Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. INST 327 University of Maryland College Park Database Design and Modeling


Use the iSchool database to answer the questions in this assignment. Please be sure that you have a pristine copy of the database on your server. If you have changed any values in any of the database tables, download and re-execute this creation script: create_iSchool.sql

For Q1, you will create a view per the instructions in the Questions document below.
For Q2 you will complete a stored procedure, starting with this partially-created script: person_by_state.sql…

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Rutgers University Linux Server Project


I’m working on a linux question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

  1. Scenario: You are working on a web design team, and the site you are building will be hosted on a Linux server. The team is in a design phase where they need a few pieces of placeholder content – images of various sizes that they can use to test their web page layouts before they create the real images. You’re a big Bill Murray fan, mostly because of his earlier work like Caddyshack, but you respect his later, quirkier roles in movies like The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou and Coffee and Cigarettes. Anyway. Your task is to grab and organize a few large and a few small placeholder images from the website using only the Linux command-line (and your web browser, for research and testing purposes.)
    1. Create a directory for your project called placeholders
    2. Get 3 small and 3 large images.
    3. Rename them so that the names are informative, i.e., the file names and extensions make sense just from reading the directory contents.
    4. Organize the two sizes into two separate sub-directories of placeholders.
    5. From the placeholders directory, use ls -lR to display the contents of the directory and the contents of its subdirectories.
    6. Submit a screenshot of your terminal showing the output of the ls -lR command.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Create a Python Program Computer Coding Task


  • Menu driven program
  • Properly commented
  • Read data from a file the user supplies
    • For our example usecrime.csv as you sample file
  • Options to include
    • Display a Crime report that will list:
      • Count of crimes grouped by ncic code by 1000 (0-999,1000-1999, etc)
      • Count of all crimes by district
      • Count of all crimes by beat
      • Save this info into a JSON file as a dictionary with the Month as the filename (eg: January.json)

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. George Mason University Time Value of Money Applications & Internal Memo


Form: Laptop (at least

Applications: AutoCAD

Other Factors: About 500Gb of local data to be stored, will be backed up to the server nightly

You work for a company that is about to replace its 3-year old desktop/laptop computers.
The machines are principally used for the applications described in the chart attached.
The staff takes work home routinely using USB keys so the USB ports should be easily
accessible. Existing printers and scanners may also be connected to each machine.
The firm has traditionally used Dell computers and wishes to stay with Dell unless
there is a considerable saving by going to another company (they will be buying 20
Sensitive nature of the data on these machines, the company wishes to have a fingerprint
scanner on each machine. Corporate firewalls are in place, and so a local firewall is not
needed. A current and secure operating system and the Office suite of programs is
required. They want Office on their machine and not a cloud solution.
Begin by looking at the applications that your computer will run. Go to the Dell or some
other Web sites to find the minimum and recommended hardware configurations and the
cost of each package. Use the one with the highest requirements to specify your
Research the Internet, beginning with the Dell site, and obtain a suitable configuration
and a price for your selected machine. The machine should not be too large or too small
in capacity. Go to a second site and identify the same or a similar computer from Dell
sold through a third party.
Thirdly, go to a second manufacturer such as HP or some other and identify a similar
machine from that location.
Write a memo to the CEO with the listing of specifications and prices for each
option (one computer, hardware, and software) and give him a recommendation as
to which you feel meets his need. The specifications should be detailed, including
processor make, model and speed, memory installed and any capacity limit, disk
space available, and all peripherals.|

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Alabama Aviation College Refactoring in Eclipse Computer Programming Questions


Note: this work can only be done in eclipse




When we think of computer programs and applications today, we think of graphical interfaces with buttons and expandable menus and other kinds of displays. But the consumer computers started finding their ways into homes 5 years before the technology for what we would think of as “graphics” debuted, and it would take another 5 years for those first graphics cards to become commonplace. So for a solid decade, almost all software had to display output in a text format, and collect input from users through text-based commands.

Some of the first games for these home computers then were similar to Choose-Your-Own-Adventure books, and defined the “adventure” genre accordingly (sometimes the genre name is attributed to the game Colossal Cave Adventure, a pioneer of the format) . In these kinds of games, the player is presented with a description of a place or an event, and has to type in a command to do something. The game parses this command, and then prints some new output accordingly. Generally, the player is navigating through different “rooms” or areas using cardinal directions to explore the environment.

For a good example of this, check out the adventure game Zork, which you can play from the link in the reference section below. You’ll find that while the complete list of commands was only printed in the manual, many of them are intuitive – open mailbox, take leaflet, read leaflet, go south, look…

For this project, you will be building a similar kind of application, but rather than an adventure game we’ll just use it to present an interactive “tour” of a home – maybe your current home, maybe your dream home. In any case, the pattern will be exactly the same as other text-based games:

  1. Display prompt
  2. Collect input
  3. Process input as a command
  4. Print output of command

Here’s an example of what your game might look like:


For now, we’re just going to create the shell for our project, based on what we understand of the requirements. Later, as your skills improve and you continue to learn, you’ll probably make changes to these classes or their structure – a process called refactoring – to make your project easier to expand.

