Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Hertzsprung Russell Diagram


1. Write a line (or lines) that could be added to the script to modify the axis so the horizontal axis is from −0.5 to 2.25 and the vertical axis is from −10 to 20.

Hint: help axis, help xlim, help ylim.

2. Write a line (or lines) that could be added to the script to add reasonable labels to the horizontal and vertical axes, and a titl.
Hint: help xlabel, help ylabel, help title.

3. Write a line (or lines) that could be added to the script to create an n × 3 matrix named COL of colors to try and match the colors of stars indicated by the below diagram

4. Write a line (or lines) that could be added to the script to deletes all rows from the matrix NUM that have a value in the third column less than 2.25. Does this produce a different figure than just changing the axis to exclude these points? Explain.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. FSCJ C Program Running on Ocelot Source Code


I’m working on a programming exercise and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Lab 3 Directions

Write a C program to run on ocelot which will flip bits in a number entered by the user using the binary representation of the number. The user should input the original integer value between 1 and 10000 inclusive using a scanf. Use an unsigned integer type. Output is to the screen. You must use only bitwise operators for this program. You can shift bits and or use the logical bitwise operators.

For this assignment give the user directions asking them to enter the beginning integer. Then ask the user which bit to flip. That can be a number between 0 and 31 each referring to the values 20 to 231. Output the new decimal number. Then ask the user if they want to flip another bit. If they say yes, then ask them which bit to flip and output the result. Allow the user to keep choosing bits to flip until they enter a sentinel value to quit. Be sure to validate all user input so the program cannot be crashed.

You do not need to use getopt for this program since there are no command line arguments

Code should be nicely indented and commented.

Create a simple Makefile to compile your program into an executable called bitflip.

  • If the user enters a 1 as the initial value and a 0 for the bit to flip the result would be 0.
  • If the user enters a 2 for the bit to flip next the result would be 4.
  • If the user enters a 2 for the bit to flip next the result would be 0.
  • If the user enters a 0 for the bit to flip next the result would be 1.
  • If the user enters a 1 for the bit to flip next the result would be 3.
  • If the user enters a 2 for the bit to flip next the result would be 7.

Output should be easy to read.

Test the program using the previous commands.

Take a screenshot of the screen showing the output on ocelot.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. CSUN Simple Python Input and Output Function Odds Program


I’m working on a python multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

1) Write a function write a function odds(l) that takes a list of ints and returns a list of the odd elements.

2) write a function double(l) that takes a list of ints and returns a new list with every number doubled. Your function should not modify l.

3) write a function max(l) that takes a list of ints and returns the largest value

4) Using list comprehension, write one line of Python code that takes a list of ints and creates a new list where every element is replaced by its string representation

You need upload your codes and at least 3 inputs and 3 outputs for testing all functions.

Your input must be more than 12 numbers or 12 letters.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Ashworth College Week 5 Class called Notes Discussion


Threaded Discussion Instructions

Review the threaded discussion question posted by the course faculty. You are required to submit at least two (2) responses to this question by 11:59pm EST on Sunday. The first response should be to the faculty; the second response can be directed either to the faculty or to other students in the class. Your responses should be substantive, and reflect analytical and critical thinking skills, as well as, a thorough understanding of your reading assignment. A typical response should consist of 100-150 words in a single-spaced format. Refer to the TDQ Rubric below for more guidance on how to respond.

Designing a Class called “Notes”.

You have just read Chapter 4 in the text, and you have been told to develop an object called “Notes”, which will be used to enter, store and edit information you learn in each of your college classes.

  • Design a class called “Notes” and the appropriate object for this class.
  • Choose and describe several methods your class might contain.
  • What attributes and/or properties would you add to this class?
  • Report your progress to your classmates in the forum.
  • Read and analyze the postings of your classmates to determine the features that they described that might be included in your class. (Perhaps this would be a good second posting for the week.)

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Ashworth College Week 6 Threaded Questions


Threaded Discussion Instructions

Review the threaded discussion question posted by the course faculty. You are required to submit at least two (2) responses to this question by 11:59pm EST on Sunday. The first response should be to the faculty; the second response can be directed either to the faculty or to other students in the class. Your responses should be substantive, and reflect analytical and critical thinking skills, as well as, a thorough understanding of your reading assignment. A typical response should consist of 100-150 words in a single-spaced format. Refer to the TDQ Rubric below for more guidance on how to respond.

