Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Write a Java program which uses the LWJGL library to draw …


Write a Java programwhich uses the LWJGL library to draw a window of 640×480 in the center of the screen. Your program should then read in coordinates from a file titled coordinates.txt and draw the primitives in the same window using the algorithms for each primitive as discussed in class.Theprogram should draw the primitivesin different colors (red for lines, blue for circles and green for ellipses) on a black background.Use the glVertex2f() command to plot the primitives pixel by pixel. Finally, your program should also use the input.Keyboard class to have the escape keyquit your application.If you are motivated enough, you may also add extra functional keys that would allow the user to change the colors of the primitives. These added functions should be clearly stated in your comments.The given coordinates.txtfilewill be in the following format:l 15,15 150,180c 100,150 80e 225,370 35,75l 100,100 50,75e 200,100 50,50l stands for a lineand isfollowed by a space, this is then followed by the two endpoints of the line separated by a space. c stands for a circle followed by a space, the center of the circle, space and then the radius of the circle. e stands for ellipse followed by a space, center of the ellipse, space again followed by value of rx and ry(separated by acomma).When your program is evaluated, a different coordinates.txt file will be used by meso be sure your algorithm tests all cases for each of the three primitives.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Indiana Wesleyan University Microsoft Excel User Interface Principles Discussion


  1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
  2. Review User Interface Principles. (…)
  3. Navigate to the threaded discussion and respond to the following:
    1. Consider the graphical user interface (GUI) of an application you use regularly. This can be personal or professional use, but consider point 3.c.
    2. Describe the nature of the application and its forms with respect to:
      1. Basic use (e.g. online banking, customer inquiry & maintenance, support desk trouble tickets, etc.).
      2. Is the application and its forms media and information consumption or data entry and maintenance?
      3. How does or does not the application use good UI design principles as noted in the Microsoft User Interface Principles article?
      4. How does the application use multiple forms for efficient user interactions?

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. PTG 746: Descriptive Analysis on City Light Venture Capital


Download project data and import it into your analysis software(R programming). Run some summary statistics (number of observations, variables, missing values, etc.) and write a brief summary report of your initial findings. Anything you see that is interesting? Anything you want to explore further?

This is the link to the project data:

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Dictionary Binary Search Tree Lab Report


Binary Search Tree

Using a binary search tree, you are tasked with building a dictionary program which you can store a word with its definition. Each node of the tree will contain the word and definition. The word is what will be used as the key to sort our data.

The dictionary should allow you to search for a word. If the word exist then the definition will display. You can also add words to the dictionary. For testing you should be able to display the current word list.

The dictionary will populate from a data file and new words will be saved to the file as well.

We are still covering Binary trees in class, but we have covered enough to get you started.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. DAC Specifications for The Word and WordStack Classes Program


Finish the provided specifications for the Word and WordStack classes. The WordStack Class will act as a stack of Word objects. You must implement your own linked list for this assignment. Additionally create a driver to demonstrate the features of the WordStack class. The driver will read and write files to reverse all of the words of some input file.

Finish the Word class implementation in Word.cpp

Use the provided Word.h. Complete the implementation of the Word class in a Word.cpp file.

Finish the WordStack class in WordStack.cpp

Use the provided WordStack.h. Complete the implementation of the WordStack class in a WordStack.cpp file.

Create a WordStack class with pop, push, and isEmpty.

This Wordstack holds Word objects using a linked list of Nodes.

The Stack class has the following methods:

void push(Word)

push accepts a Word object, then inserts it into the stack of Words

Word Pop()

The pop()method takes no arguments and returns the Word object from the top of the stack. This method also discards the top element from the stack. Throw an exception when popping from an empty stack.

bool isEmpty()

isEmpty returns True when the stack is empty. Return false when not empty.


Create a simple text file with some arbitrary text of your choice. This is the program input file.

Next, write a driver program to read an input file, save the words in a new file in reverse order. Do this using the WordStack class.

The Driver should do the following at minimum.

  • Open the input text file and read the contents into a WordStack.This must insert one word at a time into the stack.
  • Close the input file.
  • Open a new file for program output. This file begins empty.
  • The program should then pop all of the Words from the stack and save each word into an output file. This output file storesall of the words that were popped from the stack.
  • Close the output file.
  • The order of the words saved in the output file should be the reverse of their order in the input file.

Class Source Code

The classes must be defined in a header file with no implementation. Additionally, create an implementation file with all of the implementation code. See the provided Die class example for an example of this format.



#ifndef WORD_H_
#define WORD_H_
#include <string>;

class Word
std::string word;

std::string getWord() const;
void setWord(std::string);


#ifndef WORDSTACK_H_
#define WORDSTACK_H_

#include "Word.h"

class WordStack{
   struct StackNode
       Word word;
       StackNode *next;

   StackNode *top;

   void push(Word);
   Word pop();
   bool isEmpty() const;

#endif /* WORDSTACK_H_ */

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Statistical Visualization Report using R Programming Project



Your task is to find a data set on DATASF that is of particular interest to you. Once you have decided on a data set, I would like you to write up a report that presents the data, both with narrative and supporting visualizations.

Key Points to Address:

1. Your opening paragraph(s) should introduce the data, discuss why you chose that particular data set, and what you hope to accomplish while investigating the data.

2. The format of the final document should read like a report. There should be no R code in the output file (I should be able to see all of that in the .Rmd file).

3. Your document must include at least 4 visualizations. These visualizations must tie into your narrative (and be supportive).

4. There is no particular length requirement other than it must be long enough to present your thoughts, ideas, and conclusions.

Assessment, you will be graded on:

1. The readability and formatting of the report.

2. The overall presentation of your arguments and how you support them.

3. The quality of your visualizations.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. WVU 5 & 10 Fold Cross Validation and Random Splitting with 1000 Splits Model


In the MinnLand dataset in the alr4 package, fit two possible models with log(acrePrice) or sqrt(acrePrice) as the response, use year as a factor as well. I want to better understand land prices and the drivers. Use methods to develop two possible candidate models and compare them using

#5 Fold Cross Validation

#10 Fold Cross Validation

#Random Splitting with 1000 splits.

I only want to use parallel computing where you can/need, and function writing where you can/need because there are 18,700 observations. Before starting this analysis remove ALL NA’s from the data using na.omit(MinnLand). In each of the above cases comment on the models you would select and how you came about that decision. I’m studying insights it may have on the land prices in Minnesota over this time frame.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. James Madison University Java Pseudocode Programming Assignment


I will need a pseudocode for this problem (attachment). it requires to use loops. it also requires (input, processing, output) diagram as well as deck checking. i will provide slides on how my teacher likes it. i will give an example prompt from my previous work. no need to code. just pseudo!

Programming Homework Help