Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. help and guidance with questions


Chapter 3 Pg 72 Exercise 6

Builders Inc. wants a program that allows its salesclerks to enter the

diameter of a circle and the price of railing material per foot. The program

should calculate and display the total price of the railing material. Use

3.1416 as the value of pi. First, create an IPO chart for this problem, and

then desk-check the algorithm twice. For the first desk-check, use 35 feet as

the diameter and $2 as the price per foot. For the second desk-check, use 15.5

and $3.50. After desk-checking the algorithm, list the input, processing, and

output items in a chart similar to the one shown in Figure 3-25, and then

enter the appropriate C++ declaration statements.

Chapter 4 Pg 107 Exercise 11

Jacob Weinstein wants a program that displays his savings account balance at

the end of the month, given the beginning balance, total deposits, and total


a. Using the chart shown earlier in Figure 4-12 as a guide, enter the input,

processing, and output items, as well as the algorithm, in the first column.

b. Desk-check the algorithm twice. For the first desk-check, use 2545.75,

409.43, and 210.65 as the beginning balance, total deposits, and total

withdrawals. For the second desk-check, use 1125.33, 23, and 800.94.

c. Enter the C++ instructions in the second column of the chart, and then

desk-check the program using the same data used to desk-check the algorithm.

d. If necessary, create a new project named Introductory11 Project, and save

it in the Cpp8Chap04 folder. Enter your C++ instructions into a source file

named Introductory11.cpp. Also enter appropriate comments and any additional

instructions required by the compiler. Test the program using the same data

used to desk-check the program.

Chapter 4 Pg 108 Exercise 14

Silvia’s Pizzeria sells four different sizes of pizzas: small, medium, large,

and family. The manager of the pizzeria wants a program that displays the

total number of pizzas sold, as well as the percentage of the total number

contributed by each different size.

a. Using the chart shown earlier in Figure 4-12 as a guide, enter the input,

processing, and output items, as well as the algorithm, in the first column.

b. Desk-check the algorithm twice. For the first desk-check, use 25, 50, 50,

and 75 as the numbers of small, medium, large, and family pizzas. For the

second desk-check, use 30, 25, 85, and 73. Record the percentages with one

decimal place.

c. Enter the C++ instructions in the second column of the chart, and then

desk-check the program using the same data used to desk-check the algorithm.

d. If necessary, create a new project named Intermediate14 Project, and save

it in the Cpp8Chap04 folder. Enter your C++ instructions into a source file

named Intermediate14.cpp. Also enter appropriate comments and any additional

instructions required by the compiler. Test the program using the same data

used to desk-check the program.


Number of small


Number of medium


Number of large


Number of family



Processing items: total number of

pizzas percentage of pizzas sold my




Enter the number of pizzas

sold and by category.


Calculate the total number of

pizzas sold.


Calculate the percentage of

each category sold.


Display the total number of

pizzas sold and the percentage

by category.


Total number of

sold pizzas

Percentage of sold

pizzas by category

Small Pizzas






































Chapter 3 Pg 72 Exercise 4

Aaron Lakely is going to the grocery store to buy some bananas and apples,

both of which are sold by the pound. He wants a program that calculates and

displays the total cost of his order, including a 3% sales tax. First, create

an IPO chart for this problem, and then desk-check the algorithm twice. For

the first desk-check, use 2 and 3.5 as the number of pounds of bananas and

apples, respectively. And use $0.99 and $1.89 as the price per pound of

bananas and apples, respectively. For the second desk-check, use your own set

of data. After desk-checking the algorithm, list the input, processing, and

output items in a chart similar to the one shown in Figure 3-25, and then

enter the appropriate C++ declaration statements

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. GMU The Evaluation & Development of Improved Braking Model Discussion


I need you to write Results and Conclusion for the powerpoint. Also when you are done from the Results and Conclusion need you to write a report, it doesn’t have to be long maybe one page is enough. Please do not copy anything from Google, I want a 100% unique from your own word.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. CSU Encryption and Cryptography Discussion


For your critical thinking assignment this week, research an encryption method that has been used historically but is no longer used (such as the Enigma cipher of the Germans in World War II). Describe how that encryption method works, paying particular attention to how it contrasts with more modern methods. Be sure to discuss at least one modern method in your comparison.