  1. In Eclipse, create a project named HomeTour
  2. In the HomeTour project, create the following packages and classes:
    1. fixtures
      1. fixtures.Fixture (abstract)
      2. fixtures.Room
    2. game
      1. game.Main
      2. game.Player
      3. game.RoomManager

These classes will work as follows:

This abstract class will be used as a base for anything that can be looked at or interacted with. This class should define (at least) the following properties:

  • String name : a short name / title for the fixture
  • String shortDescription : a one-sentence-long description of a fixture, used to briefly mention the fixture
  • String longDescription : a paragraph-long description of the thing, displayed when the player investigates the fixture thoroughly (looks at it, or enters a room)

Here’s an example of what your game might look like, so these make sense:

This class represents a room in the house. It will extend fixtures.Fixture, and so will inherit the descriptive properties. The Room will also have the following properties:

  • Room[] exits : the rooms adjacent to this one. You might decide that a room in a particular direction always uses a certain index, e.g. a north exit always goes in index 0, an east exit always goes in index 1, etc. If so, then the size of this array depends on how many directions you want to support.

The Room class should also have a constructor that accepts a name, shortDescription, and longDescription. You might also find it convenient to create a getter not just for all the exits, but for a particular exit given a direction:

public Room(String name, String shortDescription, String longDescription) {
	super(name, shortDescription, longDescription);
	this.exits = new Room[?]; // size is your choice
public Room[] getExits() {
public Room getExit(String direction) {

This class will store the main(String[]) method for our game (and of course, it will be the only class that has a main(String[]) method). This is where the game-loop will go, where we’ll display a prompt, collect input, and parse that input

The printRoom(Player) method will print a prompt to the console for the player’s current room, similar to the above image.

The collectInput() method will use a Scanner object to collect console input from the user, and then will divide that input into multiple parts. Generally those parts will look like this:

  1. An action
  2. The target of an action (if any)

For example, “go east” -> “go” is the command, “east” is the target. This method will break the input into a String[], and return that.

The parse(String[], Player) method will take the output of the above collectInput() method and a player object, and will resolve that command. This can actually be simpler than it sounds – the first index of the passed-in String[] should be the action, so you can switch on that and handle the target differently for each case. The Player object is there so you can modify it if needed (like changing the Player’s currentRoom based on the direction moved)

public static void main(String[] args) {

private static void printRoom(Player player) {


private static String[] collectInput() {

private static void parse(String[] command, Player player) {


This class represents the player moving through these rooms. The Player class has these properties:

  • Room currentRoom : the room the player is currently in.

This class will be responsible for “loading” our rooms into memory. When game.Main is executed, it will invoke the init() method in this class that will instantiate all our Room objects, link them together as exits, and designate a startingRoom.

  • Room startingRoom : the room a player should start in.
  • Room[] rooms : all the rooms in the house.
public void init() {
    Room foyer = new Room(
		"The Foyer",
		"a small foyer",
		"The small entryway of a neo-colonial house. A dining room is open to the south, where a large table can be seen." + "n"
		+ "The hardwood floor leads west into doorway, next to a staircase that leads up to a second floor." + "n"
		+ "To the north is a small room, where you can see a piano.");
		this.rooms[0] = foyer;
        this.startingRoom = foyer;
Up until now, you have been tracking the exits in each Room of your Home Tour application using a Room[]. This might have been functional, but it's not optimal, and you have probably noticed how clunky it feels. We have to set an arbitrary standard ahead of time, known only to those possessing documentation - exits[0] is north, exits[1] is east, etc. We also have to decide during development the maximum number of exits a room might have, and in which directions those exits might be.
So what do we know about room exits? We know that the exit of one Room is another Room, and we know those exits are situated in a certain direction from the current room. For example:
    north: library
This scenario seems like a good application of a Map, doesn't it? Instead of a Room[], you could have a Map<String, Room> where the key is the direction of an exit and the value is the room in that direction.
The process of rewriting code to improve efficiency or the overall design, is called Refactoring. Having to refactor your code is not a sign of ineptitude or bad design. It's an extremely common practice for developers to implement the first solution that comes to mind, so that a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) can be demonstrated and tested. Having an MVP allows you to demonstrate that a problem can be solved, that you are capable of completing the application that will do so. Once the MVP is in hand, the design can be refined to squash bugs, improve efficiency and stability, and to add new features. There are entire books written about the best way to go about refactoring your code, and tools to assist in it.
Take some time to refactor your Room class to use this Map for its exits, instead of Arrays. This will also entail refactoring other classes accordingly, like Main.parse(String[], Player). Instead of accessing rooms by index, they have to use the get(String) method.
You could also probably refactor RoomManager to use a collection for its collection of Rooms, instead of a Room[]. This will make it slightly easier to add new rooms in the future.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. CUNY Queens College Machine Learning Google Crach Course Practice


Our final is based on the Google Machine Learning Crash Course which we covered in our very last online lecture. Here is the link to that again:

In order to complete the final exam, you need to read the additional material under the section Introduction to Neural Networks, Training Neural Networks and Multiclass Neural Nets, as highlighted in the first attached picture – “additional final reading material”.

