Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. SWE 440 CTUO International Software Standards and Metrics Discussion


Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

The director of software development has been asked to give a briefing to the board of directors outlining what software standards are considered to be industry best practices.

Provide a brief description for the following standards:

  • ISO standards
  • IEEE standards
  • Metrics

Provide an example on how the standard would be used in a software development project.

Responses to Other Students: Respond to at least 2 of your fellow classmates with a reply of at least 100 words about their primary task response regarding items you found to be compelling and enlightening. To help you with your discussion, please consider the following questions:

  • What did you learn from your classmate’s posting?
  • What additional questions do you have after reading the posting?
  • What clarification do you need regarding the posting?
  • What differences or similarities do you see between your posting and other classmates’ postings?

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. QCC Make Int Array Numbers with Size 1000 in Main Function Programming


I’m working on a c++ project and need guidance to help me understand better.

  1. Make int array numbers with size 1000 in main function.
  2. Assign 1000 int random numbers beteen 1 and 100 to numbers in main function.Use c++11 random library instead of rand in cstdlib. ( Use std::random_device,std::mt19937, std::uniform_int_distribution<int>).
  3. Make int array ftable with size 5 in main function,
  4. count 1000 random numbers in numbers in main function. For each x in numbers,If 1<=x<=20, increase ftable[0] by 1. If 21<x<=40, increase ftable[1] by 1. If 41<x<=60, increase ftable[2] by 1. If 61<x<=80, increase ftable[3] by 1. If 81<x<=100, increase ftable[4] by 1.


5. make void show_ftable(int ftable[], int n) which prints the result of ftable with size n. Of course, in this case, n=5. If we call show_ftable(ftable,5); then it may show this screenshot depending of ftable.


6. Make double avg(int numbers[],int n) which returns the average of an array numbers with size n. (For this project, n=1000)

Since you use random numbers, the screenshot may be different.

Frequency table [1,20]:221 [21,40]:207 [41,60]:176 [61,80]:209 [81,100]:187 avg=49.068

Frequency table [1,20]:205 [21,40]:190 [41,60]:208 [61,80]:207 [81,100]:190 avg=50.369

Frequency table [1,20]:216 [21,40]:185 [41,60]:184 [61,80]:198 [81,100]:217 avg=51.018

Can you please put the code under this guideline. I am a little bit confused.Thanks.


using namespace std;

#include <random>

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

void show_ftable(int ftable[], int n);

double avg(int numbers[],int n);

int main(){

// write your code below

cout<<“Frequency table”<<endl;



return 0;


// define show_ftable and avg function below.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. PWSH Data Set of Mixed Categorical and Numeric Attributes Task










Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. San Diego State University Initial Coding Task


I’m working on a programming multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

code and analyze a transcript from an interview with a victim of crime.This is a real interview that was part of a larger study whose goal was to better understand the needs of crime victims in specific marginalized communities in Los Angeles and their barriers to seeking services so that more appropriate legal and social services could be developed to support them.

A key step in analyzing qualitative data is creating and assigning codes to passages of text. You then group codes together (where they are related/similar) and summarize the groupings into themes. These themes are organized and analyzed to provide insight into your research question(s).

For the purposes of this assignment, the research questions you are seeking to address are:

  1. What are the needs of victims of crime in Los Angeles?
  2. What barriers do crime victims face to seeking services?

Here are the steps you should take in coding and analyzing this interview transcript:

  1. Watch this short YouTube video that gives you some instruction on how to code qualitative data:
  2. Use the guidance provided in this video to code the interview transcript. Use the text highlight functions in MS Word to select sections of text that you want to code.You may enter the codes in the margins or you can enter them in comment bubbles (This is an example of a comment bubble. ) attached to the passages of text to which they apply.
  3. When creating your codes, keep in mind the goal of the interview – to identify the needs of victims of crime so that services can be developed. IMPORTANT: You shouldn’t code everything in the transcripts. You should code the passages of text that are related to your research questions. Some codes you may only use once, some codes you will likely use several times throughout the transcript.
  4. Once you have coded the entire transcript, scroll to the bottom of the transcript and organize your codes into groupings (putting codes that go together in the same list).Give each grouping a thematic category title that reflects what all of the codes in that grouping have in common.

