your usage rights and tracks your expiration dates so that you don’t get caught up with copyright infringement. One thing that I find is really helpful is that you don’t have to send large files over email because they can be accessed online with DAM. It also allows you to go and look at all of the different revision files that you and your colleagues made throughout the project.

I have never heard of or used any type of DAM system like Adobe Bridge or WIDEN, but I’m sure I will use it in the future and I can already tell it will be incredibly helpful even if it’s just for my own projects.

This is the article that I read to get this information.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. help and guidance with questions


Chapter 3 Pg 72 Exercise 6

Builders Inc. wants a program that allows its salesclerks to enter the

diameter of a circle and the price of railing material per foot. The program

should calculate and display the total price of the railing material. Use

3.1416 as the value of pi. First, create an IPO chart for this problem, and

then desk-check the algorithm twice. For the first desk-check, use 35 feet as

the diameter and $2 as the price per foot. For the second desk-check, use 15.5

and $3.50. After desk-checking the algorithm, list the input, processing, and

output items in a chart similar to the one shown in Figure 3-25, and then

enter the appropriate C++ declaration statements.

Chapter 4 Pg 107 Exercise 11

Jacob Weinstein wants a program that displays his savings account balance at

the end of the month, given the beginning balance, total deposits, and total


a. Using the chart shown earlier in Figure 4-12 as a guide, enter the input,

processing, and output items, as well as the algorithm, in the first column.

b. Desk-check the algorithm twice. For the first desk-check, use 2545.75,

409.43, and 210.65 as the beginning balance, total deposits, and total

withdrawals. For the second desk-check, use 1125.33, 23, and 800.94.

c. Enter the C++ instructions in the second column of the chart, and then

desk-check the program using the same data used to desk-check the algorithm.

d. If necessary, create a new project named Introductory11 Project, and save

it in the Cpp8Chap04 folder. Enter your C++ instructions into a source file

named Introductory11.cpp. Also enter appropriate comments and any additional

instructions required by the compiler. Test the program using the same data

used to desk-check the program.

Chapter 4 Pg 108 Exercise 14

Silvia’s Pizzeria sells four different sizes of pizzas: small, medium, large,

and family. The manager of the pizzeria wants a program that displays the

total number of pizzas sold, as well as the percentage of the total number

contributed by each different size.

a. Using the chart shown earlier in Figure 4-12 as a guide, enter the input,

processing, and output items, as well as the algorithm, in the first column.

b. Desk-check the algorithm twice. For the first desk-check, use 25, 50, 50,

and 75 as the numbers of small, medium, large, and family pizzas. For the

second desk-check, use 30, 25, 85, and 73. Record the percentages with one

decimal place.

c. Enter the C++ instructions in the second column of the chart, and then

desk-check the program using the same data used to desk-check the algorithm.

d. If necessary, create a new project named Intermediate14 Project, and save

it in the Cpp8Chap04 folder. Enter your C++ instructions into a source file

named Intermediate14.cpp. Also enter appropriate comments and any additional

instructions required by the compiler. Test the program using the same data

used to desk-check the program.


Number of small


Number of medium


Number of large


Number of family



Processing items: total number of

pizzas percentage of pizzas sold my




Enter the number of pizzas

sold and by category.


Calculate the total number of

pizzas sold.


Calculate the percentage of

each category sold.


Display the total number of

pizzas sold and the percentage

by category.


Total number of

sold pizzas

Percentage of sold

pizzas by category

Small Pizzas






































Chapter 3 Pg 72 Exercise 4

Aaron Lakely is going to the grocery store to buy some bananas and apples,

both of which are sold by the pound. He wants a program that calculates and

displays the total cost of his order, including a 3% sales tax. First, create

an IPO chart for this problem, and then desk-check the algorithm twice. For

the first desk-check, use 2 and 3.5 as the number of pounds of bananas and

apples, respectively. And use $0.99 and $1.89 as the price per pound of

bananas and apples, respectively. For the second desk-check, use your own set

of data. After desk-checking the algorithm, list the input, processing, and

output items in a chart similar to the one shown in Figure 3-25, and then

enter the appropriate C++ declaration statements

Programming Homework Help