Your paper should be 4-6 pages in length (excluding title and reference pages) and conform to CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.). Include at least two scholarly references in addition to the course textbook. The CSU Global Library (Links to an external site.) is a good place to find these references.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. California State University Module 2 Cloud Encryption Discussion



The cloud is becoming increasingly popular. Many cloud providers are adding encryption features embedded into the cloud solution. What are your thoughts on these features? Please also discuss some advantages and disadvantages associated with cloud encryption.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. NU WK 4 Economic Order Quantity Model Worksheet


2.Submissionsshould consist of an (i) Excel workbook, (ii) an R script file,(iii) and a Word document–a total of 3 files. Please attach allfiles when submitting the project. Part I of this project should becompleted in both Excel and R. Part IIshould be completedonlyin R

3.In the Word document, write a report to the management,summarizing the results that you have obtained.


Inventories represent a considerable investment for every organization; thus, it is important that they be managed well. Excess inventories can indicate poor financial and operational management. On the other hand, not having inventory when it is needed can also result in business failure. The two basic inventory decisions that managers face are how much to order or produce for additional inventory, and when to order or produce it to minimize total inventory cost, which consists of the cost of holding inventory and the cost of ordering it from the supplier. 

Holding costs, or carrying costs, represent costs associated with maintaining inventory. These costs include interest incurred or the opportunity cost of having capital tied up in inventories; storage costs such as insurance, taxes, rental fees, utilities, and other maintenance costs of storage space; warehousing or storage operation costs, including handling, recordkeeping, information processing, and actual physical inventory expenses; and costs associated with deterioration, shrinkage, obsolescence, and damage. Total holding costs are dependent on how many items are stored and for how long they are stored. Therefore, holding costs are expressed in terms of dollars associated with carrying one unit of inventory for one unit of time.

Ordering costs represent costs associated with replenishing inventories. These costs are not dependent on how many items are ordered at a time, but on the number of orders that are prepared. Ordering costs include overhead, clerical work, data processing, and other expenses that are incurred in searching for supply sources, as well as costs associated with purchasing, expediting, transporting, receiving, and inspecting. It is typical to assume that the ordering cost is constant and is expressed in terms of dollars per order.

For a manufacturing company that you are consulting for, managers are unsure about making inventory decisions associated with a key engine component. The annual demand is estimated to be 15,000 units and is assumed to be constant throughout the year. Each unit costs $80.The company’s accounting department estimates that its opportunity cost for holding this item in stock for one year is 18% of the unit value. Each order placed with the supplier costs $220. The company’s policy to order whenever the inventory level reaches a predetermined reorder point that provides sufficient stock to meet demand until the supplier’s order can be shipped and received; and then to order twice as many units.


Part I

Part I should be completed in both Excel and R.Note that it’s natural to obtain different results depending on the software. However, the two results obtained in Excel and Rare not expected to differ significantly. 

As a consultant, your task is to develop and implement a decision model to help them arrive at the best decision. As a guide, consider the following:

1.Define the data, uncontrollable inputs, model parameters, and the decision variables that influence the total inventory cost.

2.Develop mathematical functions that compute the annual ordering cost and annual holding cost based on average inventory held throughout the year and use them to develop a mathematical model for the total inventory cost.

3.Implement your model on an Excel spreadsheet. Then in an R script file.

4.Use data tables to find an approximate order quantity that results in the smallest total cost.

5.Plot the Total Cost versus the Order Quantity

6.Use the Excel Solver to verify your result of part 4 above; that is, find the order quantity which would yield a minimum total cost

7.Conduct what-if analyses by using two-way tables in Excel to study the sensitivity of total cost to changes in the model parameters.

8.In the Word document, explain your results and analyses to the vice president of operations. 

Part II

This part should be completed in R.

Assume that all problem parameters have the same values as those in part I, but that the annual demandhas a triangular probability distribution between 13000 and 17000 units with a mode of 15000 units. 

1.Performa simulation consisting of 1000 occurrences and calculate the minimum total cost for each occurrence. Next, use the results of your simulation to:

(i)Estimate the expected minimum total cost by constructing a 95% confidence interval for it and determine the probability distribution that best fits its distribution. Verify the validity of your choice.

(ii)Estimate the expected order quantity by constructing a 95% confidence interval for it and determine the probability distribution that best fits its distribution. Verify the validity of your choice.

(iii)Estimate the expected annual number of orders by constructing a 95% confidence interval for it and determine the probability distribution that best fits its distribution. Verify the validity of your choice.2.In the word document, explain your results and analyses to the vice president of operations.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Northumbria University Machine Learning Brain MRI Images Report


Assessment Brief

Lately, deep Learning has a tremendous amount of attention especially in medical image analysis. In
this assignment you will be required to design, develop, analyse and evaluate an appropriate deep
learning model. You can build your own model or use a pretrained model with your layers added to
it. You will explore the dataset and then apply that model to a dataset of your choosing. You will
need to evaluate the performance in terms of precision, recall, F1-score, ROC-curve and PR-curve.
You will discuss the findings that have been produced, and critically reflect upon the model and its

The word limit for the report is 2000-2200 words, not including the
front cover, table of contents page, references and appendices.

