Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. CSU Evaluation and Recommendation of Organizational Security Paper


You are the chief information technology officer at a small outpatient health care facility in Riyadh. The medical facility employs five specialist physicians, ten certified nurses, five administrative assistants, and two technicians. There are 25 clinical rooms. Each room is equipped with a computer. In addition, five computers are used by the administrative assistants for patients’ appointments and records. All these computers are connected using a local area network. Physicians are supplied with portable devices that they can use to write e-prescriptions. These devices are connected wirelessly to the rest of the network.

As the chief information technology officer, you are charged with the task of evaluating the security status of the facility network and developing a report to recommend the directions that should be followed soon.

Your report should include the following materials:

  • Existing and potential vulnerabilities and threats
  • Suggestions and discussions of methods or tools that can be used to overcome the existing and potential security threats
  • Discussion of encryption techniques that can be used for the wireless network and the selection and justification of a proper technique for this facility
  • Discussion of the prevention of cyber-attacks and the proper maintenance needed to achieve this goal.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. CSU Vulnerabilities in System Discussion


I’m working on a programming question and need guidance to help me learn.

Organizations take a number of approaches to fixing vulnerabilities in their systems.

  • List the four types of fixes for vulnerabilities.
  • Distinguish between work-arounds and patches.
  • Why is upgrading to a new version of an operating system usually good for security?
  • How does your organization determine when to upgrade desktop/server operating systems?

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Web Design Discussion Board


I’m stuck on a Website Design question and need an explanation.

As you learned, Web design includes 4 stages to be completed; these stages are:

    • Design
    • Development
    • Content strategy
    • Multimedia

In your opinion and own words, as a web designer which stage should take a fair amount of time and which one is important to do well in your project? How do you incorporate current design trends into your projects?

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. RC Java Code


You are working as a software developer for a large insurance company. Your company is planning to migrate the existing systems from Visual Basic to Java and this will require new calculations. You will be creating a program that calculates the insurance payment category based on the BMI score.

Your Java program should perform the following things:

  1. Take the input from the user about the patient name, weight, birthdate, and height.
  2. Calculate Body Mass Index.
  3. Display person name and BMI Category.
  4. If the BMI Score is less than 18.5, then underweight.
  5. If the BMI Score is between 18.5-24.9, then Normal.
  6. If the BMI score is between 25 to 29.9, then Overweight.
  7. If the BMI score is greater than 29.9, then Obesity.
  8. Calculate Insurance Payment Category based on BMI Category.
  9. If underweight, then insurance payment category is low.
  10. If Normal weight, then insurance payment category is low.
  11. If Overweight, then insurance payment category is high.
  12. If Obesity, then insurance payment category is highest.
  13. Implement exception handling using try-catch.
  14. Include the finally block.

You need to submit the following things:

  • An entire Java solution
  • An output screenshot created using Microsoft Word

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Rasmussen College Data Analysis Java Program


You are working as the data analyst for one of the big survey company. Your manager wants you to analyze the sample data and then determine the maximum, minimum and average.

You need to perform following tasks as part of this assignment.

Step 1: Use Java program to generate the at least 1000 random numbers between 1 to 10000

Step 2: Store all these numbers into the array

Step 3: Perform sorting

Step 4: Determine the maximum and the minimum element

Step 5: Determine the array average

Step 6: Include Try-Catch exception block

Step 7: Include finally block

You need to submit the following things:

  • An entire Java solution
  • An output screenshot created using Microsoft Word

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Southern New Hampshire University Create a Web Code Computer Programming Task


Overview: Tables are another useful tool for organizing website content for your audience. Tables can help make content easier to read and understand. Tables are composed of rows and columns, but through the use of different HTML formatting code, you can create interesting layouts using tables. In this activity, you will create a table to organize and display content on a webpage. 

Prompt: For the purposes of this exercise, you will start with the “after” (or finished) version of the index.html file and add several additional pieces of content and styles based on what you have learned from the module resources on how the index.html and site.css files were edited and expanded to create the final version of a webpage. 

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: 

I. Create a table with rows and columns on your website. A. Add bold formatting to a row and column in the table. B. Utilize the SPAN tag to merge columns. 

II. Add a feedback form to your website. 

A. Add three text fields. 

B. Add a question with radio button responses. 

C. Add a submit button. 

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. SEU Web Application and Components Involved in This Process Discussion


I’m working on a Website Design exercise and need support.

While developing a web application, there are many components involved in this process. Every website needs a web server to hos it. Explain in detail the main purpose of using the webserver and its role? Give examples of web servers and states the disadvantages of using the web server in general?

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. COMP 726 AIS Blockchain Prototype & Identity Management Essay



On this project we aim to make the good use of Blockchain technology towards the protection of the personal identity. This would greatly help the users who spend most of their time online by assuring them that no third party actor who can misuse their identity. Before we dive need into the topic lets first understand the actual problem, personal identity is nothing but a collection of your personal claim. This is the data that we aim to protect which include items such as the passport number, your date of birth, social security number, Physical address, National Identity Number, driving license number among other collection of claims regarding you as a person. It is the above personal information that are stored in centralized databases for government or any other important use. There is need to protect the data for it not to be used while a bad actor is exploiting known flows or even from being stolen.

On this project we are going to look into details on how Blockchain technology can be used to prevent any misuse or theft of personal identity by ensuring that person using the identity is the actual person rather than an imposter.


+ Create a blockchain prototype to show some function that meet the requirement of using Blockchain to solve identity management and theft issue. It can be 

– Take screen dumps of the pieces of your prototype and tell how they fit together.

– Create a dummy version of the prototype using some other software like trufflesuit.

Software you can use such as solidity, visual studio and anything else that can implement blockchain technology.

You can take a look at

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. NYC Reasons for Infinite Loops and how to Prevent them in Programming Paper


We hear “infinite loop” a lot, especially when it comes to programming, why do you think that happens? And how can we prevent it from happening (and no, the answer is not restarting your system! :)).

Be as specific as possible when explaining your answers.

Programming Homework Help