Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Saudi Electronic University Web Designing Discussion


As you learned, Web design includes 4 stages to be completed; these stages are:



Content strategy


In your opinion and own words, as a web designer which stage should take a fair amount of time and which one is important to do well in your project? How do you incorporate current design trends into your projects?

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Writing a Dice Game Usiing Blue J Exercise


Task #1 The Dice Game

  1. Write a DiceYI class with one instance variable, value.
    1. Constructor with a parameter for the initial face value. Validate that it allows only 1..6.
    2. Accessors getValue( ) which returns an integer.
    3. Mutators setValue( ) to set value. Validate it only sets 1..6
    4. Mutator roll( ) which randomize the instance variable to 1..6
    5. toString( ) method to return a string like “3” or “6”
    6. printMe( ) method for DEBUG. This should simply print the value in toString( ).
  2. Write a class (NOT A SUBCLASS) DicePairYI with a 2 element array of type DiceYI.
    1. Default constructor: Use Random class methods to initialize each DiceYI
    2. Constructor with a parameter for the initial face values. Validate that it allows only 1..6.
    3. Accessor getValue( i ) which returns the value of the first or second DiceYI.
    4. Accessor getTotal( ) which returns the sum the array DiceYI face values.
    5. Mutators setValue( i ) to set value. Let DiceYI validate it only sets 1..6
    6. Mutator roll( ) which randomizes each DiceYI in the array
    7. toString( ) method to return a string like “3, 4” or “6, 5”
    8. equals( ) method to compare a pair of dice with another pair of dice. Return true if they have the same face values. For example if one DicePairYI object has 4,6 and the other has 6,4 they are equal.
    9. printMe( ) method for DEBUG. This should simply print the value in toString( ).
  3. Write a client DiceGame1YOURNAME.
    1. Instantiate and initialize a pair of dice
    2. Instantiate score, a 20 element integer array of integers and initialize it to all 0.
    3. Write a play( ) method for a new game, it should reset the game and then continuously roll the dice until you win or lose or the array is full.
    4. Each roll is entered in the array until you win, lose, or the array is full.
    5. Write a printArray( ) method to print the score array on ONE line. Make it easy to read by adding a ” – ” after every 5 scores e.g.

4 8 9 8 5 – 7 0 0 0 0 – 0 0 0 0 0 – 0 0 0 0 0

The rules of the game: A player rolls the two dice and adds the number shown on them.

  1. Roll the two dice up to 20 times and save the total in the array.
  2. If the total is 7 or 11, you win. Put this in the array, report the results and exit the game.
  3. If the total is 2, 3, or 12, you lose. Put this in the array, report the results and exit the game.
  4. If the total is anything else, save the total as the “goal”. put it in the array, and you get to roll again.
  5. The new objective is to roll the same total as the “goal”.
    • You keep rolling until you either get “goal” or a 7. Show the array.
    • If you roll “goal”, you win. Put this in the array, report the results and exit the game.
    • If you roll a 7, you lose. Put this in the array, report the results and exit the game.
    • Sample Terminal:

You win: 10 10 0 0 0 – 0 0 0 0 0 – 0 0 0 0 0 – 0 0 0 0 0
You win: 7 0 0 0 0 – 0 0 0 0 0 – 0 0 0 0 0 – 0 0 0 0 0
You win: 8 11 8 0 0 – 0 0 0 0 0 – 0 0 0 0 0 – 0 0 0 0 0
You lose: 6 3 3 7 0 – 0 0 0 0 0 – 0 0 0 0 0 – 0 0 0 0 0
You lose: 4 5 5 12 9 – 6 6 7 0 0 – 0 0 0 0 0 – 0 0 0 0 0
You win: 8 8 0 0 0 – 0 0 0 0 0 – 0 0 0 0 0 – 0 0 0 0 0

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. R Required ggplot2 plotly etc and R Markdown Fixing Visualization Charts


A task in R (in R Markdown) requiring knowledge of visualization libraries and R Markdown. Base chart functions are not acceptable. I can send samples of previous work and lecture notes so that you can finish fast. I also have a template so that you have somewhere to start off.

The task involves identifying a problematic chart from online (eg. chart that does not communicate effectively), identify the issues with the chart, identify the target audience and do your own chart that fixed the issues that you mentioned (or the chart you think if favorable).I will provide the R Markdown of template to the selected tutor. Thank you

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. UD Technical Specification and Code Review Report


Please read Python CRASH COURSE, Project 3:Web Applications (Chapter 18: Getting Started with Django、 Chapter 19: User Accounts、 Chapter 20: Styling and Deploying an App), Please read these 3 chapters to answer the following questions. ((Please use APA Style.)

1.Software and Libraries required for this project implementation?

2. What are the Python files, and classes used in this project?

3. Write the purpose and roles of each of the Python files, classes and functions used in this project? Also, explain the logic of each functions.( This part is very important, please analyze it in detail.)

4.( This part is very important, please analyze it in detail.)

4. What are the Importing Modules used in this project?

5. Write the purpose and roles of each of these modules and functions used in this project? Also, explain the logic of each functions. This part is very important, please analyze it in detail.)

6. High level activities or Major functional implementation of this chapter project.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. New York University Development of Pet Tracking App PPT


This is what I want in the power point :

  • Cover
  • How did you come up with your project idea?
  • Project Vision
  • Key Use Cases or User Stories
  • Data Model
  • UI screens
  • What is Next for Your Project?

And I will attch my project file below.

I also have Data Model and UI if needed.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Programming Document with Desired Outputs Essay


Write a program in C and in MIPS assembly language program that:

  • prints your name and Red ID
  • inputs an integer number from the keyboard
  • shift the number equivalent to multiplying it by 8
  • prints the result

Start by modifying the MIPS code examples found in the shared folder for CompE-271 containing course related files here

You must submit THREE files:

1) Your .asm MIPS assembly file

2) Your .c source file

3) A brief report document file in .pdf .doc or .docx including:

  • a description of the program
  • a screen shot showing both working
  • the .c and .asm source code pasted into the file
  • my Name is Andi Jibrael
  • my red id 825135240

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. ECOM 201 Southeastern University Daway Company E Commerce Project


Consider yourself as Global Manager for a Medical Company
(Daway) that is leading chain of retail pharmacy in Saudi Arabia,
Jordan and United Kingdom. This company uses digital solutions for
their business, but it focuses heavily on its retails sales. However,
due to the recent Covid-19 pandemic, the way how they do
business has been remarkably impacted. Not just with sales, the
impact of this pandemic effected the way this company works,
communicates and operates.
Therefore, as the global manager of Daway medical company you
are required to develop a detailed strategy on the following:
 Introduction about the topic.
 Explain what are the limited options that Daway currently
has regarding to deal with the pandemic.
 What does the level of technology urgency Daway need to
sustain its performance?
 As a global manager, leading from home involves
leveraging the digital capabilities. What are these
capabilities? List and explain at least 3.
 Explain what type of virtual management characteristics
will be implemented and why?
 How do the virtual teams work together?
 What tools do they use for communication and task
 How will you manage the delivery the new changes within
a short time in different locations in terms of language,
cultural, time, political, and economical differences?
 What are the techniques that you will use to create a
strong team with a high level of teamwork?
 What are the advantages and disadvantages of managing
a virtual team?
 What type of conflicts might occur between members?
When it happened how will you solve it?
 As a manager, how will you manage the outsourced
projects? What techniques that you will apply to encourage and
motivate your team to improve?
 Conclusion.
Keep in mind that the project MUST be supported by evidence and
resources. Otherwise, your answer will not be valid

Programming Homework Help