Assessment Tasks (choose any one of them)

You have been provided with access to three datasets; all are available on Kaggle (Please see links
below). The data covers the following scenarios:

• Classification of blood cell types

• Chest X-ray classification to COVID-19, Viral Pneumonia, normal

• Brain tumour detection from MRI images

You are required to choose one of the above scenarios as your assignment. Your task is to produce a
deep learning model that is appropriate to the problem. The model can be your own model or
designed based on fine-tuning of a pretrained model. You are required to conduct data
preparation/transformation to make the data ready for the model. Please note that what will be
provided in the report should reflect on the python code.

Please also note NOT to take on any
existing code online as your own work.

The errors in the code will affect your mark final mark.
The key components you must complete are:

1. Explore the dataset to understand its characteristics [10 Marks]

2. Pre-process your data to be suitable for building the model [10 Marks]

3. Build the model that allows for the task specified for chosen dataset [20 Marks]

4. Evaluate the model predictions using the metrics stated above. [15 Marks]

5. Fine-tune the model to get better predictions on the test set [15 Marks]

6. Present your findings with suitable visualisations that are easy to interpret [15 Marks]

7. Critically evaluate and discuss the whole process and he findings and what can be improved
[15 Marks}

Please follow the above structure/outline and the Table of contents should be in the bove outline.


1. Blood cells images dataset:…

2. COVID-19 chest X-ray dataset:…

3. Brain MRI images for brain tumour detection:…

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Develop the use case model for functionalities of healthcare system


Everything is in the attachment below. Read carefully, please.

There are 4 deliverables:

– Requirement Specification (on 9/10)

–Requirement Analysis (on 10/1)

–Architectural Design (on 10/27)

–Implementation/Testing (22/11)

I have listed the due date above. So please do the first part ASAP. And the rest give me 2 days before the due date. I need to check throw it one time before I summit

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Java Software Development Question


Software Engineering, Fall 2021
“Lost in the woods… a simulation experiment”

Much of the software development work you will do in this course will be done in groups. In HW1, we will apply Pair
Programming approach. You will be randomly assigned a partner (unless you choose one), and the two of you will work
together on this assignment. You may NOT work with anyone else on this assignment. If you need clarifications, please
email me.
The Setup: Imagine two people are lost in a large forest. There is an impossibly difficult barrier that surrounds the forest.
The two people wander around aimlessly. If they happen to end up in roughly the same part of the forest, they see each
other and are happier than if they are all alone. Depending on how big the forest is, and how quickly they wander about,
I wonder how long it will take for them to find each other?
Your Assignment: Write a program that works on the following problem:
1. The woods are represented by a rectangular grid that is A units wide and B units tall. We will assume for this
assignment that both A and B are integers, and that 2 <= A <=50, and 2 <= B <= 50, and that A and B may or may
not be the same integer. We will leave the units for A and B unnamed. (Maybe it is yards, maybe kilometers… it
doesn’t matter for the assignment.) At the start of your program, you should ask the interactive user to enter
values for A and B. Your program should tell the user what’s going on in the simulation, and should prompt with
the limits made clear. If the user does not enter an appropriate value for A or B, the program should give an
appropriate error message, and then re-prompt (again with the limits shown) until both A and B have been
specified correctly by the user.
2. I will call the two people wandering Pat and Chris. Pat will start in the upper left corner of the grid, and Chris will
start in the lower right corner of the grid. The grid is surrounded on all four sides by the impossible barrier.
3. Pat and Chris try to move from one cell in the grid to another cell in the grid simultaneously. Time units are
integers; time starts at 0 and is incremented by one at each time step. (Again, we won’t specify what the time
units represent. They could be seconds, or hours, or…) Your program does NOT need to go as slowly as the two
people wandering around in the woods!
4. At each time unit, each person tries to move one unit by randomly choosing one direction, either North, South,
East, West, Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, or Southwest. However, if the randomly selected direction takes
the person into the barrier, they just stay at the same place they were at the start of that time unit. For example,
since Pat starts in the upper left corner of the grid, if Pat randomly decides to go North, West, Northwest,
Southwest, or Northeast, then Pat will not move out of the upper left corner on that turn. However, if Pat
randomly decides to go any of the other three directions, than Pat will actually move to a new cell.
5. Simulate the random moves of Pat and Chris until one of two things happens: (A) Pat and Chris wind up in the
same cell of the grid (they find each other), or (B) they do not meet after 1 million time units. When either of
these things occurs, the problem halts and outputs to the screen how the simulation ended, and how many time
steps occurred before the simulation ended. The program should pause until the interactive user pushes ENTER
so that the user can read the output to the screen. After the user pushes ENTER, the program should halt.
What to submit?
1. Your program! Which should AT LEAST do what is described above (the functional requirements): explain the
simulation to an interactive user, get the values A and B from the user, do the simulation, and then output the
2. HOWEVER, for full marks, you should do MORE than what is described above. The “more” is up to you. How
might you visually display the results using text? Maybe you could run the simulation multiple times and give
things like the maximum, minimum, and average time until Pat and Chris meet. After you get your program
working, you might want to “play” with it a little, adding some code to explore a question or two about
wandering in the woods. For example, it stands to reason that in a smaller forest (like a 2 X 2), it won’t take very
long (on average) for our two hapless hikers to meet. As the forest gets bigger (4 X 4, 6 X 6, 8 X 8, and so on), we
expect it to take longer (on average) for Pat and Chris to meet. But is the increase linear in the size of the grid?
Or might it be geometric? What other interesting questions might you explore? Graphics are going to be tough
this time (more on this soon), so think numbers and text, not pictures, for your “more.”
3. Design document, at this stage, I need class diagrams of the classes used showing the relations between them.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. University of the Cumberland Database Systems ERD Diagram Report