Building a Form for the Notes Class

In the “Notes Class” that you created in Week 5, you have decided that you want to perform three main functions:

  1. Make a new note/entry.
  2. Edit an existing note/entry.
  3. Delete a note/entry.

Pick one of these three functions, and using what you learned in Chapter 14, report to the class:

  1. What objects will be on the form?
  2. What events will be initiated by what objects on your form?
  3. Which mouse events, if any, would be activated in/on your form?
  4. Which keyboard events, if any, would be activated in/on your form?

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Hudson County Community College Casewell Catering C++ Programming Worksheet


The Casewell Catering and Convention Service have asked you to write a computer program to produce customer’s bill. The program should read in the following data. (YOUR PROGRAM MUST HAVE THE FOLLOWING INPUTS: numAdults, numChildren,costAdultMeal, costDessert, roomFee, tipTax, and deposit. The cost of children’s meal is to be calculated as suggested in number 4 below.)

  1. The number of adults to be served.
  2. The number of children to be served.
  3. The cost per adult’s meal.
  4. The cost per child’s meal (60% of the cost of an adult’s meal).
  5. The cost for dessert (same for adults and children).
  6. The room fee.
  7. A percentage for tip and tax (not applicable to room fee).
  8. Any deposit should be deducted from the room fee.

Your program will produce the following output: (BELOW IS A SAMPLE OUTPUT. DO NOT INITIALIZE VARIABLES WITH THESE VALUES.)

Casewell Catering and Convention Service

Final Bill

Number of Adults: 23

Number of Children: 7

Cost per adult without dessert: $ 12.75

Cost per child without dessert: $ 7.65

Cost per dessert: $ 1.00

Room fee: $ 45.00

Tip and tax rate: 0.18

Total cost for adult meals: $ 239.25

Total cost for child meals: $ 53.55

Total cost for dessert: $ 30.00

Total food cost: $ 376.80

Plus tips and tax: $ 67.82

Plus room fee: $ 45.00

Less deposit: $ 50.00

Balance due: $ 439.62

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Academy College Creating A Restaurant Web Page Task


Create a Web Page that illustrates ways that you as a developer, will implement the 10 Usability Heuristics for User Design Interface, described in the following Step-By-Step Guide To Heuristic Evaluation In UX Design.

Take each heuristic in turn and explain what measures you will take to ensure that that standard was implemented in your Website design.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. College of Mount Saint Vincent Website Design Task


In your individual web site, enhance your existing page about browser security to show users their current location on a map. Note that you must specify a height and width using CSS for the element in which you display the map; these dimensions can be any size you choose. Also enhance the page to display the user’s latitude, longitude, and altitude, with a label for each value

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. SWE 441 Ctu Online Success Factors in the IT Organization Paper


The first project resulted in an overview of the enhancement and inhibitor factors for the organization in terms of productivity, quality of work, motivation, morale, communication, and coordination within the information technology (IT) department and its projects. The next step in the development of a Human Elements in IT Strategy document is to determine the specific characteristics and success factors that will make the IT department in your company more successful with its projects.

For this assignment, you will continue your work on the Human Elements in IT Strategy document by adding a section on the success factors for the IT organization. You will prepare a list of human element characteristics and success factors for the IT organization and its projects. The list should be comprised of characteristics that are common to successful IT organizations and surrounding factors that help contribute to IT organization and project success. Each of the characteristics and success factors should be accompanied by a summary of why it is important to success.

The project deliverables are as follows:

  • Update the Human Elements in IT Strategy document Title Page with the new date.
  • Update the previously completed sections based on instructor feedback.
  • Success Factors in the IT organization:
    • Success Factor Identification
      • Prepare a list of human element characteristics and success factors for the IT organization and its projects.
      • The list should be comprised of characteristics that are common to successful IT organizations and the surrounding factors that help contribute to IT organization and project success.
    • Success Factor Contribution
      • For each of the characteristics and success factors identified in the first step, summarize why it is important to the success of the IT organization and its projects.
      • Include at least 1 specific step that your organization can take to improve each characteristic and success factor.
  • Be sure to update your table of contents before submission.
  • Name the document “yourname_SWE441_IP2.doc.”
  • Submit the document for grading.

Programming Homework Help