Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. AIUO Arrays


Develop a C# console application that implements an int array. Use 2 ‘for’ loops, the first to fill the array using the Random class to generate random integers (see p241, section 7.9) using the next method of the Random class and a second for loop to iterate through the filled array and print the values entered into the array by the random number generator. Use the array’s length variable to stay within the array bounds for both loops.

Possible output might look like this:

The array value is 488
The array value is 402
The array value is 237
The array value is 48
The array value is 390
The array value is 186
The array value is 425
The array value is 342
The array value is 477
The array value is 319
Press any key to continue .

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. CMIT 421 University of Maryland VM Scanner Evaluation Background Report


You should link your analysis to the kinds of organizational functions and data associated with a transportation company (e.g., protecting order data, customer lists, sales leads, Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliance for processing credit, proprietary software, etc.) and provide your recommendation if Mercury USA should purchase the Nessus tool. This report should be four to six pages in length and include a title/cover page. Include in-text citations and a reference page with three quality sources in a citation style of your choice.…

For this assignment, you are asked to provide your supervisor, Judy, with a technical evaluation of a vulnerability scanner. By documenting your results in an effective background report, you are showing how you use your technical knowledge to convey your ideas to others in a professional setting. Your ability to express your findings using the right mix of technical detail in a business context is an important workplace skill.

The following evaluation criteria aligned to the competencies will be used to grade your assignment:

  • 1.3.1: Identify potential sources of information that can be used to develop and support ideas.
  • 1.4.1: Produce grammatically correct material in standard academic English that supports the communication.
  • 10.1.1: Identify the problem to be solved.
  • 12.2.1: Identify systems for the risk assessment.
  • 12.3.1: Select controls.
  • 13.2.1: Evaluate vendor recommendations in the context of organization requirements.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. CSE 101 UC Build a Dictionary ADT by Implementing Functions Exercise


The following Dictionary ADT is to be completed in C language.

Please look at the attached pa6.pdf as it is the prompt. The Dictionary ADT follows a Binary Search Tree(BST) algorithm. As mentioned in pa6.pdf the main functions in Dictionary.c are lookup(k), insert(k,v) and delete(k) which will be implemented using the BST algorithms that are provided in the pseudocode.txt file.

There is also a gradingscript that our programs are supposed to pass which I will pass to you to be able to test the ADT.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. University of Maryland Baltimore Cloud Computing Adoption Essay


I’m working on a linux discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

1.The CTO will be reviewing this document. You have shown how easy it is  to provision a Microsoft Windows desktop using AWS. The CTO chose  AWS because it offered a free account. She will now expect a  recommendation from you on what cloud service to use for the  organization PaaS (e.g. operating system) needs. There is no need for a  private cloud, so the public option will work just fine. Describe the  different between the Google Cloud Platform, Amazon AWS, and Microsoft  Azure. Make a recommendation to the CTO as to which service provider  you would recommend and why. Be explicit and detailed in your  recommendation. 

2.She will now expect a recommendation from you on what cloud service to use for the organization PaaS (e.g., operating system) needs.  There is no need for a private cloud, so the public option will work just fine.  Describe the different between the Google Cloud Platform, Amazon AWS, and Microsoft Azure.  Make a recommendation to the CTO as to which service provider you would recommend and why.  Be explicit and detailed in your recommendation.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. CMSV Java Script & Geolocation Information Project


In your individual web site, enhance your existing page about browser security to show users their current location on a map. Note that you must specify a height and width using CSS for the element in which you display the map; these dimensions can be any size you choose. Also enhance the page to display the user’s latitude, longitude, and altitude, with a label for each value

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Biostatistics Application to Big Data Using R Project


1.It is thought that an enzyme level has a T-distribution with variance 1.2 and mean 0.
What’s the probability the enzyme level lies within one standard deviation of its mean?

2. Another enzyme level has a lognormal distribution with μ=1 and σ=1. About 5,000
hospitals measure this enzyme level for at least 10,000 patients (i.e., sample size).
Estimate the standard deviation of the mean and median enzyme level, respectively.

3. A blood test is done on two groups (A & B) of people. The results are shown in the
Table. Are the means of the two groups different?
A 51.8 52 50.6 53.4 53.8 50 50.2 51.2 50.8 51.4 49.2 50.6 52.4 54 51 53.2 50.4 51.8
B 46.6 40.8 57.6 48.2 52.6 47.6 50.2 48.6 43.8 56.6 48.8 46.8

4. Use Group A data in the Table above and find the standard deviation of its median (this
problem has nothing to do with the prior problem; you are just using Group A data)?

5. Two groups of people, C & D, have a dangerous disease. A new vaccine is given only to
C. In C, 140 persons recovered and 27 did not. In D, 438 recovered and 228 did not. Is
the vaccine effective?

6. 250 parents, each with 3 kids, are sampled and the number of daughters they have is
shown in the Table. Do you think the chances of the birth of a boy or girl is 50-50?
Possible count of daughters 0 girls 1 girl 2 girls 3 girls
Observed count 24 108 95 23

7. To test the hypothesis (H0) that a coin is fair, the following rule is adopted: if the number
of heads in 64 tosses of the coin lies between 28 and 36, the coin is fair; otherwise not.
Find the probability of rejecting H0 when it is actually correct. Draw the OC curve.

8. You are given XY19_midterm_2021.csv where Y has been “put together” using some of
the Xs. Use linear/ridge regression to model Y.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. CSCI 4140 Dalhousie University Advanced Database Systems HTML Project


Client UI ( Requirements for A4 )
The client user is able to make a purchase order and to list the status for her/his company’s purchase orders. For the client
to make a purchase order:
The UI should enable a client user to:
 Log in and log out (simple credentials, consisting of username and password will suffice, wherein you may assume
that the client company name may serve as the username)
 Enter/insert a purchase order, including its lines.
 List the client’s purchase orders (without showing details of lines associated with a purchase order, but showing
the PO of information that applies to all lines (e.g., PO number and money owed by the company)).
 List details about a purchase order for which the client enters a PO number (status of the purchase order should be
shown also).
Further details on UI to fill-in and submit a PO include:
i. Input info about a purchase order (when available, this information should be prepared by the system automatically
using the client information stored in the DB (client agents need to be logged-in and hence the client company
information may be retrieved automatically the UI).
ii. Input information about purchase order lines, where the line numbers are filled in automatically by your software.
iii. For each line, after the part number is entered by the user, the system should automatically fill-in the purchase
price (retrieve currentPrice from the Parts table and store it in the field priceOrdered of the purchase order line).
iv. Once the agent is finished with inputting order lines, a message should be displayed that indicates whether the
purchase order was successfully placed (stored in the DB)

Programming Homework Help