Example: Work satisfaction (thematic category title-thematic category title): good pay, like the location, reasonable workload, fun coworkers (These are examples of codes that I might have identified while coding an (unrelated) transcript where someone talked about what they enjoyed about their job.When I am analyzing these data and think about what all of these things have in common, they are all about satisfaction with a job/workplace so I group them together and call the theme “work satisfaction”)

  1. Summarize in 2-3 paragraphs what you believe the answer to your research questions are based on the coding and analysis you did and the key themes that emerged.
  2. Submit the entire transcript that has been coded, along with your identified themes and short (2-3 paragraph) write up of what your analysis revealed about the needs of victims of crime in Los Angeles.This can be all in the same document.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Advanced Encryption Standard for Artemis Financial Discussion



From previous courses, you know that an algorithm is the set of instructions to follow for performing a procedure. The set of instructions for the procedure of encrypting and decrypting data is called the cipher algorithm. Over the years, many different cipher algorithms have been developed to encrypt data that could only be decrypted with a secret key and the original cipher algorithm.

As a developer, you will want to only use cipher algorithms that have not been broken; in other words, cipher algorithms that can encrypt data and only be decrypted with a secret key. You will want to recommend the use of this cipher algorithm to ensure the security of your data. You will also need to understand which cipher algorithms you need to share encrypted data. To decrypt your data, you or the receiving party will need to have the secret key and use the same cipher algorithm originally used to encrypt the data.

In this assignment, you will identify appropriate algorithm ciphers to apply to a situation and justify your reasoning.


Artemis Financial is looking to encrypt their archive files and they need advice from you, as the developer and security expert, on employing best practices for encrypting their long-term archive files. You will need to research and identify the best and most secure cipher available today to recommend to Artemis Financial. Ultimately, you will recommend the algorithm cipher for file encryption that is most appropriate for their needs.

Your recommendations should be documented and delivered to Artemis Financial. This work will inform your continued work with Artemis Financial in Project Two. However, the specifics of this assignment will not be required as a deliverable in Project Two.

Address the following in your recommendations to Artemis Financial:

Algorithm Cipher: Review the scenario and the Java Security Standard Algorithm Names, a standard list of algorithm ciphers provided by Oracle for recommending an appropriate encryption algorithm cipher. Specifically, recommend an appropriate encryption algorithm cipher to deploy given Artemis Financial’s needs. Consider the following in your decision-making process:

Consider security protection best practices to defend against various types of security attacks.

Consider and identify all of the risks in your recommendation.

Consider the most current government regulations and how they will be met.

  • How will this algorithm cipher be used?

What is the best cipher and why?

What are the reasons why you might not choose the most secure cipher?

Justification: You have been asked to provide a brief overview of the encryption algorithm cipher, its advantages, and its disadvantages to justify your reasoning to Artemis Financial. Consider the following:

  • What is the purpose of the hash functions and bit levels of the cipher?

Explain the use of random numbers, symmetric vs non-symmetric keys, and so on.

  • Describe the history and current state of encryption algorithms.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. WVU Ten Fold Cross Validation and 1000 Random Splitting R Codng Task


In the MinnLand dataset in the alr4 package, fit two possible models with log(acrePrice) or sqrt(acrePrice) as the response, use year as a factor as well. I want to better understand land prices and the drivers. Use methods to develop two possible candidate models and compare them using

#5 Fold Cross Validation

#10 Fold Cross Validation

#Random Splitting with 1000 splits.

I only want to use parallel computing where you can/need, and function writing where you can/need because there are 18,700 observations. Before starting this analysis remove ALL NA’s from the data using na.omit(MinnLand). In each of the above cases comment on the models you would select and how you came about that decision. I’m studying insights it may have on the land prices in Minnesota over this time frame (******I need to learn this in the simplest and most understandable form possible so I will need “#” notes for each chunk of coding and and explanation of what the output is telling me for each of the 3 sections****)

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. University of Oregon ERD Notation Narrative Problem Descriptions Project


provides practice with applying the ERD
notation to narrative problem descriptions. You should use the ER
Assistant to complete assignment 6. Copy and paste each ERD
into a Word document. Label the problems in your Word document so that
the grader can easily match your diagrams to the specified problems.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Employee Payroll C++ Program Task


I have a C++ program that I need you to write please.

Everything is explained in the attachment.

I just need you to write the program in a very very basic and beginner level please

also make sure to put a lot of comments explaining the codes you are writing , specially comments before every function.

and also write the “main function” at the end of the program please.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. California College-San Diego Firebase App Deployment Task


Hi, I need help with this assignment 

1. Create a project in firebase

2. Create an app inside the project in firebase
3. Connect your app in your local machine with firebase 

4. Create a real-time database
5. Define a structure of the database 

6. Save the user-provided data into the firebase 

7. Test whether the data is saved in the database 

see attached for more details.

Programming Homework Help