  • SQL Script with your name as follows: YourLastName_Project_Ph3.sql.
  • MS Word Document with your OUTPUT, named as follows: YourLastName_Project_Ph3_Output.doc.
  • ZIP file to include the two files mentioned above.

Required Software:

  • MySQL DBMS by Oracle. MySQL Community Server and MySQL Workbench.
  • Follow Step 1-3 for your Course Project Phase phase 1, to install the required software components.

Lab Steps:

Step 1: Analyze the ERD for a student information system provided below. Be alert for the specifications provided for: 1) Entities, 2) Attributes, 3) Primary Key, and 4) Relationships.  You will need to have a clear understanding for these components to create your database using MySQL. (From the attached screen shot)

Step 2: Create a New Database in MySQL, Produce SQL File, Drop Table

  • Create a new Database, as you did in your Course Project Phase 1 deliverable and you already created a database using the MySQL DBMS.  
  • Utilize the SQL dialect you learned so far in this course for MySQL.  Use the file supplemental textbook:  MySQL Database Usage & Administration. (2010). By Vaswani, Vikram. McGraw Hill, as supplement your knowledge of the MySQL dialect. 
  • Create your SCRIPT file to be named: YourLastName_Project_Ph3.sql.

Step 3: Include the following commands at the tops of your scripts:


Step 4: Create Tables in your database

  • Create a new Table for each of the entities provided to you in the ERD diagram in Step 1.
  • Add a column to represent each attribute addressed in the ERD diagram in Step 1.
  • Designate Primary Key, as noted in the ERD diagram in Step 1.
  • Designate a Foreign Key relationship between the tables, as noted in the ERD diagram in Step 1.
  • Enable referential integrity on the relationships, as needed.
  • Enable cascade updates as needed on the relationships.

Step 5: Designate Data Types. Update the data type as needed to enforce the domain constrain of the data. This needs to be completed for every column for all tables.

  • Dates: they should have a date data designation type.
  • Surrogate keys: shall be auto-numbered
  • Character type: shall have a character data designation type.

Step 6: Column Constraints Designation.

  • Grade designation must be of one of these values as follows: A, B, C, D, E, F, W, E (E=enrolled, and W = withdrawn).
  • Student’s first and last names are not to be designated as NULL.
  • Course Credit hours shall be BETWEEN one and four.
  • The instructor first and last name must NOT be NULL
  • Course name designation has to be UNIQUE and must not be NULL type.

Step 7: Data Table Addition

  • Use the INSERT operator to add minimum 3 rows of data per each database.
  • You are free to use any values you might like for each of the columns.
  • NOTE/ Reminder: you are required to add data to the parent table prior to adding any data to child tables, as referential integrity is enabled.

Step 8: Executing your SCRIPT

  • Must incorporate the COMMIT command at the end of your Script
  • Must incorporate the SHOW TABLES command, to display the table you created. At the end of the script created.
  • Must incorporate the SELECT statement to show data allocated for each table. This would be added at the end of the script.
  • Copy and paste your OUTPUT into your MS Word file as follows: YourLastName_Project_Ph3_Output.doc

Programming Homework Help