Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. IT 402 Saudi Electronic Cost of Operations and Low Resource Wastage Response


In this discussion board, you will post your answer to the question. You will also read and respond to 2 other classmate’s postings. This is an excellent way for you to interact with your colleagues and to share your thoughts about their answers in a critical way.

Topic of the Discussion (100 – 200 words)

What are the three main functions that an enterprise needs to perform to establish Process Quality? and provide an example about one of the quality functional deployment methodology and tools that translate the customer needs into the attributes of a product or service? and discuss this example in a context of any organization

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. UCLA Html CSS Question


I’m working on a html / css exercise and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Hello, I have a HTML assignment due tomorrow that requires one page of work. I will provide all the necessary instructions needed to complete the assignment. This assignment may require some time but no longer than two hours. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Program to Calculate the Distance Between Cities on A Map Project


Program Information

Write a program to allow the user to calculate the distance between cities on a map.

Sounds pretty complicated, eh? Don’t worry, we’ll make a few simplifications here:

  • The distances are calculated in map units on the 2D map.
  • Each city is given a set of coordinates relative to some point on the map. We’ll call this origin (0,0).
  • There can only be a finite number of cities in the system at a given time (you decide this maximum).

But in order to make the system useful, we’ll have to add a few other features:

  • Each city has a name in addition to its coordinates (you can assume a maximum length for these names; but they must be able to hold spaces: Los Angeles, New York, etc.).
  • The user selects what action to take from a menu:
        1) Enter city Information
        2) calculate Distance between two cities
        3) Print All cities
        4) Quit

    Make sure you allow them to choose their options by both the number and the capitalized letter(s) of the choice.

  • They cannot calculate a distance until at least two cities have been entered.
  • When they have exactly two cities, assume they are the ends and print their distance.
  • When they have more than two cities, show them the list of cities and have them pick the two cities to calculate the distance between. Don’t let them choose the same city for both ends of the ‘trip’.
  • If your list is full and they choose to enter another city, have them choose to either NOT enter the new city or to overwrite one of the earlier cities (they choose which one). Print the list of cities for them to choose from. (Remember, you still can’t exceed your maximum list size!)

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Marymount University Mobile App Development Question


Question 1:Find the error in the following code.

class University extends Component {

render() {

return (

<View >

<Text> Welcome to my University </Text>

<Text> Located in {this.props.location}</Text>



</View>);}}export default class App extends Component {

render() {

return (

<View style={styles.container}>

<University location=’Arlington Va’ name=’Marymount’description=’a 4 year private CatholicUniversity’ /></View>





Question 2:

a)What Component might you use to help with multiplescreens?

b)What Component allows the User to enter in Information?

c)What are 2 differences between Image and ImageBackgroundComponents

Question 3:

a)How does this.state and this.props differ?

b)In what situation should you use each one?

Question 4:

a)What does style={flex:0.75} indicate to the App?

b)Draw an example of flexDirection=’row’ and flexDirection=’column’.Indicate how they differ

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. University of Southern California Finding P Value for Statistical Analysis Ques


I’m asked to complete an analysis of variance to determine the p-value for the relationship between group (in your case it would be treatment and acclimation groups). The code for this is in the StatisticsScript.R that we used for lab 7.

For the anova for your second question in this data set, do: aov(dependent variable ~ Treatment + Origin) this will give you a p-value for the comparison between the 2 treatments and the 2 origins.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Insert & Delete Methods Java Coding Task


Insert & Delete Methods

public void insertNode(T insertItem){
       boolean found;
       DoubleLinkedListNode<T> current;//moving reference
       DoubleLinkedListNode<T> trailCurrent = null; //just before current
       // Set up node to be inserted
       DoubleLinkedListNode<T> newNode = new DoubleLinkedListNode<T>(); = insertItem; = null;
       newNode.back = null;
       //if the list is empty, newNode is the only node
       if (first == null) {
           first = newNode;
           last = newNode;
       else {
           found = false;
           current = first;
           //search the list
           while (current != null && !found) {
               Comparable<T> temp = (Comparable<T>);
               if (temp.compareTo(insertItem) >= 0)
                   found = true;
               else {
                   trailCurrent = current;
                   current =;
           //insert new node before first
           if (current == first) {
               first.back = newNode;
      = first;
               first = newNode;
           else {
               //insert newNode between trailCurrent and current
               if (current != null) {
          = newNode;
                   newNode.back = trailCurrent;
          = current;
                   current.back = newNode;
               else {
                   //insert new node after last
          = newNode;
                   newNode.back = trailCurrent;
                   last = newNode;
   public void deleteNode(T deleteItem) {
       DoubleLinkedListNode<T> current; //moving reference
       DoubleLinkedListNode<T> trailCurrent;//just before current
       boolean found;
       if (first == null)
           System.err.println("Cannot delete from an empty list.");
       //if node to be deleted is the first node
       else if ( {
           current = first;
           first =;
           if (first != null)
               first.back = null;
               last = null;
       else {
           found = false;
           current = first;
           //search the list
           while (current != null && !found) {
               Comparable<T> temp = (Comparable<T>);
               if (temp.compareTo(deleteItem) >= 0)
                   found = true;
                   current =;
           if (current == null)
               System.out.println("The item to be deleted is not in the list.");
           else if ( {
               trailCurrent = current.back;
               if ( != null)
          = trailCurrent;
               if (current == last)
                   last = trailCurrent;
               System.out.println("The item to be deleted is not in list.");

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. George Washington University Census Bureau Population Report Discussion


If you can provide a video while solving this question would be great. If that is not possible that is okay.I have provided a screenshot of an example program that will copied and pasted to a word document. I need this on Netbeans please. Thank you for your help

Programming Homework Help