Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Email Spam Detection Using Machine Learning Software Development Discussion


I need help with this paper. This is a short paper about a machine learning project proposal. This should be around 12 pages including overview and citation pages. I attached a template to be used for your convenience. The due date is May 24th. Please follow the rubric provided in the document.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Ashford University Movies Databases Project


1) Install SQL Express Management Studio 2014 from the following link:

2) Recreate the HistoricalEvents and Movies databases using the files found in the folder “Database backup”.

3) For each exercise listed below, create a separate .sql file with the solution. Compress all .sql in a single .zip archive


  • Historical Events DB

Exercise 3:

  • Prove that there were 15 events in total which had a relation with Russia OR Germany

Exercise 4:

  • Create a query to count the number of events per country which took place in the nineties
  • Movies DB

Exercise 5:

  • Create a list (Id_actor, Name_actor, Movie, NoOscars) of the top 3 movies based on the number of Oscars won.

Exercise 6:

  • Choose your favorite actor/actresses and list all the movies in which he/she played and sort them by net profit.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. George Washington Descriptive Statistics Scatter and Residual Plots Questions


Please answer the questions for the problem uploaded through the screenshot. Upload your results and answers in an EXCEL spreadsheet. Include the following:

  • Copy and paste descriptive statistics, scatter and residual plots and regression analysis from R into the spreadsheet
  • Are all the conditions and assumptions met? Briefly describe
  • Full hypothesis test for partial slopes and overall F test
  • Confidence intervals for each variable
  • Answer text questions below

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Richland College Develop a Predictive Model Python Coding Task


Your job is to develop a predictive model that can predict whether or not a movie is a Comedy. In order to do so, you need to use the textual features of the movie stories and create your predictive models. There are totally three different files in this project.

1. movie_story_student_file.csv: This file contains the movie stories that should be used by students for model development.

2. movie_story_evaluation_file.csv: This file should NOT be used for model development purposes. Students should only use this file after developing their predictive models and selecting their best final model. They then need to use their best predictive model and predict whether or not the movies in the movie story evaluation file.csv are Comedy.

3. movies.csv: This file contain the movie genres.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Austin Community College Python Questions & Answers


I’m working on a Python question and need guidance to help me study.

1.What is a function inPython?

2.Where are functions stored in Python? Be careful here. There are some subtledetails.

3.How do you define a function inPython?

4.How do you end a function inPython?

5.What does variable scope mean when it concerns functions? Will require a number of sentences.

6.How can I get a variable to be “seen” across all functions including themainprogram?

7.Can I have the same named variable, say X, have different values in differentfunctions?

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Robert Morris University Temperature Abstract Class Model Java Program


This assignment is an exercise in class-objects, and methods, and in abstract class implementation. There are 4 classes. Their class names tell you what they do. BUT, things, variables, methods, and constructors, etc, need to be reconciled across the four. The models which you should follow and use to get things going are: public abstract class Circle3GeoObject2, public class Circle3ObjectClass which extends a super class, and public class Circle3MainClass. These are attached as well as the following:


FahrenheitObjectClassModel7, CentigradeObjectClassModel7, MainTemperatureClassModel 7

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Ramapo College of New Jersey WebSite Development Project


Read Chapter 5 (except section 5.11) as a source of design ideas and tools.

As a result, you will first learn Normal Flow and Nested Elements that you will use in further layout exercises with floats. Finally, you should have a two-column layout with navigation and main divs (like on fig. 6.37) for all pages. You can read more on floats here (Links to an external site.). The links to the implementation pages (in respective subfolders for mandatory practices) on the server should be placed into the W5 Labs forum.

Improve your project by using a two-column layout with interactive menus (these features are mandatory for the final version of the project. Creating an image gallery using floats (practices 6.8 and 6.9) in your project is optional – for extra credit only. Other aspects of the chapter are also optional but will empower those who want deeper knowledge. Post the link to the server Project pages into the W5 Project forum. Use external CSS for all pages. If necessary, use embedded CSS to make specific changes on only some pages. But the external CSS should be the same for all pages creating a feel of a consistent site. In the same post describe all the learned elements that you’ve used in the project, including the optional ones and where they are located. Good projects with the required (and extra) number of learned elements, as well as with good explanations of what is where will carry extra weight in your grading…

Note 1: pay special attention to the very important enhancement of the NEW structural elements in HTML5 in section 6.14 which should not be skipped!!! It will be important for your future project enhancements.

Note 2: use floats AND their clearing (p.255) for a balanced look at your project

Note 3: do not post the local links on your computer since they can be seen only on YOUR computer, but use the server links as most of you already do

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Sophia College Software Development The Developer Role in Security Discussion


I’m studying for my Software Development class and need an explanation.

Web applications are complex and, by their runtime nature, involve multiple layers of services and servers. Web applications beg for the divide-and-conquer of software developer resources. As a developer on a team, you may be asked to develop client-side interfaces, middleware business logic, or backend database interfaces, all while programming your development security operating environment (or DevSecOps).

You may even have a security-focal in your organization or on your team. Does this mean security has been divided to these security-labeled individuals and can be considered conquered? The answer, as you will discover, is no. Wherever you find yourself, security is your responsibility. You will probably move around during your time with the team, going up and down the software stack, while adhering to the team’s chosen software development life cycle. Security concerns are found in every level of the software stack and in every step of any software development life cycle. In this assignment, you will have an opportunity to reflect on the importance of software security.


Begin by reading DevSecOps: A Systematic Approach for Secure Software Development, available through the Shapiro library. Then reflect on the questions below and provide your thoughts.

What is your role in conquering security concerns as a developer? What might that involve?

Where does security fall within the software stack and development life cycle?

How might you add security measures to transform a DevOps pipeline into a DevSecOps pipeline?

  • The article suggests creating and following a plan to secure the entire DevOps life cycle. What is included in the suggested plan and would you recommend following it?

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Colorado State University Mod 2 Credit Card Theft and Identity Theft Discussion


I’m working on a programming question and need support to help me learn.

A great deal of media attention has been given to the increasingly common occurrence of credit card theft and identity theft.

  • Explain the difference between credit card theft and identity theft.
  • Which do you think is more serious and why?
  • Share any experiences that you or someone you know has had with external security threats, including identity theft.

Programming Homework Help