You need to submit two different types of solved exercises for the homework, and both these types can be found dispersed throughout the reading material. NOTE that you need to complete all the exercises, of both types, found in the reading material from our last lecture, and the additional reading sections I have assigned here for the quiz. So basically every exercise from the beginning of the machine learning crash course, up to and including Multiclass Neural Nets.

So what are the two types of exercises found throughout the reading material, that you need to complete, take screenshots of (as usual) and submit as solutions to the final?

— FIRST are the quizzes dispersed throughout the reading material, and look like as I show in the attached picture “check your understanding”. You need to complete all the quizzes marked as “Self Check” or “Check your understanding”.

You need to take screenshot of each quizz where you found the correct answer (has to be green, unlike the red wrong answer I show in my attached screenshot). Your answers need to include all quizzes from the set of reading materials, up to and including Multiclass Neural Nets. Of course you can simply click random answers until it turns green, but this way you will not learn. You need to through each correct answer, and understand why this answer is correct.

If you try to simply click until you find the correct answer, and you do not understand it, you will not learning the final and one of the most important lessons from this course (machine learning is an important scientific topic of the present and will be at the center stage of scientific research and world affairs in the foreseeable future).

— SECOND you will see that they are sections throughout the material noted as “Tensorflow Playground” ( ), and as I also show in the third attached screenshot and.

These need to be completed following the instructions on each section noted as “Tensorflow Playground Exercise”, captured as screenshots once completed, and submitted along with the screenshots of the check your understanding quizzes which I request in the first item.

The key is after you create a Machine Learning model with Tensorflow Playground, you need to think through what the image that you are seeing means. When I say image, I mean the data separation / classification picture at the right side of the Tensorflow Playground (this will make more sense when you do your first playground practice exercise).

Please do all of those in sequence as it is instructed. Read the attached file name to follw the instructions.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. CUNY BMCC HTML CSS History of Photography Website


I will upload the requested photos to you.The detailed requirements are in the doc file

you will create a 4-page site on the subject of Photography, using the provided materials:

A selection of photos, and required text. A successful grade will require these skills:

The ability to format text into headlines and paragraphs
The ability to make working links on all pages (4 on each page)
The ability to size, enhance and place photos or other images wisely
The ability to adjust a CSS style sheet creatively
The ability to organize your folder structure. Ie- do not keep the images for your website in 3 different folders.

The ability to upload the site to GitHubPages

The ability to create a sitemap and wireframe

The recommended strategy

  • Design your home page (index.html) thoroughly, include content, and navigation (with all of your links accounted for).
  • Attach and use a well thought-out CSS page
  • Then copy this 1st page (your index) three times by using Save As and rename the 3 new copies
    with the filenames indicated below
  • Replace content (text & photos) uniquely for each page’s primary subject
  • NOTE: You can refer to handouts, folders, and/or the internet for help. Feel free to use to remind yourself of any technique

What you need to submit in ONE ROOT Folder:

Four pages total, plus the external style sheet

  • index.html – general information on photography
  • history.html – about the evolution of photography
  • contemporary.html – the present day digital situation
  • photographers.html – about two photographers and some of their work
  • midterm.css – your style sheet
  • images folder


  • Include at least 2 photos per page
  • You MUST resize the images in PHOTOSHOP or Pixlr- you cannot use the width attribute in the html code
  • All pages must share the SAME navigation. Navigation should not change from page to page
  • A set of 4 links must be on each page
  • Your headings, your paragraphs, your images, must be ‘styled’ using the EXTERNAL CSS
  • There should be NO internal styles.
  • Use the <nav> </nav>element to indicate when your navigation starts and ends
  • You must use the font-family property value pair

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Cuyamaca College Python Program Project


I’m working on a python question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Programmming Assignment #3: Files and dictionaries
This assignment consists of 2 separate programs.
Program 1 (worth 2/10)
a. Write the data of table emp (assignment 2) to a “csv” file. One row of emp will be one row in
the file. The file should appear as an Excel speadsheet with 8 columns and 14 rows.
b. Keep the following 5 columns (direct manipulation of the file, not part of the program):
employee name , job, salary, commission, department name. For example, the first row of data
of this file is:
Program 2 (worth 8/10)
a. Read the file into a list of lists (14 rows, 5 columns)
b. Transform each row of the list into a dictionary. The keys are : ename, job, salary, comm, dno.
Call the resulting list of dictionaries dict_of_emp
c. Display the table dict_of_emp, one row per line
d. Perform the following computations on dict_of_emp:
D1. Compute and print the incomes of Richard and Mary (add salary and comm)
D2 Compute and display the sum of salaries paid to each type of job (i.e. salary paid to analysts
is 3500 + 3500= 7000)
D3. Add 5000 to the salaries of employees in department 30. Display the new table
Deliverables. Upload to canvas the following files:
program1 listing, ouput of program1, 5-column excel file of program1.b
program 2 listing, output of program 2

Programming Homework Help